23 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 5:36 pm | Permanent Link


ZOG protects lucrative funny-money racket:

Feds lower boom on alternative money

By Barbara Hagenbaugh, USA TODAY
Sept. 15 2006

WASHINGTON — The government Thursday warned consumers and businesses that it is illegal to use alternative money known as “Liberty Dollar” coins, which organizers promote as a competitor to the almighty dollar.



God And Girl At Catholic College: Readers Respond, by Athena Kerry

North Carolina Sheriff Uses 287(G) Powers, Acts Against Illegal Immigration!, by J. Paige Straley

National Data: Bad news for American students, workers – massive H-1b Increases rise from dead in “SKIL Bill”,by

Edwin S. Rubenstein

Lax Immigration Law The Real Villain In Nyce Tragedy, by Joe Guzzardi

Memo From Mexico: Calderon’s plans For U.S. Immigration Policy, by Allan Wall


“The president’s onetime lapdogs should also rethink the extremist ideology that got us here,” writes Todd Gitlin.



Referring to a document of French Foreign Intelligence Service (DGSE), a regional French newspaper reported Saturday that the Saudi secret services had proved that Al Qaeda head and the world’s most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Quoting unnamed Saudi police sources, the newspaper said Osama Bin Laden died in Pakistan on August 23 of typhoid fever.

“According to a usually reliable source, the Saudi services are now convinced that Osama bin Laden is dead,” the intelligence service’s document reads.

On the other hand, Pakistani authorities said they do not have any information about Osama’s death.

French defense authorities said said the news cannot be confirmed.


[READER: Kwan army continues to melt away.]

More War Veterans Suffering From Stress

WASHINGTON — More than one-third of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking medical treatment from the Veterans Health Administration report symptoms of stress or other mental disorders — a tenfold increase in the last 18 months, according to an agency study.

The dramatic jump in cases — coming as more troops face multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan — has triggered concern among some veterans groups that the agency may not be able to meet the demand. They say veterans have had to deal with long waits for doctor appointments, staffing shortages and lack of equipment at medical centers run by the Veterans Affairs Department.

Contributing to the higher levels of stress are the long and often repeated tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq, troops also face unpredictable daily attacks and roadside bombings as they battle the stubborn insurgency.


[READER: More spreading of democracy.]

President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan says the United States threatened to bomb his country back to the Stone Age after the 9/11 attacks if he did not help America’s war on terror.

Musharraf says the threat was delivered by Richard Armitage, then the deputy secretary of state, to Musharraf’s intelligence director, the Pakistani leader told CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes.”



[READER: I’ll contribute if they make mention that 90% of slave ships were run by jews.]

Bill Cosby on Friday called on each American to contribute $8 to help build a national slavery museum amid the battlefields of the Civil War.

Cosby, who already has committed $1 million to the project, joined Richmond Mayor L. Douglas Wilder on Friday in launching a new campaign to raise $100 million toward the Fredericksburg museum’s $200 million price tag.

“The incentive is that they would join in with the rest of the United States of America in saying yes, as an American, I gave $8 to help build something that tells the story,” he said in a teleconference with Wilder.

In a nation of some 300 million people, even a tepid response would surpass the $100 million goal, Cosby said.

He admitted this kind of campaign “generally fails badly.”

“But I’m going to try again because I’m going to present this national slavery museum as a jewel that’s missing in a crown.”



Iranian-Israeli Quid Pro Quo
Post date: Tue, 2006-09-12 15:00
Author: Thomas H. Naylor

If Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has the opportunity to meet face-to-face with President George W. Bush, for openers, he should demand that the United States treat Iran’s nuclear program the same way it treats Israel’s. Although it is rarely mentioned by the American media, everyone knows that Israel is a card-carrying member of the exclusive eight-nation nuclear club. Notwithstanding all of its denials, Israel’s nuclear weapons system was designed, financed, and built with substantial American assistance.

Team Bush consistently portrays President Ahmadinejad as a fundamentalist, Muslim fanatic who is hell bent on terrorizing Israel and the rest of the world. He appears to be well on his way to replacing Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden as America’s next Great Satan. But, if there ever were a terrorist state, it is Israel. Israel has been terrorizing the Palestinians for sixty years. It has one of the worst human rights records of any country in the world.

