9 September, 2006

Reader Mail: 9/09/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 9:44 pm | Permanent Link


Late Degenerate Capitalism. That’s when a capitalist economy is taken over by the financial markets. Economists no longer regard economic data as a measure of the health and wealth of the nation, but for what impact they might have on the markets.





Teaching Children About the Jewish State

It’s all in a day’s learnin’ in modern America…what? Occupied territories? What occupied territories might you refer to? What? Israel is funded by non-Jewish tax dollars? Whatever do you mean? Israel is a democracy o’ fun…yes…right…




Ban Baggy Pants in Texas?

But, how will Dontrell, LaMarcus and Shawntrell hide their 9mm pistols in tight pants? Word…



Jews planning demonstration against Iranian president’s visit

Big Protest Rally Taking Shape to Greet Ahmadinejad at UN

The New York Sun Friday, 8 September 2006

WASHINGTON — When Iran’s president addresses the UN General Assembly later this month, he will not be treated to a one-on-one debate with President Bush, as he has requested, but will be met by a crowd of thousands of protesters at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza. The hastily arranged protests are part of a growing opposition to President Ahmadinejad’s visit to America.




Back to school – back to immigration-driven overcrowding!

National Data: Immigrants Blindsiding U.S. Public Schools, by Edwin S. Rubenstein


The Fulford File: Labor Day In Cardinal Mahony’s Alta California, by James Fulford

VDARE.COM is a member of the boycott-Miller campaign coalition, sparked by the South African-owned brewer’s helping finance the Labor Day illegal alien marches Miller Boycott Coalition, by James Fulford

Pat Buchanan’s State of Emergency continues at #3 on the New York Times best-seller list, even before any MSM reviews have snailed in. This book is the patriotic immigration reform movement’s current best weapon and is playing a key part in its geatest victory for many years: the stalling of the Bush Amnesty/ Immigration Acceleration Bill. We are running Buchanan’s columns for the duration:

Can The GOP Be Saved? Not By La Raza, by Patrick J. Buchanan

America’s Ideologue In Chief, by Pat Buchanan


The total value of residential property in developed countries rose by more than $30 trillion, to $70 trillion, over the past five years.


Consumer spending and residential construction have accounted for 90 percent of the total growth in the American GDP over the last four years.


More than 40 percent of all private-sector jobs created since 2001 have been in housing-related sectors.


23 percent of all American houses bought last year were for investment.


Last year, 42 percent of first-time buyers – and 25 percent of all buyers – put no money down.

How many of those first-timers were illegal aliens?


There has been no price appreciation in the Dow for about eight years. Had you bought in 1998, you would have paid about as much for a stock as you would today.


The savings rate for people under the age of 35 is MINUS 16%.


40% to 50% of all new mortgages written in the last two
years were ARMed.


The U.S. economy is 25% of the entire world’s economy.


From 1890 to 2004, property rose at an average annual
rate of just 0.4%.



Japanese property prices have fallen for 14 years in a row, by 40 percent from their peak in 1991.


Mr. Typical has not had a wage increase since 1972, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s website. He earned the equivalent of $334.60 a week back 24 years ago. Now, the figure is just $277.96. But he didn’t cut back spending just because his income fell. To the contrary, he put his wife to work…and now he has got himself a wallet bursting with credit cards, along with a neg-am, payment optional mortgage, a credit innovation as popular with Americans today as Krsipy Kreme donuts at a police benefit.


Professor Shamir WEZ:

This is what you Jews get for trying to walk on water. Don’t you know that only Jesus can do that? At the very least you should be a Christian before you try. Even Peter had trouble getting the hang of it. I want to see if Judy can do it. Is Lake Kinnerett anti-Semitic? LIBG! TYIJ!

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
16th in Elul, 5766

Four people drown over the weekend


Rescue divers were kept busy throughout the weekend as four people – including two young children – died in drowning accidents within the same 12-hour span in the North.

A family outing at the Sea of Galilee turned to tragedy Friday afternoon, when a boat carrying two children and their uncle overturned. The three were enjoying the last weeks of summer in a rubber boat when it overturned near the Recital Beach. None of the three victims were wearing life jackets, despite the fact that none of them knew how to swim.



