4 September, 2006

George Carlin on Dumb Americans and Those Who Rule Them

Posted by alex in George Carlin at 10:11 am | Permanent Link

(click photo to see video)

  • 12 Responses to “George Carlin on Dumb Americans and Those Who Rule Them”

    1. tabby Says:

      Seems to have disappeared everywhere. I’d like to have seen it.

    2. LUX Says:

      Just watched it at myspace here: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=935607276

      He doesn’t name the jew, but of course he’s live from NYC. I think it is an important incremental strategy in dealing with the unilluminated to first realize that SOMEBODY is screwing them over then let them figure out for themselves WHO it is.

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      I hope everyone can get down to their mailbox today, and drop an envelope in the slot, with a few dollars in it for VNN.

      A. Linder
      POB 101
      Kirksville MO 63501

      Don’t procrastinate. With a non-jew controlled news network, we can be sure that information important to us will not disappear.

    4. Der Arbeiter Says:

      I’m sure many in the tony NYC (and probably heavily jewish) audience were thinking, “Yeah, we sure do control the USA.”

    5. Mati The Estonian Says:

      any change to find a link to download this clip ?
      I have some people to show this but sometimes it beteer done
      offline …

    6. jimbo Says:

      AWESOME!……how could ya NOT come to the conclusion that the JEW is he with whom we have to do?…..just compare the appropriate ‘bank statements’ and trnslt:
      rich owners=(95%) Jews! + (5%)Goys[for ‘window dressing’]

      “It’s called the ‘American Dream’ because you have to be ASLEEP to believe it!”

    7. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      i second mati’s request. anyone have an mp3 of the clip to download?

    8. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      Good to see YET ANOTHER CELTIC CATHOLIC ENTERTAINER with the cojones to tell the Truth. Within the framework of christianity, Roman Catholicism has been and remains by FAR the greatest pro-Aryan banner. Jews know it and so do their scabby little WASPunk footpads.

      Be it yesterday in Salem, Massachusets where puritan peter-puffer Cotton Mather roasted for his first “witch” a poor old Irish slave-woman named Anne Glover for her “witchery” of reciting the Lord’s Prayer in Gaelic, thus extending the policy of jew-hireling (by Rabbi Menasseh, Nov. 1655) Oliver Cromwell who ordered the extermination of ~ 400,000 Irish Catholics, or today with Episs-cup-pud-lians advocating overt dyke clergy, contraception, mysegenation and nary a peep against kikery from any WASP entertainer, sincere Aryan Nationalists must realize and articulate the decisive truth regarding the so-called “British Empire;” it was merely British by the coincidence of Europe’s most corrupt and treasonous aristocracy selling out wholesale to jew interests. Ergo, no need in holding one’s breath waiting on any WASP celebrity ever coming within a parsec of naming the jew, or even hinting that jews actually issue it’s orders.

      Note how the video has disappeared from myspace now too, even though the link remains on the site. Let us encourage men like Mel Gibson, George Carlin and others whenever they do something right. We shouldn’t expect perfect Revolutionary discipline of these fellows but rather commend them for those spontaneous courageous statements, performances, etc… they make and by all means, LET US CAPTURE THEM ON DISK FOR REDISTRIBUTION!

      The larger strategic concern of de-WASPing Aryan Nationalist Revolutionary leadership remains. Carlin serves as another example of just who has the better Aryan perspective and why, given how Irish, Slavic nor German Catholics are or ever were regarded even half so well as protestantized niggers by the power besotted judeo-saxon Establishment. Thus, we Aryan Catholics can proudly proclaim today, yes! WE’RE NOT YOUR NIGGERS WINSTON BLOOMSTINE!

      Become ARYAN, “white man!” Hail Aryana to Be!


    9. Josu Elordieta Says:

      What is little known about Cromwell was that he let the Jews back into England,after they had been expelled some 300 years before.British historian Simon Schama(a Jew,by the way)mentions this on the BBC television series,the History of Britain.

    10. Herrman Koenig Says:

      Hutton Gibson obviously educated his son Mel properly. Aren’t there any other rich and powerful patriots to take the jews on?

    11. Aris Says:

      I have to say, I am so incredibly amazed at the sheer diversity of comments and intellect in this forum.

      Some “educated” white nationalist express intelligence in their words and pride in their tone.

      They approach the “j” question with honesty, foresight and ( given the dangers of even speaking up) the courage to confront the most serious problem the world has ever had the unfortunate circumstance to have.

      Yet others, speak in words that denounce the intelligence and comprehension of the entire race.

      Although we all hate being hated and welcome the struggle to retake our borders, pride and dignity- nevertheless, using the language some characters on this forum use, simply discredit this holy cause and reduce us to the violent screaming hoard the “j’s” try so hard to portray us as.

      (In the eyes of our own misinformed people and others who are curious to know what this is all about)

      Violence is a means to a end not an end unto itself.
      Anyone who does not understand this is misguided and somewhat of a loose cannon.

      “What we need are laser guided missiles and intelligent holy warriors not clubs and stupid thugs” (other groups can have those)

      Get organized, unite and for God sake get educated!

      White pride leads to white power. White pride is the way!

    12. -jc Says:
