8 September, 2006

Reader Mail: 9/08/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link


The Republican Party’s racial reorientation.
Religious Conversion
by Noam Scheiber

George Allen’s macaca riff may have exposed him as a racist bully. But the reason it caused such an uproar probably has less to do with Allen himself than with today’s GOP. To put it bluntly, the GOP doesn’t really do race-baiting any more, at least nothing like it used to. Republicans more or less stopped bashing Democrats as the party of welfare queens and violent criminals some time in the mid-’90s, just before they started attacking Democrats as the party of adulterous presidents and monogamous gays.

Obviously, most blacks still don’t vote Republican. But the whites who do have more or less soured on race-baiting. That’s why George W. Bush never missed a chance to pose with cute little black children during the 2000 campaign. And it’s why watching an aspiring presidential candidate try to score points with a crude racist appeal is so jarring today. In addition to being offensive, Allen’s comments recall a political strategy that has been out of style for nearly a decade.

Which raises a question: How did Allen miss the memo about Republicans and race? One possibility, which I’m not prepared to dismiss, is that Allen is a bona fide bigot. True, by 2003, Allen had begun to launder his dubious record on race with a series of good deeds, like taking a civil rights “pilgrimage” to Birmingham and co-sponsoring an apology for the Senate’s historical failure to pass anti-lynching legislation. But that was a good five or six years after the rest of the party had changed course. In any case, it doesn’t appear to have stuck.

If I had to guess, though, I’d say Allen doesn’t have a race problem so much as he has a religion problem. If all you knew about Allen was that he was a Southern conservative who rose to power during the 1980s and ’90s, you might assume that he was an evangelical Christian, à la George Bush or Tom DeLay. In fact, Allen is a mainline Protestant–an Episcopalian–and not a particularly religious one at that. This is a key detail, because, to the extent that the Republican conversion on race has its roots within the conservative movement, those roots lie in the evangelical community.

For years, conservative evangelical churches were among the most backward [YOU’RE FORWARD IF YOU FAVOR THE ‘CIVIL RIGHTS’ THAT RESULTS IN THE MILWAUKEE MONKEY MADNESS YOU’LL SEE ELSEWHERE ON FRONT PAGE] institutions in the country on questions of race. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) grew out of a split within the denomination over slavery in the mid-nineteenth century. Its member churches officially excluded blacks until the late 1960s–and unofficially for decades after that. But, by the mid-’90s, the denomination had begun to reorient itself. State-level Baptist organizations launched an aggressive campaign to recruit black parishioners. In June 1995, SBC president Jim Henry issued a heartfelt apology for his church’s history of discrimination.

And it wasn’t just the Baptists. The Promise Keepers, the evangelical men’s organization founded by former University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney, aggressively pushed racial reconciliation throughout the ’90s, often with impressive results. Blacks accounted for 14 percent of the massive Promise Keeper rally in Washington in 1997–and more than 80 percent of the men who showed up viewed racial outreach as a top priority, according to The Washington Post. McCartney also practiced what he preached within the organization. The group’s chairman at the time was black; its chief operating officer and three of its nine vice presidents were members of a racial minority. So were nearly 40 percent of its 350-odd paid staffers.

White evangelicals’ highest-profile effort to reconcile with their nonwhite co-religionists also came that year, when Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed unveiled his so-called Samaritan Project. Reed promised that his organization would raise $10 million for black and Latino churches and that it would lobby Congress on such issues as minority scholarships and urban empowerment zones. He hired a prominent black pastor to oversee the effort and sponsored a widely publicized conference on racial justice. “For too long, our movement has been primarily–and, frankly, almost exclusively–a white, evangelical, Republican movement,” Reed reflected. He promised to heal the rift separating “white evangelicals and Roman Catholics from their Latino and African American brothers and sisters.”

This reorientation had a profound effect on conservative evangelical politicians during the ’90s. By now, it’s a commonplace to note that George W. Bush first hatched his “compassion” agenda around this time with help from evangelicals like Marvin Olasky [jew] and Chuck Colson. But Bush was by no means unique in this respect. In Washington, evangelical Republicans in Congress–such as Jim Talent, Dan Coats, and John Ashcroft–formed a group called the Renewal Alliance, whose aim was to reduce urban poverty. Other evangelicals like Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (who became Catholic in 2002) forged ties with black leaders on foreign policy issues important to both communities, such as the persecution of Christians in Sudan.

It’s still not entirely clear why the shift came about. Part of the explanation may be cynical–evangelical politicos like Reed surely noticed that a booming economy and Bill Clinton’s success on crime and welfare had taken the bite out of racial appeals. Part of the explanation may have been generational: By the mid-’90s, most evangelical leaders in and out of Congress had come of age at a time when racial prejudice in the evangelical community was already on the wane. Part of it may simply have reflected white evangelical concerns about being on the wrong side of history. Whatever the case, it would have been hard for a committed evangelical during the ’90s not to see which way the wind was blowing.

George Allen has, of course, recently had a come to Jesus moment on the issue of race. He could probably have saved himself the trouble had he ever had a come to Jesus moment on the issue of, well, Jesus.

Noam Scheiber is a senior editor at The New Republic.


