13 September, 2006

A Trip To Tel Aviv West…

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, sitegeist at 10:15 pm | Permanent Link

Undercover in Tel Aviv West
I recently had the honor of traveling to Los Angeles, or Le Cesspool Grande, deep into enemy territory. I departed from the central/northern California valley, and had a pretty decent train trip down. That is, except for the occasions I looked out the window. Upon arrival at the third station, I peeked over my shoulder and saw an adult charcoal black negro with a blond haired female who couldn’t have been more than 14 years old. Her age was apparent because her body was clearly still in the development stage, and she smoked her cigarette without inhaling. I wondered where this girl’s parents were, and if her they knew she may be sleeping with or being preyed upon by a child molester. She reminded me of another young girl who used to live on the next block. This young girl used to lie to her father (mom was a deadbeat) and go up to the community center where blacks were being bussed in to participate in youth sports programs. At 13, this young girl got pregnant and at 14 had given birth to a mulatto whom her father ended up raising. I hoped that this girl was only standing with the negro waiting for her train, not sleeping with him. Brown Trash

As the train rolled on down the tracks, I pondered the future of our race. Outside my window were rows and rows of crops which were tended to by Mexicans who “work hard” (at the jobs White kids out of school used to do) then bring over their wives to breed me out of my own habitat, all while depending on my tax dollars to subsidize them and pay for their large families. I noticed a striking difference between the way poor Whites and Mexicans live. There is this unfortunate stereotype of “hillbillies” and their multiple cars in the yard and sofas on their porches. I see this every now and then where I live, but these Whites are few and far between, and even the scuzziest of our people are cleaner than these Mexicans. Nearly every Mexican house I saw alongside those train tracks had junkyards for back yards. Occasionally you’ll see a poor White household with a broken down car or two (or three or four) on his property, while these Mexicans have 20 or 30 cars and harvest every single part until they are all doorless and standing on bricks! Ah! And those without cars had JUNK on all four sides of the house in place of lawn. It looked like Betho and Cuz in place of Sanford and Son. What FILTH I saw! A mini trash dump under the Eucalyptus trees. Beaner scrawl covering more walls than tomcat urine. Big wheels and bikes in a sewage canal. Malnourished horses forced to graze in junk-strewn pastures with defective fences made of old tin roofing material and pieces of metal sticking up from the ground in between the old tires and discarded metal appliances. Had any horse in any White community been kept under these conditions, the animal would have been confiscated by the Humane Society. As I was approaching the end of this leg of my trip, I looked upon the old cement & brick buildings the Basques in the area built at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Still in operation. Yet all over the sides of these buildings was beaner scrawl. I thought about how, in the two days prior to my leaving, a monumental issue was made of a little bit of pro-White graffiti on a couple of Jewish separatist buildings in Sacramento. It made the top of the news two days in a row. The Mexicans dehumanize us and deface our historical buildings, but I am never told about this because European-looking Jews are the only ‘Whites’ allowed to be victims in this country. Right before I transferred off this train and onto a bus, a black female passed me wearing a “Fat Albert and the Junkyard Gang” t-shirt. Hmm.. Is it possible for White people to revive an old cartoon which uses the word “fat?” Of course not, only Jews and non-Whites have the privilege of intolerance.

Why They Stay in the Back

Now I understand. As I walked the gauntlet of Mexicans, Asians and White liberals, I noticed how much darker it got the more steps toward the back of the bus I took. I chose to sit in the middle and block the seat next to me whenever a non-White approached. The bus was crowded, and there were about five more people to load, all negroes. I made sure to put my dark shades on and look very unfriendly. There was no way I could get up and leave my seat gracefully in this situation if a negro sat next to me. To my delight, no negroes sat next to me. I glanced around the bus and observed that three seats were not taken. Mine, another White’s and that of a sephardic Jew across the aisle from me. Throughout the trip, the Jew kept looking at my book, titled “The Dispossessed Majority.” After about an hour, I walked to the back of the bus to use the rest room. The smell was pretty rank, and it wasn’t coming from the toilet. Shawanda, Dawayne, Shondell and Ice Pick either have a nasty natural odor, or they were wearing something….I don’t even want to know. They all looked ready to pounce at the first opportunity. Hairnets, ski caps, gold teeth, extra sloped forehead, dirty looks– The works. I understood why our ancestors made them sit in the back.

Arrival in La Cesspool Grande

Talk about “Yikes!” All businesses had bars on their windows, graffiti on their walls and all of the industrial yards had prison wire above their fences. It is just economic disparity, I am told. One fact I am not supposed to keep in mind is that I live in one of the poorest counties in California, yet the students are able to score just below the level of the wealthiest White schools in the state. And no graffiti, or violent crime, and very few teen pregnancies.

L.A is a shocking place to be if you are a small town girl. Women without escorts have absolutely no business being out after dark. Yes, we do need male protection. Except feminists, who undoubtedly can take care of themselves, since they are 100% equal to a man.

Anti-Semitism Rampant in Most Diverse Areas

Each block was an ethnic enclave, complete with signs and lettering that no English speaker could understand. It is true, I could not read the signs in my own country. We’d be rolling down one block and feel the need for bulletproof windows, then in a minute, were in Koreatown feeling a tad bit safer. Then there was the gay community, which was actually quite a bit more clean and safe looking than any of the other areas. As luck would have it, the car broke down and a Persian/Armenian tow truck driver picked us up. As we passed a gated affluent community, I couldn’t help but comment on the economic disparities. He said “They are ALL Jews, or 95% of them.” He went on to explain their technique for keeping gentiles out of their racially homogenous communities. Then he said “You aren’t a Jew are you?” I said “GAWD NO!” This made him laugh, and he loosened up even more after recognizing he was among like-minded folk. From there we had an interesting discussion. We ended up having another tow truck pick us up to take us across another town, and our new friend assured us that the new driver “hates Jews too.” As we drove down the road with the Armenian, he started pointing out Jews on the road in their “beanies.” I then said “I think they wear beanies so God won’t be able to see what they are thinking.” This broke the ice, and we had a hearty belly laugh together. He started pointing out Jews and identifying their ethnic origin. I couldn’t believe this man could pinpoint any Jew down to the European or Arabic nation he or she emigrated from. When we entered the gay community, he pointed to a homosexual man on a bike and said “he’s a fireman.” I said “NO way! You can tell their occupations?” He replied “and the cops are gay too.” As I looked at him in disbelief, he pointed at an officer exiting his car and said “see, see! I told you!” Yes, I could see by his mannerisms that he was indeed gay. As I was already laughing uncontrollably, he continued to pound on the theme: he started mimicking a gay officer in his thick Armenian accent, then illustrated (complete with hand gestures) how he once feigned being gay to get out of a ticket. I was almost crying with laughter, and was grateful I hadn’t put on a bunch of eye makeup that morning. He liked us too, and asked if we’d like to ride around with him until the car was fixed. We passed, and instead went to a famous pier.

I was left with the distinct impression that a lot of immigrants, especially Armenians and Persians, hated Jews. I understand why middle easterners hate them, but why Armenians? Then it struck me–The Armenian holocaust of Christians occurred when Jews controlled the Ottoman Empire. Armenia was also one of the nations blessed by “Russian” communism. The Armenians, who are Christians for the most part, do not ascribe to “Judeo-Christianity” because they know what Judaizing a nation and religion means for Gentiles. For their nation, it meant cultural cleansing and the outlawing of their faith.

It also occurred to me that most of the wealth and power in this town was in Jewish hands, creating great resentment amongst the proles. I would later find out the extent of this truth.

To be continued…



Undercover in Tel Aviv West – Part II
There I stood, on Sunset Boulevard waiting for the beautiful sunset amidst the crashing waves. As I scanned the area for White faces, I saw the Third World instead. In other words, few Whites and certainly nothing resembling America. I’d say about 1/3rd of the people were foreign born. One thing that really struck me is how few interracial couples I saw. Sure, we occasionally saw racemixers, but, for such a diverse community, there was very little obvious interracial dabbling on the street. It occurred to me that it is the assimilated non-Whites who ‘take out’ members of our gene pool, while the unassimilated stick with their own people. Here there are more mating options, hence less race mixing than a White community with, say, a 10% non-White population. It really was a mosaic rather than a melting pot. I was glad to see the segregation, but disappointed that any children I have will inherit this horror where the only place they’ll be safe is in gated communities with armed security. The Wigger on the Pier

Amidst this deep and depressing thought, it arrived. “Oh, this is why our race has devolved” I thought. He was the lesion signaling the growing cancer in our race. The closest thing to a brief description I could give of this…thing, is a wigger. He was a White-skinned cross between an Island negro and a wigger. He had long, light brown, dreadlocked hair and resembled a chalk-faced voodoo practitioner.