In Britain as in America locking up white men is a growth industry. New court buildings are springing up everywhere, the legal aid bill is (I’m informed) higher than the social security bill, all told it’s a very cosy system in which everyone does very nicely thank you except the very people who create the wealth in the first place. If I were to say that the system consists of women and ethnics locking up (and otherwise punishing) white men, it wouldn’t be far from the truth. It is literally true in many instances. It’s all a very polite and genteel pretence of justice, which is spoiled for them if you defend yourself. Of course one doesn’t go out of one’s way to make it messy, you simply don’t know the protocols.

The fact remains that the great majority of the people involved in the court process have a vested interest in keeping crime levels high, and inventing all sorts of new offences which shouldn’t be crimes at all. It should be noted that the Nazi regime imprisoned far fewer people than the rates now prevalent in Britain and America.


11 August 2006: We arrived well on time, passed through the metal-detectors designed to ensure that we were carrying no weapons, and waited for more than an hour, during which we learnt that the Max Gold firm was declining to represent Luke O’Farrell further, on the ground that its founder is a prominent member of Hull’s “Jewish community.” (It was from this firm that a duty solicitor had initially been provided.) O’Farrell hurriedly recruited the firm of Payne and Payne in their place. Sheppard had some little difficulty with an usherette bearing a remarkable resemblance to Dame Shirley Porter, who insisted that he could not be allowed into court without Further and Better Particulars of his Household Expenses. We then stuck our head around the door of the court to be told that, because O’Farrell’s new solicitor was shortly going on holiday and the court was awaiting a complicated video link in another case, we were being given an adjournment till 1 September. The prosecution lawyer proved to be an Asian woman from the Special Crimes Division of the Crown Prosecution Service, which is officially charged with fighting “Terrorism, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity.” Oh, and “Incitement to Racial Hatred.”



“Being international in outlook gives Russian mobsters an advantage in drug sales, money laundering and the illegal trade of military equipment. And being mostly Jewish gives them a safe haven in Israel where many Russian Mafia types are citizens and thus immune from extradition to the United States when the feds get after them.

As they did during Soviet times, crime and government function more or less as one in post-communist Russia. Today, though, the same thing may be happening in Israel, which, Friedman claims, is close to becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian crime syndicates.”

Russia takes underworld to new level

© St. Petersburg Times, published July 16, 2000

Not long ago there was only one Mafia to worry about. But lately guys with names like “Guido” and “Joey” have been muscled off the most-wanted list by other guys with names like “Vitaly” and “Slava.” Russian mobsters, as Robert I. Friedman shows in his timely new book, Red Mafiya, aren’t just copying their Italian counterparts. In many ways, they’re taking professional crime to a whole new level.

Consider violence. When the Italian mobsters get mad at somebody, it’s usually just the offending party who pays the price. Get on the wrong side of the Russians, reports Friedman, and they’ll wipe out your whole family. And that’s not the only way the two crime groups differ. In key profit centers, such as bank fraud, Russians are scoring record gains, but it’s in the global arena where they’re really beating the competition.

Being international in outlook gives Russian mobsters an advantage in drug sales, money laundering and the illegal trade of military equipment. And being mostly Jewish gives them a safe haven in Israel where many Russian Mafia types are citizens and thus immune from extradition to the United States when the feds get after them.

As they did during Soviet times, crime and government function more or less as one in post-communist Russia. Today, though, the same thing may be happening in Israel, which, Friedman claims, is close to becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian crime syndicates. “With two decades of unimpeded growth the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning Israel into its very own “mini-state,’ in which it operates with virtual impunity,” he writes. Warns one international law enforcement official quoted by Friedman: “Israel is going to have to do something. They could lose their whole country. The mob is bigger threat than the Arabs.”

First arriving in this country some 25 years ago as part of the mass exodus of Soviet Jews, Russian criminals soon established themselves in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn; from there ex-convicts early released from Soviet jails were soon plying their trade in Denver, Miami and Los Angeles, making big money in extortion, a favorite target being NHL hockey stars from the former Soviet Union.

For thieves, who got their training in the Soviet black market, America was easy pickings. Friedman blames politics for the initially weak response from authorities. The law enforcement effort in New York and elsewhere, he writes, “came under criticism from the Jewish establishment, which complained that adverse publicity generated in the hunt for Russian Jewish criminals would foster anti-Semitism and jeopardize the continued emigration of Russian Jews to Israel and the West.”

Much of Red Mafiya reads like a good crime novel, and Friedman’s dead-on profiles of the major thugs are sometimes as comic as they are scary. Take Ludwig “Tarzan” Fainberg, the former proprietor of Porky’s, a strip club in Miami, and a bad guy so bold he once tried to buy a Soviet-era submarine for Colombian drug lord Pablo Escabar.

“In Russia dishonesty is a trait that’s bred in the womb,” Tarzan tells Friedman. “Deprivation teaches Russians to be cunning predators — it’s the only way to survive. Americans, on the other hand, are trusting souls.”

How much has the crime world changed? After a brief stay in federal prison, Tarzan now resides full time in Israel, where he’s planning to get rich all over again by importing Russian prostitutes to Cuba.

Bill Thomas is a Washington journalist and author, whose books include Red Tape: Adventure Capitalism in the New Russia.


Y’know, I finally had had enough of this rather obvious piece of tripe being sent to me (this is about the fiftieth iteration, which raised my antennae anyway). Plus, it just sounds like a Jew fabrication, pushed around by all those Jews being coordinated out of Tel Aviv to flood the Internet. What to do? Snopes, which itself is a Jewish-owned and -operated web site, is about all that there is without doing the footwork oneself. Guess what? Even Snopes calls this one false, so patently wrong is it:




ABC Backs Down After 9/11 Mini-Series Protests

After heavy protest, ABC is frantically recutting its $40 million mini-series about 9/11 amid a blistering backlash over fictional scenes that lay the blame on the Clinton administration. Also feeling the heat was Scholastic, which yanked a classroom guide tie-in to the program.



“Most people in the United States haven’t given a moment’s thought to the war in Afghanistan in a very long time. That war is over, we are told, and we won,” writes William Rivers Pitt. “The Taliban was routed, and al Qaeda lost a safe haven. The war in Afghanistan, as it turns out, is far from over.”



Baghdad Death Toll Over 1,500 in August

Baghdad’s morgue almost tripled its count for violent deaths in Iraq’s capital during August – from 550 to 1,536 – authorities said Thursday, appearing to erase most of what US generals and Iraqi leaders had touted as evidence of progress in a major security operation to restore order in the capital.



Meet Tom–the brainchild, President, and Co-Founder of MySpace.com. We’ve pulled him aside to figure out why on-line social networking sites have become so huge, and what it is that makes them tick.

MZ: Social networking sites have become a phenomenon, what do you think is the fascination behind these sites? Why are they so popular?

MS: Well there’s something old here and something new. The old is that it’s simply socializing. Most everyone loves to socialize, and that’s what MySpace and other sites let you do. What’s new, of course, is the way you socialize, via the computer. I’m well-suited for MySpace, because I’m the sort of person who grew up socializing online – from the time I was 12 I was using a modem to talk to people via message boards and various forms of chat. For me, it’s perfectly naturally, and actually preferable in many ways to make friends online. Even today some of my best friends are people I met as a teenager in my room with my 300 bps modem. It’s preferable for a few reasons – I can meet different people then I’d meet in real life, and I can meet people while I’m doing something else. I’m not the sort of person to go a party or a club and mill about looking for new people. But I could be doing my homework, working, or anything on the computer and come across people that I can message and IM when I have a spare moment, and real friendships are formed that way. So these sites are becoming popular, I think, because the mainstream is realizing that socializing online is not just for “computer nerds.” It’s mainstream enough that we’ve got a development deal to do a reality TV show based on MySpace. That’s about as mainstream as it gets I suppose.

