12 September, 2006

Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 2:10 am | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

We all are familiar with the huge mega-malls that are constantly appearing around American and European cities. Their accession often means the decline of small shops, for a long time an important source of revenue and first business experience for the American middle class. “Keep your shop, and the shop will keep you,” said Ben Franklin, and he was right in this instance, as in many others. Absence of small shops means fewer opportunities for teenagers to work and for families to diversify the source of their income, as well as the absence of informal credit system for poorer Whites. The money that once flowed into the pockets of middle-class Americans now flows into the pockets of fat cats. No wonder the real incomes of middle-class Whites stagnated and even decreased for the last five years.

How can one stop the onslaught of mega-malls in his local community? There are a number of ways, including:

– ecological and zoning regulations. This is one of the ways the expansion of mega-malls is regulated in Europe. Yet it is the least desirable way, for it strengthens the positions of democratic ecumenists (eco-radicals), who are a hurdle to fast economic development necessary for improving standards of living of the White population;

– micro-regulation. That’s another way popular in Europe, and it works surprisingly well. Laws that stipulate the hours a particular shop can keep, what it can and can’t sell, what it can and cannot do to control its workforce can render the mega-mall business model unprofitable, while leaving room for small- and medium-sized stores run by local businessmen. These laws also can be adopted at local level. Yet, for the sake of preserving natural right to Economic Freedom, they should be used wisely.

– spacing requirements. That’s the Japanese way: shops with an area exceeding x square feet are not allowed to operate. That’s a relatively easy and effective way to stop the expansion of mega-malls: I would often suggest adopting such ordinance in a local community as an effective weapon against mega-malls’ expansion.

– anti-monopoly laws. That’s the most effective way of regulating mega-malls from the point of economic science. Basically, any shop that takes more than 5% of sales in a particular state market shall be broken into two, to prevent concentration, harmful to consumers. Such laws generally work best at the state level, in combination with the spacing requirements ordinances at the country level.

Fighting a local mall is an excellent area for WN activism: it is an important local issue, where successful outreach can be organized and people recruited for Our Cause. Establishing a non-profit organization, called “Anti-mall Texas”, or “Center for local commerce” is also a good way of attracting donations, which can then be legally used to support a variety of causes beneficial to the White Race.

* * *

I recently bought life insurance, and talking to friends and comrades I was surprised how few people use this time-tested and effective investment vehicle. I talk here of term insurance with returned payments.

A term insurance with returned payments policy is an investment vehicle that functions as term insurance for a particular amount of time (let’s say 30 years), If death or serious injury occurs within the term, the face amount of the policy is paid to beneficiary. If a man survives the term, the amount of paid premiums is returned to him. It’s a good way for White Nationalists, especially married, to make sure that their dependents get an inheritance that allows them to live comfortably in case of the breadwinner’s death. If a man is unable to purchase term insurance with returned payments outright, then it is advisable to start with ordinary term insurance and then to convert to ordinary term insurance with returned payments. I suggest coverage at least at 500 000 USD at either Fidelity and Guaranty Life Insurance (www.fglife.com) or American General Life Insurance Company (www.aigtermlife.com): the service is excellent and the premiums very reasonable.

* * *

Currently there is much talk about the forthcoming détente with Iran. I do not believe it will happen, or if does, it won’t last long: the jews are itching for war with Iran behind the scenes, and, judging by their record, they are likely to get what they want. The new U.S.-Israeli aggression against Iran could start either at the end of the current year or summer 2007. The market is still at 11 400 and in upward trend, so it is a good time to start adjusting the portfolio accordingly, getting rid of riskier stocks. Next time – the analysis of economic fundamentals of the U. S. economy.

  • 6 Responses to “Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice”

    1. Carpenter Says:

      We all are familiar with the huge mega-malls that are constantly appearing around American and European cities. Their accession often means the decline of small shops, for a long time an important source of revenue and first business experience for the American middle class.

      And I suppose noone gets jobs in the malls.

      There are lots of things to get upset about; this is the least of them. And always with the reference to a smarter, wiser Europe; very efficient, since most Americans will look to Europe with a reverent glimmer in their eyes, and since noone will actually go there to check for themselves. Whenever an article tells you “how they do it in Europe,” you can be sure the author is lying; there are many countries in Europe, with different laws. Any author that speaks of them all as if they’d have one single attitude to a problem, and one solution, is therefore 100 percent guaranteed to be lying.

      However, the United States does differ from Europe, and the rest of the world, in that it is probably the only place where people will get upset over a non-issue like malls. Then again, all nations have their little quirks.

      Ever wonder why there are malls, by the way? For the plain evil of it, or as a natural strive for efficiency? Something to think about.