This coming Monday is a very BIG date, and one for which we need to bring out all our ammunition. I just read today a very powerful column by John Kaminski (rule of thumb, if the name ends in “sky” itz probably Russian jew, but “ski” is most likely Polish Catholic) which I’ll link to tomorrow. The facts of 9-11 prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the jews orchestrated the conspiracy and that Bush/Cheny and other patsies in this sinister administration are guilty of the capital crimes of treason and mass murder. Off with their heads, and if we can ever wake up the lemming Americaberg populace, this will become another in the long list of nations that has expelled the jews. 9/11/06 presents WNs with a unique window of opportunity which we had better not blow. Kindest regards, 88/rich


Re: the Upcoming Fifth Anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Attacks

In response to that anniversary:

“Peace between Moslem and Christian was a
century-old fact until ended by the acts of the Truman
administration on behalf of ‘Israel.'” — author/former military intelligence officer John Beaty, from his book “The Iron Curtain Over America,” 1951, reprinted 1995; CPA Books, USA, p. 211, softcover.


this guy has a good article about the MSM and the alternative media

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Good-bye Main Stream Media, Hello alternative

By Mark Meza

Many mainstream television programs today claim to offer the viewer an impartial approach on any given issue, this just isn’t true, there is no longer any such thing as an unbiased television program in the MSM. For all intents and purposes every network is subservient to its owners and management, which is largely pro-Zionist in our contemporary world. Many people like to point out that the networks are “owned,” by stockholders and “managed,” by a “Board of Directors,” and that the only bias they have is one directed at profit. When I hear this I feel it necessary to point out that Enron was also a publicly traded corporation and it too had a Board of Directors. Despite this it only took a few individuals at the very top to drive the corporation into the ground. In other words Enron stockholders had no say whatsoever in the direction Enron was taking, if they had, the corporation wouldn’t have gone bankrupt, it’s really a matter of economics 101, stockholders aren’t interested in pursuing policies that will reduce their holdings by more than a thousand percent, but nonetheless, that’s exactly what happened at Enron. The television networks are also in theory “owned,” by stockholders, but the networks are managed by hardcore Zionists whose sole agenda is as un-American and downright treasonous as anything any enemy of this country could ever perpetrate on the people of this nation.

It isn’t much of a secret any longer – the MSM is heavily biased towards the state of Israel, just consider this last travesty of justice associated with the media’s coverage of the carpet bombing of Lebanon, more than a thousand dead Lebanese, mostly women and children, a million left homeless, but all we hear about in the United States is the suffering of a few Israelis comfortably sitting in their air conditioned basements and moaning about the inaccurate Katusha rockets, while Israel dumps thousands of cluster bombs with pinpoint accuracy on the heads of defenseless women and children. No, there is no longer any doubt, the mainstream media is firmly in the hands of Zionists and their lackeys.

Jeffrey Blankfort, an anti-Zionist Jewish American composed a “partial list,” of ethnic Jews here in the United States and abroad with media holdings and/or involved in the management of the corporate media – all could be considered pro-Zionist in orientation in that they actively conspire to mitigate by way of deceptive propaganda and/or outright suppression, the criminal actions of the state of Israel. Blankfort lists the following individuals; carefully consider what it really means for America and the world. AOL Time Warner’s CEO is Gerald Levin [AOL is the largest media conglomerate with holdings that include HBO, TNT, TBS, CNN, TCM, Warner Brothers, Time Inc], Roger Igor is CEO of Walt Disney company [Walt Disney is the second largest media conglomerate with holdings that include ABC, ESPN, A&E, Lifetime, Miramax Films, Caravan Pictures, Touchstone Pictures], Sumner Redstone [born Murray Rothstein] is the CEO of Viacom, the world’s third largest media conglomerate with holdings that include CBS, Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Country Music Television, Nashville Network Cable, Infinity Broadcasting (radio), Pocket Books, Free Press, Schribner, Simon & Schuster], Edgar Bronfman Sr. and Edgar Bronfman Jr., CEO’s of Vivendi Universal, the world’s fourth largest media conglomerate with holdings that include Universal Studios, USA Networks, Houghton Mifflin Publishers and Rupurt Murdoch at the helm of Fox which is the fifth largest media conglomerate in the world. Blankfort believes Murdoch to be ethnically Jewish too, citing the fact that his mother Elisabeth Joy Greene was a Jewish Australian that married into the Murdoch name]. As mentioned above, this is only a partial list, for those interested in further information on this subject, see here or here.

There is one exception though, a program you may or may not have heard about, Current Issues, hosted by Dr. Hesham Tillawi. Current Issues is an Internet television program, it is broadcast live every Thursday, from 8-10 PM [CST]. The Internet is the only way such a program could be broadcast today, as it, the Internet, is truly the last bastion of Freedom of Speech, the networks wouldn’t even consider, not for a moment, allowing the American public to view such a program as Current Issues, it’s far too accurate, far too honest, and Dr. Tillawi interviews all the people the mainstream media would rather you never hear about. Tillawi takes on issues the MSM won’t touch, he dares to present the Palestinian side of the Palestinian/Israeli question and he dares to question the veracity of the mainstream media itself.

The networks would have you believe that only they can provide the greatest diversity of opinion, only they can provide all sides to any given issue, that only they have access to the best minds, ideas, problems and associated solutions, but it’s Dr. Tillawi that actually delivers – he has interviewed dozens of people that one might consider right wing, people like Dr. David Duke, Willis Carto, Idaho attorney, Edgar Steele, former Reagan Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, journalist Michael Collins Piper, Colonel Bo Gritz, author Joseph Bellinger, psychology professor Kevin MacDonald, Congressman Paul Findley, friends of Ernst Zundel, Paul Fromm, Michael Hoffman, Mark Weber, Dr. Fredrick Toben, and Bradley Smith. Tillawi has interviewed well-known personalities on the far left as well, people like Professor Noam Chomsky, Professor Norman Finkelstein, Rabbi Israel Dovid Weiss, Israel Shamir, Barry Chamish, ad professor James Petras. Current Issues also delivers when it comes to providing an Arabic and Islamic perspective, something the MSM has never done, nor will it ever do. While the MSM brings on every Israeli analyst they can get their hands on to provide for the viewer a so-called “impartial” opinion, or a so called “fair and balanced view, it’s Dr. Tillawi that actually interviews real live Arabs, that can speak English and everything [can you imagine?] – people like the Palestinian Ambassador, Afif Safieh, DR. Mohamed Khodr, former United States Senator James Abourezk, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, and Pakistani Muslim, Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki, and many, many others.

