28 September, 2006

Reader Mail: 9/28/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 1:09 am | Permanent Link


Crash course takes on a whole new meaniing with South African Airways known as ‘Coonair’ to those in the know.

Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: Would you trust flying SAA?
I have been refusing to fly SAA for the past fifteen years. Ten years ago I even cancelled our tickets when I discovered the agent booked us on a flight to Hong Kong with SAA.
I informed the travel agent that if the affirmative action pilot had to encounter serious problems during the flight, he would probably try and jump out and run away?

September 16 2006

Frequent flyers will be elated to learn that South African Airways are to have their Boeings and Airbuses piloted by blacks “taken off the street and put through a minimal flying crash course”. Azanian spokesmen of the airline refused to use the term “crash course” for self-evident reasons. At least their PR spin doctors will be able to say SAA offers more than their competitors –lucky passengers will now be able to choose from “smoking, non-smoking and burnt beyond recognition”…

South African Airways is on the brink of introducing a radical new pilot training programme, which will see trainees taking their place as co-pilots after 70 hours actual flying time. The bulk of the training – 250 hours – will take place in flight simulators, which allows trainers to slash actual flying hours in a real aircraft by more than half. SAA spokesperson Jacqui O’Sullivan has confirmed the details of the new programme. The cost-cutting initiative is part of efforts by the national carrier to introduce more black people into its pilot ranks. Called a Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL), the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is currently drawing up programme standards and regulations, which could be ready in mid-2007, according to Captain Colin Jordaan, general manager of SAA’s flight operations. However, pilot associations around the world, including the Airline Pilots Association of South Africa (Alpa-SA), do not support the MPL, saying the safety of passengers will be compromised.

Jordaan said in an interview this week that the initiative would fast-track the num-ber of black pilots employed by the national carrier. At present, the airline employs just 66 black men and women pilots out of a total of 796. SAA’s target, introduced in 1996, was to have 300 black pilots by last year. Jordaan said the new type of licence would be “a heck of a lot cheaper” to implement than the airline’s cadet school, which costs SAA R750 000 per person for the intensive 18-month course. SAA already owns four simulators required for the new training and would thus only be paying for electricity and maintenance costs, he added. Jordaan said the airline was intrinsically involved in the ICAO steering group drawing up the MPL regulations and that information was fed regularly to the South African Qualifications Authority to ensure that the programme, when implemented, would comply with the country’s training regulations.

“We will be able to take a person off the street and train them in our simulators for between 12 and 18 months. “They will then be able to move into the right-hand seat of a Boeing 747 as co-pilot,” Jordaan said. He said the course would be designed specifically for airline flying and would not devote any time to “unnecessary aspects” such as using topographical maps. The course would entail just 70 hours of flying time in a real aircraft as opposed to the 200 flying hours required in order to get a commercial pilot’s licence. MPL graduates would only be able to fly in a “multi-crew environment” for the first few years, he added.

Opposition to the plan has been widespread, with organisations such as the European Cockpit Association (ECA), representing 29 professional pilots’ associations, saying that the MPL risks downgrading the standards of commercial flight training when aircraft are becoming increasingly complex and when air traffic is expected to rise substantially over the coming years. “Downgrading of these standards can not be accepted in an industry that relies on a permanently increasing safety profile and which faces numerous challenges over the coming years,” the ECA said. Alpa-SA president Harvey van Rooyen said he was concerned that while simulations could be useful, weather patterns such as storms could not be simulated. The new licence was “obviously about costs” and Alpa-SA did not believe that 18-year-olds off the street would be able to handle intensive pilot training. More thought should be given to taking in university graduates who were PC literate and had certain “technical advantages”, said Van Rooyen.

“It is a little bit of a leap forward and people are just assuming it will work but I have my reservations. Flying is not monkey see, monkey do. You need to create people who can think under pressure. “You can’t pluck a rabbit out of a hat and then say: ‘There you go! Transformation has been sorted out’,” he said. Jordaan brushed off claims that SAA’s programme would compromise aviation safety. He said today’s aircraft design and training programmes placed emphasis on co-operation between crew members unlike “in the old days when all the decisions were made by the captain”. Co-pilots would spend 10 years in the right-hand seat of aircraft before attaining commander status, he added.