MZ: While Friendster was the first site to dominate the market, MySpace.com has emerged out of nowhere and has grown to huge popularity. How was MySpace able to do this?

MS: I think the unfortunate reality for Friendster is that their site just stopped working on them; it became unusable. I liked using Friendster but stopped when it got so slow that I couldn’t write to or browse anyone. MySpace appeared right when Friendster ran into its technical problems. Once the migration started, most users found they preferred MySpace. Nielsen Net Ratings showed that MySpace passed Friendster in traffic in January.

MZ: How many users currently use MySpace?

MS: Right now we have about 1.2 million active users.

MZ: What do you see in the future for social networking and MySpace ?

MS: As an industry, I think the 20 or so sites will disappear. I think only a few will last. No other site has really built up a user-base but MySpace and Friendster. The future of MySpace is bigger than one might imagine. We want to be a personal portal, where you share your life with friends. We see Yahoo, MSN and AOL as our competitors; I don’t really think much about the “social networking” space. I think about the big three portals. That’s where we want to be. It’s a lofty goal, that I would have never dreamed of attaining six months ago. But that’s what we want.

It’s interesting to note that users already spend more time on MySpace than they do on Yahoo. If we gave users all the features they are used to on other sites, why would they ever leave MySpace? I know MSN is trying to integrate social network into all their features. I don’t think it’ll be so easy for them. I like what we’ve got at MySpace – a social network as the base upon which we can integrate more features. I think we’ll be able to design a system that works better for people because we don’t have to destroy before we build, which is what MSN is faced with. You’d be really surprised, I think, to see some of the things we’re developing. I don’t want to tip my hand, but it’ll change how people use the Internet, I think.

MZ: How was MySpace created? By whom, and for what objectives?

MS: MySpace was a creative idea before it was a business. When we saw that it took off and we saw the costs would be enormous, we quickly realized we needed to make money or it would all disappear. So now it’s a labor of love that I think will also create a lot of jobs and an opportunity for MySpace employees and advertisers.

MZ: Do you have a company philosophy that you try to follow?

MS: We’re not real corporate here, so we haven’t sat around and come up with a corporate mission statement.

We don’t do user surveys. We don’t have policies and procedures. We didn’t follow the rules. That’s starting to change as we get bigger; I assume it will change quite a bit. Right now its pretty simple–we’re trying to make something cool!

MZ: One of the fascinating things about social networking sites is that they’ve been able to attract and keep the fickle young (18-35 yr. old) users. Why do you think these people are especially attracted to social networking sites?

MS: One thing I’ve noticed is how rapidly attitudes are changing about meeting people online. Before MySpace began, I thought most people under 25 were really not interested in meeting people from the Internet. I think it was going on, but I didn’t necessarily see it. Under 25 meetings was going on with computer geeks, smaller subcultures, or ethnic sites. I think that was true to a large degree, because most of the mainstream sites that provide a forum for people to meet were dating sites. That was the only option for a mainstream audience. Why would a 22 year old pay for or even use a dating site? Most won’t. But a 22 year old, who grew up with ICQ, AIM & the Internet is also much less concerned about privacy. The Internet is not scary to a younger person. Putting their picture up is not a “dangerous” proposition like it is for a 35 year old. And its not scary to me because I was ‘online’ when I was 12 years old. So my perspective is a lot closer to people who are 21 and younger–people who’ve grown up “online.” Most of our users are 30 and under. I think 24 is the average age. For these people who grew up online, its not “geeky” to use the Internet to meet other people. There just wasn’t a lot of it going on because there was no place for it in the mainstream. Some of the ethnic-oriented sites were the true innovators in this arena–sites like AsianAvenue and BlackPlanet. This is where the under-25, non-dating site set were meeting online. But MySpace has surpassed both these sites in traffic, and really opened things up on a wider scale. People are really looking for friends on MySpace, and making them. There’s also dating going on, bands starting. Users are finding jobs and finding out about new clubs. I think it’s so cool; I think this vibe is what attracts people to this site. It’s a new way to socialize that is rapidly changing and become more mainstream every day.

MZ: MySpace does not charge its users for the service, is this just during a “testing” period, or will MySpace try to always keep its services free?