Dr. Tillawi also interviews people that cannot so easily be categorized, but nonetheless people the media still don’t want you to know about, people like Lyndon LaRouche, journalist Wayne Madsen, Texe Marrs, Mark Glenn, Father Louie Arceneaux, Wendy Campbell and Alison Weir. In short, Current Issues delivers where the MSM cannot, it actually provides a diversity of opinion, it actually provides a “fair and balanced,” approach, the MSM simply cannot afford to do this, because its ownership cannot afford for Americans to come to understand that their Zionist opinion isn’t the only opinion out there among Americans.

While the Zionist media seeks to suppress uncomfortable facts, like the indisputable fact that Israel intentionally attacked an American Intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, in 1967 killing more than fifty sailors, and then compelling the United States government to cover that fact up, Tillawi seeks to bring it to the attention of Americans. Where the MSM censors any thing to do with the infamous Lavon Affair, where Israeli’s attempted to bomb American assets in Egypt in the 1950s and frame the Egyptians for the attack, Tillawi endeavors to bring it to the attention of the viewer. Where the establishment media struggles to keep all [and there is a great deal] of the damning evidence implicating the United States government and the Mossad in the attacks of September 11, 2001, Tillawi does his best to interview guests that have worked with scientific teams that have concluded that there is no other explanation – it was impossible that both world trade center towers collapsed as a result of being hit by airplanes.

Nary a single network has mentioned an Israeli by the name of Asher Karni that was arrested at Denver International airport in January of 2004 for having sold Pakistan nuclear weapon detonators known as “spark gap igniters,” but Dr. Tillawi has! Not one network has told you about a New York Orthodox Jew named Yehuda Abraham, who was arrested for having sold shoulder fired surface to air missiles to FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives, with the understanding that they were to be used against non-Jewish Americans, but Current Issues was there with the story. Recently the mainstream media has kept the stories of Ariel Weinmann and Adam Pearlman out of the news. Weinmann was a Navy Petty Officer arrested approximately four months ago for passing extremely sensitive national security information relating to nuclear submarines to the Israelis – ever heard of him? Adam Pearlman is an Al Qaeda terrorist by the name of “Azzam the American.” It isn’t that the media is keeping Azzam out of the news, hardly, he made the front page, and prime time on every network, but not a single network has mentioned the fact that he’s in reality a Californian Jew named Adam Pearlman, whose grandfather was a sitting Board Member on the Anti-Defamation League. Current Issues has exposed both Weinmann and Pearlman to the light of day. In short, Current Issues has covered all the news that’s fit to present and the MSM has done nothing but continue to spin its tangled web of deceit.

A few years ago one might have said that Dr. Hesham Tillawi and Current Issues were ahead of their time; that nobody was going to accept the alternative media as a replacement for the mainstream – well the mainstream media is losing its readers and viewers in droves, and where do you think they are heading? They are headed to the alternative media, because they have finally concluded that the MSM is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the powers that be. Dr. Tillawi will continue to interview the most interesting and informed of people, and Bill O’Reilly will continue to spin you in circles at the “No Spin Zone,” just as he did with his latest tripe published on Fox News entitled “How the Bush haters are hurting America.” Could there possibly be a more obviously biased title for a piece of propaganda? Could there?




Enemy controlled media starting to react to Iran ‘holocaust’ conference. To avoid disappointment book your seats early.



What can you say? They are Blacks. At least he didn’t have to marry a female Negro.

Man forced to marry goat in southern Sudan

Feb 24, 2006 (MALAKAL) — A certain Mr Tombe was caught having an intimate relation with a goat belonging to a Mr Alifi at Hai Malakal — Upper Nile State, southern Sudan — on February 13. Tombe was ordered to pay the goat’s dowry and take the animal as his wife .

Mr Alifi said: “It was around midnight when Tombe came to do his nonsense on my goat, and I was already in bed inside my house. Suddenly , I heard the goat make a loud noise. Immediately, I rushed outside to find Mr Tombe was naked and engaged in a relation with my goat . When I asked him what are you doing there, he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up”.

Alifi then brought some elders to decide the fate of the goat defiler. “They said I should not take him to the police , but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife.”

Mr Tombe agreed immediately to pay for the goat, and paid half the dowry 150,000 Sudanese dinars up front. “We have given him the goat, and as far as we know , they are still together”, Mr Alifi concluded. (Juba Post/ST)



Hi Alex:

I got reprimanded this morning by a white christian women who said that I was “bringing people down” by pointing out what is happening to the white race. She wants me to be Susie Sunshine positive about our world. She knows many “good” non-white immigrants. When the shit hits the fan, 95% or more of white folks are going to be against us! It was that way during the American Revolution. Here is another example of Christian thinking from the Hal Turner web site: TEXAS BOB… is one of the rare men to grasp the big picture! But he gets a bogged down in complexity thrown at him. Simplify like this:

I cannot read the minds of the USA “Founding Fathers,” but I can analyze the documents they left.

The US Constitution simply allows ANY LAWS to be pushed through Congress. And there is NO REQUIREMENT TO OBEY BIBLE LAW… none!

You cannot obey two masters. That is just straight logic! – also a Bible quote. The US Consitution obeys men: ones called voters (and this list was changed, by chaning the laws and even the basic Ammendments).

Most voters until 1860s were white Christians, and things worked well. Now that is not true. Chaos looms.


Is that too complicated? I hope not!
The Rambler | 09.06.06 – 11:25 pm | # .

