8 September, 2006

Monkey Madness in Milwaukee

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, black crime at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

Possibly AIDS-ridden she-coon sucks/fucks her way through a couple dozen fellow monkeys. Only in AmeriKwa? Well, not really.

“To do the same thing over and over and expect different results is insanity.” – attributed to dozens of people.

How come no one ever applies this insight to niggers?

Rape, murder, theft – these are Nigger-Normal. Expecting African jungle coons to meet white standards is insanity.


  • 11 Responses to “Monkey Madness in Milwaukee”

    1. White Survival Says:

      The “authorities” trying to portray this as a crisis are ridiculous.

      Anyone who has ever watched the pbs programs about africans knows that mob behavior is the NORM among niggers. I’ve seen programs about how young niggers have wanton sex with anybody they can grab while waiting in the long hut for their initiation ceremony into grown ass niggerhood. Niggers do everything as a group. They hunt in a group, they dance around the fire in a group. They live 20 to a mud hut. You think they’re not having sex in front of each other in a one room cow dung hut?

      Did they suddenly become different creatures when they got to America? You are who you are wherever you are.

    2. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      you’re right about niggers flourishing in gangs. by that i mean rampaging, gang raping, pillaging, whatever. get a nigger alone and he ain’t so tough. in fact, i hear niggers are cowards mostly when alone. something to remember as a white man.

    3. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      An 11 year old niggress raped by dozens of niggers in “da inna ci-tay”…WHERE’S THE NEWS? This is an hourly occurrence in any area with niggers. 11 year old niggresses are shitting out niglets all the time. If this involved HUMANS it would be a shocking tale,but with niggers it’s mundane.
      I hope she has AIDS…too fuckin’ funny if she did.

    4. -JC Says:

      There is a better chance that one of the males has AIDS and it is more easily transmitted from adult male to female child. Your taxes and medical/insurance system will pay for whatever happens anyway. I suggest you hope for the best outcome for any of a number of reasons.

      I can recall visiting the supermarket during the brief period I lived in St. Paul and being astonished at the number of Blacks in that town. Being a Southerner by upbringing and choice, it seemed to me that the offspring of that union that allowed alient and puppet media abolitionists to convince them that warring against their brethren made sense were reaping what they’d sown. No one is doing a very good job helping them connect the dots; Pierce was correct in that developing our own media is critically important.

    5. Michelle Says:

      WOW…. You guys are hateful…. Do you all actually feel good about yourselves…. or do you all just have small ****s and need to talk like this to boost your little ego’s.

      Seek God or get educated….. World Wide…. We white folks are the minority…. You make us all look bad boys……

      Usually it is our own sick white race that are doing the sexually sick things… Have you watched FOXNEWS lately…….

      Perhaps God will forgive your hatefulness… I will pray for you all… A Southern Bell / Deep South / Mississippi


      First of all, to that nigger lover above my comment ; you are a joke!
      This ignorant southerner has been brainwashed into believing that putting facts out on how inferior niggers really are is being uneducated and therefore we all feel bad about ourselves; listen lady ( if you read to see if anyone commented on your stupid ass remarks) I am a very good looking young man with a fairly high IQ; I don’t feel bad about myself at all and I have a large **** ; what do you say about me? I am on here commenting on how I hate NIGGERS. I don’t like to comment on vulgar things but I guess you hang around a lot of Jigs. All they do is kill , steal, and destroy; they are of their father. The Devil .

      By the way the largest country on earth is Russia; 98% white and full of nuclear weapons ready to destroy all Kikes, Niggers, Spicks; Bill Gates (WHITE) ( thank God he isn’t a Kike) is worth 75, 000, 000,000 dollars. With his associates he and plenty of other white business people have enough power and influence to dominant the world so numbers mean little.

      There are about 900,000,000 WHITES on earth and about 1,200,000,000 chinese; isn’t that ironic the two races that built civilization. The Egyptians were white as well just in case there are any discrepencies about that; look it up anyway; all their faces in stone do not look ape like. They were caucasion with a olive tint.

      By the way, we may be the minority worldwide but we have the most power, money, and influence and most people around the world kisses our asses.

    7. StupidNiggers! Says:

      Look I am a native New Yorker and I will be the first to admit that niggers are about as dumb as a brick! And yes you are correct when when you say that niggers are pussies when they are by themselves!!!!!!!! They will always act tough in groups, but alone it is a different story! I would LOVE for a group of braindead niggers to try and rob me sometime when I’m walking down the street, I would not hesitate to put them down one at a time!!!! They are mud people and need to go back to their home contintent and get the fuck outta america! I am tired of paying for their fucking housing projects and soup kitchens with my state takes!!!! I lot of people are not going to like what I just said, but it is the fucking truth!!! And yes I plan on moving out of this fucking country and going to Italy once I get the chance! A country full of beauitful women and no braindead niggers to bring the economy down!!!!!!!!!

    8. reality_119 Says:

      i’m here just to say the facts , history shows that there were never a dominant civilization made by black people ,like the greeks the asians the persians the middle easterns the egyptians the chinese and the british and the americans and many others .
      this only shows that the niggers don’t have the basic human ability to lead and to fully communicate .
      after reading history niggers only showed an extraordinary abilities in labor work , and thats the only thing that they are good at .
      look at the african countries in the present , look what happens when you give a black man the lead , even though that they have the natural resources to become one of the strongest countries in the world , but you can’t teach a monkey to be a human , the only succesful african country is south africa and the reason is quite obvious .

      niggers are closest to apes than humans really , thats why they became slaves , they are obedient when you put a leesh on their neck , but they go crazy when released into the wild .

    9. Hate a nigger17 Says:

      I agree with all this nigger shit!!!! I got a nigger that wants to fight me but he is a punk braindead nigger that cant fight me unless he has a gang!!!! I had a nigger run across my hood of my truck and when i find out who it is i am gonna han them!!!!! I am tired of niggers period!!!! Niggers stink and they have pubic hair on thier head!!!! I got three words to say and that is FUCK A BLUE GUM PORCH MONKEY NIGGER!

    10. mike Says:

      hello,I’m looking for a copy of the rules and regulations for hunting pourch monkeys? Can yopu help me? Thanks mike.

    11. Michael Carr Says:

      Would appreciate some one if they have,a copy of the , RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR HUNTING POURCH MONKEYS? It will be very appreciated!