MS: No, we’ve never been in “Beta” really. This is not a test phase. MySpace will never be static. We’ll be adding to it forever, so there’s no use in calling it “Beta.” We’ll have premium features some day, but everything you do on MySpace now will always be free.

MZ: Has MySpace been successful as a business venture?

MS: All businesses take time – and MySpace is a larger endeavor than it might seem. Because of my contact with users and personal, hands-on approach, people get the idea that the whole thing is run from a PC in my bedroom. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We have a very talented staff of 25 people working around the clock on MySpace and we’re still hiring. Right now I’d say MySpace is a success as a business and that its headed in the right direction. All indications suggest that over time it will be a wildly successful business. Advertising-based revenue models on the Internet have seen their ups and downs. Right now we’re in the beginning of an “up” phase, which I don’t think will be merely a phase. The Internet has enough penetration that the major advertisers realize its power for branding. They’re not afraid of it anymore.

MZ: Does and will revenue always come from advertising?

MS: Yes, right now it’s all from advertising. We’re going to add some very low-key premium features. No one thinks of Yahoo as a pay site, but there are plenty of things on Yahoo you can pay for. That’s where we’re headed with a premium feature model. The basic services people use now, will always be free.

MZ: You, Tom, especially seem very young to have such a large successful venture on your resume… How did you come about working with MySpace? Were you the primary founder? What background led you to doing and wanting this?

MS: MySpace was pretty organic. It was me who said “let’s do this,” but then I actually dropped out of the picture for about a month while a team of two worked on it. Once we had something tangible to look at, I stepped back in and it became a full-time job. I’m the President and focus mainly on the marketing and development of the site. Chris DeWolfe is CEO and co-founder, and he focuses more on the business aspect of things–contracts, legal issues, ad sales, partnerships. We have a great working relationship and each has the experience that the other lacks. My background is not in business. I came from a more creative background–I was an English major at Berkeley, a Film grad student at UCLA. I wrote books as a teenager and edited a journal of poetry & fiction in college, I wrote video game reviews. I was a singer in a rock band for about 10 years. I’ve first ran a community website from my home computer when I was 14. All these things led to MySpace–the emphasis on user creativity, the games, film and music sections. I wanted to create a community where artists could show their stuff. We’re just developing those areas now, but I think it’s what makes the site more interesting than a dating site.


Can All-White Ad Industry Change?

Agencies Agree to Hire More Black Managers

Prompted by the apparent utter lack of racial/ethnic diversity in the advertising industry, New York City’s Human Rights Commission took the lead in 2004 by actually checking out the numbers. The commission’s findings were clear – the advertising industry, which conveys product information to most of America, is almost all white, especially in top-level positions.



Still More About Sept. 11, 2001

We want to remind people of something as we approach the 5th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on America.

Did you know that a foreign government pulled a somewhat similar terrorist stunt against America in 1954? Yep: the Lavon incident, committed by Israel [1]. It was similar because it involved a sneak attack and terrorist acts, just like Sept. 11, 2001 did.

As a matter of fact, in light of that 1954 event, it would not surprise us one bit if Israel was discovered to have planned and set up the Sept. 11, 2001 attack. Because only Israel benefited from that attack [2]. Indeed, Jews – an inbred race as well as a religion – have a long history of engaging in underhanded behavior which benefits them at the expense of non-Jews.

[By the way, on a related note, it seems that president George W. Bush is going to address the American people on TV the night of Sept. 11, 2006. We find this curious for several reasons, among them: whose idea was this for Bush to address America on TV? We doubt that it was Bush’s, because that idea sounds like pure neoconservatism to us, i.e., like Jewish-instigated salesmanship intended for Sally Soccermom, now that the Iraq War and the “War On Terror” – which are overseen by neocons – are becoming so unpopular].

