4 September, 2006

Reader Mail: 9/04/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 11:40 pm | Permanent Link


Putin the Great and the rebirth of Russia

“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” – Lenin

When the Soviet Union was officially dissolved in 1991, Margaret Thatcher declared “Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.” For a time this victory cry appeared to be a statement of the obvious: The Warsaw Pact fell apart and its non-Russian members lined up to join NATO, East Germany merged with the West, formerly “socialist” East Europeans voted in militantly capitalist leaders (many of them businessmen with US ties), and even the last-ditch attempt to hold the Soviet republics together, the CIS, began to disintegrate.

CIA-engineered “colored revolutions” swept through the former socialist world, starting in Serbia and continuing through Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgzstan. The ring of NATO bases tightened around Russia, while Russia itself collapsed under the rampant corruption, looting, and the dismantling of social services sponsored by US-backed tyrant Boris Yeltsin, the sleazy drunkard whose tanks shelled the Russian parliament. Russians died like flies from hunger and disease (the increased mortality under Yeltsin was on the scale of a major war), their children begged and sold drugs, highly-educated Russians debased themselves by turning to crime and prostitution to survive, and Russian men and women with PhD’s were forced to work as janitors and nannies in Turkey and Iran.

Yet today, 15 years later, Thatcher’s gloating victory proclamation seems as premature as Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” of May 2003, and has all the potential of turning out to be just as pyrrhic. The Western media wurlitzer is blaring round-the-clock about “the return of dictatorship” in Russia these days (although they don’t use the C-word yet) since Putin effectively undercut the attempts of pro-western zionist oligarchs to buy their way into power, while the FSB cut short the recent highly entertaining machinations by British “intelligence” to control Russian NGO’s with an electronic rock.

Today it is not the “loser” of the Cold War that is bogged down in the Afghan quagmire but the so-called “winners,” who have to deal with the Iraqi quagmire as well, not to mention Iran’s nukes for which they allowed their Pakistani jihadi protégés to sell the critical technology to the ayatollahs.

The “winner’s” woes don’t stop there. Russia, which was supposedly “bankrupted” by the cold war, looks on with amusement at the basket-case US economy on the verge of financial collapse, the government of the so-called superpower unable to provide even disaster relief to its citizens, who were left to die as the whole world watched during the hurricane season.



Killing in the Name of Democracy
by James Bovard
[email protected]

President George W. Bush perpetually invokes the goal of spreading democracy to sanctify his foreign policy. Unfortunately, he is only the latest in a string of presidents who cloaked aggression in idealistic rhetoric. Killing in the
name of democracy has a long and sordid history.



Who’s the Real Welfare Queen

The same jews who accuse poor single mothers of being the devil for trying to feed their children are the same assholes stealing welfare right and left for those who don’t need it.

“Securities regulators have ordered a division of Citigroup Inc. to pay $1.1 million in fines and restitution for allegedly allowing more than 100 of its brokers to submit false disability claims for customers so they wouldn’t have to pay certain mutual fund fees”.

This was not just a few unusual cases either.

[In fact,] “the brokers submitted invalid customer disability claims in 2,419 mutual fund transactions totaling some $47 million”.

What is sicker yet though is that these corporate terrorists get a 1.1 million dollar fine for stealing 47 million dollars worth of money. This is a total joke of a punishment. The corporate terrorists who did this should be dragged off in handcuffs and locked up in a cell and the keys should be thrown into the river. If you steal a loaf of bread you get locked up, but if you are a corporate terrorists you can steal million in funding that is to be used for the disabled and you don’t even get a slap on the wrist.

The next time anyone mentions welfare queens be sure to mention Citibank. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! It is sick that these corporate terrorists who are given so much from the corporate terrorists in power feel that they need to steal more tax payer money. These whores actually steal the wallets of those they



But if the Jewish State is faced with genocide and annihilation, our enemies — or even “neutrals” who allow it to reach that point — have no remaining right to survive.

Like it or not, that’s how we think. That’s how we feel. We won’t let Israel go down, allow our families to be slaughtered again, without taking the whole evil world with us.

… If that means that the Vatican or the Louvre or the Kremlin are incinerated, then so be it.

The Samson Strategy
Israel Insider ^ | 30 August 2006 | Shimshon Ben-Yosef

Posted on 09/03/2006 7:15:54 AM PDT by RKV

A couple days after September 11, 2001, in the fury and fear that followed that terrible event, someone in these pages penned a piece that caused great anger and outrage even by the elevated standards of those angry and outraged days.

“Time to Face Mecca” proposed that the United States should make it clear to its enemies in the Muslim world that the next time a terrorist should contemplate carrying out an attack on an American city or national symbol, he should know with a certainty that the result of his act will be the utter destruction of Islam’s most holy sites.

I disagree with his prescription. It doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Even if the principle were applicable to the United States and al-Qaeda then, it would hardly suffice now to solve Israel’s current predicament, with the looming multivalent threat of thousands of weapons of mass destruction from Syria, Iran, Pakistan and other enemies.

