17 October, 2006

FTL With David Pringle

Posted by alex in David Pringle, Free Talk Live at 9:40 pm | Permanent Link

The archive for yesterday’s Free Talk Live broadcast is now available. Thanks again to David Pringle and Todd Vanbiber.

ftl_10-16-06_p1.mp3 (15 MB)
ftl_10-16-06_p2.mp3 (11 MB)
ftl_10-16-06_p3.mp3 (13 MB)

Every FTL broadcast and all other VNN presentations are available for free from the media archives.

  • 10 Responses to “FTL With David Pringle”

    1. Gun Enthusiasts Says:

      The show pointed up the paranoid nature of many gun enthusiasts.

    2. Gun Nut Says:

      You’re right. There is no justification for being paranoid in these times.

    3. William Crow Says:

      Outstanding program. I had to stop and replay to take notes. Lots of information about early National Alliance and William Pierce.

    4. JimSummers Says:

      No offense but that was absolutely the worst show in the history of VNN Broadcasting. Why is David Pringle gun collecting for a mythical race war that will never occur as long as ZOG keeps pumping in negroid football and dimwitted sitcoms? And his perception of the army as a haven for White Nationalists is the ultimate in wishful thinking. The average ZOG footsoldier is a low-brow, beer-guzzling, Playboy magazine masturbating, World Wrestling fan.

    5. jimbo Says:

      if every-one ‘hands in’ their guns, then surely our guv’mint can be trusted to do the right thing @ ALL TIMEs & protect us…?…after all: they’ve passed all these necessary laws post-9/11 to help us….haven’t they…?…and, of course, we all KNOW that 9/11 wasn’t the guv’mint’s fault….don’t we?!

      the guv’mint’s ALWAYS got our BEST INTERESTS @ heart because it’s run by the very best of people with the very best of intentions….ain’t it?!

    6. Luke Says:

      Where is the link for the membership manual of the National Alliance?

      Thank you

    7. mickey Says:

      If only outlaws have guns who’s going to shoot the liberals

    8. starwarsforsummers Says:

      Only a yid or the brainwashed would deny the eventuality of collapse and warring ethnic factions right here in the US. Race riots EVERY WEEK in Southern California schools. Coming to a school near you VERY SOON. Keep your powder dry.

    9. JimSummers Says:

      What have you been watching? Mexicans marched by the hundreds of thousands earlier this year throughout America and there was scarcely a whisper heard from Whites over it.

    10. bjorn Says:

      that.s right!!