17 September, 2006

Pro-Germans Win in Germany

Posted by alex in German nationalists, Germany at 6:22 pm | Permanent Link

As you read this mainstream article please bear in mind the TOTAL disregard for democratic principles:

“The government must look for ways to impose a ban,” Dieter Graumann [JEW], vice president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany, told Reuters. [Democracy means voting for parties and politicians and positions approved by jews. Otherwise the vote isn’t legitimate. What a strange, jewy way of understanding things. It’s as if when jews use words they have a special meaning.]


Far right wins seats in German state assembly By Erik KirschbaumSun Sep 17, 2:52 PM ET

A far-right party compared to the early Nazis by the German government has won seats in a regional parliament, helped by a weak economy and anger with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition.

Preliminary results showed the National Democratic Party (NPD), which advocates closing German borders to immigrants, won 7.2 percent of the vote in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a northeastern state on the Baltic Sea which borders Poland.

If confirmed that result would allow the NPD to enter the regional assembly, making Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the third state in the ex-communist east with far-right representation.

The result alarmed mainstream politicians and Jewish groups, who called on the federal government to renew its bid to ban the party after a previous attempt failed.

“The government must look for ways to impose a ban,” Dieter Graumann, vice president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany, told Reuters.

Results in the state showed the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) marginally ahead of Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and on track to continue their ruling coalition with the reformed communist Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS).

Election data showed 15 pct of 18 to 24 year olds voted NPD in Mecklenburg.

In a federal election exactly one year ago, Merkel won a disappointingly narrow victory over her predecessor Gerhard Schroeder, forcing her into a coalition with his SPD party.

Many Germans had hoped her “grand coalition,” with its big majorities in both houses of parliament, would be able to push through crucial reforms.

But it has been plagued by infighting and struggled to deliver promised changes to the healthcare system. Experts say this has helped boost smaller parties like the NPD.


In a separate election in the German capital and city-state of Berlin on Sunday, the SPD under popular Mayor Klaus Wowereit remained the largest party as expected.

The result should allow Wowereit — who won admirers in 2001 by outing himself with the words “I’m gay and that’s a good thing” — to continue to rule alongside the PDS or perhaps opt for a new coalition with the environmentalist Greens.

His victory came despite what critics say was a failure during his first term to tackle Berlin’s crippling 60 billion euro debt-load and jobless rate of over 17 percent.

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the state where Merkel has her local constituency and where she hosted President Bush for a barbecue in July, the economy is even weaker.

Nearly one in five is without work and the jobless rate hovers above 30 percent in some areas. Like other states in the former communist east, it has seen many leave in search of jobs.

Those conditions have provided fertile ground for the NPD, which was accused of using thugs to bully rival parties during the campaign. Its leaders have played down Nazi responsibility for World War Two and questioned the extent of the Holocaust.

Several hundred protesters gathered outside the parliament building in the Mecklenburg state capital Schwerin, waving “Nazis Out” posters.

After Sunday, the NPD will hold seats in the state assemblies of Mecklenburg and Saxony. Another far-right party, the German People’s Union (DVU), holds seats in Brandenburg.

The federal government has compared the party to the Nazis of the 1920s and tried to ban them in 2003 in the country’s highest court. It failed after members of the party who testified turned out to be informants planted by the police.

No far-right parties have made an impact at the national level. The NPD won just 1.6 percent of the vote in last year’s federal vote, far below what parties like France’s National Front have registered.


  • 27 Responses to “Pro-Germans Win in Germany”

    1. Geoff Beck Says:

      VNN Broadcasting listeners:

      As soon as we can hook up we will have a special guest on from Germany to talk about these matters. My guess is they are all popping champagne and cracking open the beer kegs.

      Stay tuned.

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      The NPD may have the odd honor of being more well known in the US than in Germany.

      The Free Democrats are more anti-semitic, and, libertarian in American terms, and often get between 5% and 10% of the vote.


      THe more the jEW cracks down on White people, the more the pressure cooker builds.
      Keep cracking heads, jEW. Every action has a reaction. Slam! back in the jEW’s face itz gonna come…;;

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Yeah this sounds exciting and all, but Nationalist German parties have won minor seats in Germany before and what has changed? Sorry to inform you conservative types, but change in Germany and the rest of the western world isn’t going to come from any ballotbox. The Jews will never let 1933 happen again.

