21 August, 2006

You are not a White Nationalist if you…

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, white nationalism at 4:36 pm | Permanent Link

1. Have “Joy Tree” in your name

2. Consider Jews “White”

3. Think that Muslims are more dangerous than Jews

4. Are a fan of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, or Sean Hannity (“They are Conservatives!”)

5. Worry about “Liberals” “Hating America” (The ‘Kwa is a vile piece of dung, why shouldn’t other nations hate us? WE SUCK!!)

6. Only dislike poor Blacks (“the poor Blacks are bad because they don’t contribute to our economy, OH VEY!”) but you admire the “classy” rich nigger athletes (“They are successful!”) Yeah great, get a life.

7. Believe everything the History Channel tells you about Adolf Hitler (“But he was insane! He molested and murdered his niece! They said so on TV!”)

8. Are a humanitarian Globalist and you actually become upset knowing that Brown mud women somewhere on Earth are “Wearing Burkhas”..It is none of your business! Leave it alone!!

9. Like Israel (“They are a Democracy! They are part of the ‘West’!”)

10. Think that Jesus is “comin’ back” to convert a bunch of Sheenies to usher in “The End Times”

11. Think Ronald Reagan defeated Communism (He may have beaten Russia but Communism is alive and well in America)

Otto Remer

  • 28 Responses to “You are not a White Nationalist if you…”

    1. Kurt Says:

      I agree with the first 10. Maybe, just maybe, Whites will reject non-racial, economic terms such as “communism” and “capitalism” and concentrate on the preservation of The Race.

      maybe I can add one more …

      you’re not a White Nationlist if you think Halle Berry is hot, and especially if you say so on a WN forum.

    2. Jim Says:

      For your amusement:


    3. confedrrate Says:

      what is a “joy tree” ?

    4. Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:

      Korrection to Kurt:

      Communism is not “non-racial”: Communism is where everyone is exactly and perfectly equal – except for the Jewish race which is kept genetically discrete & intact in the role of ruling class. Communism is the artificed war of the have-not browns to the destruction of Whites who otherwise would compete against Jews for mastery of the earth.. Coercive collectivism is how the Jews conduct war against Whites. Communism is the destruction of White meritocracy – and hence, Whites. It’s *entirely* racial.

    5. whitefight Says:

      Don’t forget rap music and the whiggers who prostitute their white women to muds…

      Joy Tree is a moderator on stormfront…

    6. David Prospero Says:

      And that’s happening now in Australia.

    7. Mark Says:

      That’s more publicity than Joy Tree deserves. :)

    8. Sally Bowles Says:

      I think #11 is a little hard on real Russians. You say:

      “11. Think Ronald Reagan defeated Communism (He may have beaten Russia but Communism is alive and well in America)”


      Slavic Russians were, by and large, as much victimized by the Soviet Union as Slavic Poles & Ukrainians, and Germanic Baltics & East Germans.

      The Soviet Union was the governing agency that Regan may fairly be said to have helped to deconstruct, but the Soviet Union was in no way a product of Russian cultures, histories, or heritages.

      How does this sound?

      “11. Think Ronald Reagan defeated Communism (He may have beaten the Soviet Union, but Communism is alive and well in America)”

    9. Gerald Morris Says:

      Not bad overall. It would be much better to just flush the judeo-saxon \”white\” construction in favor of ARYAN identity and Aryan Nationalism altogether though. \”Whiteness\” was constructed just to allow jews to infiltrate various Euro-Aryan national groups when they choose to. Who hates niggers more than the tiny-dick kike oynking and squealing about \”der Schwarzers\” ad nauseum? ++Good for rightly identifying amerikwa for the crock of shit it always was! Yes, , FREE ARYAN MAN!

    10. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      You may not be a White Nationalist if you think Jeff Foxworthy or Larry the Cable Guy is funny.

      You’re definately not if you think Jerry Seinfeld is funny.

    11. Zoroastro Says:

      Of course, you should also be able to defacate on the head of a kike who signs on as “Abzug Hoffman” on VNN and polutes the forum on a regular basis. Otherwise, pretty accurate and up to the point.

    12. eNZedBlue Says:

      I disagree with #3. Muslims are more dangerous than Jews at this current point in time, regardless of the fact that Jewish-inspired policies led us into this state. If you could take a time-machine back 50 years, then sure, focus on the Jews. It’s still worthwhile pointing out Jewish double-standards w/r/t Israel and the West even today. But don’t try and downplay Muslims as not a problem. Hating Jews shouldn’t be the centrepiece of White Nationalism.