[1] a mention of the 1954 Lavon incident: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/lavon.html

[2] Israel benefited from Sept. 11, 2001 in several ways, among them: now America is also “at war” with the enemies of Israel, i.e., Arab or Muslim groups/states


The Good, the Bad and the Prime Ministers of Israel

by Giuseppe Furioso
September 8, 2006

The United State has had only one conspicuously ugly president, Abraham Lincoln and the French have had Charles de Gaulle. Noriega of Panama looked like a pineapple and let’s face it Tony Blair resembles a bird. But the prime ministers of Israel look like something straight out of a circus sideshow. Ben Gurion looked like either a clown or a madman. Golda Meir was perhaps the ugliest woman who ever lived…she looked like LBJ in drag. And then there was Menachem Begun who with those bulging eyes and thick lips brought to mind ”The Creature From the Black Lagoon.” Yitshak Shamir, who had the short arms of a T-Rex, was some kind of cretin and Shimon Peres could have played a Cleon on Star Trek without any make-up. And then of course their was/is that great blubbery sea monster look alike, Ariel Sharon…should he come out of his coma a job awaits him at Sea World where he could become breeding stock along with Shamoo the whale.



The Story of Yaakov Markus

Quoted from Maxim Ghilan How Israel Lost Its Soul, Penguin Books (1974) p179:

‘Yaakov Markus was born in Berlin on 22 November 1927 to a non-Jewish mother named Mathilde Markus and to a Jewish father. He came to Israel and in the fifties was drafted to serve in the 1956 Sinai campaign. He was killed there and buried provisionally at the Shelah Military Cemetery. Later this cemetery was abolished and the dead were transferred to other permanent graves. Yaakov Markus’s bones were to be interred – as Jewish custom stipulates for Gentile dead – ‘beyond the pale’, that is, behind a small stone fence cordoning off a piece of the Haifa cemetery.

‘In this plot were buried other non-Jewish fighters, pilots and technicians who lost their lives helping Israel win her independence in 1948 and preserving it in the years that followed. Markus’s parents did not accept the Rabbinate’s ruling. They wanted their son to be granted the same honor as the rest of his fallen friends – burial in the Military Cemetery. General Goren, the Chief Rabbi of the Israeli Army – a visionary racist who wanted the conquest of both banks of the Jordan, advocated a religious state and tried to modernize religion for that purpose – was not in the country. The bereaved parents appealed directly to the Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, who had to make a special ruling for them. Markus was finally buried in the same row as his fallen friends. But so that ‘his bones should not be mingled with theirs’, as Meshulam Schlesinger, Director of the Military Cemetery, put it, his grave was set somewhat

‘Meshulam Schlesinger officially stated that the corpse of Yaakov Markus had been circumcised after his death, to allow it to lie beside the Jewish fighters. This was later denied no less officially by the Ministry of Defense. But
the grisly and macabre atmosphere surrounding the case has done much to deepen public concern.’


US WWII Propaganda Video Used to Justify Japanese Concentration Camps

Watch the film that the U.S. War Department made to justify this. See their living conditions. Hear about how much that they were “paid.” Listen to what became of their homes, their stores, and their livelihoods. Watch as the government tries to justify it all.

Japanese in U.S. Concentration Camps (Windows Media Video format – 32 MB – 10 min.):

(To download, right-click on the link and select “save target as”)





Pat Buchanan’s new book will save us from the Atzlan plotters

The Ely Times
September 08, 2006

Pat Buchanan is causing a lot of excitement among people who can become excited by Pat Buchanan.

It’s his new book, “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion, The Conquest of America.”

The author, political firebrand and erstwhile presidential contender is on another crusade to save America.

This time it might actually need saving.

Buchanan says by 2050 there will be 102 million people in this country of Hispanic — mainly Mexican — origin. They will live primarily in the Southwest.

The Reconquista is happening, Buchanan warns. Mexico is in the process of recapturing the lands it lost to the United States in the U.S. Mexican War.

He points to the La Voz de Aztlan movement, that claims the Southwest of America is the ancestral home of the Mexican people. He cites those fanatics who openly talk about Los Angeles as the capital of the New Aztlan.

Buchanan sees a future where California is still technically part of the United States, while culturally a part of Mexico with allegiance sworn to Mexico City.

Ai Chichuahua!

