6 September, 2006

Reairing of Linder on Conway-Whitman

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 5:42 pm | Permanent Link

From Conway & Whitman producer:

Just to let you know, I will be playing your appearance as one of our “Best Of…” hours tonight as the hosts are out. We will be playing your appearance at 8:00 p.m. P.S.T. so let your buddies know…you can hear it at www.971freefm.com

  • 13 Responses to “Reairing of Linder on Conway-Whitman”

    1. you're horrible Says:

      I’m offended at this site, and you’re what’s wrong with the world right now. learn how to be tolerant of people different from you, you fucking cracker.

    2. t_electric Says:

      Message from fucknut moderator AM:

      You have been banned for the following reason:

      Date the ban will be lifted: Never

      Fucknut AM can dish it out, but can’t take it.

    3. John Wilkes Booth Says:


      I listened to your interview on the “cornhole/whitless” program. As I expected when you made valid White Nationalist points all they could do was to attack you personally. The contempuous remarks about VNN’s “IPOD” broadcasts with the snide suggestion that the IPOD is not “real radio” only illustrates cornhole and whitless’s ignorance of the new wave in political communication. The mainstream media are just now acknowledging that IPOD networking between political candidates and the mobile youth demographic is the wave of the future. Thanks for taking the time to face the ignorant “ambiguously gay duo” on “real radio!”

    4. jackumup Says:


      I listen to the interview and would like to suggest a few pointers
      1) try referring to the host as ” you two jerkoffs” that is the best description that fits them.

      2) when they attack you or your family remind them that you learned about anal sex from their mothers, and inquire to see if they are swallowers or spitters

      3) when they take calls from niggers remind them that niggers don’t call in real talk shows

      4) when the nigger brings up slavery inquire as to how their great civilization tolerated the kidnapping of their citizens, and what measure the government use to rectify the injustice ( some times niggers forget they wonder in packs not societies)then ask how much she charges for a blow job ( which is the only job she’s qualified for)

      5) If the host is Jewish ask if he had relations with his sister (to keep it in the family, wink wink), remind him that he and his entire family were so annoying that it was necessary to kick the shit out of them when you were growing up.

      6) when they challenge you and make ridiculous statements like “you wouldn’t say that if you came to La, you’ll get your ass kick” Invite them to your house and see how stuff they are

      7) Always remind them that you do not wish to associate with them why is it so important for them to want to associate with you?

    5. Angle Says:

      “I’m offended at this site, and you’re what’s wrong with the world right now. learn how to be tolerant of people different from you, you fucking cracker. ”

      I’m offended that you’re offended…Get Lost. Learn how to be tolerant of white people learning to fight back against institutionalized genocide.

    6. feuerfrie Says:

      You were amazing..simply amazing. Living in California doesn’t even seem like living in US anymore. California is taken over by third world immigrants and these DJs are nothing but serving those third worlds bums..You were right, they are “mental midgets” with IQ of 66.

    7. jimbo Says:

      ‘horrible’ sez:
      “I’m offended at this site, and you’re what’s wrong with the world right now. learn how to be tolerant of people different from you, you fucking cracker”

      I’m GROSSLY OFFENDED by ppl like U!
      YOU are ‘what’s wrong with the world’!
      Learn how to be tolerant of white nationalists and neo-nazis who are
      clearly superior to YOU!, you FCKN chabbez-goi!

    8. White Survival Says:

      you’re horrible Says:

      The 6th 2006f September, 2006 at 6:54 pm

      I’m offended at this site, and you’re what’s wrong with the world right now. learn how to be tolerant of people different from you, you fucking cracker.

      You just called Linder master, nigger. “Cracker” is short for whipcracker, you niggers always obeyed the whipcracker. You all didn’t get uppity until the jews formed the naacp and lobbied congress to change laws in your favor, and filed those lawsuits. You niggers didn’t do a goddamn thing for yourselves, you never challenged da man. You’d still be eyes down, mouf closed- yassir, nosir, shuffling monkey people if the jews weren’t propping you up with non-stop propaganda and legal manuevering.

      And your low IQ can’t even understand the hypocrisy of telling us to be tolerant and then calling a white man a cracker.

      Yeah, nigger, we’ll be cracking the whips on your monkey backs all the way back to africa someday.

      Why don’t you read the site for a while, if you have the brains to (assuming you’re a self-hating white), before you declare that we hate “differences.” We have no problem with “differences”. All white people, as ethnic groups or as individuals, are different. We provide all the diversity we need.

      We hate what your low IQs, as measure for the past century all over the world by the governments and educational systems of all countries, result in. You consume more than you produce in an advanced, western economy. You belong in the jungle.

      We hate the violent destructiveness and impulsiveness that your high testosterone along with that low IQ causes as measured by the astronomical crime rates measured by the fbi at fbi.gov and amren.com/the color of crime.

      We hate your ugly monkey faces and shit brown skin, not because its different, but because its horribly ugly.

      Check out most of our attitudes towards Asians if you think its just differences we hate. Asians are different, but many of us recognize their worth because of their intelligence, civility, and productiveness.

      You’ll never reach us with your platitudes of “be tolerant”, “you’re whats wrong with this world”. PROVE us wrong. PROVE to us that niggers are equal to whites when all the evidence shows otherwise. PROVE to us that the government’s own statistics on the crime rate, the disease rate, and the IQs of the races are false. PROVE to us that the Founding Fathers intended for America to be an empire, not a nation of European blood.

      When you brainwashed masses attack us ONLY on moral grounds, you silently acknowledge that the facts are on our side, otherwise you would use them. But you can’t, so you say we’re “bad.”

    9. Keeping It Real Says:

      well said, White Survival!

    10. Theseus Says:

      . . . offended just as a chimpanzee is offended when his cage at the zoo is relocated.

      /to afreaka

    11. Socal Racialist Says:

      Herr Linder kicked kike ass on that broadcast! Hail Linder and VNN!

    12. brutus Says:

      Bravo Alex! You handled himself with mature dignity.

      Those who couldn’t see that, are not who we are looking for. To those who could see the real essence of the exchanges between Mr. Linder and the radio hosts, I say welcome to VNN. We need thinkers like yourself. What you heard was real and this should give you come indication of just how far down the tubes America has gone. Truth is not allowed on the radio anymore, only carefully scripted lies. This is the place where the truth may be found. We are trying to make a difference. You are welcome to join us.

    13. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      Yes, I loved every minute of this interview. From the white girl who called in and validated what Linder said from her own experiences to the stupid niggers and mexicoon who called in and couldn’t articulate a sentence, it was all too funny. Even the blak wimens agreed with Alex about the jews dominating the media. If only AM/FM radio didn’t have the 8 second delay button that’s the way all talk radio would sound like today.

      Is Conway & Whitman too stupid to know they got their asses kicked or are they gluttons for punishment!