    5. unbeirrbar Says:

      For all those interested in the in depth statistics of the elections on the 17th of September here a link: http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?s=1b3e44d8c32df5987b8ffd3b404ed0bd&t=38476

    6. Conservative Type Says:

      That’s right, forget about using local politics, a program and local aid to help build a movement. Ignore the lessons learned from Hezbullah. Keep your heads down, get drunk and talk shit on the Internet, pierce another body part, do a little “slamming” with another male on the dance floor and most of all, stay irrelevant.

    7. Dave Jones Says:

      There is a rising current of Nationalism in Germany. People are sick of the jew imposed guilt trip and the book by James Bacque exposing the murder of German POW’s under orders of Ike the Kike is just one example of things that are having a huge positive effect on the national psyche of the Germans.

      They are waking up and daring to ask questions, daring to go against the paradigm. Once they get to openly questioning the holyhoax, which is inevitable, our brave noble cousins will have the yids on the run, if they are not already packing.

    8. whiteskelet Says:

      ” “The government must look for ways to impose a ban,” Dieter Graumann, vice president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany, told Reuters. ”

      That’s how Whites come te hate Jewish parasites: they’re always in the way when Whites just try to preserve their society, even from “people” who would exterminate Jews, that is, Muslims.

    9. Mr. Outis Says:

      As has been said elsewhere – ahem – the voting pattern of the NPD electorate has not changed much since the 60’s. Mecklenburg is the poorest, sparsest, whitest place in Germany and anyone who’s seen it knows why: it’s dreary, wet, commie-looking and just very depressing. Six seats? Bah.

      Anyway, Olde Dutch is right. “So viel Staat wie nötig, so wenig Staat wie möglich!”

    10. OUTing the defeatist Says:

      outis, you’re a fucking defeatist. you always show up on cue with your negative shit.

      we need bright eyed, upward looking aryans again; you just want to wallow in a down-trodden spirit.

      i, and my fellow white men, don’t need your depressing shit; we have enough to battle in everyday llife!

    11. Lutjens Says:

      “Blackshirt Says:

      18 September, 2006 at 12:50 am

      Yeah this sounds exciting and all, but Nationalist German parties have won minor seats in Germany before and what has changed? Sorry to inform you conservative types, but change in Germany and the rest of the western world isn’t going to come from any ballotbox. The Jews will never let 1933 happen again.”

      It will be able to once the sheenies here in Tel Aviv West have been suppressed. Germany and other European nations will be able to make a move in the “white” direction after the US military and their Ashkenazi darlings has been completely obliterated in the Middle East and here in the West. I can sense fewer and fewer people joining the military voluntarily in the near term, and if they be so bold as to institute a draft to fight in these dumb wars, there will be a backlash. Even the blacks and Latinos aren’t so dumb. When there are no more whites to fly the planes, sail the ships, drive the tanks, and man the missle silos… then what? :) Change in this country needs to be spearheaded by the military and that will happen when the order to attack or launch a nuke is disobeyed and the traitorous leadership is taken into custody and put on trial. The rest will look like 1933.

    12. Carpenter Says:

      Well said, Conservative Type. And OUTing the Defeatist. Organizing in parties is a good way to spread information, to network, and recruit, even if you don’t win a majority and may never do so. Any success by a nationalist party, however small, is good. These small victories are repeated more and more often in Europe, and the nationalist parties are not going away. Instead they are slowly growing. From the enemy’s side, what do you think this looks like?

      The same day, the Swedish Democrats got more than 200 local seats in the national and local election. Even though it seems they won’t get any parliamentary seats (votes are still being counted), and even though this is a soft anti-immigration party that doesn’t name the Jew, this is good. Anything that shows Western Whites that it’s okay to define different peoples as having different interests, and loyalties, is good. From that one wisdom you can build a great deal.

    13. Theseus Says:

      If you pay attention, you can feel the Earth move under your feet. Oh yeah. Itz coming.

    14. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Great news!. I popped on National Propaganda Radio (NPR) this morning and the Judeo-Liberal-Marxist establishment is already sounding the alarms with references to “Neo- Nazis” and the like. They even tossed in a report about how an NPD rally featured as its main speaker an old man who served in the Waffen SS. (Music to my ears!)

      As the NPD’s popularity grows, look for panic to set in and full blown coverage of the “reawakening of the Third Reich.” Hell, I’ll go out on a limb and predict an avalanche of new “holocaust” programing from the “History” Channel here in the states to counter any balanced coverage people may read on the net.

      It’s a damn shame we have nothing here in the United States comparable to this. Politically speaking, the Republican Party needs to be destroyed and something akin to the NPD or Front National needs to replace it. So long as the Republican Party exists, it will serve as the “alternative” to the Democrats for White people which really means having no choice at all. Republicrats and Demicans — two sides of the same kosher coin. A classic example of a Hobson’s Choice — no choice at all.