Who wrote the Bible? A bunch of jews! Why should I believe a book that was written by a bunch of jews? They claim that it is “The Word of God”! Does that mean that they God talked to them! Today, we call that Schizophrenia! I’m sorry, no disrespect to “Yahweeh” but I need some proof! Like I told you before: “Belief is a substitute for Knowledge! Show Me! Proof it to me! Where is the Scientific Proof for all of your claims! Where!




Communiqué du 8 septembre 2006

:: Clip rap de Nantes : L’union patriotique se poursuit sur le terrain ::

Pour la troisième nuit consécutive, Nantes a été recouverte d’affiches portant la double signature des Jeunesses Identitaires et du Front National de la Jeunesse : une même jeunesse bretonne dénonce les appels à la haine anti française et anti blanche du clip de rap « Colt 44 » financé par Jean-Marc Ayrault, le Député-maire de la ville et président du groupe socialiste à l’Assemblée nationale.


Joint au téléphone par le quotidien 20 Minutes, Julien Pagis – qui, étrangement, se fait prénommer Guillaume, on est courageux mais pas téméraire… – « adhère au propos » des deux rappeurs avec qui il a travaillé, et « assume la pleine responsabilité » des images diffusées. Les militants identitaires sont en train de le localiser. Nous ne manquerons pas de vous communiquer ses coordonnées aussitôt celles-ci trouvées, afin que chacun puisse lui rappeler cette responsabilité. Notre grand cinéaste ajoute qu’il n’a pas dépensé la subvention, laquelle est toujours sur son compte. Et pour cause : le DVD du clip circule depuis début juillet à Bellevue, le quartier de Nantes où il a été tourné. Gageons que, financièrement, c’est une bonne affaire !


Même si le Député-maire de Nantes clame haut et fort que sa confiance a été trahie et qu’il condamne les propos tenus, il n’en demeure pas mois qu’il ne pouvait en ignorer la teneur.

La délibération du Conseil municipal accordant la subvention présente ainsi le Projet « Colt 44 » : « 5 jeunes de Bellevue vont réaliser un Clip Vidéo pour mettre des images autour de la musique qu’ils pratiquent au quotidien, le Rap. » Jean-Marc Ayrault, homme politique et ancien enseignant, pense-t-il vraiment nous faire gober qu’il n’avait aucune idée du contenu d’un clip de rap intitulé « Colt 44 » ? En outre, une fois les images tournées et la mairie soi-disant mise devant le fait accompli, Jean-Marc Ayrault n’a rien fait pour en empêcher la diffusion. En tant que premier officier de police judiciaire de la commune, il lui appartenait pourtant de tout mettre en œuvre pour prévenir un trouble manifeste à l’ordre public.

Certains parleront de complaisance, d’incompétence. Nous disons quant à nous : complicité par fourniture de moyens !


« Ces jeunes qui ont fait ce clip ont trahi notre confiance et ils vont être convoqués » anone benoîtement l’édile socialiste. Ah bon ? Et pour leur faire quoi ? Un rappel à la loi ? Les gros yeux ? Les priver de dessert ? Jean-Marc Ayrault se moque vraiment de nous !

Ensemble exigeons avec fermeté mais courtoisie :

– des poursuites pénales contre les auteurs du clip vidéo et leurs complices au sein de la municipalité de Nantes. Celle-ci s’estime trahie ? Qu’elle dépose plainte ! Si elle ne le fait pas, sa complicité ne sera plus à démontrer…
– la révocation de tous les membres du Comité local d’aides aux projets des jeunes,
– le remboursement immédiat et total de la subvention indûment accordée.


– Mairie de Nantes (cabinet du Maire) :
T̩l. : 02 40 41 91 89 РFax : 02 40 41 92 39
Courriel : [email protected] / http://www.nantes.fr/contact.asp

– Permanence parlementaire de Jean-Marc Ayrault :
T̩l. : 02 40 43 13 18 РFax : 02 40 95 64 31
Courriel : [email protected]

– Permanence du Parti socialiste :
T̩l. : 02 40 20 63 00 РFax : 02 40 08 27 24
Courriel : [email protected] / http://www.ps44.com/contact/

– En copie à notre adresse (pour pouvoir comptabiliser les courriels envoyés) : [email protected]

Contact : [email protected]


Equal-Opportunity Offender Plays Anti-Semitism for Laughs



“When I was in college in 1972 (and paying about $3,000 a year total for an expensive private school), the average American had an average weekly paycheck of $334.60.

“Today, the figure is just $277.96 after it’s adjusted for inflation. And that is down about 90 cents a week from August of 2005.

“Don’t believe me? Look it up on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Web site – www.bls.gov.

“The tables go back to 1964, when average earnings were consistently over $300 a week.


Mexico’s destiny to be decided on September 16th

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

[IMAGE] Los Angeles, Alta California – September 7, 2006 –
(ACN) “No Pasaran” is the slogan now most often chanted by the thousands of supporters of presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador encamped for weeks at El Zocalo, Mexico City’s central historic square. “No Pasaran” means “They Shall Not Pass” and is directed at any presidential administration of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa who’s offices would be located at the Palacio Nacional adjacent to El
Zocalo. Felipe Calderon was declared president on September 5th by a federal panel of judges after Lopez Obrador alleged electoral fraud in the July 2nd elections. The federal panel of judges refused to have a full recount of all the ballots in the very close election that was separated by a mere .57 percentage point. As a result, a vast number of the
electorate now considers the presidency of conservative Felipe Calderon, to be installed on December 1st, as illegitimate.

Instead, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Partido
Revolucionario Democratico (PRD), a left of center political
party, has summoned his supporters throughout Mexico
and a million delegates to convene a National Democratic
Convention at El Zocalo on Mexican Independence Day.
One purpose of the convention is to establish an alternative
or parallel national government for the Republic of Mexico.
Lopez Obrador says that the Mexican people have the right
to change corrupt government institutions and cites Article
39 of the Mexican Constitution that grants the people the
right to change their government if that government does
not represent them. A major worry is that tradition calls for
a major military parade to take place at El Zocalo on
September 16th. Many fear a “Tlatelolco” type clash on
that day. The Tlatelolco Massacre, took place on October
2, 1968, in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, ten days before
the 1968 Summer Olympics celebrations in Mexico City.
The death toll, mostly university students, was in the
hundreds with many more wounded and several
thousand arrested.

[IMAGE] There have been only two prior National Democratic
Conventions in the history of Mexico. The first took place
during the Mexican Revolution in the state of Aguascalientes
in 1914. The National Democratic Convention of 1914 included as delegates General Franciso Villa of the “División del Norte” and General Emiliano Zapata of the “División del
Sur”. The second National Democratic Convention took place
in the Lacandon jungle of Chiapas in 1994. It was convened
by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

No one doubts that the agenda for the National Democratic
Convention of 2006 will determine the destiny of Mexico for
many decades to come. It will also greatly impact US/Mexico
relations and particularly relations concerning the immigration issue. One thing is sure, the movement that will arise on September 16 is going to greatly hamper the ability of the Harvard educated conservative Felipe Calderon Hinojosa to govern effectively during his 6 year term. Most likely, the path set by the National Democratic Convention for Mexico will coincide with the paths that many Latin American nations are now taking, especially Venezuela. Many Mexicans are now aware about the great benefits that the Bolivarian Revolution has brought the Venezuelan people through the wise use of that nation’s oil resources. Already, some Mexicans are beginning to murmur, “What Mexico needs is an Hugo Chavez!”



John Cory writes: “We now live under a government and media run by clowns and harlots who peddle their wares from the corner of K Street and Pennsylvania Avenue all the way to Main Street, USA. They spray the night air with the rancid perfume of fear while selling cheap lipstick-lies that kill, as they offer the flesh of our Constitution to the highest corporate bidder.”



Prime Minister Tony Blair reluctantly promised Thursday to resign within a year, hoping that revealing a general time frame for his departure will appease critics who are calling for him to step down.



Le Monde points out that the US president has only come clean with the law in some respects in order to bend it in others, while the Los Angeles Times details the specific concessions in legal procedure the administration plans to wrest from Congress.



ID MAGAZINE 6 est sorti !

Lancé au début de l’année 2005, ID Magazine est projet novateur qui fédère des Identitaires de France, de Suisse, de Belgique et du Québec.
Le numéro 6 vient de sortir.

Le dossier traite du thème suivant : « L’argent : comment y échapper ? »

On retrouve aussi notamment des chroniques militantes et culturelles, un article “Blacks contre Feujs, chronique d’une discorde”, une rencontre avec Hilde de Lobel (Vlaams Belang), une présentation de la Maioun, maison de quartier identitaire qui existe depuis deux ans…

Pour en savoir plus, il suffit de se rendre sur le lien suivant :




Re: the Upcoming Fifth Anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Attacks

In response to that anniversary:

“Peace between Moslem and Christian was a
century-old fact until ended by the acts of the Truman
administration on behalf of ‘Israel.'”
— author/former military intelligence officer John Beaty, from his book “The Iron Curtain Over America,” 1951, reprinted 1995; CPA Books, USA, p. 211, softcover.


Being international in outlook gives Russian mobsters an advantage in drug sales, money laundering and the illegal trade of military equipment. And being mostly Jewish gives them a safe haven in Israel where many Russian Mafia types are citizens and thus immune from extradition to the United States when the feds get after them. As they did during Soviet times, crime and government function more or less as one in post-communist Russia. Today, though, the same thing may be happening in Israel, which, Friedman claims, is close to becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian crime syndicates.



Be they military or civilian, British citizens are increasingly at risk everywhere in the area because Britain is seen as the closest political and military ally of the US. It may soon become uncommon for a day to pass without a Briton, soldier or tourist, to be killed somewhere in the Middle East. … The real reason of the increasing violence in the Middle East is the return to imperial control and foreign occupation half a century after the European colonial empires were broken up. This is the fuel for Islamic militancy. This is why fanatical but isolated Islamic groups can suddenly win broader support. Governments allied to the US and Britain have no legitimacy.



ROBERTS: Having lost the Iraq war, the neoconservatives are determined to initiate war with Iran. It is now established beyond a reasonable doubt that the neocons intentionally cooked up false intelligence in order to justify the invasion of Iraq, an invasion that has resulted in tens of thousands of Iraqi and American casualties, both dead and maimed. Alarmed by the neoconservative drive to start a war with Iran before the US can extricate itself from the Iraq catastrophe, the CIA firmly declared that any Iranian nuclear weapon is a decade away. This undermines the neoconservatives’ urgency to attack Iran now.


RAIMONDO: There is a fascist threat to America, all right, but it isn’t coming from overseas. It isn’t hiding in the caves of Wahhabistan, but lurking in Washington’s corridors of power. The same people who warn us of a “fascist” threat coming from abroad are the main purveyors of authoritarianism on the home front. And that is what life is like in the Bizarro World of America in the year A.D. 2006, where the most militant fascists of all style themselves the leaders of a new “anti-fascist” popular front



Iran President Ahmadinejad’s Letter to the German Chancellor

Sixty years have passed since the end of the war. But, regrettably the entire world and some nations in particular are still facing its consequences. Even now the conduct of some bullying powers and power- seeking and aggressive groups is the conduct of victors with the vanquished…. Regrettably, the influence of the Zionists in the economy, media and some centers of political power has endangered interests of the European nations and has robbed them of many opportunities. The main alibi for this approach is the extortion they exact from the Holocaust. One can imagine what standing some European countries could have had and what global role they could have played, if it had not been for this sixty-year old imposition.



