17 September, 2006

Letter for a Sunday Morning

Posted by alex in Christians who abet jews, conservatives, Letters, N.B. Forrest at 10:46 am | Permanent Link

Note sent to Popeye Bauer:


I just saw you yipping about Ahmadinejad’s supposed belief in the Mahdi who’ll come to “kill all the Christians & jews!” Naturally, you “forgot” to mention your own drooling anticipation of the heretical Rapture, in which living saints like you get vacuumed up to dem ol’ Streets ‘o Gold, leaving the rest of us sinner scum to suffer the colossal bloodbath of Armageddon.

But of course, your murderous fantasy is the only true one – even if you can’t actually prove any of it! ;o)

Then there’s your carte blanche support of the Self-Chosen. Like you, Martin Luther began as a semitophile – so much so, he learned Hebrew so he could read the Talmud, thereby drawing closer to the “Elder Brothers in the Faith”. The following are a couple of juicy quotes about Christians & all non-jews codified in that “holy” book:

“It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.” – Chosen Hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5

“Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.” Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L.

Since Luther was a man – rather than a cringing, pious poodle – he became full of righteous rage at such incredible chutzpah coming from a mob of lousy, coin-clipping, peasant-cheating yids, and spent the rest of his life vehemently denouncing them.

But I do realize that the likes o’ you, Robertson & Falwell are infinitely superior Christians to the founder of Protestantism…… ;o)

Mazel Tov!

N.B. Forrest

  • 10 Responses to “Letter for a Sunday Morning”

    1. Jethro Says:

      Bauer looks like some kind of abortion that got away.

    2. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Appealing to the honour of those fundamentalists is a waste of time simply because they have no honour. They are in for the main chance and have attached themselves to the kikes because they think that is a winning move. Burying a Bowie in their guts is the only way to deal with them. They are the kikes’ allies so let them suffer the consequences. A rapturous thought!

    3. Stronza Says:

      Is it true that these controversial portions of the talmud have been removed in recently printed copies. In any event, even if we found an old copy with the nasty statements, and ask our chosen brethren to explain, I am sure that they could defend them. And the cattle would slurp it all up, like a nice tasty salt lick.

    4. brutus Says:

      “Appealing to the honour of those fundamentalists is a waste of time simply because they have no honour. They are in for the main chance and have attached themselves to the kikes because they think that is a winning move. Burying a Bowie in their guts is the only way to deal with them. They are the kikes’ allies so let them suffer the consequences. A rapturous thought!”


      When you’re finished disemboweling them, would you be so kind as to allow me to kick their self-righteous corpses into that long trench out behind the building?.


    5. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Robertson, Falwell and the hordes of other Christian-Zionist leaders are true charlatans, hucksters and con artists straight out of the 1927 Sinclair Lewis novel Elmer Gantry. Actually, they are worse because they have aligned themselves with the Jews and constitute Israel’s largest and most successful cheer leading crowd and have remained loyal to Caligula Bushitus’ “war on terror”. Truly despicable! Pointing out the truth to their flocks is like attempting to train a turkey to fly. It’s a waste of time.

    6. jimbo Says:

      as the late, great Revilo P Oliver once so pithily remarked:

      “(for the true Aryan:) the vaporisation of the Jews constitutes a beatific vision!”

    7. Carpenter Says:

      It is fascinating. Once, the Jews worked almost exclusively through leftist politicians and media. With the last few decades came a great change, when Jews were able to usurp right-wing ideals and chuch leaders for their cause. Where they had only been silent before, following one step behind the left in pro-Jew policies, they are now competing with the left in being the foremost agent of Jewry.

      It is worse than the Jewish control of leftist ideals, those of jealousy and moral license and theft-by-elections. It is worse, because the right-wing ideals are embraced by the very people who should be the Jews’ main enemies: decent, hard-working people. Patriotic people, whose basic values are opposed to Marxism. To be able to twist these values into serving world Jewry is a remarkable feat. And a devastating one.

    8. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “(for the true Aryan:) the vaporisation of the Jews constitutes a beatific vision!”

      I’m not familiar with this quote but it sure sounds like something RPO would say — LOL!

    9. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Appealing to the honour of those fundamentalists is a waste of time…..”

      I know – but why deny myself the amusement of poking them with a stick? ;o)

    10. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re NB Forrest:
      Don’t deny yourself; just make sure that the stick has a very sharp point!