Israel is a nation about 40 miles wide, even including all of its Biblical heartland. A third of its population lives in the Tel Aviv area, another third around Jerusalem. Tel Aviv is the center of our economic life, Jerusalem is the center of our collective soul: our history, our traditions, our meaning as a people.

One nuclear weapon over Israel’s center could cripple if not destroy our country, murder millions, repeat the Holocaust in an instant. Two would be overkill.

When our enemies say they want to wipe us off the map, they mean it. When they say the Holocaust was a myth, they want to make another myth. They want us all very dead and gone. Back to the friendly confines of Germany, as Ahmadinejad suggested to the doddering Mike Wallace.

While I imagine that the Iranian and Lebanese and Syrian and Palestinian leaders who say these things do not intend to sacrifice their own lives, and the lives of their family members for the eradication of the Zionist entity, there no doubt are millions of Muslim faithful who would see it as their highest calling to become martyrs for the sake of ending the humiliation to Islamic manhood that is Israel.

The Jewish State by its very existence is an insult to Muslim masculinity and proof of the inferiority of the Muhammad-myth. Indeed, the ability of the Jews to withstand the vastly larger oil-fueled Arab nations, and now the Persian one as well, is proof that the Muslim deity is inferior and false. Allah bows down before the Lord of the Jews, just as Hagar and Ishmael were cast out into the desert, unwanted and discarded, by father Abraham. Vibrant, successful, ethical and freedom-loving Israel is proof that Ishmael is culturally castrated and spiritually corrupt.

So there can be no doubt that if the Muslims should ever get the bomb, they will do anything and everything to try to assert their till-now impotent pseudo-manhood (expressable now only by murdering women who assert their independence and by turning non-Muslims into dhimmis) by launching a missile in our direction and, they hope, maybe getting lucky.

Israel, with its own defective and mediocre leaders, with our self-destructive and idiotic policies of withdrawal and surrender, has done much, incomprehensibly, to emasculate its own deterrence. We have invited the threat into our heartland. We have spread our national legs for these infections. We have allowed the threat to breed and multiply in our midst.

And now we will need to pay the price. But if our enemies contemplate killing us, they must know they will pay much, much more.

Defense analysts agree that the next war will likely involve unconventional weapons. For the weak of heart, that euphemism means that our enemies will attack us with chemical, biological and, if they possess them, nuclear bombs, designed to kill hundreds of thousands if not millions at once and in the sickening hours and days that follow.

Our only choice is to hit them first, to hit them so hard that they will not be able to realize their murderous aims.

It is brinksmanship in its most terrible manifestation, more terrible than anything humanity has ever faced.

But if the Jewish State is faced with genocide and annihilation, our enemies — or even “neutrals” who allow it to reach that point — have no remaining right to survive.

Like it or not, that’s how we think. That’s how we feel. We won’t let Israel go down, allow our families to be slaughtered again, without taking the whole evil world with us.

The story of Samson says it straight. We may have made mistakes up and down the block. We may have let ourselves be seduced. We may have squandered our assets and let ourselves to dragged by our shorthairs into danger. We may be led by the vain pride of preening idiot politicians which our foolish people somehow found fit to elect.

But chain us, blind us, and prepare us for mass death and you can bet your little red button that we’re going to bring down the whole temple down with us.

And that’s why the best use of Israel’s presumed arsenal of nukes should be pointed not so much at the population centers of our enemies but at their symbolic centers.

Yes, Mecca. And Medina. Najaf and Qum. Mount Arafat and Baalbek. And, not to be neglected: Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

The Muslim world must be convinced absolutely that even the most feeble attempt to fire even one weapon of mass destruction at the state of Israel will mean the instant eradication of every site where Muhammed, his disciples, and the various mullahs and imams throughout the twisted history of Islam every set down their feet and their foreheads in prayer and supplication. They will never pray there again without glowing.

They must know of a certainty that any attempted act of genocide against the Jewish people will turn their religious legacy and pilgrimage routes into a radioactive wasteland that will bear witness before history to their utter corruption of civilization and just reward for the threat their “martyrs” have imposed on the freedom- and peace-seeking world.

Islamic fascists may be fanatical, but they are not fools. They calculated risk carefully, mathematically, like bankers or insurance brokers, as Nasrallah confessed this week. Before any attempt to wipe Israel off the map, they should understand that there is a 100% certainty that doing so will mean that Israel will erase the holy sites of Islam from history. When turning to face Mecca, Muslims will face a heap of radioactive rubble. When making the pilgrimage to Qum, when conditions permit a thousand years hence, they will supplicate on glowing earth through layers of lead-lined protective gear. And they will know that Jerusalem’s golden and silver domes will be rubble, the holy mount soon to be reclaimed and restored by her rightful owner.

To be fair, the same principle should apply to those non-Muslim nations who aid and abet those who seek the eradication of Israel. The message should be communicated, gently but clearly, that we will not allow the lesson of Vichy and Mussolini and Pope John and Stalin to be repeated in our time without using every resource in our possession to encourage collaboration- and appeasement-oriented regimes to think twice before serving as silent and encouraging accomplices to the mass murder of the Jewish nation. If that means that the Vatican or the Louvre or the Kremlin are incinerated, then so be it. So much the better reason for them to stop aiding and funding our would-be exterminators.

