16 October, 2006

Monday Night: Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

Update: Thanks David Pringle for coming on.

Special note: Lita will return next week during the first hour of the show.

Free Talk Live live returns hosted by Geoff Beck and with special guests David Pringle and Lita.

David will have much to discuss, considering recent events. Later in the broadcast Lita, a high school student, returns to FTL with examples of multiculti propaganda she’s encountered while in school.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 7 Responses to “Monday Night: Free Talk Live”

    1. lawrence dennis Says:

      Interesting discussion about grouping and meetings and so on.

      How about a VNNF convention?


    2. James Hawthorne Says:

      Great show, always good to hear first hand accounts of Dr. Pierce. David Pringle one of the most articulate on our side of the struggle, he can be placed in the circle of one of the “Good Guys”.

    3. New to it all Says:

      Are we able to listen without Skype? If so, how? New to all of this, new to VNN. It’s an eye opener!

    4. fire Says:


      You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

    5. JakeTheSnake Says:

      OK you sons of bitches. Big Jew is here baby ready to kick your fucking ass so you better quit hiding. Dubya has authorized us to check you mother fuckers out and we plan to do it although we have been on your ass for a long time but you didnt know it. We got all you fuckheads on the radar screen including Linder, Duke, Steele, Taylor, and all the rest of you slmewads and these pissy little websites.Do you see the stock market hitting new records daily? Do you see the fucking gas prices dip to 2 year lows? Do you see our GOP ready to hand our Democrats another set of losses in Nov? Do you see the beautiful daily bloodshed in Iraq and Afghan that is really 5 times what is reported by our boys in the media? Do you see the trillions Dubya is giving us like taking candy from a baby? The list goes on excluding our insiders who know every fucking detail of everything in DC as we continue to spy on 300 million? 300 million? What a fucking joke. We really mean 400 million since Dubya has allowed 100 million pissants in since 2000. You know the funny thing is you and your dumbshit christian retards really thought that getting rid Clinton and getting Bush2 would solve your problems and goddam were you dumbshits tricked even the dumbshits including swiftboaters from Texas where it all started. These white cracker mother fuckers from the south are the most gullible because they thought the GOP was their party of conservatism. What a fucking hoot. You know them and the dumb evangelicals were the easier to fuck over but we already had the cats the bag from way back in the dark ages so no sweat there either. Mel Gibson will pay for his shit too. Dont worry. Joan Rivers already hired a hitman to knock his ass off but dont worry it will look like an innocent accident on the set or whereever it happens. We gonna kill all your fucking asses in the end dont worry. You white mother fuckers have given us everything we ever wanted or could have ever possibly dreamed of. Where would we be without you white christian idiots who we duped anyway with our book of fables you swallow like Monica swallowed Bills jizz or more recently like GOP white males swallow from the young pages. We even got Dubya hooked on death. Hell he loves it cant you idiots tell? Dubya is depressed when the body count is down. The more dead the merrier. He should have been a mortician but then again he is more like a vampire sucking the life blood and killing them cold blooded in the streets including women kids and all others. Isnt death grande? Dubyas 2 inch dick ejaculated in his fucking pants when he read about the 655,000 Iraqis dead and couldnt contain his glee along with of course yours truly and all others of our ilk. Success success success. Blood and guts everywhere. The only problem is the Americans who are killed that number more like 20,000 maybe 50,000 maybe 100,000 for all we know. Whos counting anyway other than us? Do you really think we or Dub will ever tell the truth? Even when you hear 50 million were killed in WW2 do you really believe this? Hell we can prove 100 million were killed in Russia alone much less the rest of Europe where at least 400 million died. Hell half of Europe was wiped out. As for Vietnam, you really think only 50,000 US soldiers died? What a laugh. We know of at least 5 times that amount or 250,000 dead but who the hell is counting anyway except for us and we control. Ever wonder how you can lose the war and the enemy is reported to lose 10 times more dead that America? What a joke. You are so fucking easily duped. How many Americans or lets say those of the white European race were killed in the 20th century? We reported only about 100 million in all wars but we figured it for you. Can you say 500 million dead Europeans in the 20th century? Where the hell are all the whites anyway? We eliminated them systematically and then we lied about the figures as we always do. Lets not even get into the misegenation and slavery tricks. What a bunch of dumbshits you are and always have been and your elite christianized idiots are the biggest of all. We get death from all sides and all angles. Death is everywhere. We love it. We wont ever visit the 18th century where the killing all started anyway and we know both sides were tricked with our Icabod Crane lookalike. Then again we can go back 500 yrs ago when we ran you out of Europe and into the wilderness acorss the pond. We could have never pulled the African slavery trick on ole Europe but on the new idiots of the western lands it was a piece of cake especially those self made elites who believed in Hammyboy. What easy shit you were. Did they think when they were buying these black savages that someday they may turn on them especially since they were caged in the African zoo continent for a reason? What a bunch of idiot fuckups these elites were and the funny thing is we used a couple of our boys in Germany to trick Icabod into having whites kill whites so the whole thing was as simple as 123. Well here we are in 2006 and guess who rules not just all your local state and national politics and owns all the media and Hollywood but the entire fucking planet? You got it. We got it all baby including our wonderful puppet in the White House who was a g-dsend to say the least and has been an incredible dumbshit as we knew he was capable os although he has exceeded all expectation and advanced our timeline by at least 50 yrs in the future and maybe more. Eat your hearts out. Its almost over anyway for you and even you sense it. Theres no escape. You lose. We win. To the victors go all the spoils and then you die. Its that simple. You dumb bastards have fallen head first into our trap and you swallowed it all hook line and sinker like the fags you are. We coasting now baby. Its all downhill from here. The snowball is an avalanche its getting bigger and faster every second. Suck it up fuckers. You lost it all. You gave it to us. Hell we didnt have hardly fire a shot except for killing off a few ragheads for target practice. You cant stop us. This is your last resort before we kill off all of you mother fuckers for good. Go ahead. End it all. Its sooner or later. Pay now or pay later all the same to us. Die you bitches. Big Jew has spoken. This is Big Jake commonly known as The Snake. Yo Daddy mother fuckers and dont you forget it. You may be the next to vanish without a trace in our NWO.

