5 October, 2006

Jews Are Vicious, Lying Sickos

Posted by alex in jew, jew mentality, jews jewing jewily at 6:23 pm | Permanent Link

Animal torture is as jewish as lying and swindling.

The jews are a sick race of lying, warmongering fucks that deserve the extermination they wish on the rest of us.


Photo Essay: An Ancient Custom on the Eve of Yom Kippur
14:39 Oct 05, ’06 / 13 Tishrei 5767
by Ezra HaLevi
The custom of kapparot, performed with a live chicken, is one of the strangest and most controversial of Yom Kippur traditions. Arutz-7 brings you to Jerusalem’s shuk to witness it.


  • 36 Responses to “Jews Are Vicious, Lying Sickos”

    1. alex Says:

      The practice of kapparot using live fowl entails the following: A male or female chicken is taken in hand, corresponding to the gender of the taker or family members on whose behalf they are performing the ritual. Psalm 107:17-20 and Job 33:23-24 are recited and the live bird is swung around the person’s head three times. While swinging, the person recites the following three times: “This be my substitute, my vicarious offering, my atonement. This cock (or hen) shall meet death, but I shall find a long and pleasant life of peace.”

      How utterly, utterly jewish: the jew enjoys the good life; the non-jew pays for his sins.


    2. alex Says:

      Rember, we PAY THROUGH THE NOSE to fund this sicko religious cult. We pay 10 MILLION A DAY to these disgusting pieces of shit called jews. In return, they start fresh wars in the Middle East, and demand we sacrifice our sons and daughters.


    3. alex Says:

      There is one solution, and one solution alone, to the world’s jewish infection.


    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      These pictures deserve the widest possible publicity. Here is ample evidence of the weird and evil workings of the jewish “mind”.

    5. Angle Says:

      It needs to be said. For this attempted murder of our racial past, present, and future.


    6. Damian Andrews Says:

      Why isn’t PETA protesting this.

      (Don’t bother to answer that,we all know why.)

    7. Heads Up Says:

      Unfortunately, mein kindred you’re missing the point ALTOGETHER because you are so incensed with *hate* (rightly so, BTW) that you can’t see what they’re doing is a form of ancient mind technology called Magick. It was/is done world over but just in different ways. Let me give an example closer to our racial home: the sacrifice to Odin of animals and human flotsam in wicker men and other forms of offerings.

      Yeah, you say booga booga horseshit. Others in the know have a better idea. A wordsmith does not make a expert on the occult. Part of which is the Kaballah which, incidentally, the main tenets the Jews stole from the Babylonians.

    8. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      It is very easy to believe that the kikes have been involved with human ritual murder over the centuries. There has been plenty of verified evidence and even more circumstantial evidence that they have ritually murdered gentile children. I have no doubt that they are still involved in this activity. However, they now control all the media so any evidence that comes to light will never be brought to the attention of the goyim. I remember reading somewhere that an American who was allowed into Berlin in May 1945 by the Soviets a week or so after the city had fallen stumbled across a park where about thirty young German children were hanging from a tree where they had been ritually slaughtered. He was quickly ushered away by soldiers and when he returned a day or two later the tree had been cut down and there was no sign of the bodies. Most of the appalling tortures and murders of German civilians in 1945 was at the instigation or at the hands of jews. These crimes were only exceeded by what the kikes had done in Russia and Ukraine during the previous twenty or thirty years.
      The fact that these repulsive vampires torture animals should come as no surprise to anyone who knows them. Like many non-aryans they revel in inflicting pain and suffering.

    9. Mati The Estonian Says:

      we need a new crusade to the Holy Land – just objective will little different now …

    10. Colonel Clink Says:

      At least now we know what Santa Claus does in the off-season.

    11. Carpenter Says:

      While swinging, the person recites the following three times: “This be my substitute, my vicarious offering, my atonement. This cock (or hen) shall meet death, but I shall find a long and pleasant life of peace.”

      What a parasite mentality. What a race of vampires. Could you imagine any other people including such a prayer in their rites? There have been animal sacrifices among others, but it is far from the same thing.

      This reciting is more sickening to me than the slaughtering itself.

    12. jimbo Says:

      the time has come and is now well over-due when this necrotic jewish pestilence is excised from the body of humanity….along with any-one who tries to ‘justify’ or ‘shield’ these filthy diabolists…….children & animals seem to instinctively know whether or not some-one is to be trusted…… see this link abt the Führer & animals

      i would hazard a guess that children & animals would instinctively ‘shy’ away from kikes….who, after all, are little more than DEVILs incarnate!

      re:’bryan o’driscoll’ ……hv u any lnx regarding that ‘incident’ in Berlin, May 1945?

    13. jimbo Says:

      re: prvs post……

      u might hv to go here first!

