3 August, 2006

The “Establishment” at Rothschild’s estate in London

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 7:02 am | Permanent Link

  • 5 Responses to “The “Establishment” at Rothschild’s estate in London”

    1. Mark Says:

      Hey, look’a there, evil “white men” with ancient nazi bloodlines trying to rule the world. Alex Jones is right! ;)

    2. Guest Says:

      I was going to say that the grouping shown in the photo is representive of the “haves” in the case of the “haves and have nots”. Basically put, once you have the money you have the power, but keep that power you must be very kosher, er, I mean flexible.

    3. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      This is a very old photo, everybody has seen it a thousand times, often on disinfo-sites like the one by Henry Makov.

    4. Angle Says:

      bah Rothschild. the man should have his ill-gotten, ill-used assets seized and his person left to rot in the filthiest 3rd world prison obtainable.

    5. jackumup Says:

      how were the old guys not gassed during WWII?