    6. Stronza Says:

      Much wheezy laughter in this household! Thanks, Jake!

    7. RabbitNoMore Says:

      Yikes! it sounds like jake the hebe is putting the cart in front of the horses.
      But then that is the filthy-rat-jew’s ultimate undoing, each & every time they are removed from civilized responsible society.
      Slow down, you retarded kikenvermin…
      Are you whistling past the graveyard?
      Just who are you trying to convince anyway?
      Yeah, we White racialists are well aware of all the sick, perverted, disgusting, evil that is jew, past present and future, and guess what hymie? Our numbers are growing everyday, while your tribe shrinks into oblivion. Your ridiculous sense of superiority, and self-congratulatory blow-jobbing of each other in public ensures this fact. Unavoidable it’z. The really funny part is the way you shoot yourselves in the foreskin, every time you try to pull your usual evil, murderous bullshit that even the stupid niggers, and other non-White shitskin trash are wise to anymore. And then you faggot infant-dick suckers brag about it, on your own jew’s media!!! Hello???
      Do you really think that you can escape the inevitable? That is to say do you really think you have a chance with every last racial group on this planet against you? We Whites will never forget what you filthy-rat-jews did to A.H. and his reich nor will we forget the outcome when you turned the whole world against him. He and his glorious kind were attacked from every side and eventually, but not easily destroyed, because your filthy ilk made a target of them. There is no easy target for you subterfuge today jew, Whitey is awake and waving the smelling salts under his bretheren’s noses. Who do you think will be holocausted this time scat freak? Hint: there are no more Nazis to persecute anymore and as I said, every racial group hates your fucking guts now. Your war agaist Straight White Male is blowing up in your faces. We have had enough and you fucking know it. Your feeble attempt at self consolation easily proves this. You will be destroyed at the hands of the true chosen people, the best and brightest this planet has to offer>>> the Aryan!!!
      You’re really are fucking stupid , you fucking kike. All of you hook-nosed freaks are fucking stupid. So you robbed the ancient Egyptians of their wealth, millnea ago. So fucking what? So you duped trusting and well-meaning Whites for thousands of years, so fucking what? Your blood money won’t save your vile, godless asses this time. You are of your father the devi and the devil’s works will you do!!!
      There are hundreds of millions of Whites, all wise to your self percieved cleverness. And boy are we pissed…at you!!! There are hundreds of millions more just waiting to hear the truth about your murderous tribe of demon-spawn!!! Make no mistake, White warriors like Duke, linder, and the rest have made it their life’s work to expose, and destroy you!!!
      Let’s not even discuss the hundreds of millions of muds, that you have systematically alienated & enraged with your uniquely jewish chutspah…
      All of these sub-humans are poverty stricken and most have no money, or power to lose. Your biggest enemy lives in the fucking desert!!! It spends its days plotting your destruction. This is its religion hyrum.
      Do you really think abdullah, and habib will hesitate to nuke you rat-fucks out of existance? What’s the rag-head got to lose? You stole the only place in the region worth inhabiting from it, decades ago, and these sub-humans have had enough too!!!
      When your fifth column collapses in the jew-s-a, and Whitey is plunged into darkness, in so many more ways than one, you will find yourselves swinging from the nation’s lamp posts!!! You fucking kikes know this and are terrified of it. You see, Whites will pick up our weapons and fight, especiallly when our balls are to the wall!!! That’s when we do our best work!!!
      Let me again remind you judenswine, that your blood money will not save you when it becomes as worthless as toilet paper, which it pretty much almost is. Food, water, guns and ammo will be the hot commodities then and guess who owns the most guns and ammo per capita? Hint: it rhymes with “rights”…
      When the pissed of billions of this planet fianally do the right thing, and make no mistake child-molester, actually do gas your race of parisites, you will have only yourselves, with your hideous hook-noses and great big fucking mouths to thank. You just couldn’t keep you big yap shut, could you, bloodsucker?

      Fuck you, jake the hebe you fucking pice of shit. Because of you, the word will soon be plunged into chaos, where we should be colonising the stars, and since you are too cowardly and weak to fight like men, you will be obliterated, hopefully at the hands of the mud you sought to use against us, but more probably by the true saviors of this planet>>>The Aryans.
      What sweet poetic justice that will be eh bagel breath?
      Thousands of years of you getting away with it, culminating in a sweet, long-overdue snapping noise coming from your broken necks as you dangle from our lamp posts and rot to dust in the streets.

      So you may have bought another fifty years of pathetic sponging. What a miserable fifty years it will be for you when you try to tame the mass of mud, that wil be screaming for your blood!!!
      I can’t fucking wait!!!

      IT’Z COMING JEW!!!