    14. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      There are some scary contemporary postcards picturing Hitler as Kapores rooster, marking him thereby as a future victim. I think Polish jews sent to each other those cards.

      You can see one of them here:


      I am very sorry that the jews got their way and Hitler fell prey to the one and only world-shaking conspiracy.

      I feel humiliated that such weirdos have effectively enslaved my people. The only excuse we can muster might be that jews are satanic, as their rituals suggest. So it is possible that we lost against a supernatural force. But it ain´t over till it´s over.



    16. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .So it is possible that we lost against a supernatural force. . .”

      If they have such power, they wouldn’t go around passing these censorship laws.

    17. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re jimbo:
      I’m afraid that I can’t remember where I read about that incident. It might have been in an issue of Liberty Bell several years ago. I don’t doubt that this atrocity occurred when one considers all the other horrors that were inflicted on the helpless German people at the time. The very worst jews roamed free torturing and murdering at will. While I don’t believe in a supernatural devil, if he existed then the jews would certainly be his children. They are diabolical in every way.

    18. Arch Says:

      I’ve written about this before, but here it is again. Take a look at the horror genre that comes out of Hollywood. Such movies are filled with the blood and gore of white men, women and children. Look at the vampire movies that extol the “virtues” of the vampire. Like movies that paint a softened and frequently kindly picture of that other beloved icon of jewish morality, the mafia, the vampire character is clearly one of the darlings of Hollywood. Anyone with the eyes to see will find that while moves about the mafia portray terrible violence, the victims in these movies are invariably portrayed in some twisted manner as deserving the stern, murderous wrath of the mob. Ultimately the message of the movies is, Hey! It’z chust goot business practice!

      Take a close look at the popular series “A Nightmare on Elm Street” where young girls are brutally murdered while their blood is splashed across the screen in the most graphic manner imaginable. The “Ninth Gate” is filled with Kabalistic imagery. There is a revealing scene where the girl/angel takes her blood and smears it on Johnny Depps face in a specific manner. Girl, angel, blood, menses, unclean, sin, cleansed – get it? Never mind. And when the aging white man played, by that erstwhile vampire Frank Langella, tries to access the Kabal’s demonic power, Surprise! He immolates himself in a most horrendous manner.

      Currently there is a Hollywood remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A group of students from the University of Texas took the original concept for the movie from a ghoul named Ed Gein, a real life monster who would skin his victims and then wear their skins. Considering all those tattooed lampshade stories that came from the Holocaust, obviously this ghoulish theme struck a tender note in Hollywood. While the those stories actually came before the movie, this movie is nonetheless used to subconsciously underpin the now admitted Holocaust myths and at a handsome profit no less – Oy Veh! Such a deal! Is it any wonder that as Holocaust myths rapidly fade into well deserved incredulousness, we suddenly see this movie taken out and dusted off for a remake? If you have any doubts about this, then you know little of the jews’s expertise in psychology and psychiatry.

      Hollywood horror movies are a true window into the jew’s black heart and soul; but never forget – Hey! It’z only a movie!. Look at all the horror that comes from Hollywood and then take a look at the real horror presently afflicting the Middle East. Think of the generations that were weaned on these movies, it is these young men and women who currently serve in that once forgotten, desert wasteland. Considering their programming, is it any wonder we hear of horrendous atrocities being committed by our troops? And is it any wonder that we now condone torture as easily as we condone the eyesore of malls? Why do we rail at the jew’s bloodlust and horror when in fact we have paid well to become a willing slave to that primal urge?

      A short story

      This is a tale mentioned by Gurdjieff in Ouspensky’s book In Search Of The Miraculous. It well illustrates man’s position on this planet. The tale is as follows:

      There was once a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like. At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians. After this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins. This tale is a very good illustration of man’s position.

      Arch Stanton

    19. Olde Dutch Says:

      “DEATH TO THE JEWS”, that’s starting to be a yawn. You sound too attention starved.

      Why not something a little more repeatable? Something like, the jews have introduced an alien dimension into our White living space. Although it is true the ancient Romans did practice bird sacrifice as part of their religious rituals.

      Or how about all jews are assholes. Have you ever known a jew who isn’t an asshole.

      Just some thoughts about the chicken swingers. :o))

    20. Shut the fuck up, Olde Dutch Says:

      Would you prefer DON’T PICK ON THE POOR JEWS Olde Dutch?

      Shut up, motherfucker!

      Alex has the right idea.

    21. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Shut up, motherfucker!”

      My, my such an eloquent opinion.

      If you are speaking Italian to me, understant this: The Roman Emperor was the Pontifex Maximus, cheif priest in charge of bird slaughter & other religious duties until the late 4th Century, when the duties were given to the Bishop of Rome a/k/a the Pope. I do not know if the early Italian Popes practiced bird slaughter? But, most pagan customs were carried on into what was to become the Roman Catholic church in one form or another.

