24 October, 2006

Latest from Luke O’Farrell

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:37 am | Permanent Link

Kriss Donald and Codie Stott. Two White teenagers, two symbols of Britain’s slide into the abyss. Kriss Donald was fifteen when he was kidnapped by a gang of Pakistani Muslims in Glasgow two years ago. He was tortured, soaked in gasoline and set on fire for no other reason than that he was White. It was one of the worst murders ever committed in Britain, so naturally enough it was almost completely ignored by the national media. The trial of those responsible is now under way in Glasgow and once again the national media are yawning and looking the other way.

Now look at the case of Codie Stott. She’s a 14-year-old who was arrested and questioned for several hours by the police earlier this month. Her alleged crime was possibly the worst any human being can commit – any White human being, that is:

Codie was attending a GCSE science class at Harrop Fold High School in Worsley, Greater Manchester, when the incident happened. The teenager had not been in school the day before due to a hospital appointment and had missed the start of a project, so the teacher allocated her a group to sit with.

“She said I had to sit there with five Asian pupils,” said Codie yesterday. “Only one could speak English, so she had to tell that one what to do so she could explain in their language. Then she sat me with them and said ‘Discuss’.” According to Codie, the five – four boys and a girl – then began talking in a language she didn’t understand, thought to be Urdu, so she went to speak to the teacher.

“I said ‘I’m not being funny, but can I change groups because I can’t understand them?’ But she started shouting and screaming, saying ‘It’s racist, you’re going to get done by the police’.”


  • 3 Responses to “Latest from Luke O’Farrell”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      This has been said before but it needs repeating.

      Next time you talk to someone who had a relative fight on the beaches of Normandy, say to them….”so this is what your father / grandfather fought for”.

    2. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Celtic Warrior:

      I Agree and have been saying it for quite some time. In fact, I just had a heated argument with my younger knucklehead/patriotard brother a few days ago. I told him: “The Second World War was fought not only to destroy Germany (the heart of Europe) and save Jewish Bolshevism (Communism) while imposing it on a devastated continent, but it’s ultimate goal is now being implemented and that is the destruction of Western Civilization and the race that created it.” He acted as if I had just kicked him in the nuts! And to think he still refers to them as the “greatest generation”! HA! What a fool. Nothing but a damn fool.

      But we must not let others’ misunderstanding get us down . This relentless war against our race and civilization is just getting warmed up and will be reaching a crescendo in the not too distant future. I personally look forward to the day when the SHTF. We are only one major economic catastrophe away from total meltdown. Alex is so right when he says ITZ COMING. Damn Skippy it is, sir, and the sooner, the better. Only this time, unlike our stupid ancestors who fought and died for Kosher Inc., we know precisely what we will be fighting to achieve. Strength and Honor to all! ORION!

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re Scipio Americanus

      I have had similar discussions. The WN message is generally received with shocked amazement, it is such a paradigm shift to people brainwashed by the History Channel et. al.

      There are definite signs that ZOG is becoming impatient and over playing its hand. Their scheme of gradualism and incremental change is starting to unravel. I just hope I’m still breathing when Der Tag comes.

      The White Race WILL prevail!