Let them think the Jews are mad, and irresponsible, that we will do anything to live. We will.

Never Again. We meant it. We mean it.

Talk is cheap. Life is dear. Death may be loved by Muslim martyrs but the prospective instant incineration of all their sacred spots for trying to take away our one small plot on this earth, our homeland and our heritage, the nation of our forefathers and our foremothers, the places where we and our families live and love, may yet give our many enemies, and their appeasers, pause before trying yet again to murder us.

And that pause would be a very good thing for everybody.

May G-d protect us from the evil that surrounds us and means us harm.

I bet He will. I bet on Israel.




Organized Defamation
… it’s a police matter when whites defending whites do it

Neighbors protest family’s message

Jill Summers, right, and her daughter Brianna Murillo leave fliers in the doors of their neighbors Thursday night. Residents of the south Kalispell area are concerned about a family of white nationalists that recently moved into the neighborhood. A group of about 20 adults and children distributed the fliers. Karen Nichols/Daily Inter Lake


The Daily Inter Lake

Well-known white supremacists move into south Kalispell house

A small brigade of people went door-to-door in a south Kalispell neighborhood Thursday evening, telling others about a family of avowed racists who have moved in.

Their concern is the daughters of Lamb and Lynx Gaede, twin 13-year-old girls who perform music as the group Prussian Blue.

The girls have been featured on national TV news programs such as ABC’s “Primetime” for what that program called “a message of hate.”

One song they recorded, called “Sacrifice,” praises Nazi leader Rudolf Hess and white supremacist Robert Matthews. The girls have performed at rallies for white nationalist causes.

On their Web site, they say, “Today, if you are White, and proud to be White, it is considered politically incorrect by the media. The music that Prussian Blue performs is intended for White people. They hope to help fellow Whites come to understand that love for one’s race is a beautiful gift that we should celebrate.”

The Gaede girls, their mother, April, and stepfather, Mark Harrington, moved to Kalispell from Bakersfield, Calif., which April Gaedes said on “Primetime” is “not white enough.”

County records show that Harrington filed a deed on the house in February. Neighbors say they moved in a few weeks ago.

Their arrival caused some trepidation in the neighborhood.

Neighbor Bill Matteer said he met his new neighbor, April Gaedes, recently.

“She started to talk politics” immediately, he said.

Later, he saw a rerun of the “Primetime” show on the girls and realized, “That’s that lady!”

He and other neighborhoods researched the family and were troubled by what they found.

On Thursday night, they took action in a peaceful way.

“The last thing we need to do is to get aggressive and hateful,” neighbor Rebecca Kushner-Matteer said.

They printed information sheets about the family and knocked on doors to pass them out.

“This letter is not written as a means to harass the family or to begin a witch hunt,” the sheet says. “We wish the family no harm. Our goal is to peacefully communicate that this kind of hate and ignorance will not be accepted here in our neighborhood where we live and raise our families.”

“No hate here” is printed on one side of the brightly colored fliers. The eight or so adults and as many children who went door-to-door Thursday asked residents to display the sign in their windows. Many did.

“It’s cool you guys are doing that,” one resident told Matteer.

“We don’t have any problem with them being here,” Matteer said of the family. “We just don’t want them speaking hate.”

Most residents were surprised at the news.

“Oh, them!” one said when he heard about the family.

The group walked to the Gaedes’ house to tell them what they were doing. No one answered the door.

Neighbors in a home close to the Gaedes’ said they have had no problems with the family. Kalispell police Chief Frank Garner said several people have called to inquire about the family but had no complaints.

The family, though, called police Thursday night to say they were being harassed by the neighbors’ efforts to post fliers. An officer counseled the family about freedom of speech and civil liberties. The report says April Gaedes expressed concern for her children in the public school. She said she will go to a neighborhood meeting so people will know she wants to live quietly and get along with everyone.

Bakersfield police said they “wouldn’t be able to release” information about whether conflicts related to the Gaedes occurred there.

No one answered the doorbell when a reporter visited the Gaedes house Friday afternoon in Kalispell. The curtains in the home had been drawn.

Reporter Chery Sabol may be reached at 758-4441 or by e-mail at [email protected]


Another, Making White Noise: Q&A with Ryan J. Davis and Joe Drymala
Broadway World – Monsey,NY,USA

… Blanche and Eva, are in fact, based on 14 year-old twins Lynx and Lamb Gaede, whose Prussian Blue has released albums of poisoned-bubblegum pop, toured, and …

[fags doing musical sendup of WN music, specifically Prussian Blue]

[system homos are proud of their work]


Pop Goes the Bubble!

The Great Housing Crash of ’07


This month’s figures prove that the so-called “housing bubble” is not only real, but that its cratering faster than anyone had realized. As the UK Guardian reported just yesterday, “the orderly housing slowdown predicted by the Federal Reserve will (soon) become a full-blown crash”.