    2. Carpenter Says:

      Fighting a local mall is an excellent area for WN activism: it is an important local issue, where successful outreach can be organized and people recruited for Our Cause. Establishing a non-profit organization, called “Anti-mall Texas”, or “Center for local commerce” is also a good way of attracting donations, which can then be legally used to support a variety of causes beneficial to the White Race.

      I love this one, I absolutely love it. Great way to get people organized for Our Cause! A front organization that can channel money from the great game of Anti-Mallism to the benefit of the White Race. When the revolution comes, imagine the surprise! “Whaaa, it was run by White Nationalists all along? How can it be, how can it beee! I never recognized them!”

    3. ftwainth Says:

      2 Carpenter

      “And I suppose noone gets jobs in the malls”.

      A lot less lousy jobs, with no benefits, and with incomes below that small local stores provided, that is.

      “Any author that speaks of them all as if they’d have one single attitude to a problem, and one solution, is therefore 100 percent guaranteed to be lying”.

      Any continental experience can be generalized. I’ve spoken of two main ways of dealing with the problem, that are present in legal systems of all European continental countries.

      “Ever wonder why there are malls, by the way? For the plain evil of it, or as a natural strive for efficiency? Something to think about”.

      Efficiency for whom, and at what price for the community, that is the question to be asked

      “I love this one, I absolutely love it. Great way to get people organized for Our Cause! A front organization that can channel money from the great game of Anti-Mallism to the benefit of the White Race. When the revolution comes, imagine the surprise! “Whaaa, it was run by White Nationalists all along? How can it be, how can it beee! I never recognized them!”

      Only not informed people can despise local activism: if each WN would establish at least one local non profit, things would be much better for us. What do the jews do? Where there are two jews there ten organizations, and they all suck money from the government. Why should we give our money to the jews by ignoring local activism, because it is “socialist” or it is “creating dependency” or whatever? It is our tax money, not the jews’ or niggers’.

    4. Angle Says:

      “Where there are two jews there ten organizations”. I think that deserves repetition.

    5. Lyndon Johnson Says:

      “Returned insurance premiums” are a scam.

      1. No guarantee these companies will be around in 30 years. Often, shady marginal insurance cos. offer these terms to niggers. I was almost rooked into becoming an agent for one of these.

      2. Higher premiums/reduced coverage associated with most of these deals.

      3. INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. HAS IT SUNK IN YET? Insurance is insurance. As an “investment vehicle,” it is incredibly poor. For example, in the case of “returned premium” policies, you accrue no interest. In the case of “Universal Life,” “Whole Life,” etc., these have been shown to be scams of the first order (you get around %1 interest at best).

      “Insurance is a great investment vehicle” is one of the all-time, old-time classic lies; only niggers and poor dumb whites fall for it.

    6. ftwainth Says:

      2 LJ

      “Returned insurance premiums” are a scam”.

      Not a scam, but an excellent way to protect man’s dependents in case of death orserious injury

      “No guarantee these companies will be around in 30 years”.

      The two companies I recommended were in business before WW2 and are one of the most tightly regulated by the federal and state government. Life insurance is a relatively simple business by the way: if an insurerer goes by the book, it is very difficult to screw things up.

      “Often, shady marginal insurance cos. offer these terms to niggers”.

      The two companies I recommended are within ten industry’s largest: they are neither shady no marginal. The terms are also quite good. There are marginal resellers out there, that’s true, who work for comissions, but that’s a different question.

      “Higher premiums/reduced coverage associated with most of these deals”.

      The premiums are slightly higher, but the coverage is exactly the same or even better if additional options are selected.

      “INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. INSURANCE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE. HAS IT SUNK IN YET? Insurance is insurance. As an “investment vehicle,” it is incredibly poor. For example, in the case of “returned premium” policies, you accrue no interest. In the case of “Universal Life,” “Whole Life,” etc., these have been shown to be scams of the first order (you get around %1 interest at best)”.

      I am aware of these considerations, some of the financial planners, who want to sell their clients other products, like MF and IRAs. Yet for young lower and middle-class Whites it’s an excellent low risk way to protect his family and in the same time save up money. People, who advise minimal coverage or replacing part of the coverage with investment accounts are simply irresponsible: if one is able to afford a life insurance, he should purchase it first, especially in the case of WN, where other considerations apply.

      “Insurance is a great investment vehicle” is one of the all-time, old-time classic lies; only niggers and poor dumb whites fall for it”.

      Insurance is not a great investment vehicle, but it is a good investment vehicle for most Whites, who belong to lower and middle class. If you rare rich, and your family can survive your death without significant financial consequences, then you could do without it, but it does not mean others necessarily can.