By arming its technofascist ally, Israel, with nuclear weapons, the United States fully expected that it could maintain hegemony over Middle East oil. It never anticipated that with $70 per barrel oil and a little help from Pakistan and Russia that Tehran might one day crash the nuclear party.

Few Americans have read President Ahmadinejad’s skillfully crafted, cogent letter of May 8th to President Bush (www.President.ir) about the role of the American Empire in global geopolitics. Hardly the work of a religious fanatic, the letter reads as though it were written by a philosopher, a
theologian, or a college professor. It lays bare the underlying premises of American foreign policy including unconditional support for Israel, might makes right, everyone should be like us, full spectrum dominance, and imperial overstretch. In his letter Mr. Ahmadinejad asks President Bush the following provocative question, “Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world?”

Literally every argument given by Team Bush as to why Iran should not have nuclear weapons is equally applicable to Israel, Pakistan, and for hat matter, India, whose nuclear program has recently been targeted for increased U.S. support. No country is a greater threat to Middle East
stability than Israel. If Iran should not have nuclear weapons, neither should Israel. If Iran’s nuclear program needs to be closely monitored, so too should Israel’s.

In my opinion nuclear weapons should be banned in Iran, Israel, and in the other seven countries which are known to posses them. Nuclear weapons are immoral instruments of nihilism. What we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 was absolutely unconscionable. Telling Iran that it cannot have nuclear weapons is the height of hypocrisy. Who do we think we are?

Thomas H. Naylor



Equality Shows

We are amazed at the large number of what we call “equality shows” found on TV these days.

What’s an “equality show,” you may ask? It’s a TV series. Specifically, a drama. It features young professionals – for example, doctors, or perhaps cops, or maybe lawyers.

But regardless of the exact type of professionals they feature, these equality shows have one thing in common: their racial and sexual diversity. These shows feature Blacks, Browns, Asians, women, etc. All of the characters in these shows are very smart and very able, regardless of their race or sex – hence the reason we call them “equality shows.”

Indeed, after several years of watching these TV shows, any White person can easily come to the conclusion that the human races and sexes are all equal in intelligence and ability.

In many ways, these equality shows could be called “culturally Marxist,” since their content seems designed to help “equalize” our society, just as Marxism was allegedly designed to “equalize” countries such as the Soviet Union.

We now agree even more with the fellow who said that [paraphrasing] “television is the greatest propaganda tool ever invented by mankind.”

Let us not forget which race completely dominates the production of TV shows: Jews [1].

What if White people controlled what other White people watch, instead of Jews controlling what White people watch?

[1] a mention of the U.S. entertainment industry and Jews:


Who is this “Miss Gilli Atkinson” – [email protected] – and what makes her think she’s so special that she can dictate what others can – and can’t – say?

Oh, I forgot, she’s a member of God’s Chosen Race, so that is somehow supposed to give her special rights unavailable to us lowly goyim!




I’m a first year med student in New York and I can tell you that I ran into some loxist Jew “professors” right off the bat.  We had a two hour conference devoted to the discussion of sickle-cell disease and how it can be treated.  “Dr.” X, who I immediately recognized as a Jew the second I saw his face, went on a tirade about how white doctors often refuse to prescribe enough morphine for sickle-cell related pain because they assume that the black patient is just a drug addict trying to get a fix.  That was the central point of his hour long speech, I shit you not.  I’m paying $40,000 dollars in tuition alone, and what am I getting for it?  Jew loxist hate.



John B recommends video on the Protocols


Robert E recommends video:

Another stunning video. If this does not wake up the brain dead I don’t know what will. This is the best yet on 9/11. Makes Loose Change look like a commercial break.
Please spread far and wide.



Abramoff Associates, Bush Aides Met Often
Republican activists Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed landed more than 100 meetings inside the Bush White House, according to documents released Wednesday that provide the first official accounting of the access and influence the two presidential allies have enjoyed.



Le Monde | Fragile Hungary

Le Monde notes that current events in Hungary, while not necessarily worrying in themselves, play out against a background in Eastern Europe – and Hungary itself – that gives rise to concerns.



Communiqué du 21 septembre 2006

:: Estrosi complice ? pas de mosquée à Nice ! ::

Lundi, Christian Estrosi, Ministre délégué à l’aménagement du territoire et Président du Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, recevait plusieurs représentants des musulmans du département et les assurait de son soutien concernant la construction d’une grande mosquée à Nice.