Our leaders know that the U.N. Security Council, where Russia and China are sure to veto actions against their business partner Iran, will never approve tough sanctions on Iran. If they can squeeze U.S. analysts hard enough or have some Iranian exiles (sound familiar?) cook up dubious intelligence about an Iranian nuclear-weapons program, they might have an excuse for a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.


Neocons Discredit Intel in Haste to Attack Iran

In the struggle over U.S. policy toward Iran, neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration spoiling for an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites have been seeking to convince the public that the United States must strike before an Iranian nuclear weapons capability becomes inevitable. In order to do so, they must discredit the intelligence community’s conclusions that Iran is still as many as 10 years away from being able to build a nuclear weapon and that such a weapon is not an inevitable consequence of its present uranium enrichment program.


“It is surely obvious to anybody with even a basic understanding of history, politics and the nature of fascism that something revolutionary has to be done within months – if not weeks – if we are to preserve world peace,” writes Michael Coren in the Toronto Sun. How does Coren intend to “preserve world peace,” you ask? He answers: “Put boldly and simply, we have to drop a nuclear bomb on Iran.” Yes, my friends, instigating a war with nukes against a country that has not done any harm to either Canada or the United States is now, in certain quarters, the preferred method of “preserv[ing] world peace.”



Amazon.com (AMZN.O: Quote, Profile, Research) on Thursday unveiled a widely anticipated Internet service offering movies and TV shows that can be downloaded to personal computers, moving it into a nascent and higher-margin business.

The service, called Amazon Unbox, will offer thousands of titles from six Hollywood studios, including 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., and TV networks such as CBS and Fox and cable channels Comedy Central and E! Entertainment, Amazon said.





“Which Western economy has both a budget surplus as well as a current account surplus?” asks Fred Jones of Jutland Capital Management. “Or, what country has the world’s second-largest oil reserves?”

The answer to both questions is the same. It’s that land north of the 48th parallel.

How Canada got such vast quantities of Mother Nature’s gifts we don’t know. Canada not only has oil reserves second only to Saudi Arabia, she also has what Saudi Arabia and California both lack – water, as well as immense supplies of other natural resources.


“Of the 1.3 billion people in China, only 5% or so have college degrees, compared with 25% of the U.S. population. Even among these college-educated, there are complaints that most of them are not prepared or comparably equipped as graduates from other nations. The Journal reports, citing a McKinsey & Co. study:

“‘Even engineering students from the most prestigious universities in Beijing receive little practical training in projects or in working with a team. Few speak passable English. As a result, McKinsey estimates that only 160,000 engineering graduates a year are suitable to work in multinationals – a pool no larger than the U.K.’s.’


A weakened U.S. economy shouldn’t surprise anyone. It is a direct result of the questionable nature of the so-called economic recovery. Any other country faced with these many imbalances would have collapsed long ago. But the U.S. dollar was spared this fate when Asian central banks began
accumulating the dollars needed to avoid rises in their currencies.

Both the United States and China practice credit excess, but with a crucial difference: In the United States, the credit excesses went into higher asset prices and, more notably, into personal consumption.

In Asia, credit excesses went into capital investment and production. The result is an odd disparity between the two economies: Americans borrow and consume, and the Asians produce. […]

Asian economies, in particular China, have much higher rates of economic growth than the United States. Yet they all run a chronic trade surplus, which is caused by high savings rates. This is the crucial variable concerning trade surplus or trade deficit.


Until the late 1960s, total international reserves of central banks hovered below $100 billion. At the end of 2003, they exceeded $3 trillion, of which two-thirds was held in dollars. By far the steepest jump in these reserves, of $907 billion, occurred in the years 2000-2002. With China and Japan as the main buyers, Asian central banks bought virtually the whole amount.

  • One Response to “Reader Mail: 9/08/06”

    1. alex Says:


      Kettenbrief des Gerd Honsik an die Offiziere der deutschen Bundeswehr:

      Merkel putscht gegen die Demokratie!

      In den Krieg ziehen wider den Volkswillen:Was sonst verpflichtet zum Widerstand?

      An die verehrten Herren Offiziere der deutschen Bundeswehr!

      Eine Regierung mag sich anmaßen, ungestraft eine Maßnahme zu ergreifen, von deren Rechtmäßigkeit die Volksmehrheit erst im nachhinein überzeugt wird. Etwa die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer um ein halbes Prozent. Oder die Einführung von Leinenzwang für Dackelrüden.
      Eine Regierung aber, die in Schicksalsfragen von ungeheurer Tragweite gegen den Volkswillen entscheidet, verläßt den Rechtsstaat und begibt sich in ein moralisches Niemandsland.

      Etwa eine Regierung, die wider den Volkswillen in den Krieg zieht.
      Ein solcher Schritt stellt nach den Gesetzen des Westens ein Verbrechen dar, weil er einem Putschversuch gegen die Demokratie gleichkommt.
      Wer immer dies tut, soll von Anbeginn als ein Verbrecher wider die Demokratie benannt werden.

      Nun hat man nach 1945 dem deutschen Offiziersnachwuchs zwischen Wiener Neustadt und dem Bendlerblock immer wieder zu verinnerlichen versucht, daß, wenn wesentliche Werte bedroht wären, Widerstand für Militärs Pflicht sei.

      Dies ist grundsätzlich richtig, wenn auch das dafür gebotene historische Beispiel falsch war: nämlich Stauffenbergs Attentat auf Hitler!