Patriotic American Puts DVD “Understanding Anti-Semitism” on Cable TV
Local News Gets Complaints from the Jewish Defense League

Robert Ransdell, a patriotic American, got tired of watching America falling apart while those who are responsible hid among the sidelines and chuckled to themselves about its decline.

In an effort to make Americans more alert to the insidious nature of many who are promoting America’s decline, he decided to put the honest and revealing DVD, “Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do Some People Dislike Jews?” on cable television.


Shortly thereafter, the Jewish Defense League, an organization that has long been associated with terrorism in America, complained to the local cable television station. Watch what the news had to say about this.

Of course, the news is slanted and distorts much of the message, but this should be what we expect any more with America’s media.

Watch clip:

Related article:


Sales of a little-known critique of U.S. foreign policy have skyrocketed on Amazon.com after firebrand Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez brandished the book in speech to the United Nations on Wednesday.

Noam Chomsky’s “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance” moved from the rank of 20,664 Wednesday to No. 4 by Thursday afternoon, according to an Amazon.com spokesman.



A judge granted leniency for Andrew Fastow who could have served 10 years behind bars for his role in Enron’s demise.



Keith Olbermann: A Textbook Definition of Cowardice

Keith Olbermann: “Our tone should be crazed. The nation’s freedoms are under assault by an administration whose policies can do us as much damage as al Qaida; the nation’s marketplace of ideas is being poisoned by a propaganda company so blatant that Tokyo Rose would’ve quit. Bill Clinton did what almost none of us have done in five years. He has spoken the truth about 9/11, and the current presidential administration.”



Notice that the police pull their guns out on the white folks, who merely want to protect their honor, and let the commies chant and cause problems to their hearts’ content



It isn’t a secret as to who might come. Venezuela is oil-rich, and the imperialist countries have kept an eye on our natural resources for some time now,” explained Captain Jose Nuñez of the Bolivarian Naval Police. It was eight o’clock on a Wednesday morning in June, and I was seated, sweaty and barely awake, along with a group of 20 other journalists at a naval base in La Guaira, Venezuela. Packed into a sparsely furnished conference room, we listened to the captain explain why the government of President Hugo Chávez had decided to invite the press to a week’s worth of war games. The military wanted the world to know that Venezuela was ready to greet the “imperialists” should they decide to stop by for a visit. This day’s demonstration had been billed as the largest and most action-packed of those scheduled. A mock invasion was set to take place on the beach, with the government using tanks and companies of “elite amphibious fighters.” “Seven hundred and twenty-five professional naval combatants and approximately 2,200 civilians will be involved in the day’s activities, and we will show how we have integrated the people with the military,” the captain stated.





The latest acquaintance of George Allen with a specific and on the record account of Allen using the N-word is Ellen G. Hawkins of Manquin, Virginia. The New York Times has the story:

Mrs. Hawkins, who described herself as a rural Virginia housewife and an active Democrat, said in an interview Tuesday that she heard Mr. Allen use the slur repeatedly at a party on election night in 1976. She said Mr. Allen used the term while deprecating the intelligence of the black players on the Washington Redskins football team, which Mr. Allen’s father coached. Recalling remarks about its star running back, Larry Brown, Mrs. Hawkins said that Mr. Allen “started in effect bad-mouthing him, saying what a shiftless you-know-what” he was.

She said she remembered the conversation because she was a big fan of the team and was shocked. She said Mr. Allen’s statement on Monday was “just plain a lie.”

On Tuesday afternoon, I obtained an email sent by Hawkins in which she discussed the incident and noted a few additional details:

I have a very specific memory of a conversation I had with George Allen when he was in law school at UVA, in which he used similar language — much to my shock at the time. In my case, I can give time and place, as it occurred at a Ford-Carter election night party at the home of a mutual friend. I might add that I have told some people about this throughout the years — most recently I talked to Tyler Whitley of the Richmond Times Dispatch about it a few weeks ago when he asked me why I was supporting Jim Webb in this campaign.