M. Estrosi, proche de Nicolas Sarkozy, entérine au niveau local la politique suicidaire mise en place au niveau national par le Ministre de l’intérieur à travers le Conseil Français du Culte Musulman. N’étant plus tout à fait assuré de la victoire de son mentor aux élections présidentielles et voyant par conséquent l’éventualité de hautes responsabilités ministérielles s’amenuiser, on peut aussi penser que Christian Estrosi a voulu jouer une carte niçoise. En se positionnant comme le défenseur des musulmans il s’assure de leur soutien (et nous savons bien que leur poids démographique, et donc électoral augmente chaque jour) et se démarque de Jacques Peyrat, maire UMP de Nice, qui s’oppose fermement à la construction d’une mosquée à Nice.

Démagogie nationale ou calcul local, peu nous importe et les Identitaires niçois réaffirment clairement leur opposition absolue à la construction d’une grande mosquée à Nice. Notre ville compte déjà dix salles de prière, c’est bien assez ! Peut-être serait-il utile d’expliquer à nos dirigeants, messieurs Sarkozy et Estrosi en tête ce que signifie dans l’Islam la construction d’une mosquée? Nous ne voulons pas voir Nice considérer comme terre d’Islam !

Vous pouvez faire connaître votre sentiment concernant les déclarations de Christian Estrosi, avec courtoisie mais fermeté, auprès de la permanence départementale de l’UMP :
Tél :
Fax : 04 93 72 56 56
[email protected]

Nous invitons tous ceux qui ne souhaitent pas voir un minaret s’élevert entre le Paillon et le Var avec la bénédiction de la République à nous rejoindre pour un rassemblement de protestation devant les locaux du Conseil Général (Centre Administratif des Alpes-Maritimes) samedi à 13h30.


Robert Parry | The Bushes and the Truth About Iran

Robert Parry writes: “Having gone through the diplomatic motions with Iran, George W. Bush is shifting toward a military option that carries severe risks for American soldiers in Iraq as well as for long-term US interests around the world. Yet, despite this looming crisis, the Bush Family continues to withhold key historical facts about US-Iranian relations.”



Chavez Address to the United Nations

Hugo Chavez addressed the United Nations yesterday, saying: “The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads.”



–What life will be like for whites in a majority non-white USA–

When the office reaches the “tipping point.”

By John Ingram

It’s a safe bet that for many whites, exposure to blacks and Hispanics comes in controlled doses. Their positive attitudes toward “diversity” are shaped by isolated experiences with small handfuls of non-whites, often in majority-white settings. Until some years ago, my own life followed this pattern. I was a “colorblind conservative” and liked Newt Gingrich and Jack Kemp. Although I was beginning to lose my illusions, I thought all we needed to fix the race problem were free markets and “better values.”

That was about to change. After law school, I accepted a job with the civil division of a major metropolitan area’s legal office, which defends the city against lawsuits. If you were hit by a police car, for example, and decided to sue, we handled the case. Incoming lawyers were assigned to various locations around the city, and I landed in the least-white part of town–29 percent and falling.



The main aims of Princip project lie in the detection of racist content on the Internet…

The main body of linguistic work on racist language has concentrated on discourse analysis of majority groups within European countries and the USA with the aim of uncovering tacit or concealed racist attitudes. This has mainly been achieved by means of interviewing members of majority groups and subjecting the resulting text to a discourse analysis (prototypical example: Teun van Dijk, 1987, 19931 with many followers), or by means of studying existing political textual documents (M. Souchard, 1997) in order to detect recursive linguistic units and themes.

The Princip-project differs from previous linguistic research in the type and source of texts that it researches, in the method it uses and in the aims it pursues. The project deals with (mainly) open racist attitudes as expressed on the Internet. There has been research into web-based racist language before but this has generally been limited in its scope: using typical pieces of text from particular websites2. The Princip-project deals with large amounts of text published on the Internet and uses corpus linguistics methods as its primary research tool. The aim of the linguistic studies of the Princip project is to enable an automated multi-agent system to detect racist content without recourse to human input during on-line running.



