23 September, 2006

Happy Rosh Hashona

Posted by alex in neo-nazis/nationalists at 3:27 pm | Permanent Link

VISTA, CA —- Flags bearing swastikas were seen hanging from two highway overpasses, including one in Vista, during the early morning commute Friday, authorities said

  • 31 Responses to “Happy Rosh Hashona”

    1. rich Says:

      Sieg Heil!

    2. James Hawthorne Says:

      Just saw this on another fourm.

      For Immediate Release

      September 23, 2006

      Army Council of the National Socialist Liberation Front

      Comrades from the National Socialist Liberation Front (NSLF) in a nationwide action to show the Jews that their hateful New Year has not gone unnoticed.

      Jews begin the New Year — Rosh Hashana — by praying the Kol Nidre, a prayer which allows them to void their obligations to God and to lie to non- Jews in order to steal money or gain advantages.

      It is the duty of all National Socialists to fight the Jewish enemy which controls our Congress and Government through the Israeli front group AIPAC.

      Rise up America !

    3. Carpenter Says:

      Wait a minute – where did that link about the feminist Fallaci go? Down the memory hole?

    4. Theseus Says:

      Dear Reader,

      Leftist journalists are hiding the news from you. Had you not come to VNN for news and had simply read this article, you would have no clue that this sign had both the swastika and text saying “Mexicans have ruined Los Angelas.”

      As one cannot trust the mainstream news to tell the whole story, one cannot trust them to provide honest analysis about whether Mexicans really have indeed ruined Los Angelas.

      Stay tuned to VNN and VNNForum.com to find out if Mexicans have ruined Los Angelas, or if they will ruin your hometown.

    5. James Hawthorne Says:

      I agree Theseus, Vanguard NEWS Network, the only place for Judenfrei news and comment!

    6. Joe C. Says:

      The message is actually more powerful than the swastikas. It’s such an obvious and unquestionable FACT.

    7. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      ROTFLMAO!!! The guys who did that deserve medals.


    8. Angle Says:

      For what its worth, they’ve ruined watsonville, gilroy, and salinas as well….

    9. Mark Says:

      “Jews begin the New Year — Rosh Hashana — by praying the Kol Nidre, a prayer which allows them to void their obligations to God and to lie to non- Jews in order to steal money or gain advantages.”

      Hopefully an educational message like that is given to people rather than just misunderstood symbols that people interpret as hate.

      BTW, was anything changed with posting messages here? Now my firewall won’t let me post. It says “Error: This file cannot be used on its own.” I have to turn off my firewall to post a message. Does this for Firefox and IE.

    10. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      The sign should have begun with-“Thanks to ZOG,Mexicans have ruined..”

    11. eNZedBlue Says:

      That photo looks like a photoshopped fake (or maybe just something done in Windows Paint). Look at how the banner hangs lower on the right – there is no perspective applied to the banner to keep it in line with the overpass.

    12. van helsing Says:


    13. Mati The Estonian Says:

      bad picture about a good idea – I hope someone DID have balls to pull this off …

    14. Glenn Miller Says:

      The sign ?? I LIKE IT !!! I LIKE IT !!!

      And oh how I’d love to see kikes’ faces and watch them squirm when they saw it. Oh, glory day !!!

    15. Eurocentric14 Says:

      I think the story is true, but the picture is a fake.

    16. legal ease Says:

      would it be illegal to put a banner like that on an underpass?

      if not, or it the penalty is only a fine, why not start a program of pulling off this kind of agitprop, instead of wasting time printing newspapers no one will ever read?

    17. Olde Dutch Says:

      A small sign with just GOVNN.COM on it , placed in a high traffic location, would get noticed.

    18. James Hawthorne Says:

      Jewish leaders outraged by display of Nazi flags
      North County Times, CA – Sep 23, 2006
      VISTA —- Flags bearing swastikas were seen hanging from two highway overpasses, including one in Vista, during the early morning commute Friday, authorities …

      Nazi flags draped over freeway overpass
      North County Times, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      ENCINO – Two flags depicting Nazi swastikas were draped over a freeway overpass in Encino today, on the eve of the Jewish High Holy Days. …

      Southern California neo-Nazis wish Jews happy Rosh Hashona
      World War 4 Report, NY – Sep 22, 2006
      Tell us again how the anti-Semitic upsurge is all in our imagination. We keep forgetting. From KNBC, Los Angeles, Sept. 22: ENCINO, Calif. …

      Swastika Flags Removed From Socal Freeway Overpasses
      NBC4.TV, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      ENCINO, Calif. — Two flags depicting Nazi swastikas were draped over a freeway overpass in Encinoon Friday, on the eve of the Jewish High Holy Days. …