    22. Colonel Clink Says:

      Hey I like that: ” Never trust a ‘Chicken Swinger’ ”
      Kind of rolls right off the tongue – and paints a very compelling visual.

    23. van helsing Says:

      ALso, WRT JRM, realize that our little wars dont really start when they do due to local weather in the SWA, or due to the end of Ramadan. They start during Purim. Ergo, our wars in the SWA are… JRM, whether we are killing the them or the them are killing us.

    24. hut the fuck up, Olde Dutch Says:

      yu’re missing the point!

      it’s what they say while swinging the chicken, not so much the slaughter of a dumb cluck.

    25. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Nobody has stated the obvious yet: Judaism is some kind of voodoo. We should laugh next time when a jew rants about the philosophical nature of his `creed´.

      Michael Hoffman says the late pope John Paul II (a jew whose mother had the name Katz) praised voodoo as a valuable religion.

      Perhaps the similarity of their racial religious instincts makes jews and negroes allies.

      A joke: The difference between jewish voodoo and negroe voodoo: Only jewish voodoo works

    26. ThatJB Says:

      Fowl practice at Yom Kippur

      Swing that hen around your head,
      Let it run until it’s dead,
      Smears of blood upon your face,
      Prove you’re of the master race.
      Cut throat nation, Hebrew folk,
      Satan’s ugly, bloody, joke,
      Jewish is, as Jewish does,
      Just don’t aspire to breed with us.

    27. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘ye olde Dutch’

      ‘DEATH TO THE JEWS’ starting to be ‘a yawn’?

      then YOU must be SICK of LIVING!

      to save the precious lives of white children, JEWS MUST DIE!

      to avenge the millions of precious white children brutally and sadistically murdered by the jews over the last 100 years,

      to redress the diabolical injustices done to the White Race,

      to restore Balance to Nature & repair the diabolical damage inflicted on Nature’s Realm by ZOGs, JEWS MUST DIE!

      to prevent the re-occurence of another Dark Age and to end the current Dark Age, JEWS MUST DIE!

      the course of Nature cannot properly continue UNLESS JEWS DIE!


      ……the SOONER, the BETTER!

    28. Jackumup Says:

      oooyyyy, How long did uncle yacom have to chase that goium lasvegas show girl to get that coat?

    29. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re Sehnsucht nact dem Reich

      That is a profound observation. We don’t associate the “light unto the nations”, more accurately blight unto host nations, with primitive african thoughts!

      We can really hit them with this chicken business, after they try to defend the Talmudic mumbo jumbo.

    30. Stronza Says:

      Love that poemlet, Fowl Practice at Yom Kippur.

    31. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Fowl practice at Yom Kippur

      Swing that hen around your head…”

      “Hey I like that: ” Never trust a ‘Chicken Swinger’ ”
      Kind of rolls right off the tongue – and paints a very compelling visual.”

      Thanks fellows—it just goes to prove that *Humor* isn’t the shortest book in the German language. :)

    32. Jackumup Says:

      Do they donate or sell the chicken at discounted inflated price

    33. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      I submitted JB’s poem to my brother Zionist the Birdman for publication. It deserves to be permanently posted.

    34. Sarah Says:

      Do you really know what you are talking about? What do you know about the Jewish religion that makes you dislike it so much? For example, take an ordinary secular Jewish man. Lives in London, has an average job, works hard, provides for his family, has faith in his god…….. How is he different from a Christian man who does the exact same thing.

      I’m not looking for a fight or anything of the sort. I’ve just been learning about this kind of thing in school and am curious.

      Whoever replies must know that I only want to understand what you think and value your opinion.

    35. Chuckles Says:

      Wow. A guy talking about Odin and magick and stuff. You anti-Semites really attract a colorful (no pun intended) crowd don’t you. Do any of you have an inkling of rationality in you? I’m amazing and surprised at the incredible stupidity and lack of reasonable thought that goes into this website. You think we Jews are trying to take over the world? Not since I last checked. Wait, let me see…No, no I don’t have a ‘taking over the world’ or ‘controlling the media’ file in my file cabinet here.
      You guys are fucking retards. There’s a reason you people have no power in America and never will – cuz the American people, for all their faults, are not the idiots you assume them to be.

    36. punkyjewster Says:

      Sarah, it’s not our *religion* they have an issue with, it’s our *race*. We’ve stuck around as a coherent culture longer than anyone but the Chinese, and that scares them.

      Funny, but about ten years ago I was aggressively recruited by our local Klan-knockoff group (unsuccesfully). Then last year I found out my birth mother’s Jewish. So now they’d want to hang me, instead. If I told them. Which I don’t, being a sneaky Jewess and all. Who knows, maybe I’ll marry one and have his kids!