      Vom Gewaltmonopol des Volkes

      Wer nicht bestreitet, daß alle Macht vom Volke ausgeht, wer also Demokrat ist, der weiß auch um das Gewaltmonopol des Volkes.
      Dieses Monopol, das vom Volk als Lehen gleichsam in die Hände des Staates und seiner legitimen Regierung gelegt wird, muß dann von den Streitkräften in die Hände des Volkes zurückgelegt werden, wenn die Regierung in Schicksalsfragen gegen den Willen einer klar erkennbaren Mehrheit zu handeln beginnt.

      Von der Regierung, gegen die Stauffenberg vorging, war allgemein bekannt, daß sie die Mehrheit hinter sich hatte. Sein Putschversuch war also illegitim.

      Selbst wenn Stauffenbergs damalige Hoffnung, nämlich durch Kanzlermord die Unversehrtheit der Reichsgrenzen, einschließlich dem Österreich-Anschluß, zu bewahren und den Genozid der Vertreibung verhindern zu können, nicht von Anbeginn schon eine Fehleinschätzung gewesen wäre, behaupte ich:

      Tatsächlich legitimiert, einer Regierung das Gewaltmonopol abzuerkennen, ist nur das Volk. So wie alle Historiker übereinstimmend eingestehen, daß Volk und Wehrmacht damals hinter dem Kanzler Hitler standen, so sagen uns heute die Meinungsumfragen, daß die Kanzlerin heute (im Gegensatz zu Hitler), das Volk bei ihrer bewaffneten Interventionspolitik nicht hinter sich hat.

      Merkels Putschversuch besitzt also ebensowenig Legitimation wie einst der Putschversuch von Stauffenberg! Man könnte zusammenfassend sage: Stauffenberg putschte wider den Mehrheitswillen 1945 von unten, die Alliierten putschten 1945 gegen den Mehrheitswillen von außen, und Frau Merkel putscht 2006 gegen den Mehrheitswillen von oben. Der Wille des Volkes aber ist Gesetz.

      Wäre nicht jetzt der Moment gekommen, wo sich die Bundeswehr auf das Widerstandsrecht als ihre Pflicht besinnen müßte? Jetzt wo die Kanzlerin, die zum Entsetzen der israelischen Opposition einseitig für Israels Machthaber, nämlich die Profiteure vom Mord an Rabin, Partei ergriffen hat?

      Nun soll, wie man hört, gar die deutsche Marine, die, wie unsere übrigen Waffengattungen auch, auf eine fleckenlos ritterliche Tradition zurückblicken kann, den Nachschub – nicht an die Täter – sondern an die Opfer, nämlich die Araber, unterbinden.

      Die Tugend allen Militärs in der Geschichte:

      Landnahme (Immigration) zu vereiteln!

      Das Laster allen Militärs in der Geschichte:

      Landnahme (Immigration) an Fremden zu vollstrecken!

      Die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte könnte vereinfacht in zwei Teile geteilt werden: in den Versuch, anderen Völkern Land wegzunehmen, und in den Versuch der Angegriffenen, die Landnahme der Eindringlinge abzuwehren.
      Die deutschen Streitkräfte haben sich seit Anbeginn der deutschen Geschichte fast ausschließlich in der Tugend allen Militärs, nämlich in der Verteidigung, geübt.

      Die Streitkräfte Israels und der USA hingegen ausschließlich in dessen Untugend, nämlich der Eroberung.

      (Auch die Beurteilung der Rolle unserer Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg, in dem diese dem Völkermord von Versailles, der Verweigerung des Selbstbestimmungsrechtes, den Kriegserklärungen Englands und Frankreichs sowie der Bedrohung durch den Truppenaufmarsch von 5 Millionen Rotarmisten entgegengetreten ist, wird an diesem Bild nichts zu ändern vermögen.)

      Soll diese Bundeswehr von heute, welche der dem eigenen Volke aufgezwungene Landnahme durch ausländische Siedler und damit der Demontage des Deutschenstaates und dessen Umwandlung in einen “Allerweltsstaat” bisher tatenlos zugesehen hat, sich nun der Beihilfe zur Landnahme des Judenstaates in Palästina mittels Niederwerfung der arabischen Freischärler schuldig machen?

      Es ist doch die Bundeswehr, wie der Name schon sagt, eine Wehrmacht, die der fremden Landnahme in Deutschland zu wehren hat. Und nicht eine Interventionsarmee, die fremder Landnahme die Räuberleiter zu machen gegründet worden ist.

      Keinesfalls ist sie dazu geschaffen, die israelische Angriffsarmee, die sich, mit Hochmut und Blindheit geschlagen, in die Falle der Hisbollah-Infanterie begab, nun hinter den Rockschößen deutscher Soldaten zu bergen und heim zu geleiten.

      Natürlich soll die antidemokratische, DDR-gezogene Kanzlerin für ihre Verirrung nicht auf eine gewalttätige, hinterhältige, also undeutsche Art, ausgeschaltet werden, wie sie etwa einst Stauffenberg gegen seinen Kanzler anwandte.

      Obwohl ein unblutiger, aber entschlossener Zugriff der deutschen Streitkräfte – etwa dreier Kompanien von Fallschirmjägern – genügen würde, die Bundeskanzlerin, ihre Mitverschwörer in Regierung und Parlament, sowie deren stille Komplizen, nämlich die Mitglieder des deutschen “Verfassungsschutzes”, vorübergehend festzusetzen, um durch anzusetzende Neuwahlen binnen dreier Wochen das Ansehen und das Prinzip deutscher Demokratie zu retten, schwebt mir eine weniger martialische Lösung vor.

