1 August, 2006

Start a Franchise Today!

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 4:33 pm | Permanent Link

Over six billion served…

Try the roundworms, they’re to die for!

  • 5 Responses to “Start a Franchise Today!”

    1. JoeSixPack Says:

      That picture makes me want to vomit…

    2. Marty Rosen Says:

      Mmmm. That looks delicious. Scoop up a couple of those little schmucks, plop ’em on a bagle, a little schmear…voila, a meal fit for David.

    3. Beavis Says:

      ever watch beavis and butthead, alex?

    4. alex Says:

      Yep, I’ve seen it.

    5. lawrence dennis Says:

      The kikes are actually building a ‘Museum of Tolerance’ on top of a Muslim graveyard in occupied Jerusalem. Now that’s CHUTSPAH!



      Jeruslem Museum Of Tolerance Built Over Muslim Graves

      JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – FEBRUARY 8: An archaeological excavation is partly covered as workers leave for the day inside the site of the Museum of Tolerance being built by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre February 8, 2006 in downtown Jerusalem. Palestinian Muslims have appealed to Israel’s Supreme Court to prevent the $US200 million project going ahead on a former Muslim and Crusader Christian graveyard which served the holy city for some 1400 years. Israeli media reported that 150 skeletons have already been dug up by archaeologists clearing the site for construction.