20 September, 2006

Democratic Germany Is, In Fact, A Dictatorship

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, Germany, homeschooling at 6:28 pm | Permanent Link

Teach your own child at home? ILLEGAL in “liberated Germany.” Did the nazis outlaw homeschooling? I don’t know, but I doubt it. In New Jew Germany, after ’45, teaching your kids the truth about jews, or correcting the lies jews spread about history – these are ILLEGAL. You get thrown in PRISON for holding the wrong OPINION.

Is there anything more cynical than a jew using the term democracy?

Germany Imprisons Mum. Dad and Kids Flee to Austria

Last Thursday the German police arrested Katharina Plett, a homeschooling mother of twelve. Yesterday her husband fled to Austria with the children. Homeschooling is illegal in Germany since Hitler banned it in 1938. The Plett family belongs to a homeschooling group of seven Baptist families in Paderborn. We wrote about their case last year.

Stefan Sedlaczek of the Catholic website kreuz.net heard about her arrest on Saturday. He reports today that a female plain-clothes police officer rang at Katharina Plett’s house on Thursday around 11:00 am. When she opened the door other police officers, who had hidden themselves, forced their way in. Mrs Plett was allowed to change, but a police officer followed her into her bedroom in case “she would arm herself and shoot us all.” The woman was able to inform her husband by mobile phone before the police brought her to Bielefeld.


  • 11 Responses to “Democratic Germany Is, In Fact, A Dictatorship”

    1. alex Says:

      If that is a fact that Hitler banned homeschooling, then that is a good example of why it is inaccurate for common media to call people like me, for one, nazis. I dont think homeschooling should be banned, and if Hitler banned it, he was wrong to.

    2. this is sickening Says:

      this is sickening.
      the civilized world has gone completely insane.
      i’m losing hope.
      sorry to sound defeatest, but my god! we’re being defeated!
      what the fuck are we going to do??????

    3. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      I never heard or read anything about it being banned by Hitler, but when the subject has come up among my NS friends it’s problematic. Allowing homeschooling means allowing the rapture bunnies and other Christian cults to brainwash their kids who — potentially — will want to kill the unbelievers running a NS/WN government. Just a thought.

    4. Sandor Says:

      -Allowing homeschooling means allowing the rapture bunnies and other Christian cults to brainwash their kids who — potentially — will want to kill the unbelievers running a NS/WN government.

      If you are outside the homeschooling world, I can understand your concern. However, the extreme-christians are a minority, and self-limiting. The kids get out in the world and level out, unless they’ve got genetic tendencies towards antisocial behavior. This is based on experience and observation, not keyboard wank.
      The benefits of homeschooling to any race are tremendous. I should probably write it up sometime. I’ll summarize by saying that homeschooling is a critical ingredient to raising your children with YOUR values. DO IT. If you end up with a wigger, or your junior-high daughter banging a black guy (common in PA/NJ now), blame yourself.

    5. Carpenter Says:

      Homeschooled kids typically do better than those schooled in the state collective. Gee, wonder why.

      Teaching children is a task far too important to be left to the state, just like food production, clothes production, cars, buildings, etc. Why is it people think education should be in government hands, when hardly anything of value is?

      If the government had a monopoly on growing crops, we’d have periodic famine sweeping across towns and cities, and people would say “Crops are too important to be left in private hands! Look at all these famines, they show this is serious business!”

    6. Scipio Americanus Says:

      ZOG fears, more than anything, a resurgent German nationalism and rediscovered identity, and will do anything it takes to snuff it out. This means controlling the education young Germans receive. Home-schooling is an important antidote in countering the vicious propaganda dished out to children and should not come as a surprise that it has been declared illegal in Germany.

      Given the collapse of standards in our own schools here in the states, brought about by cultural Marxism and “integration”, all Nationalists should home-school their children. Here’s an excellent home-schooling program that I recommend:

    7. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “Why is it people think education should be in government hands,”

      The child is considered to be State Property.

    8. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Given a choice I think that any healthy white person would opt to live in National Socialist Germany rather than the dying, jew-controlled, multicultural zoo that the once great nation has now become.

    9. van helsing Says:

      My old man was a navigator on our propaganda planes in WWII.

      quote: We fought on the wrong side in WWII.

    10. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Given a choice I think that any healthy white person would opt to live in National Socialist Germany rather than the dying, jew-controlled, multicultural zoo that the once great nation has now become.”

      I sure would, Bryan, and I’m sure that many others would too if they understood the true nature of National Socialist. And I say this even though I’m not a National Socialist. Hell, just about anything would be better than the Jewish upside-down Alice in Wonderland world we find ourselves living in today. It is utter madness!

    11. Mati The Estonian Says:

      just a link …