What was the response of Allen campaign manager Dick Wadhams, the guy formerly known as the next Karl Rove, to the latest N-word charge? He told the Times it was “another false accusation.”

I truly don’t mean to pile on, but it’s worth summarizing what we now know about Allen’s history on matters of race:

-He wore or displayed Confederate memorabilia from high school (late 1960s) until 1993, including on himself, his car, in his living room, and in a campaign ad.

-In high school he allegedly sprayed racist graffiti on his school’s walls.

-In college he allegedly stuffed the head of a deer in a black family’s mailbox.

-According to the accounts of three independent, on the record sources and two anonymous sources, in college and law school in the 1970s and as an attorney starting a political career in the early 1980s, Allen regularly and casually used the word “nigger” to describe African Americans.

There are two possibilities: Allen is the victim of a massive conspiracy to paint him as a racist, a plot that involves numerous high school and college classmates, a Virginia housewife, an Alabama anthropologist, and a North Carolina radiologist. Or, George Allen was a racist.

–Ryan Lizza



Here on Allen’s Lumbroso JEWISH roots:


Dave Lindorff | Bush War III: Going to War to Save His Own Ass

Dave Lindorff writes: “Unless the American people and their ostensible representatives in Congress act quickly to make it clear that the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force does not apply to an attack on Iran, and that it did not make the president a dictator with the power to make war at will, I’m betting that we’ll be at war with Iran before Election Day.”



Bush the Pitiful

I couldn’t agree with you more. I would just add that Bush has the character of a loser, and the conspiracy that put him there is responsible for everything that’s committed behind this pitiful hood ornament. This dark upsurge I think is based on fear originating from the Sixties humanistic movement and spiraling out of control into religious Nazism and similar witch hunts. I think they may have peaked. Their noise reminds me of the poisoned fly as it is buzzing out its last repetitions on the bottom of the window pane.

Reagan and Nixon too belong into this sorry cavalcade (hopefully) disappearing into the night of the living dead.

There. I feel better.

~ Jim Barlow

Paul Craig Roberts replies:

In my opinion, Bush is no Reagan. The hatred of Reagan is irrational. Reagan achieved two things. He stopped the stagflation that was devastating the poor, and he ended the Cold War. Reagan infuriated the neocons by insisting on ending, not winning, the Cold War. He worked with Gorbachev to bring the confrontation to a mutually agreeable end. Keep in mind, also, that Reagan fired the neocons when they persisted in causing more problems than Reagan was willing to tolerate. He fired them despite their shield of protection from AIPAC. Bush promotes them.

No one is perfect. High officials have a lot of authority and can get up to more than even the most energetic president can monitor. Reagan was an old man and far from energetic. His administration was fighting over the succession from day one. I myself attended White House decision meetings where everyone present had a different interpretation of the decision that was made. People with power interpret decisions in keeping with their agenda.

The neocons poisoned Reagan’s administration, but they never had power over it.


The slightest acquaintance with history shows that powerful republics are the most warlike and unscrupulous of nations.
– Ambrose Bierce


Communiqué du 27 septembre 2006

:: Repas de l’AAJI le vendredi 6 octobre à Paris ::

Le vendredi 6 octobre à 20 heures, l’Association des Anciens et amis des Jeunesses Identitaires (AAJI) organise son premier repas à Paris. [ON FRIDAY 6TH OCT MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF IDENTITY YOUTHS WILL HOLD THEIR FIRST MEAL IN PARIS. SNAILS WILL BE SERVED. THEY WILL BE GOOD. FROG LEGS BY SPECIAL REQUEST ONLY.]

Ce repas sera l’occasion de dresser un bilan de l’année militante, du camp d’été 2006 et de présenter en exclusivité la prochaine grande campagne des Jeunesses Identitaires. [THEY WILL TALK ABOUT THE LAST YEAR AND THE NEXT BIG CAMPAIGN.]

Seront présents : Philippe Vardon (Porte-parole des Jeunesses Identitaires), Pierre Graillard, Hadrien Eber et Gaëtan Jarry (membres du Bureau directeur des JI).