All the indicators are now pointing in the wrong direction. Consumer confidence is down, inventory is at a 10 year high, and the number of homes sold in July was 22% lower than last year. As Paul Ashworth, chief economist at Capital Economics said, “Things seem to be getting worse very quickly. Freefall is a strong word, but I think it’s the right one to use here.” (UK Guardian)

The housing bubble is a $10 trillion equity balloon that will explode sometime in 2007 when more than $1 trillion in no-interest, no down payment, adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) reset; setting the stage for massive home devaluation, foreclosures and unemployment. (“By some estimates housing activity has accounted for 40% of all the jobs created since 2001”. Times Online) July’s plunging sales are just the first sign of a major slowdown. The worst is yet to come.

The blame for this rapidly-approaching meltdown lies entirely with the Federal Reserve, the privately-owned collection of 10 central banks who cooked up a way to shift wealth from one class to another through low interest rates.

Sound crazy?

Well, just as high interest rates cause the economy to slow down; low interest rates have the exact opposite effect by stimulating the economy through increased spending. It’s all pretty clear-cut.

When the stock market nose-dived in 2000 the Fed lowered rates 17 times to an unbelievable 1% to keep the economy sputtering-along while the Bush administration dragged the country to war, gave away $450 billion a year in tax cuts, and awarded zillions in no bid contracts to their friends in big business. All tolled, the Bush-handouts amounted to roughly $3 trillion dollars, the largest heist in history, and it was carried out under the nose of the snoozing American public.

At the same time, America’s debts and deficits have continued to mushroom behind the smokescreen of low interest rates.

Rather than face the recession which should have followed stock market crash, the Fed chose to increase the money supply (which doubled in the last 7 years) and lower the qualifications for getting mortgages. (I read recently that 90% of first time home buyers not only lie on their mortgage applications, but that 50% of them say that they earn TWICE as much as they really do. The applications are not cross-checked with IRS statements) Now, tens of thousands of Americans live in $400,000 and $500,000 homes without a penny of equity in them and with loans that are timed to increase dramatically in 2007. (Many of the monthly payments will double)

So, how can we blame the Fed for the reckless and irresponsible behavior of the average homeowner?

Well, because they knew the effects of their “cheap money” policy every step of the way.

First of all, the Fed knew exactly where the money was going. Greenspan endorsed the shabby new lending-regime which put hundreds of billions of dollars in the hands of people who never should have qualified for mortgages. They were set up to fail just like the victims in the stock market scam who kept dumping their life savings in the NASDAQ when PE’s were shooting through the stratosphere.

Secondly, the Fed knew that wages had actually regressed (2.3%) since Bush took office, so they knew that the soaring value of real estate was entirely predicated on debt not real wealth. In other words, home values increased because of the availability of cheap money which inevitably creates a buying-frenzy. It had nothing to do with real demand or growth in wages.

And, thirdly, according to the Fed’s own figures, “the total amount of residential housing wealth in the US just about doubled between 1999 and 2006″up from $10.4 trillion to $20.4 trillion”. Times Online.
UP $10 TRILLION IN 7 YEARS! That is the very definition of a humongous, economy-killing equity monster. In other words, the Fed knew the ACTUAL SIZE OF THE BUBBLE and chose to steer it towards the nearest iceberg without warning the public.

This is what Greenspan called “a little froth”.

There is no real growth in the American economy. Figure it out. Last year Americans saved less than 0% of their net earnings while they borrowed a whopping $600 billion from their home equity to piss-away on a consumer spending-spree. Once home prices begin to retreat, that $600 billion will evaporate, real GDP will shrivel, and the economy will begin flat-lining. (Consumer spending is 70% of GDP)
The Federal Reserve’s plan is so simple; we shouldn’t dignify it by calling it a conspiracy. It’s merely a matter of hypnotizing the masses with low interest rates while trillions of dollars of real wealth is diverted to corporate big-wigs and American plutocrats.

It might not be rocket science, but it worked like a charm.

Now, the trap-door has been sprung; the country is dead-broke and all the levers are in place for a police state. As the housing-balloon slowly limps towards earth, the new Halliburton detention centers are up and running, the National Guard is in Rummy’s control, the Feds are able to listen-in on every phone call we make.
The noose is beginning to tighten.

New Orleans was just a dress rehearsal for the new world order; 300,000 million Americans reduced to grinding poverty while the economy explodes into sheets of flames.

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at: [email protected]




Another saint taken before their time.

Shooting death of Central Islip girl is a shock to community

Newsday Staff Writer

September 4, 2006

Ebony Ponce was the new girl at Central Islip Senior High School last year, but she quickly made many friends, those who knew her recalled yesterday.

The fashionable 17-year-old, who was fatally shot early Saturday as she sat in a car at a stoplight, had moved this past school year from the Bronx. At her diverse school, she made friends with people of all races and helped organize student parties by putting fliers together.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as nice as she was,” said Paul Zittel of Central Islip, who met Ponce in a summer health class.

Her short life ended when she was shot once in the head in her boyfriend’s car at the intersection of Smith Street and Carleton Avenue in Central Islip. The bullet was one of several fired by an assailant about 12:45 a.m., police said. Yesterday, Suffolk police provided no further details about whether the shooting was random or a targeted attack.

“I’m terrified about this,” said Daphne King, acting principal of Central Islip Senior High School. “That is an area that has been built up over the last couple years. It’s not really a bad area.”





Hi Alex,

I was just enjoying GF#37, and the conversation about Kennewick man, and thought I would pass along a point of interest:

For a while I was going to major in Anthro, and I even got close enough to where I got familiar with what was going on in that “industry.” In short, Kennewick man is but one piece of the overall scandal that has led only the brave and honest researchers to exclaim “Iberia, not Siberia!” There has even been a bit of Soviet-style disinformation related to the whole thing—which I heard you mention. It is given but a brief passing in actual journal articles on the discovery of pre-ancient caucasoids in the Americas, but news services seem hell-bent on playing up the relationship between KW man’s skull and that of the “Ainu Polynesians” on Hokkaido island. It is a red herring. KW’s skull seems related to Ainu because they are both caucazoid. Yet, the news services set up an intentionally false and misleading distinction by saying KW could be “a White guy or a Polynesian.”

God forbid average Whites find out that civilization and invention exists at the extent to which Indo-Aryans were present. That might create the heroic narrative Hitler was pretty much correct in writing about.

All the best,




Steve Irwin, known worldwide as the Crocodile Hunter, died Monday resulting from an encounter with a stingray off Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.

According to news reports, Irwin swam too close to a stingray during filming for a new documentary. The stingray’s barb reportedly pierced his chest and entered his heart. He was pronounced dead after emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene.



Candle kills 6 children; home had no power

Elwina Davis, left, hugs her cousin Jasmine Lamb at the scene of a fire that killed six children early Sunday in Chicago. Authorities said the fire was probably caused by a candle used for lighting.

Elwina Davis, left, hugs her cousin Jasmine Lamb at the scene of a fire that killed six children early Sunday in Chicago. Authorities said the fire was probably caused by a candle used for lighting.

CHICAGO — Without electricity since May, the impoverished immigrant family living on the third floor of the brown brick apartment building in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood was using candles for light.
Orozco said the gutted apartment had no smoke detectors, but the landlord said each unit was wired with detectors when the tenants moved in.

Their mother, Augusta Tellez, 43, and a 3-month-old girl were discharged from Thorek Memorial Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation, nursing supervisor Rosario Fordley said. Two other children were at other hospitals; their conditions were not immediately available.

Nine children were in the apartment with Tellez, eight of whom were hers.

A friend of one of the Ramirez children said Tellez was originally from Mexico, but the family had been in the United States for at least 16 years.



Morning Alex,

As I sit hear, listening to the latest Goyfire, you brought up an interesting point that reflects some of my thoughts over the last couple of years. My lineage is Norwegian. My maternal Grandparents came from Norway and settled in Northern Minnesota (We can debate the wisdom of settling in that area of the country some other time).

I has occurred to me that while the niggers were climbing down from the trees, and eating each other, and the mexcrement were cutting the hearts out of living people (from other cultures), my ancestors were exploring the world and discovering North America. Ok, the Rape and Pillage thing was just an added bonus. That was pretty much France, so it doesn’t count.

The other item that I’ve noticed, and you’ve mentioned, is that when the niggers and mexcrement group together in their own communities it’s reported as ethnic solidarity, but when Whites do it, it’s racism.

Keep telling the Truth,

Alan P.

Northwest Arkansas, temporarily exiled to Southern California (Income related).


Polls Show Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High
Christian Science Monitor

A series of polls taken over the last few weeks of August show that support for the war in Iraq among Americans is at an all-time low. Almost two-thirds of Americans in each of three major polls say that they oppose the war, the highest totals since pollsters starting asking Americans the question three years ago. Many of the polls were conducted in advance of the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on Washington and New York. A new Associated Press/Ipsos poll that surveyed the country, and more specifically residents of Washington and New York, shows that many feel the cost in blood and money in Iraq may already be too high and that Osama bin Laden will never be found.


US to Pay $20 Million to Promote More Positive News From Iraq

U.S. military leaders in Baghdad have put out for bid a two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for extensive monitoring of U.S. and Middle Eastern media in an effort to promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq. The contract calls for assembling a database of selected news stories and assessing their tone as part of a program to provide “public relations products” that would improve coverage of the military command’s performance, according to a statement of work attached to the proposal. The request for bids comes at a time when Bush administration officials are publicly criticizing media coverage of the war in Iraq.


The Ultimate Jewish Conspiracy Theory

For the past 40 years, the common explanation for US partiality towards Israel has been the power of the Jewish lobby. It is an explanation that, broadly, has united leftwingers and rightwingers…. The lobby explanation has been outlined with great clarity by Mark Weber, who is director of the American Institute for Historical Review. In a long article [“A Look at the ‘Powerful Jewish Lobby'”], Weber brought together the comments and analyses of various Jewish academics, such as Benjamin Ginsberg of Johns Hopkins University, and writers such as Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab.