    13. NSN Says:

      Surely some mistake! Now what could Joy Tree and Jews have in common? Apart from a tendancy of having to use money to buy friends and supporters because they’re so naturally revolting as human beings…

    14. Olde Dutch Says:

      Who is “joy tree” and why does he matter? Oh yeah. Ronnie Raygun was the epitome of a coonservative republicoon. Opened the door for the mestizo invasion, and granted the first amnesty.

    15. reo Says:

      Johnjoytree matters because he seems to have corrupted the BNP and Stormfront with money .

      This is what happened to conservatism . It was infiltrated through ideolgical cracks and destroyed.

      the Muslim/Jew priority debate is one such crack.

      Muslims are the symptom Jews are the disease.

      This will always be a problem as Jews are less and less visible in monkeyculturalised societies .
      They import their camoflage.

    16. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      4. Are a fan of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, or Sean Hannity (”They are Conservatives!”)

      Fuck conservatism. THIS – http://tinyurl.com/qhtlm – is the face of modern conservatism, physical and mental cripples like the crusty RimJob and drug addicts like Limbaugh shilling for shekels – http://tinyurl.com/pc4rf – on allegedly pro-American message boards and radio shows. Christ, if I started a drinking game where I took a sip of lite beer everytime Sean Hannity said anti-semitism I’d be dead of an alcohol overdose before the end of the second hour. When Pat Buchanan’s new book on immigration gets a better reception on a leftist site like HuffPo than it gets on FreeRepublic, you know conservatism has been thoroughly Judaized. If I hadn’t dropped my CofCC membership years ago out of disgust at Gordon Baum’s kikeaphobia I’d do it today for no other reason than the fact that they use the word “Conservative” in their name.

    17. jimbo Says:

      ‘eNZedBlue’ is clearly on the wrong track

      a reading of MacDonald is prblby in order here………..the current ills afflicting the White Race like abortion, homosexuality, pornography, gun control, multi-culturalism, globalisation and low white birth rates are ALL courtesy of the KIKE!…….NOT muslims!

      AAMOF, i doubt most of these recent ‘terrorist atrocities’ going as far back as 9/11 have any-thing to do with Muslims @ ALL……it’s pretty much ALL down to the kike!

      The jews are now trying to rope Western nations into a war with various Arab/Muslim countries on the strength of terrorist incidents that have been largely engineered by them-selves……

      ohhh…….and let’s not forget THIS: the central issue here is RACE NOT RELIGION….let’s get THAT
      nice and crystal CLEAR before we go any further……it would be possible
      (although, admittedly, not likely) for a white person to say they’re ‘muslim’ but NOT jewish….to be a jew, you basically have to be BORN ONE!

      the only problem muslims could conceivably cause in white, Western nations is that they’re not white and we all know the GOLDEN RULE there, right gents?

      if it ain’t WHITE, then it ain’t RIGHT!

      THAT applies across the board to niggz, jews, mexcrement, mestizos, amerinids, who-ever!

      HATING that which will do you grievous harm is Nature’s auto-immune response mechanism to facilitate survival.

      Jews have wished, wish and always will wish the White Race the maximum amount of ILL….that is ABSOLUTELY BEYOND DISPUTE.

      As such, hating jews has been, must be and must continue to be one of the if not THE central tenet of White Nationalism.

      THe Age of the Kike is OVER……..let’s ensure that the coffin lid is nailed SHUT and this menace is BURIED FOR-EVER!

    18. Arnold Says:

      Muslims are NOT more of a problem than Jews. The only reason Muslims are attacking and are pissed off with AmeriKwa is because of the fucking Jews and our unconditional support for Israel. When we solve the Jewish problem the Muslim “problem” will disappear. Even all the Muslims in Europe and their talk of holy Jihad and Islamizing the west will not be much of a problem once we get the Jews off our back.

    19. Mati The Estonian Says:

      “eNZedBlue Says: The 22nd 2006f August, 2006 at 2:09 am
      I disagree with #3. Muslims are more dangerous than Jews ”

      – we must remember most of the info about “dangerous Muslims” coming from jew owned media. if we get kikes out of picture and can built a world free of kike domination the “muslim issue” will go on zero in no time. after a few decades those muslims will come and cheer us forgetting kikes out of picture. I will not deny its lots of muslims are mixed up with real targets- they but “=” mark between jew and aryan and education will take some time. but this will be issue we can manage – like “blakich” problem what was introduced us from kike slave traders.
      but the real problem is (at least I feel that way – as I am far from it me give me better perspective) you guys back there lacking organisational skills or will ! its lots of black and kike bashing goes around but no real work. someone must stand and make a stand – all aryan and likewise mided people must join something like Independent party (for example) its working body he as some network and stuff – and all – and I mean ALL aryan type persons must join it – take it over and next election but up candidate or more to the Hill and so forth. and using the kikes made organistion work for YOU and kick them out from YOU goverment.