      Flags Depicting Swastikas Draped Over 101 Freeway
      CBS 2, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      (CBS) ENCINO, Calif. Two flags depicting swastikas were draped over an overpass to the eastbound Ventura (101) Freeway in Encino …

      Swastika Flags Draped Over Southern California Highway Overpasses
      abc7.com, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      SAN DIEGO, September 22, 2006 – Two flags or signs depicting swastikas were reported to be hanging from freeway overpasses Friday, the day the Jewish holiday …

      Police: Signs With Swastikas Seen Hanging From Overpasses
      10News.com, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      SAN DIEGO — Two flags or signs depicting swastikas were reported to be hanging from freeway overpasses Friday, the day the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana …

      Swastikas Hung From Freeway Overpasses
      NBC Sandiego.com, CA – Sep 22, 2006
      SAN DIEGO — Police removed swastikas hung from two freeway overpasses Friday, the day that the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana begins, authorities said. …

    19. Lutjens Says:

      Looks like the press caught on. Bet that made fatfuck Foxman’s day :)

    20. Misanthrope Says:

      Reminds me of the old “Burma-Shave” signs.

      1st Afghanistan – then it was Iraq

    21. Misanthrope Says:

      Reminds me of the old “Burma-Shave” signs.

      1st it was Afghanistan – and then Iraq

      Next Iran – It’s up to the Jews and AIPAC

      Gentiles die – for the Zionist few

      “Wars are the harvests of the jews”


    22. Jay Says:

      The photo is looking northbound on the 101 freeway through downtown LA, not Encino, or Vista (which is near San Diego). And yes, mexishits have ruined LA, along with several other entire Western states and spreading…

    23. Scipio Americanus Says:

      The problem with this is that it is just a stunt, albeit something that leaves us with a grin on our faces and a satisfaction knowing that the “Self-Chosen” may have lost a bit of sleep thinking about it. I don’t think it has any effect at all in persuading our treasonous politicians to close the border with Mexico, but what the hell. I wonder if the turd colored invaders from the south of the border even know what it means? How could they, most of them can’t even read!

    24. Johnny Rotten Says:

      It might be real… the bridge appears to be more or less a ramp so the sloping of the ramp would be an explanation as to why part of the banner hangs lower on the right side.

    25. Johnny Rotten Says:

      Then again notice the clarity of the banner as opposed to the sign to its left. It stands out way more. Given that some of the letters are the same size on the freeway sign and also bright white it should have been in almost perfect clarity considering its well within the frame.

    26. alex Says:

      My first thought on seeing this was that the photo was a fake. There are all kinds of things out there that let you paste your own words on a picture template. Beware of what you read and see!

    27. Misanthrope Says:

      A real NAZI would have used “MESTIZOS” rather than “MEXICANS”

    28. Joe Says:

      Advocate white-only communities. If you’re lucky enough to have one, keep it that way!

    29. OldNFer Says:

      In England- back in ‘Ye Olden tymes’ we youngsters of the National Front gained the party a lot of good publicity- since denied ‘legitimate’ free expression- via stunts, fly-postering and ‘sprayjobs’. I have a faded photo some where showing one of the lads fully equipped- like a WW2 flamethrower man with backpack high volume pressure spray unit, incidentally charged with two gallons of brilliant ‘Dayglo’ luminescent, quickdrying paint!
      One noteworthy stunt involved a team scaling roadside cooling towers 150′ high to spray letters 10′ long.
      Some ideas we discovered:
      A campaign should be planned and teams of three trained with lookouts and communications. (we had no cellphones then- just walkie talkies.
      The campaign should be constant.
      Short, simple slogns are best.
      After initial attack observe nd note how/ when/ who deletes the work and plan the next attack accordingly.
      They will be watching- but can’t watch everywhere!
      Don’t deface private property- multinational property is fair game IMHO.
      Painted slogans can be painted over unless the paint you use is domestic gloss paint mixed with bichumin (tar-water proof sealant)
      Posters- blitz the area- one Mr.Big Brush slaps the waterproof paste or polywurethane (better) on the site the other sticks the third holds the posters and lkeeps look out.
      You can use stencils and a spray can/ gun.
      finally: Remember ‘Shed’s law’: If you mix all the old paint you can find the colour is always brown-ish. If it’s not then you have misslaid a can somewhere!
      (Joke-but true)

    30. OldNFer Says:

      When they swear to lie via Kol Nidre, are they telling the truth- or lying- about lying?

    31. Allen Says:

      I know this was a while ago but i just heard about it. I hope thier real because it would be so good to see some Jewish Banker Driving to work. And its about time that NAZIs get respect from people. If you type the word nazi in at youtube and go to a video they trash us so bad and dont care because its over the internet.