A Look At The ‘Powerful Jewish Lobby’

To sum up: Jews wield immense power and influence in the United States. The “Jewish lobby” is a decisive factor in US support for Israel. Jewish-Zionist interests are not identical to American interests. In fact, they often conflict. As long as the “very powerful” Jewish lobby remains entrenched, there will be no end to the systematic Jewish distortion of current affairs and history, the Jewish-Zionist domination of the US political system, Zionist oppression of Palestinians, the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle East, and the Israeli threat to peace.


Books on War

The manifest failure of the Iraq War is no isolated phenomenon. As Murray Rothbard again and again emphasized, wars almost never serve the interests of the people. To the contrary, war is a chief means to advance the power of the state and its allied groups. Court intellectuals do their best to disguise these facts by enveloping wars with specious justifications. Fortunately, a number of books are available that enable the interested reader to understand what is at stake. What follows is a selection of these books.


Israel’s Deceptions As a Way of Life

In a state established on a founding myth — that the native Palestinian population left of their own accord rather than that they were ethnically cleansed — and in one that seeks its legitimacy through a host of other lies, such as that the occupation of the West Bank is benign and that Gaza’s has ended, deception becomes a political way of life…. Israeli leaders deceive as much in “peace” as they do in war, which is why it is worth examining the slow trickle of disinformation coming from Tel Aviv and reflecting on where it is leading. Many of Israel’s war lies have already been deeply implanted in Western consciousness by the media….



Belgian Authorities Have Destroyed Holocaust Records

The Belgian authorities have destroyed archives and records relating to the persecution and deportation of Jews in Belgium in the 1930s and 1940s. Some of this happened as recently as the late 1990s. This was revealed during hearings in the Belgian Senate last Spring. Though the Senate report dates from 4 May the Belgian press has not yet mentioned the affair. The Senate report says that “documents about the period 1930-1950 have been destroyed on a massive scale.” The systematic destructions of the records of police and judiciary from the 1930s and ’40s happened chiefly in Brussels and Wallonia, the French- speaking south of Belgium.



Many More Jews in Poland Than Previously Thought

There may be many more Jews in Poland than has been assumed, the Polish chief rabbi has claimed. According to official figures, the Polish Jewish community numbers around 10,00 people. However, Chief Rabbi Michael Shudrich last week said he believes there are many more Jews in the eastern European country, as many Jews who did not emigrate at the end of WWII and during Communism simply hid their Jewish identity. Shudrich’s comments came during a lecture for the Changing Jewish Communities series at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, an Israel-based research and policy center.




Communiqué du 4 septembre 2006

:: Jean-Marc Ayrault, complice des « racailles ! » ::

Un clip de rap tourné sur une moto volée, incitant à la guérilla urbaine, au terrorisme et au viol circule actuellement sur internet. Il est téléchargeable à l’adresse suivante :

[a clip of nog rappers inciting urban warfare and terrorism]


Intitulé Colt 44 et interprété par les « chanteurs » Tipikal (sic) et K-P ster (resic), on peut y entendre notamment « j’emplis Waldeck (le commissariat de Nantes) de gaz moutarde, je fais ça à la russe. »

Ce clip a été financé par la mairie de Nantes via son Comité local d’aides aux projets des jeunes ! Il a bénéficié d’une subvention de 700 €, en provenance directe des impôts locaux, c’est-à-dire de notre poche. Votre voiture a été incendiée en novembre 2005 ? Visionnez ce clip : vous aurez peut-être la « chance » de la voir brûler en direct…

[nigs get their funding from “youth” orgs]


Selon la mairie, ses services « avaient marqué leur désaccord après avoir pris connaissance du script détaillé présenté par les jeunes en octobre 2005 » mais les jeunes n’avaient pas accepté de modifier leur projet. Jean-Marc Ayrault ne peut pas dire qu’il ne savait pas : c’est en toute connaissance de cause qu’il a financé ou laissé financer un clip prônant le viol et le terrorisme. Pour cette faute lourde, c’est l’ensemble du Comité local d’aides aux projets des jeunes qui doit être révoqué.


Alors que la violence et le racisme anti-blanc ne cessent de progresser dans les rues et les établissements scolaires, alors qu’en novembre dernier, des émeutes raciales ont secoué les banlieues durant plusieurs semaines, financer un tel clip, c’est se faire le complice des « racailles » par fourniture de moyens. Jean-Marc Ayrault feint peut-être de ne pas le savoir. A nous de le lui rappeler !

C’est ce qu’ont déjà commencé à faire nos camarades nantais, puisque la ville et en particulier les abords de la mairie ont été recouverts d’affiches qui portent la double signature des JI et du FNJ. Soulignons que, comme pour la mobilisation anti Sniper de 2003, cette action réunit, main dans la main, le Bloc Identitaire, les Jeunesses Identitaires, le Front National et le Front National de la Jeunesse de Loire Atlantique : l’« union des patriotes », certains en discutent dans les cénacles parisiens ou dans les colonnes de la grande presse, d’autres en font une réalité sur le terrain depuis trois ans…

Le Bloc identitaire invite tous les patriotes, quelle que soit leur sensibilité ou l’organisation politique à laquelle ils appartiennent et, plus largement, tous les français attachés à leur identité et opposés aux messages de haine anti française et anti blanche véhiculés par les clips de rap, à se mobiliser.

Exigeons de Jean-Marc Ayrault Рavec fermet̩ mais courtoisie :

– la révocation de tous les membres du Comité local d’aides aux projets des jeunes,
– le remboursement de la subvention indûment accordée.


– Mairie de Nantes (cabinet du Maire) :
T̩l. : 02 40 41 91 89 РFax : 02 40 41 92 39
Courriel : [email protected] / http://www.nantes.fr/contact.asp

– Permanence parlementaire de Jean-Marc Ayrault :
T̩l. : 02 40 43 13 18 РFax : 02 40 95 64 31
Courriel : [email protected]

– Permanence du Parti socialiste :
T̩l. : 02 40 20 63 00 РFax : 02 40 08 27 24
Courriel : [email protected] / http://www.ps44.com/contact/

– En copie à notre adresse (pour pouvoir comptabiliser les courriels envoyés) : [email protected]


Iraq: A Sweeping, Secret New Report

Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the office of intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce.


FOCUS | US Deaths in Iraq Surpass 9/11 Toll

As the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attack on the United States approaches, another somber benchmark has just been passed. The announcement Sunday of four more US military deaths in Iraq raises the death toll to 2,974 for US military service members in Iraq and in what the Bush administration calls the war on terror.




Always Changing

The definition of “anti-Semitism” keeps changing. Now, it’s “anti-Semitism” to criticize Israel, a state that didn’t even exist until 1948 and a state in which half of its territory is illegally owned, e.g. the West Bank, which was stolen from the Arabs in 1967.

By the way, the term “anti-Semitism” as it refers to Jews is bogus, since Ashkenazim Jews [i.e., 90% of all Jews in the world] are only half-Semitic. Meanwhile, Arabs are fully-Semitic. So the term “anti-Semitism” should refer to the dislike of Arabs:




Catholics These Days

The Catholics will honor a nun who saved a bunch of Jews during WWII.

We bet that possibly three of the Jews saved by that nun were not communists. And maybe one was not a leftist.

Meanwhile, no word yet if Catholics will ever condemn the Jews who sacked Hungary after WWII [1], or, condemn the Jews who sacked Eastern Europe in general [2] after WWII [that’s a joke, of course. Few Christians today would dare criticize Jews, especially since Holocaust propaganda is at saturation levels in the White countries. Indeed, Holocaust memorials and museums are springing up like weeds in every country on Earth – which seems sort of odd when you consider that the Holocaust ended many years ago].


[1] Hungary: http://wsi.matriots.com/JewsHungary.html

[2] Poland, Romania:

  • 7 Responses to “Reader Mail: 9/04/06”

    1. Carpenter Says:

      Yes, it must be those vile capitalists who destroyed Great Russia. Except, ever wonder why the Soviet Union fell apart? You know, that little detail that came right before the terrible 90s when people were instantly made capitalist poor after being communist rich? Was it a CIA conspiracy, like the Russian communist voters are made to believe today? Sure. I guess it had nothing to do with the fact that Soviet GDP was of the same size as that of Belgium, not very much to share between 300+ million Russians.

      Communism destroys a nation’s economy. There are more bad guys in the world than the U.S. government, for those who haven’t noticed. The fact that recent U.S. governments have then tried to influence Russia in several ways doesn’t change the fact that the communists did a piss-poor job and kept the country in a state of tyranny and lies for decades. And here’s a fun fact: the U.S. was actually propping up the Soviet Union for decades, by shipping it food in secret. How does that fit into the conspiracy theory?

    2. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      No, it wasn’t the vile capitalists who destroyed Russia it was the jews. Why complicate things? Lenin and his gang of kike liars, thieves and murderers hijacked the country in 1917, financed by their racial cousins in Jew York. After an unprecedented bloodbath which totally exterminated the upper classes and slaughered and enslaved millions of the the rest of the population the Soviet Union finally fell apart through corruption and inefficiency and the inherent contradictions of the system. At this crucial point the ever-aware parasites saw an opportunity to loot the country again. Like Germany during the jew-run Wiemar regime the assets of the state were swept up for kopeks on the rouble. The corrupt ex-Communist puppet Yeltsin (the scum who demolished Ipatief House lest it become a shrine for patriotic Russians) was placed in power to facilitate the looting. After Yeltsin’s corruption became too blatant and ordinary Russians were in a state of desperation the main kike, Berezhovsky, picked Putin to be the jews’ new shabbaz goy. But the kikes’ hubris was their undoing. Putin has proved to be his own man and to the surprise of all has put the interests of his country and people before the rapacity of the vampire race, unlike most of the ‘leaders’ in the ‘democratic’ west. Berezhovsky with his stolen billions resides as a guest of the repulsive Blair.
      Of all people on earth the Russians have suffered more at the hands of these kike vermin than any others. Their culture and landscape was devastated, millions were murdered and millions more enslaved and they had to live under an unnatural system created and forced on them by the kikes. For the sake of the rest of the white world we had better hope that Putin is not killed or turned and that Russia remains strong militarily. There is much that is still wrong there, not least the catastrophically low birth rate and institutionalised corruption. Hopefully, some of the oil wealth will be used to repair and upgrade the economic infrastructure and improve the living conditions of ordinary Russians. Not an easy task with the Yids and Yanks formenting trouble on the borders.

