20 September, 2006

Race-Realism Alway Outs Where Assets Are at Stake

Posted by alex in academia, AmeriKwa at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

Money clarifies things. People are willing to blow smoke about diversity – until it threatens to damage their own kids, or their own income streams. Then their behavior shows their self-interest. The following is an example from Princeton Review, a business that makes money by teaching people to make higher scores on tests. PR cannot afford to believe b.s. when the cost is lower scores for its clients.

The Princeton Review

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The Princeton Review (TPR) is a for-profit American company that offers private instruction and tutoring for standardized achievement tests, in particular those offered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), such as the SAT, GRE, and GMAT. They also offer courses for the LSAT and MCAT, as well as many other special programs.

SAT Verbal

If the reading passage concerns a minority group, member of a minority group, science or scientists, skip reading it entirely and go to the answer choices. Since the passage invariably takes a positive attitude toward these subjects, the “politically correct” answer is the correct answer and often stands out broadly against the other choices.


  • 3 Responses to “Race-Realism Alway Outs Where Assets Are at Stake”

    1. Jim Says:

      Reminds me of my time at university in 1969. I was taking an anthropology course taught by a flaming liberal. The final consisted of 50 true or false questions. All were very simple and only a few words long. This was one of them…….” Blacks are equal to whites” T or F. Of course I answered true. I aced the course and a few weeks later ran into the professor in the hallway. He tells me that he was surprised by the grade I got. I told him that I hoped he lived long enough to pay for his crimes against our people and walked off as he stood aghast. I guess you just have to game the system as they say.

    2. Mati The Estonian Says:

      good one …
      I had similar encounters in my school day during Soviet time in Estonia.
      I sometimes counter this time teachers in street and places and ask them
      same kind of question – usualy they blush and run away ………

    3. Zoroastro Says:

      For those who don’t know or chance upon this web-site -the correct answer of course to that question is F.
      B does not equal W. Far from it. Now more than ever despite the nig-nog hysterics.