    15. Mati The Estonian Says:

      OK guys looks like no one will give a advice so I will do it …
      (I guess I have at least some right because I used to live and work in US 99/04).
      so lets roll – I heard You guys have something called Independent party. Lets make a deal ALL whites will join it and take it over. For next election but up some nice canditates like David or Alex (you my have some more good nice withes over there) and You will get YOU guys in to the RUNNING this system.
      Benefits – its allready existing and established party so kikes have less time and options to take it down or react. You my have even more people to join BECAUSE its its allready known political party and entity. When in Hill (state or DC) you have all needed time and opportunity to make You stand.
      Talking is cheap – especially here – do it on the boxes – ballot boxes.

    16. Mr. Outis Says:

      You guys are so damn gullible.

      Whatever. I’ve said my piece.

    17. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Mati The Estonian, I wish it were that simple. The problem here in the United States is that, demographically speaking, it is too late to solve the problem via voting. I’m sorry if that upsets people, but facts are facts, A is A, what is, is. The White vote is still the largest block but constitutes a minority when you factor in the scores of limp wristed white males and the hordes of liberal white females (the types that watch Oprah) who vote for establishment candidates. Besides, if you manage to get an effective candidate through, both parties will attack him as did the Republicans and the Democrats with David Duke back in the 1990’s in Louisiana. And even good ole “independent” Ross Perot jumped on the band wagon in attacking Duke by publicly running TV adds threatening to “destroy” Louisiana financially if the electorate voted Duke into office! Folks, I’m sorry to say, but it’s a two party system controlled by one giant establishment. The inmates are running the asylum. If someone here would like to prove me wrong, please have at it — I would love to say that I’m wrong. I’m simply giving you my honest assessment of things. Europe, btw, still has time, politically speaking, and I oviously wish them all the best in changing things via the ballot box.

    18. Blackshirt Says:

      I totally agree with Scipio and Outis. The fact of the matter is that we as a people are not going to be saved by “democratic elections” in a “democratic” system. ZOG is worldwide and will NEVER allow any of you “wide-eyed Aryans” to gain any true political power. Every once in awhile they will throw you a bone by letting you win a local election, but that’s it. Having been in this “movement” for over 20 years now, I can say that marches, political parties, and old school (kosher) Conservative thinking is a complete dead end. Listen to Tom Metzger- he has the right idea. So all you conservative types can call me a defeatist, etc. but your way is a DEAD END. Especially in the good ole USA.

    19. NSN Says:

      I agree there is no place for defeatists in the White struggle. There is no shame in running a race and finishing last; the disgrace comes from giving up the race because you rationalise that it is too hard to win.

    20. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Black shirt: Well stated. Europe may still have some time to do this thing “democratically” only because they are in better shape where it counts most: demographics. But not for much longer. Even though it is too late here in the Jew Ess Aye to change things through elections, that does not mean we simply throw in the towel and retire. Just the opposite is true. ZOG is destroying itself and will collapse bringing chaos on a scale unimaginable. When that time arrives, it will be important to have some organizational structure in place for rational Whites to rally around. That is what we should be aiming at here. Again, ZOG is doing the hard work for us — look at the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, the only glue holding the USS Amerika (ZOG) and its empire together is the economic “good times” and that will be coming to an end in the future given the policies the ruling establishment are pursuing. So forget the election route. Time for that has long passed.

      PS: This has been an excellent exchange of ideas. As I stated earlier, I hope I am proven wrong regarding my assessment of the facts. Regardless of our different opinions, always keep in mind we are all in this together. Best wishes to all — Scipio Americanus

    21. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Scipio – give a alternative ?
      You must understand that direct armed conflict will also not work for the same obvios reasons …
      like the old jew Lenin once told “learn learn and learn” (if my wording is hard to understand this means learning like in school).
      Generally there are 3 types of takeovers 1- military (or revolution or coup), 2- so called democratic aka elections and 3- subversion (like the kikes doing).
      to be honest we do not have time for subversion – so we have 2 other options 1 and 2. Option 1 is good but if we think compartmentalisation of US military system is hard to achieve. because this option needs atlest 2/3 of high rank mil.office support (that might be a problem). Means WE aryans white people do not have enough support in military (its kind of funny if one thinks that most high ranking military officers are white (atlest mostly when You looking at news and other pictures). Allways is a option of revolution but be honest 2/3 of white population are fat ass ignorant covards and thinking ONLY mortages and next nookie in that “corner peep show place”. Coup is nice but puts us back in this “trusting military men” line up – anyone nows anyone ???
      So basically only one option is left – but we must do it in multilevel. So basically like I told before – take over Indepndence party (put up guys with no hard ties white patriotic movement) – when they are in they can establish legal (for the mil. brass) ties with military and all special forces and when WE/YOU have enough support we can do the coup thing – cut off AIPAC and Federal Reserv and start building a new country.
      I now its not easy but someone in some place MUST start – if we just talk here its worthless …
      in idealistic point we could do it with 2 elections but more realistic is decade or two – unfortunately ….