When we saw him coming (with guitar in tow) we promptly walked up the stairs to get away from this…thing, who we hadn’t yet recognized as a member of our own race. Then for the second time in the day, I was nearly brought to tears from laughing so hard. The man began wildly playing this guitar which he was apparently unfamiliar with. This is one time in my life I wished I had a tape recorder, because there are no words to explain how ridiculously hilarious he sounded. Here was this man with a Carribean negro hairdo singing Mexican tunes in broken Spanish! I stood there bewildered and dumbfounded, pondering why any negro would be so self-loathing he’d try to be a Mexican. I knew he had to be a White liberal, but I wished otherwise. Have you ever heard two Chinese people yelling at each other? Cross that with an 8 year old trying to play a Cheech and Chong song. Add in a whole lot of passion, a bad accent, and a marijuana joint or two and there he was, the wigger on the pier. I just can’t explain it. As we left for the evening, we found the White area. It was a bar on the beach which provided telescreens featuring negroes playing with balls. I didn’t care to join these sheeple any more than “Shondra’s” bongo beach party in the tent we had just passed.

On to Hebewood

The following day, while looking for the main strip in Hollywood, we ended up getting sidetracked and got lost. After we passed the non-White areas, it got noticeably cleaner and safer. We had entered the gay community and it was not very diverse, for all we saw were White-skinned males. Soon it became obvious that the gay blocks were a conveniently located buffer zones for the “Russian” ghetto Jew enclave. I have never seen so many Jews in my life! It was like watching “The Eternal Jew,” but this was reality. There were kosher markets, “Russian” book shops, and little synagogues next to strip joints. As soon as we left the “Russian” Jewish community, the socioeconomics changed considerably and I realized this was indeed a replica of Israel. They put the poor Jews, usually Russian immigrants, on the fringe of their communities and blocked the well-off Jews from the non-Whites.

Holocaust Museum

After I thought we had finally passed the Jewish area of town, I realized that was just the beginning of Hebewood, only the socioeconomics had again changed. We had stumbled upon a wealthier community. On our left was, SURPRISE! The holocaust museum! The House of Horrors. To the left of it was a new building with hundreds of Jews walking in out, all following a pinchy-faced Jew wildly waving around a smoky lantern. Some kind of ritual was going on. Driven by curiosity and the compulsive duty to be good multi-cultural citizens, we parked and decided to stand in the middle of the sidewalk to study them. Typical of racist Jews, they didn’t even look us in the eye. Dirty gentiles! So we asked the Brazilian guard at the holocaust “shekels for sheenie” museum what the heck was going on. He said they were opening a Yeshiva school next door. Yes, an intolerant, racially separatist school where they teach impressionable teenage bigots-in-training the Talmud. There they learn that Gentiles are not human, and even the best of them should be killed, all without arousing the suspicion of the gentile host population. They must learn to smite all the Arab inhabitants of the nearby villages they covet, kill the kids and livestock, and then uproot their olive trees for good measure. They will also learn that Jesus is boiling in hot semen, and excrement too, for all of eternity. This racist school which teaches genocide of non-Jews was connected, literally, to the holocaust museum. How symbolic. After doing some research, I learned the building that housed both is owned by the Jewish Federation. No doubt our tax dollars support it too. I asked the guard how much it would cost to enter. He said $10. Funny…my later research on their web site said entrance is free. And the “Jew” people, in typical bait and switch behavior, complain publicly when anyone says he “Jewed” him down on the cost of one thing or another! We didn’t pay the $10 each to be brainwashed by those who mean to destroy our people.

Beanies in Beverly Hills

For the Jews, the Holocaust Museum is very strategically located. For if one doesn’t visit the house of horrors before entering the domain of the elite, one just might notice that about 70% of the guys in Rolls Royces and convertibles had hooked noses or sported trendy little beanies. Any unsuspecting White liberal or star struck couch potato who just drove up from seeing the pictures of starving Jews wouldn’t feel right about realizing “JEWS REALLY DO CONTROL THE MOSHE PICTURE INDUSTRY.” That would be just one step from making the connection between the degeneration of this society and the Jews who control the means of communication and entertainment.

We drove through Beverly Hills/Bel Air and back. The whole time we were there (over an hour), we saw only three non-Whites. One was an Asian woman with a Jew. The other two were negro sewage workers looking around nervously amidst the “Armed Response” signs in every one of these anti-gun hypocrite’s yards. These White liberals and Jews are among the most powerful people in the nation, yet the diversity and exposure of our children to danger in heavily integrated schools would not be tolerated in their community. They have their own armed guards, but wish upon lower income Whites a life in the city without home protection.

Bongo Boulevard

Finally we arrived at our destination. Since I don’t think I need to go into every detail, I’ll just make some racial observations. Most of the businesses were run by immigrants, many of Arabic descent. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that some White immigrants were also present. They haven’t completely cut off European immigration, and that is promising. And there still are a few White ethnic restaurants in this liberal enclave. As I sat looking out of a really cool British pub, there was a Marilyn Monroe picture painted on the side of a tall building with her mouth warped, as if she were a badly done female dracula. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to put something that grotesque up. Those who have seen the degenerate art of the Weimar period would clearly understand this likeness of Monroe was Jewish art. Right to the side of her star on Hollywood Blvd. was a loitering negro with a ghetto blaster. Many negroes on the boulevard carry their ghetto blasters and stand on street corners. No one wants to live next door to them, especially since they like wearing orange “L.A. County Jail” T-shirts.