The Pope, Islam and History

Fri. Sep 22, 2006

In the fall of 1776, as the newly independent American colonies set about drafting their individual state constitutions, a furious debate erupted over the rights of religious minorities. Preachers and populists warned that letting non-Protestants vote and hold public office, as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were urging, could result in “Jews, Turks and Infidels” taking over America. The cry was taken up in state after state and became a national movement. The association between Jews and “Turks” was a natural one for Americans of that era. Judaism and Islam were linked in the popular mind as kindred Middle Eastern cultures. The few Jews who had settled in America were mostly Sephardim, Portuguese Marranos who preserved the melodies, the recipes and even the ceremonial dress of their lost golden age in Muslim Spain.

[No mention of the treasonous jews inviting Muslims into both ends of Europe. Do you think jews spoke of Judeo-Muslim traditions? Of course they did. Those Aryans who warned about jews taking over American, well, what do we see around us? Jews control the most powerful mechanisms known to man. They inflate currency to steal from hated goyim; they portray White males as weird and faggy in their tv advertising, and as hate-filled criminals in the stuff between. Jews donate more to both camps of the Government Party than any other group, which just might explain why formerly Aryan-ruled America races around the world putting out fires for jews, while turning a blind eye to Israel’s genocidal campaign against Native Palestinians.]

The association continued long after Jews won their rights. For nearly a century and a half after independence, American Jews who received senior diplomatic postings overseas usually got sent to Muslim capitals, where it was assumed that they would readily find a common language. That custom came to a sudden halt only in 1917, when the Balfour Declaration inaugurated a century of Muslim-Jewish hostility. No American Jew was appointed chief of mission in a Muslim country again until 1993, after the signing of the Oslo Accords.

[Jews can be trusted – to do whatever is “good for jews.” It is the only thing they can be trusted on. They will shift alliances between days. Many jews supported Germany in WWI – until it appeared jews could turn global misery to their advantage. David Horowitz is all jews: communist today, conservative tomorrow, JEW BEFORE AND AFTER. Hint for the ‘wakening White man: good for jews means BAD FOR YOU.]

That history is worth recalling this week as we consider the furor touched off by a recent speech of Pope Benedict XVI, in which he seemed to suggest that Islam contains an innate streak of violent evil. His words have touched off a wave of violent protests across the Muslim world, reminiscent of last winter’s Cartoon Jihad and similar incidents going back to the 1988 publication of Salman Rushdie’s “Satanic Verses.” Whether or not the pope actually meant to say what the protesters think they heard — that Islam harbors violence and evil — the protests seem ironically to have proved the point.

Even more ironic, it’s not at all clear that Benedict actually meant to say that. His speech was a learned discourse, before a college audience, on the importance of dialogue and the supremacy of reason. The address included a brief quote from a 14th-century Byzantine Christian prince, complaining to a Muslim — “with a startling brusqueness,” the pope noted — of Islam’s “evil” tendency to “spread by the sword.”

The words come from a distant time. Christianity had swept Europe, in large part by the sword, but then lost a two-century holy war to capture Jerusalem. The prince, the future Emperor Manuel II of Byzantium, was waging a lifelong, losing struggle to defend what remained of his own Christian empire from Muslim conquest. In a struggle for world domination between two competing empires, harsh words may be used. Such moments don’t necessarily produce useful philosophical dialogue. That’s partly what the pope was driving at.

[We suspect that the Pope was throwing a subtle sop to the kikes he had earlier offended with a different comment. Note to the wise: if you’re applying for pope, remember that apologizing will be a major duty, and structure your resume accordingly.]

None of that has stopped a small army of Western commentators and editorialists from rallying behind the papal message that the Muslim protesters thought they heard. Benedict was right, these pundits say, to call Islam a violent faith. Muslims, they say, are conditioned by their religious tradition to neglect economic growth and good governance and to blame the parlous state of their societies on the West, Jews and anyone else they can find. Their religion teaches intolerance and celebrates violence, they say, and it’s about time that somebody had the guts to stand up and say it. Nowhere is this sentiment more keenly felt than in some quarters of the Jewish community, where fears for Israel’s survival in the face of Muslim rage have reached a fever pitch of late. In such circles, it’s considered the height of wisdom to stand tall and speak truth to Islam — and to press at every opportunity for a confrontational Western response to Muslim provocation. Their hope is that the enlightened forces of Christendom, the Jews’ natural and historic ally, may yet knock some sense into the benighted faithful of the Umma, and in the process, they reason, make Israel safe.

But bad history makes for bad policy. The violent convulsions wracking the Muslim world today are no more inherent to Islam than the Crusades or the pogroms were essential to Christianity. As for the current confrontation between Islam and Judaism, it is, in the broad sweep of history, a mere blip, compared to the two-millennium nightmare of Christian persecution.

[Bullshit. 99.9% of christian reaction to jews is just that – reaction to CHRISTIANS BEING PERSECUTED BY JEWS, the hate that dare not speak its name – in our jew-controlled “free” press.]

History teaches that there are times to confront evil and times for dialogue. The ravings of an Ahmadinejad
[Typical jewish dishonesty, always on tap at Forward. Ahmadinejad called for debate with Bush. The jews can’t allow that as 1) Bush can’t think on his feet, he needs a jewish speechwriter and several hours of coaching to master a handful of gross points; 2) Iran is in the right and the JudeoKwa is in the wrong. Israel subjects itself to NONE of the UN resolutions for which it hypocritically demands violent attacks on Iran. If you had a neighbor whose religion taught him that you weren’t even human, and he had hundreds of machine guns – wouldn’t you want a little something to defend yourself? That is Iran’s position.] in Iran leave little room for useful exchange. Bin Laden and his ilk can only be hunted down, not wooed. But the Muslim world also includes major leaders, from the Egyptian, Pakistani and Palestinian presidents to the kings of Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia, who want to end this sorry chapter in history and open a new one. It’s important to know when — and how — to talk.

Popes like to speak in enigmas. It’s an old tradition, a way to help preserve their mystique. But there are times when clarity is what’s called for. Benedict himself lectured a group of Muslim scholars last year on the importance of using words carefully. “Words are highly influential in the education of the mind,” he said at the time. He was right; words have consequences. He’s learning that all over again this week. We’d all do well to pay heed.

[When are the jews going to apologize for writing in their holiest book: “Even the best of the goyim should be killed.”? When is the Pope going to ask them to?]


Turkish Islam has been free of anti-Semitism, too. The Ottoman Empire welcomed the Jews expelled from Spain in 1492, and ever since, Jews have lived peacefully in Turkish lands. The Arab-Israeli conflict, although it has generated sympathy among Turks for the plight of the Palestinians, never created widespread hatred of Israel, let alone Jews in general.




Washington, D.C. Schools to Hire Foreign Teachers

It isn’t surprising to us that the city of Washington, D.C. can’t find enough American teachers to hire. After all, who would want to live in a heavily-negro, eastern city?

By the way, here’s some trivia about D.C.: for years, that city had a management program known as “home rule” [1]. That program allowed negroes to govern D.C. with very little meddling from any outside entity. And what happened? This: the negro management of D.C. was so inept that the federal government had to step in and take control of certain parts of that city’s day-to-day operations.


[1] the “home rule” program existed for about 20 years. It was created in 1973. Worldwide, Blacks have shown that they cannot govern well; it’s a statistical fact that must be an embarrassment to Jews and liberals who try to “sell” the idea of human equality to the Western public


The Age-Old Iberian Rivalry and the Jews


  • 9 Responses to “”

    1. Coup d'Etat Says:

      “Evansville, Ind.-based National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code, otherwise known as NORFED, has been making the Liberty Dollar coins for eight years and claims $20 million is in circulation. The group says the money, unlike official U.S. cash, has a hedge against inflation because it is made almost entirely of silver and is backed by stocks of silver and gold in a vault in Idaho.

      The coins are then spent by the group’s 2,500 Liberty Associates in stores run by fellow supporters or are accepted unknowingly by clerks who are unaware they are not receiving real money.

      The Justice Department has determined that use of Liberty Dollars, which come in varying denominations, “is a crime,” according to the Mint, which issued a rare public warning Thursday.

      “The United States Mint is the only entity that can produce coins,” Bailey says.

      The Mint notes the coins share some resemblances to real money, such as the term “Trust in God” instead of “In God We Trust” and use of a torch in the design. Such similarities may confuse people into thinking the money is real, the Mint says.

      But NORFED says it will challenge the government, arguing it has never claimed Liberty Dollars were official money and that it has a right to offer an alternative.”


      Paper notes are more real than coins back by silver and gold? HA! This may be a great way to overthrow all jews in America. I love it.

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      In a case in Buffalo, a man and his son are set to go on trial next month after they knowingly tried to buy beer at a Buffalo Sabres hockey game with Liberty Dollars.