    20. Anchorage Activist Says:

      eNZedBlue – You believe Muslims are a greater problem simply because their destructive actions are much more visible. But while Muslims occasionally lash out and kill 241 here, 3,000 there, etc., Jewish predation is much more subtle and insidious. Through their media domination, they corrupt millions of our kids, transforming white girls into race-mixers and white youth into whiggers. Jewish economic domination has created the casino economy stripping so many honest white men of gainful and affordable employment, and hornswoggling hard-working white Americans into accepting usurious mortgages and loans.

      Remember, the Jew wants you to focus on the Muslim so that the Jew can continue his predation unmolested.

    21. Carpenter Says:

      JohnJoyTree\’s greatest crime is that he systematically censors and even bans the best White Nationalists, in an attempt to slowly turn Stormfront into kosher conservatism, where the wars against Israel\’s enemies are applauded and noone dares whisper the word Jew.

      He can\’t ban everybody, but he can ban the most uncompromising WNs. And then more, and more….

      Already Stormfront is a place where braindead so-called nationalists from Britain, screaming \”never again a 7/7!\” dominate. Threads are cleansed of opposition to them and then locked.

      And it is Don Black who allows all this.

    22. jackumup Says:

      Jews Aren’t white? does that include adam sandler because he’s so cool & tuff in the movies

    23. Olde Dutch Says:

      Here’s a little horror to think about. The Semites, jew and moslem make peace. United both groups of turn on us. Far fetched. Do you trust the jew?

      Btw, this “joy tree” means nothing politically. Stormfront smells of acne medication anyway.

    24. John Says:

      Jews will work with and support Muslims against whites when it suites their interests as we saw in the Balkans during the 90’s.

    25. Vadim Says:

      I have encountered many posts by Mr.Tree on SF,and I didn’t notice
      him going this far off the deep end. I thought he was respected and well liked on SF forum.
      Regarding someone not being all into the Holy Adolph;who made the worship of this decrepid and reality-disconnected personage an
      obligation for any practioner of modern WN?
      Who gives a cockroach for him offing or not offing his niece..?

    26. Tyler Durden Says:

      I’m none of those for sure. Sorry to say it sounds like a lot of people in my life who I’ve started moving away from. I’d rather be alone than spend my time with a bunch of stupid American lemmings. There should be #12) If you think Muslims were responsible for 911 and #13) If you think that your vote counts.

    27. Shabbos Shabazz Says:


      Is living not valuating, preferring, being unjust, being limited, wanting to be different? . . . . Différence engendre haine . . .
      —Friedrich Nietzsche

      In his comments on Jews, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche responded forcefully to a preexisting discourse of parasitism in German modernity, wishing to transvalue this discourse for new, re-creative purposes. To what extent, however, is the otherwise so untimely Nietzsche actually timely (zeitgemäß)—in the sense of being symptomatic of the modern discourse of anti-Semitism, even as he reacts against it? As contemporary readers, we should bear in mind that Nietzsche’s writings on Germans and Jews remain located within the verbal register of Imperial Germany, an age of social Darwinistic excess that confused methods of science with cultural transformation. Does the case of Jewish parasitism represent in the Nietzschean corpus the limit-case of this philosopher’s desire to transvalue values—an instance of a dangerous transference of his creative agonistics onto a vivid actuality of race?

      Nietzsche, as philologist and cultural diagnostician, understood the desire of any community to reify any new, different use of metaphor and to reincorporate it promptly within the fold of typological “truths” (BGE IX: 296). 1 Bearing in mind Nietzsche’s insight into this all-too-human tendency of taking metaphors literally, this study undertakes to examine the tenability of Nietzsche’s re-creation of Jewish parasitism, not only in its philosophical achievement but also in its social consequences, in order to highlight what is quite possibly the single most problematic moment in the Nietzschean corpus, and a non-mediatory dilemma for subsequent philosophical readings of [End Page 54] his text. Nietzsche’s racial agonistics remains…

      Ward, Janet 1963- “Nietzsche’s Transvaluation of Jewish Parasitism”
      The Journal of Nietzsche Studies – Issue 24, Fall 2002, pp. 54-82
      Penn State University Press

      Say Jan, could ya express that in plain English?

    28. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      Anybody who listens to that “savage” KIKE Michael Weiner and lets their kids go state Jew-niversities IS NOT A WHITE NATIONALIST