10 September, 2006

Slugs on the Prowl

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 11:10 pm | Permanent Link

  • 13 Responses to “Slugs on the Prowl”

    1. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Isn’t that, hmm….what’s his name….oh yes — Elie Weisel? So what has this huckster been up to lately? Let me guess — still dishing out World War Two propaganda to unsuspecting teenage goyim about the “six million” innocent, peace loving, violin playing Jews who were stuffed into ovens by the evil Nazi’s who were out to conquer the world and rid it of God’s “Chosen People”. Oy vey! It’s the same old story, repeated ad nauseam.

      By the way, the cartoon next to his photo bears a striking resemblance, don’t you think? Here is a quote from this shyster that we should keep in mind: “…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all…” You got that right! Silence and indifference are something you won’t find here at VNN.

    2. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Impalement would be too good for that lying vermin. The comparison with the cartoon is an insult to slugs. All the slugs in the world don’t do as much damage to us as this piece of parasitic filth. To compare this thing to any other parasitic life form on the planet would be unfair to that life form. Remember, few other jews would criticize Weasel unless he was muscling in on their moneymaking scam. It was the same with the ex-kapo Wiesenthal.
      If this holohoax is ever exposed we must NEVER FORGIVE, NEVER FORGET!

    3. Zoroastro Says:

      The Pinocchio of Holohoax lie-machinery. Bad karma and it shows.

    4. rodent exterminator Says:

      one mention of the weasal makes one wish hitler had really done it.

      one look at the weasal should make any honest man run.

      one word from the weasal should turn any intelligent human being into a holocaust denier.

    5. Mark Says:

      “…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all…”

      Only slightly less sinful and less well known than the “disagreeing with a Jew makes you an anti-Semite.”

    6. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      I love when the loxist holo-hoaxers show their true colors and say “Hitler killed 6 million Jews..and 5 million others”. Yup,”others”..that’s how the JEW sees the world -OTHERS.

      How fitting that the Holy-hoax leader is named WEASEL and has “lie” in his first name.

    7. alex Says:

      Even before I realized the Holocaust was a big lie, Wiesel struck me as a shifty hypocrite. I heard him speak, and the same treatment he complained of the Germans he approved of Israel inflicting on Palestinians.

    8. jackumup Says:

      what a hansom fellow, he must be great with the ladies

    9. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Have you noticed when a Jew ages, his Jewish physical features become more prominent? Even plastic surgery can’t hide the ugliness indefinitely. Let’s pray there is a special place in Hell for this scoundrel given the soul destroying propaganda he has dished out over the years.

    10. Biff Baxter Says:

      Is there a reason God made his “chosen people” the ugliest bastards to ever walk the earth? The Khazar is one hideous son of a bitch to look upon. The older they get, the uglier they grow until they are grotesque critters to view.

      A lot of Middle Eastern true semitic people have almost Indo-Aryan/Persian features and some of them are quite beautiful people, with pleasing facial symmetry and good balance. These “Jews” are distinctly Turkish and Mongolian looking gypsy fuckers who repulse the eye. God can do better than this inbred trash. When you’re this horrible, you develop a narcissist superiority complex to try to overcompensate for that freaking monster you see in the mirror every day. There ain’t no doctrine that can put a shine on that black duck. It’s an ugly bastard any way you cut it.

    11. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      The ugliness must confirm the Jewish split from reality. Jewish thought tries to bypass reality. They cannot attach abstractions to anything tangible, such as inventing the jet plane. Maybe their internal abstraction is similarly blocked, manifesting as AN INCOMPLETE, DISINTEGRATED BEING.

      Completed thought ties into objective reality. A completed jet, with all its majesty, created by generally good looking whites.

      Some sort of wall exists between Jewish abstraction and physical reality. Their non-participation in the industrial revolution correlates with NON-PARTICIPATION IN BEAUTY.

    12. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “The ugliness must confirm the Jewish split from reality. Jewish thought tries to bypass reality. They cannot attach abstractions to anything tangible, such as inventing the jet plane. Maybe their internal abstraction is similarly blocked, manifesting as AN INCOMPLETE, DISINTEGRATED BEING. Some sort of wall exists between Jewish abstraction and physical reality.”

      I agree with this completely! With Jews, there seems to be a decoupling or detachment from reality. This is especially true regarding Jewish intellectual movements. What is abnormal and immoral for an Aryan is deemed normal and moral for the Jew. I would describe their behavior as an inversion of true morality. And once their morality overtakes society, they invert seemingly everything.

      The incomplete, disintegrated being you speak of really shows up in their
      esthetics. Take a look at the most twisted forms of so called “modern” art and most have the stamp of the sheenies all over them. The Jews truly are the source of nihilism in the modern world. For more on Jewish intellectual movements, read Kevin McDonald’s Culture of Critique.

    13. van helsing Says:

      Handsome… I bet he can only rent pussy.