27 September, 2006

Spare the Taser, Spoil the Niggero

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arboreal Americans at 12:05 pm | Permanent Link

Sista be transactin’ an’ shit. Red beans and rice didn’t miss her. Neither did the taser!

If Jesus were here, he would ask:

Why do we allow niggers among us? Why do we tolerate the jews who claim these brick apes are human?

When the Policeman Says…

“Get out of the car or I am going to taser you,” I would get off the phone and out of the car.

And why is it always the arrogant a**holes who think rules don’t apply to them that end up whining like little girls when they get tasered? Huh? And there’s also a special lesson in the title of this video, “Know when to shut up.”


This is just priceless. I’ve linked to the extended video so you can see exactly how uncoorperative this woman was from the beginning. Which is why I happen to find this video especially funny and satisfying. What do you expect–I’m Italian. And don’t miss the policeman noting at the end that he’s been tasered before and it’s not as bad as her moans and groans would indicate. Yes, Virginia, the rule are for you, too. Sheesh.



  • 13 Responses to “Spare the Taser, Spoil the Niggero”

    1. James Hawthorne Says:

      Very Funny – she can now join her fellow non humans in the jail cell.

    2. Terry W. Phillips Says:

      Yeah, I’ve seen this one before.

      In the words of the immortal bard, “Bwaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Ahem. Let me compose myself. Hmm ….. Ha ….! Haha ….! Hahahaha ….! Bwaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!”

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      Check the source out—a gay coonservative republicoon.

    4. SSteve Says:

      What a dumb nigga, the cop tells her he is going to taze her and she keeps running her mouth, then at the end says, “I was gettin’ outa the car” evidently not knowing its being taped, GD those niggas are DUMB!

    5. alex Says:

      Tammy Bruce is a feminist lesbian come Republicunt, if I recall correctly. I don’t think she’s a jew, but she is 100% pro-Israel, full of the usual bilge about its origins & intentions, and smears anybody who points out that our relationship with that tiny hate state is poisoning us.

    6. C-Stoff Says:

      This same incident is used in Aaron Russo’s “America Freedom to Fascism”.
      Unfortunately, Russo uses it completely out of context saying that the nigress was tasered for having a suspended license… And I have to agree with the above regarding Tammy Bruce. The woman is a pig and it is my sincere hope that she burns in whatever hell she believes in.

    7. cygnet Says:

      Yes, Vagina, there really is a Satan.

    8. Dave Jones Says:

      Priceless, we have people falling around the office here laughing at that shegroid screaming like a brood sow.

      Stupid arrogant primates, good to see cops on the ball for a change.
      Write those guys up for a commendation and a raise. Pity it wasn’t a 45 ACP wadcutter though.

    9. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Brick apes ” LOL!!! I haven’t heard that one before. I love it! I’m definitely adding it to my repertoire. Tammy Bruce is a prototype of the Republicrap modern day “conservative”. She exemplifies the fact that conservatism, in any meaningful sense of the word, is dead and buried.

    10. Jackumup Says:

      Nobody seems to want to address a monkey operating a 2 ton motor vehicle with technical advances beyond the chimpanzees capabilities.
      I don’t believe this was a police matter as much as a S.C.P.A Matter

    11. Thoughtcrime Says:

      The thing that baffles me about the average black woman is the non-stop attitude. I see it and experience it every day and I work in a very relaxed laboratory environment. Even where there is no reason for attitude, that’s what you get by default.

      It’s almost as if they are pre-programmed at birth to have horrible attitudes that reek of ‘entitlement’ and ‘special priviledges’ mixed with ‘do you know who I am?’. It also seems that the display and severity of obnoxious attitude is in direct proportion to just how fat and ugly the black woman is to begin with. Futhermore, most days, it requires absolutely nothing to set one off and have it go apesh*t. I for one am sick of having to interact with niggeros.

    12. Sri Sreggin Das Says:

      What a dumb arrogant nigress! I cannot ever see a White woman acting like that.

      Upstanding officer, though.

    13. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali-Yuga Says:

      Also, give this crazy woman more craziness, due to drugs.
      Give her an almost supernatural strength, due to drugs.
      Give her even more of an attitude, due to hypertesticulo-negroidness.
      Give her an edited video presentation on the nightly news.

      Viola—–you have Rodney King! Hypertesticulo-negroid riots!