      I’m sure the jew lawyer of these two counterfeit passing fools will want cold, hard, US Dollars. :o) LOL

    3. expose_them_all Says:

      You don’t have to post this but I was wondering, if Google deletes my blog here http://exposethemall2.blogspot.com/ can I have a blog on VNN? The ones you all talk about on the shows.

      Thanks . . .

    4. GB Says:


      Alex chime if you think otherwise, but what we are looking for is men and women writing about the local scene, challenging the local media, local goverment, and etc…

      Your blog is quite well done but I am not sure by looking at it if it meets that criteria.

      These are the models we have in mind: http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?page_id=1003

      As a side note, Yankee Jim is on blogger, I don\’t think he has had any problems: http://thehudsonvalleyfreeman.blogspot.com/

    5. wayne h. Says:

      The constitution states plainly that money has to be gold and silver,or has to be backed by same.And that only congress can authorize the printing of money.The federal reserve is unconstitutional and is a scam for these banksters to create money from nothing-fiat money ,lent to the government at interest.The federal reserve is niether federal nor a reserve ,but a group of private banks some with connections to foreign banks (rothschilds) .This has been exposed very well in the book ,The Creature from Jekyl Island by Griffeth and the Federal Reserve Conspiracy.Federal reserve notes are legal tender but have no intrinsic value ,and banks can lend money created from nothing or with almost no reserve deposits to back the loans and are protected by FDIC or the taxpayers if they get into trouble and become insolvent. The fed. is a jew extortion racket invention and needs to be abolished.

    6. van helsing Says:

      …cold, hard, AND WORTHLESS US Dollars…


    7. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Unsuspecting Whites long ago had their gold and silver exchanged amongst one another with no problem for hundreds of years. This money belonged to the Whites not to the jews. The jews at that time had nothing and were penniless. What started the fiasco with the jews and their unlawful banking system is that the Whites needed a place to put their money – in a safe place outside of their homes. Lo and behold the banks were formed. People on a daily basis were withdrawing their gold and silver with no problem. Along comes a jew who made it a problem. The banker jews enforced that all gold and silver stay in the vaults while paper notes are issued. Their reasoning was to make the banking transactions easier. Unfortunately, the Whites thought this was a good idea. Or, did they really? Seems that part of history has been muted.

      If anyone notices how a coin was made 60 — 80 years ago, you would notice the heaviness and metal content of the coin compared to now. Now the coins are made of plastic. This just tells you that the jews have stolen all the gold and silver that our ancestors once had. The Whites have no money and the jews know this. We are being slaughtered through their wars, invaded by third world immigrants, poisoned with foods they govern and manufacture, and unlawfully persecuted for their hate crime agendas. We are of no need to them and they now see us as expendable. This little thinking of theirs is not just in America, but it in all White nations. The jews are a major threat to us, and they need to be expelled by any means necessary and at all costs. They have invaded our CIA, FBI, and other governmental agencies as well as infiltrated all levels in our society.

      We have been swindled by an institutution that was never accepted by the U.S. Constitution. If it was at one time to be legitimate, it definitely is not now. There is no backing to any of the monies that are printed anymore. It is gone. They have stolen what was rightfully ours. When justice does come knocking on their doorsteps, their assets will be taken, their land will be sold, and Israel will be no more.

      On the note about the blogs: How much exposure do these blogs have? How much more effective would it be to print out the pages from the blogs and drop them as leafletts? Just the news story with a little comment introducing what the media is doing to mute the real problems in our society and the media’s negative influence on society by not reporting the real problems seem to me an effective introduction to the leafletts for common people to read.

    8. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “that only congress can authorize the printing of money”

      Minting (coining) not printing.

    9. Scipio Americanus Says:

      The Jewish inspired Federal Reserve System is the greatest swindle and criminal enterprise ever conceived and is the vanguard of destruction of our political/economic freedoms. What we need is another Andrew Jackson to destroy “the Monster” once and for all! But where are you going to find another “Old Hickory”? Sadly, that will not happen given the demographic nightmare world we find ourselves living in. The Judeo-Anglo Establishment counts on the FED to inflate our currency to buy off the ethnic pressure groups and finance their endeavor of world empire. I’m sorry to say, but the time for reforming “the system” has long passed. The FED’s destruction will come but only with the destruction of ZOG. They are two sides of the same kosher coin. (Or should I say shekel?)