Another type of criminal not well-liked are the homosexual prostitutes who use store dressing rooms to do their “business.” I received this education while waiting for my friend to try on a few shirts in a fashionable clothing store near the mall. The attendant there checked the stalls every five minutes. I asked him why and he answered that HE didn’t care, but the store’s policy does not allow women and women or men and men in the dressing rooms together. I sat there wondering if I heard him right. Two minutes later, two men entered a dressing room and I saw four feet facing the same direction. I naively sat there reasoning that it would be easier for the guy to try the shirt on and show his friend outside the dressing room. Less than 30 seconds later I figured out what was really going on and reported it. I thought it fell on deaf ears, but then the attendant came back, kicked them out, winked at me, and said “See what I mean?” I Ieft the store thinking that if this happened anywhere else, the pair would have been going through the criminal justice system.

Homeward Bound

On the way back to the train, we passed “No Tolerance for Hate” and “Support Israel, Support Democracy” billboards. (The latter is run by www.olam4israel.com) As if my trip wasn’t proof enough that this was the belly of the beast, the billboard was highly symbolic of it. In the midst of all this ‘anything goes’ liberalism, a billboard promoting fundamentalist, racist Jews stealing land in the Middle East and smiting their neighbor’s children is tolerated. Just imagine a pro-life, pro-Palestinian or Christian billboard. Surely people in the area know better than to even think of such things.

As we approached the minority areas, the Jewish presence was not so pronounced. We stopped at a gas station and the non-White owner was extremely polite, actually rather over-polite to us. I walked around an obviously mentally ill negro to use the rest room. To my surprise, it was very, very clean. Then again, the owner of the station was wearing a freshly pressed, clean shirt. He obviously wasn’t used to White people coming through the area. But as we continued to the train depot, we saw the black community in all its glory. Businesses boarded up, prison wire on top of fences, and negroes loitering and picking up girls on the street. Then, out of the blue (or should I say black) was a White man standing in front of one of the few open businesses there. It said “Jerusalem Trading” and guess who the “White” man was?

The trip home was pleasant. I met an older man who shared my values, but wasn’t quite racial. The more we spoke though, the more he “came out” on the racial question. I think most Whites, if they feel safe, will talk about their true feelings. But because of Jewish control in the mass media and entertainment industry, a climate hostile to truth prevails. All it takes is a look around to see we are not the silent majority; we are the silenced majority.



http://www.angrywhitefemale.net/articles.html : more ANGRY WHITE FEMALE articles here

  • 6 Responses to “A Trip To Tel Aviv West…”

    1. Anti-Gurlyman Says:

      Hey nice! Good to see “VNN Staff” is finally getting around to digging up the archives. ABOUT FREAKING TIME!! When is Regmister’s German translations coming up? At least when she was running the site, stuff didn’t get lost.

    2. moderator Says:

      The old site which is not updated, is here: http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?page_id=931 or go directly by this link http://vanguardnewsnetwork.com/v1/

    3. Zoroastro Says:

      Good piece of travel writing. In a normal world, I can see it as lead story for the “Jew York Times” week-end travel edition. Are judeo-libs even aware that truth cannot be surpressed no matter the extent of their censorship?

    4. Scipio Americanus Says:

      A Trip To Tel Aviv West… Los Angeles, or “Le Cesspool Grande” certainly qualifies as a Jewish Frankenstein experiment gone mad. I was out there back in the late 1990’s and hated it. Come to think of it, I was in Los Angeles, Mexico, during that daring Hymiewood Bank of America shootout between the LAPD and those two bank robbers sporting body armor and yielding automatic AK-47’s. Anyone remember that spectacle?

      Before I arrived, I had a favorable impression/image of Venice Beach where I was due to stay. When I arrived, I was shocked — what a dive! A true Third World cesspool. It just goes to show you how the televitz is able to shape your perception of things until you see it live and in person. There is one thing the Jews will never be able to tame or control and that is: REALITY!

    5. Celtic Warrior Says:

      A great piece of writing. Any Armenians I have met on my travels have always been interesting and helpful.

      Where California leads the rest of the White world ends up following!

    6. March of the Titans Says:

      Very nice essay Aryan Lady. I am glad we have you on our side. Please try to get other White females to be proud of who they are & of our Race.

      United we will win.