    22. Blackshirt Says:

      NSN said: “I agree there is no place for defeatists in the White struggle. There is no shame in running a race and finishing last; the disgrace comes from giving up the race because you rationalise that it is too hard to win.”

      Giving up on things like voting and marches is NOT defeatism. It is just abandoning methods that have been proven time and time again over the past 60 or so years since WWII to be ineffective and futile. It is time for NEW tactics that have been PROVEN effective such as leaderless resistance and quiet infiltration of the corporate/government entity. Giving up on ineffective and futile methods is not defeatism, it is INTELLIGENCE.

      NSN, if you and other Kosher Conservatives want to continue playing in the sandbox of democratic politics, then be my guest. Judging by the dwindling amounts of White racists willing to go your route, I’d say most White racists are opting for new and effective methods of resistance.

    23. NSN Says:


      Call me what you like it still doesn’t make your position smell any better. In war time people like you would be shot as cowards and rightly so.

      What the struggle needs is more people of character who are as tough as old leather and are as hard as nails. What it doesn’t need are more “intellectuals”.

      When your strategies of “leaderless resistance” and “entryism” actually bear fruit, then perhaps you can start preaching.

      In the meantime either have a shit or get off the pot!

    24. Carpenter Says:

      Mati The Estonian, I wish it were that simple. The problem here in the United States is that, demographically speaking, it is too late to solve the problem via voting.

      Let us say this one more time: it is too late everywhere. There is never, ever, going to be repatriation through elections. But a political party is a damn good way to organize, recruit, and spread the word. There are lots of people out there who’d never join an organization that doesn’t take part in elections; they’d say, but what does it do? They want something to work toward. Give them an election. Who knows, you may even win a couple of seats here and there, like many parties are doing in Europe, which gives many times more legitimacy to your cause.

      This is all a preparation for the future, when other means will be used.

      The NSDAP despised democracy. It still took part in elections. It never won the majority of the votes. It still ended up running the country.

    25. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Carpenter You told it – so basicaly we still need (atleast in the beginning) use current political system to promote and spread the word – its undeniable.
      if we do not do this lots of people in ideas with us will NEVER now our exictance and they die of never had a fighting chance . even if whites will lost all those “democratic” election thats do not count because the main reason is not to win them but get to the people info – the fight is on …
      thats my point.

    26. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Let us say this one more time: it is too late everywhere. There is never, ever, going to be repatriation through elections. But a political party is a damn good way to organize, recruit, and spread the word..This is all a preparation for the future, when other means will be used.”

      Well said, Carpenter. This is my position, point for point. I have nothing to add. BRAVO!

      Mati — The current political system is closed to us here in the Jew Ess Aye. Once again, the lunatics are running the asylum. Nothing will change provided the “good times” roll on. When this ends, opportunities will arise, provided we are organized and prepared to act on them. How long this takes is anyone’s guess. Please consider the depravations the German people suffered before they turned to the National Socialists. That was their last option.

      But this is not an option for us because this is not Germany and White nationalists do not make up a plurality, let alone a majority. Hell, Whites only constitute about 60% of the U.S. population and that is being generous. What about the hordes of Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asiatics, Judeo-Christians, homosexuals, White liberal race traitors and the like? Who do you think they will vote for? It damn will NOT be one of our candidates! Ever!

      Incidentally, it is not defeatism to acknowledge reality. But if you want to run for office — have at it. Please accept my best wishes with success at this endeavor. Can politics help to spread our message? Well, it can’t hurt but will it help? Who controls the air-waves and TV broadcasting services? Do you actually think they will let a candidate speak his mind on the important issues facing us? Not a chance in hell. But the greatest contribution to our cause are the insane policies of the ruling establishment. They are doing more for us than you can possible imagine. ZOG is committing suicide and it doesn’t even know it! So sit tight and let us unite in determining the best approach for preparing for our future.

    27. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “ZOG is committing suicide and it doesn’t even know it!”

      If the World learns that KOG was behind 911, then. . .