    3. Steiner Says:

      The WN movement desperately needs to develop its legal muscle. Take a page from the malignant Scientology “Church”, they sue the crap out of EVERYONE OR ANY ORGANIZATION that crosses them. They have made millions in doing so. The Gaede family has been: libeled, slandered, defamed, subjected to intentional infliction of emotional distress, had their rights to privacy violated and their Constitutional right of free speech and assocation violated by these pale, fat Communist. I guarantee, a lawsuit putting these self righteous pigs through the wringer would not only teach them some respect, but would likely pay off – the fat troll who was handing out leaflets probably has homeowners insurance – so there would be something to collect from.
      DO IT!

    4. -JC Says:

      Where you gonna find a neutral venue for such a lawsuit? I’ve watched a trial or two of government haters and White Nationalists. It’s apparently to frequently a contolled lynch mob and an opportunity to set the record to use those decisions in the future for stare decisis and propaganda.

      I don’t mean to sound hopelessly cynical but I’ve experienced all of the criminal justice system that I need to in order to understand that it is a well-oiled machine taking America apart. For all the author Paul Craig Robert’s faults, “The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice” makes excellent points but stops short of laying the ax to the root of the problem. Consider, too, the work of and the consequent respect of the justice community for Morris “The Sleeze” Dees vs Edgar J. Steele.

      As for the U.S. government aiding the Soviet Union, read/listen to Major Racey Jordan on the Lend Lease Act and his experiences facilitating the transfer of supplies and military equipment. He reported that the fork lift pallats of fluoride sent were used in the water in the gulags.

    5. Steiner Says:

      I don’t agree with your assumption that a jury would be hopelessly prejudiced against the Gaedes – that’s where the talents of the Attroney(ies) come in – showing the wholesome, human side of the Gaedes as opposed to the small minded, conformist, Communist type mentality that seeks to presecute them.Remember, most people are herd animals, a jury becomes its own community and each side becomes its own propaganda vehicle for influencing that jury. Study the litigation history of Scientology and you will see just how effective this technique is. Most of the cases I am aware of the WN’s are acting Pro Se, and get slaughtered. A loose collection of rightist were tried in Fort Smith Arkansas in the early 80’s on sedition charges and they (with attorney’s) beat the crap out of the US Attorney. Of course, certain situations would be impossible, such as the one David Duke faced in New Orleans – a Nigger jury probably would have been suicide – but who says nothing but Nig’s would have been on the jury ? Still, in that case I think his counsel gave him good advice, but that was a criminal situation. DO IT ! Support Edgar Steele ! Punish the Communist and the ADL !

    6. -JC Says:

      I appreciate Edgar Steele but realize the uphill battle he’s waging and that he’s something of a dead player in the criminal justice system, given his history. Morris Dees however is lionized in the introduction to an appellate law text book I read while working in Little Rock.

      Watch actual cases being tried. Read the transcript of the Kehoe & Lee federal trial. The defense thought a mostly Black, Little Rock (of all places), Arkanas jury would try to demonstrate that they were not prejudiced by acquitting. Do you think? Danny Lee had SS lightning bolts tattooed on his neck. You are going to find a dispreportionate number of Blacks in the jury pool.

      Consider, too, how the prosecuting attorney brings bagels and coffee and otherwise makes the jury comfortable. The state pays the judge, the prosecutor, the jury, and– in Kehoe & Lee– the defense. There is no neutral venue.

      One of the things that troubled me most in that trial was that Bill Mueller was supposedly killed by a shotgun butt blow to the head, which supposedly broke the shotgun butt and– a witness testified– that was the reason for the synthetic stock on the Remington 870. I know. I know. A larger problem was the lack of a significant skull fracture in the medical examiner’s photos. Arkansas.

      Timothy Coombs supporters– the Masons– worked closely with the county sheriff and communicated with the BATF and the FBI in an effort to engratiate themselves and avert suspicion. These fellows had not just fallen off the turnip truck however but worked the Masons to the best of their ability, looking for bigger fish as far as the federal government was concerned. At the time, Missouri did not have any reward offered for the ambush shooting of their state trooper, a state offense without social engineering implications.

    7. Steiner Says:

      I’m not familiar with that particular case – the point is that WN’s need to develop legal muscle for Civil and Criminal actions. Specific lost criminal cases are moot. The “sedition” trial was obviously a big win – but more importantly, Civil wins that result in money payouts are the key to punishing these Red pricks. The fat bitch handing out the defamatory flyers would probably have a mental breakdown if she were, as she should be, sued as referenced. So the system runs a pic of the little faggot Dee’s – everyone knows he can’t grab his ass with both hands in a courtroom – he just picks on broke old Klansmen and makes his money from the yuppie contributors.