2 September, 2006

Video: Carlin: Who Really Controls America?

Posted by alex in comedians, video at 6:45 pm | Permanent Link

[Reader writes:]

I would have never thought George Carlin had this much sense!(adult content)


  • 4 Responses to “Video: Carlin: Who Really Controls America?”

    1. alex Says:

      Great line:

      “It’s called the American dream…cause you have to be asleep to believe it!”

      Sounds like Carlin’s been reading John Taylor Gatto. If you don’t know who he is, look him up. He documents the dumbing down of America as a corporate plot against the little bright man, think Edison. Using public schools to create neo-serfs who are just smart enough to press cheeseburger, but nothing more. Gatto never discussses jews, but the parallels and dovetails will immediately suggest themselves to the VNN savvy.

    2. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      Close but no prize. Never heard the word jew mentioned once. Carlin ain’t gonna tell ’em either.

    3. New America Says:

      In reply to Mr. Antisemite:
      Mr. Antisemite Says:
      Close but no prize. Never heard the word jew mentioned once. Carlin ain’t gonna tell ‘em either.

      in reply:
      This is really something out of Jack London, and for THAT we should be grateful.

      He has done a LOT of our work for us; all we have to do is substitute the correct term, “JEWS,” for all of his euphemisms.

      It fits perfectly, you know…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    4. John Says:

      I agree with New America. Change the euphemisms and Goebbels could have given this speech.