      Ich meine, daß eine entschlossenen Aufforderung seitens des Offizierskorps an die Kanzlerin, unverzüglich aus ihrem Amte zu verschwinden und sich für die Überstellung nach Den Haag bereit zu halten, genügen würde, den Putsch der Frau Merkel gegen die Demokratie und die Menschlichkeit auch ohne Anwendung von Waffengewalt zu vereiteln. Dies und nur dies stelle ich den deutschen Offizieren daher zunächst zur Diskussion!

      Vorstellbar wäre auch, bis zu Neuwahlen eine Übergangsregierung einzusetzen. Damit könnten von den deutschen Streitkräften jene sozialdemokratischen Minister, wie etwa Dr. Peter Struck und Frau Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, die jeden Kriegseinsatz im Interesse des Imperiums bisher ablehnten, betraut werden.

      Gegen den Willen des Deutschen Volkes und im bedingungslosen Treuebekenntnis zum Aggressor in einen kriegerischen Einsatz zu ziehen, um die arabische Nation an der Selbstverteidigung zu hindern und vom Waffennachschub abzuschneiden, bleibt unverrückbar ein Verbrechen an dem Fundament und an den Interessen eines jeden abendländischen Landes.

      Frau Merkel putscht vor aller Welt gegen die Demokratie! Sie sucht das Volk um dessen Gewaltmonopol zu betrügen. Wollen wir dazu schweigen?
      Dann würden wir uns eines Tages fragen lassen müssen, warum wir unsere Pflicht zum Widerstand nicht erfüllt haben.


      Gerd Honsik

      Nachtrag: Mit seinem Kettenbrief an die Offiziere der deutschen Bundeswehr bittet Gerd Honsik alle seine alten Kameraden und Mitkämpfer, dieses Schreiben an mindestens zehn Deutschgesinnte und an mindestens eine Dienststelle der deutschen Bundeswehr oder des österreichischen Bundesheeres zu senden.

      Sollten sie von einem Regime à la Robespierre abgelöst werden, könnte die Guillotine zu einem Perpetuum mobile werden

      Der luxemburgische Ministerpräsident Jean-Claude Juncker über das “Politik-Geschäft”:

      “Wir beschließen etwas, stellen es dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, ob was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei gibt, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter, Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein Zurück mehr gibt.”Quelle: DER SPIEGEL Nr. 52/1999

      Es hat in der Geschichte noch nie eine politische Form gegeben, die irgendwann nicht verfiel und unterging. Schon in der Antike erkannte man, daß die politischen Formen einem Kreislauf unterworfen sind. Die Demokratie bildete sich zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ein, darüber erhaben zu sein und steht nun zur Disposition, obwohl ihr Kreuzzug, der von den USA ausging, noch nicht abgeschlossen ist.

      Die objektiven Möglichkeiten zu Gegenbewegungen sind also gegeben. Wir erkennen sie in Bolivien, wo der Inka-Präsident die in ausländischer Hand befindlichen Unternehmen für die Gewinnung von Erdöl und Erdgas verstaatlichte und militärisch besetzen ließ. Wir vermuten sie auf unserem Kontinent in Norwegen, wo bis in die höchsten Ebenen ein Streit mit den USA eskaliert, der von den Medien totgeschwiegen wird.

      Selbst in einem Besatzungsstaat gäbe es jetzt objektive Voraussetzungen. In der Bundesrepublik fehlen dazu freilich die subjektiven Komponenten. So schlecht ist das allerdings auch nicht. Es beschleunigt den Prozeß. Man kann die Massen mit Spielen nur so lange stillhalten, wie es Brot gibt. Geht das Brot aus, kippen die Feste, die noch überall gefeiert werden, vom Substantiv ins Adjektiv.

      Es gibt dann keine Feste mehr. Es wird dann nur noch feste druffjehauen.

      Manche schätzen die Merkel als ein Pommeranze ein. Da muß ich widersprechen. Sie läßt sich jetzt schon bei ihren Wochenenden in der Uckermark von einer Kompanie aus 40 bis 50 Polizisten bewachen.

      Hier klicken für mehr Infos:

      Brief des iranischen Staatspräsidenten Ahmadinedjad an Bundeskanzlerin Merkel

      Im Falle des Iran äußerte Berlin, den Brief des Präsidenten Ahmadinedschad an die deutsche Kanzlerin, der in perfektem diplomatischen Stil die fortdauernde Erniedrigung Deutschlands ansprach und ein Bündnis anbot, weder beantworten noch veröffentlichen zu wollen.

      Es nützte, wie vorauszusehen, nichts, den persischen Brief geheimzuhalten. Jeder, der will, kann ihn inzwischen im Internet oder in der FAZ vom 1. September komplett nachlesen und sich seine Gedanken machen über die Politikerkaste, der er ausgeliefert ist.

      Hier der Brief im Volltext:

      Bundeswehreinsatz im Nahen Osten dient dem Schutz Deutschlands

      ….na wem denn sonst?

      Der Ex-Vize des Zentralrats der Juden Michel “the Nose” (Fried?)-man, sieht den Westen nicht nur durch Terroristen, sondern auch durch Staaten wie den Iran bedroht.

      Der nach einem Nuttenskandal einschlägig Vorbestrafte hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, zur Abwehr terroristischer Gefahren auch Präventivschläge in Betracht zu ziehen.

      Mit Blick auf die Bemühungen für eine Befriedung im Nahen Osten lobte der (Ex?) – Kokser, “dass die Uno und auch endlich Europäer und Deutsche sich dafür engagieren, das Potential terroristischer Zerstörung zu bekämpfen, das die ganze westliche Welt bedroht”. Der Einsatz der UN- und der deutschen Truppen hat nach Paolo Pinkels Ansicht “nicht nur vordergründig eine Schutzfunktion für Israel, sondern ist letztendlich eine Schutz für Deutschland selbst”.

      Hier der Unsinn im Volltext