Don’t people realize what will happen if Buchanan’s claims are true?

If the Mexicans take over California, they’ll start changing the names of cities and towns like Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Jose and Monterey to Mexican names. [Named by Spanish – white – missionaries, not by Mexishits.]

Buildings made of stucco with those red-tiled roofs will pop up all over the place.

The Catholic Church will boom, with a majority of the population going to mass every Sunday, except for those suffering from hangovers. Menudo will replace aspirin as the preferred hangover cure.

Hollywood will be effected. They’ll be stuffing actors like Antonio Banderas and actresses like Salma Hayak down our throats. Remakes of “The Alamo” will show Gen. Santa Anna trying to free poor Mexicans in Texas from Yankee exploitation.

Soap operas will become more popular with young Anglo males (if you’ve seen the actresses and action on Mexican soaps, you know what I mean).

There’ll be taco stands on every other corner with cantinas filling in the gap, leading to all those Sunday morning hangovers. Other fast-food restaurants will succumb, and start wrapping their sandwich contents in tortillas.

The avocado will be declared the California state fruit… or state vegetable… or whatever it is.

Flan will replace Jello.

Gang warfare will replace human civilization.

Vinchuca infections will replace colds.

Hep A, B, and C will be, well, hep.

Drug-resistant TB won’t be just a privilege, but a right.

California will elect a foreigner as governor with an accent so heavy no one will be able to understand him. The bear on the state flag will be replaced by a burro.

Chablis drinkers will switch to cervesa.

Chevys will replace Beamers as the car of choice.

Throwing dirty diapers behind couch replaces throwing diapers in garbage can.

Tofu, mango-kiwi chutney, sushi, and other low-fat, trendy foods will disappear from the market place. And the market place will become a market place, with vegetable stands and live chickens.

Everyone in California will know how to pronounce “chipotle.”

The freeways will have special lanes reserved for cars with at least 15 people in them.

Rape replaces consensual sex.

Murder eliminates bothersome questions about funding Social Security.

The Oakland City Council will demand Presidente Felipe Calderon be impeached for stealing the election from leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

And what will happen when the growing Mexican population collides with the entrenched California political establishment? The liberal majority in California has been able to keep the John Birchers and other arch conservatives under control and limited to enclaves such as Orange County.

But liberals — especially the homosexual lobby — don’t tend to breed well in captivity, while the Mexicans excel at it, and they’ll quickly become the political majority.

The ultra-left liberals, ex-hippies, yuppies, and other California artsy types won’t be able to take it.

They’ll flee the state and settle in Baker, Nev.

Try to stop laughing. Just try.


  • 10 Responses to “Reader Mail: 9/09/06”

    1. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      Only the niggurs in the movies are so patriotic. Most of the ones I’ve been exposed to are just interested in fucking, driving in a cool ride or getting high… Well, maybe with the exception for a few house niggurs. Maybe not. But maybe.

    2. Peter-Gene Budarick Says:

      To Alex and all the team

      I suggest that all white American Nationalists unite and organize a counter demonstration which greets the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran and calls for peace and harmony between all peoples. You white nationalists have here an opportunity! I would suggest nothing too extreme or aggressive but just a large crowd with peaceful messages and welcome and respect for the Iranian people and their president.

      During the demonstration let the Jews show themselves as the demonic psychopathic animals they truly are.

      You should send the call out to all other movements to help make this happen and a success.

      I will endeavour to contact all other movements as well.

      It is an opportunity which will not come again.

      Best regards


    3. Fissile Says:

      The nigger really existed — Eugene Bullard. He left the US for Europe before WWI so he could get with the sno-ho’s without getting his nigger ass lynched.

      Read his niggy story here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Bullard

      As for the movie, it’s Hymiewood bullshit.


      1. This film is set prior to the US entry into WWI, yet the Fokker Dr.I triplane was only available in large numbers from 1917 on (the year of US intervention). If this movie followed historical accuracy, the Lafayette Escadrille would already be under United States command, and all her pilots US Army Air Corps officers.