Ce repas est ouvert à tous les militants, sympathisants, amis et soutiens de la cause identitaire en général, et de son mouvement de jeunesse en particulier. [THE DINNER IS OPEN TO ALL SYMPATHETIC TO NATIONALISTS, AS WELL AS JI MEMBERS.]

Participation aux frais : 25 euros (20 euros pour les moins de 25 ans et adhérents JI)
Inscriptions auprès de [email protected]

Contact : [email protected]
Adresse postale : JI – BP 23 – 03290 Dompierre sur Besbre


Once again, a multinational corporation has shut down a ProjectUSA effort to participate in our democracy.

ProjectUSA’s planned billboard campaign in Iowa has been brought to a screeching halt by the Des Moines division of Clear Channel Outdoor. The billboards, which would have informed voters in Iowa’s 3rd congressional district about their representative’s immigration voting record, were nixed by Clear Channel—an outdoor advertising presence in 51 countries world-wide, and the only company offering outdoor advertising availability in Des Moines.


  • 6 Responses to “Reader Mail: 9/28/06”

    1. Scipio Americanus Says:

      RE: The Jewish Brain: “Note: The compassion for others gland is not shown due to its small and underdeveloped nature. Best viewed under a microscope.” LOL! Isn’t that the truth! Although, the nihilistic perversion gland so common in kosher brain anatomy seems to be missing.

    2. allen wretch Says:

      interesting about jew allen.
      i used to hang out with some jews before i got more saavy.
      i’ve never heard any race say as much shit against niggers and call them niggers as much as those jews.
      i can only imagine what they said about me (and the rest of the goyim) behind my back.
      actually, i can. because they would let slip with goy-this and goy-that, and “this guy’s an ‘honorary jew’ and this guy’s just a ‘plain goy’ shit”
      but nothing like their constant nigger-this and nigger-that.
      niggers and others need to be awakened as to what the jew really think of them.
      what’s worse? here on vnn we say what we really think of everyone? or the jews who sweet talk you and build you up (the niggers, that is), and then say shit about you while you’re out playing basketball

    3. Johnny Rotten Says:

      Id cancel my flight if a black pilot was on ANY airline

    4. Israel Shamir Says:

      Dave Lindorff writes: “Unless the American people and their ostensible representatives in Congress act quickly to make it clear that the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force does not apply to an attack on Iran, and that it did not make the president a dictator with the power to make war at will, I’m betting that we’ll be at war with Iran before Election Day.”


      The attack will commence after the rigged election. Painting a mirage consensus, the neo-cold blooded reptiles will then have a blank-check–Silencing sane folks within the system who are aware of the suicide agenda.

    5. Dave Jones Says:

      “lucky passengers will now be able to choose from “smoking, non-smoking and burnt beyond recognition”… Bwaaaaaaaa i’m still mopping coffee of my screen at that one :)

      Seriously though this creates a terrible dilemma, if we have airplanes falling from the skies like confetti at the hands of chimpanzee pilots causing the deaths of untold numbers of innocent humans it would be catastrophic but if the airplanes were loaded to the gunwalls with coons on route to civilization it could prove to be the most innovative idea of the age.

    6. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      What will be achieved by putting the apes in the right seat of the aircraft is that the white captain’s workload will be doubled. If the ape does manage to bend the aeroplane it will still be the captain’s fault. The niggers can’t lose. When the ANC eventually demand that apes be made captain the workload will still be on the white first officer. What will finally kill SAA will be when all the flight crew are munts. Of course after a few accidents only the most desperate white passenger will dare to fly with them. The population of whites has dropped by about twenty per cent over the last fifteen years and the trend will continue until the formerly advanced society implodes and reverts to being African again. Soon there won’t be a large enough pool to draw qualified white pilots from. The Springbocks rugby team will fade away as the pool of white players disappears also. Eventually, all that we associate with South Africa will be memories, just like Rhodesia. The point of no return is very close and life will become even more difficult for the poor whites after that. Unlike the anthropoid vermin flooding into white countries those poor whites will not be allowed to immigrate to their ancestral homelands to escape the nigger hell they find themselves in.