      2. The trailers show multiple all red Fokker triplanes, yet in the Flying Circus, the only plane allowed to be all red in color was that of the Red Baron.

      3. Zeppleins flew only at night, so the day attack upon the airship was highly unlikely, as was a man running along a zepplin in flight.


    4. CZ Says:

      Yes, the libs will flee bringing their snide arrogance with them wherever they go, telling everyone else they left California because it was so 1980s, and that the people of Bumblestump, Iowa better start accepting that it’s natural their sons will experiment with gay sex with the newly arrived leather pants wearing liberal men.

    5. AM Critic Says:

      Alex, will you please dump AM the moderator.
      It (is it a he or she…acts like a she) has banned so many folks from the forum it’s getting ridiculous, and I’m sure the majority didn’t deserve it.
      AM acts on whims, and seems to delight in its POWER of moderation…pathetic behavior.
      Can this cancer of the VNN forum, OK?

    6. steve B Says:

      Fissile Says:
      The 9th 2006f September, 2006 at 11:16 pm
      The nigger really existed — Eugene Bullard. He left the US for Europe before WWI so he could get with the sno-ho’s without getting his nigger ass lynched.

      Read his niggy story here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Bullard

      As for the movie, it’s Hymiewood bullshit.


      1. This film is set prior to the US entry into WWI, yet the Fokker Dr.I triplane was only available in large numbers from 1917 on (the year of US intervention). If this movie followed historical accuracy, the Lafayette Escadrille would already be under United States command, and all her pilots US Army Air Corps officers.

      2. The trailers show multiple all red Fokker triplanes, yet in the Flying Circus, the only plane allowed to be all red in color was that of the Red Baron.

      3. Zeppleins flew only at night, so the day attack upon the airship was highly unlikely, as was a man running along a zepplin in flight.


      Moron, Wikipedia is not the be all and end all of history. I shall enlighten you. For the readers, the Lafayette Escadrille was made up of French and American pilots that were supposed to fight an air war against the Germans prior to WW1. They were sort of like the French resistance during WW2 or the Flying Tigers in China, all talk and no action. For the most part they got the shit kicked out of them by the Germans. The Americans saw the writing on the wall and quickly absorbed the fucks under US command but that didn’t happen until 1918 when the US entered the war…not 1917.

      The Fokker Dr.I triplane( the infamous Red Baron plane) was available in late 1916, early 1917, in large numbers. The Jagdgeschwader as they were called, with von Richtofen as commander became known as the Richtofen Flying Circus because all the planes were painted bright colors for easy identification.(red, blue, green, yellow) Von Richtofens plane wasn’t the only one painted red. By the way, the the pilots of the Jagdgeschwader scored more victories and generated more aces than any unit in the German Air Service. From June 1917 until November 1918, they scored an amazing 644 victories while losing only 52 of their own planes.

      The Zeppleins did not fly only at night. For a little less than 2 years the Zeppelins bombed London and the towns of south-east England. The Zep raids were a joke but they scared the shit out of the brits because grey cigars seen in the skies over England seemed like ufo’s. In reality they were sitting ducks and as soon as the chutneys had aircraft to fly high enough to shoot at the hydrogen gas bags was when the Germans decided to fly at night.

      Try reading between the lines, dummy.

    7. Fissile Says:

      steve B, I’m impressed that you managed to type all that while simultaneously jerking off your boyfriend.

      Von Richthofen’s plane was the only one that was painted ALL RED.
      Zeppelins were not flown during the day by the time the Lafayette Escadrille was in service — they made easy targets during the day time.

      It’s you who has a difficult time with reading comprehension. Both of those facts where made clear in my post.

      Stop spamming the boards. BTW, learn to spell or install a spell checker.


    8. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      When I hear the expression Hispanic Culture, I release the safety catch on my nuke.

      btw Muds do the opposite of a neutron bomb- they ruin the buildings while leaving the people.

    9. JimSummers Says:

      Excuse me but Steve B doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore, they broke up over the issue of AM’s crappy moderating.

    10. Tyler Durden Says:

      Hey Leib I mean fissile. Don’t you have to get back to FS88 and fill the forum with shit?