8 August, 2006

Simon Sheppard, Luke O’Farrell Charged under “Incitement to Racial Hatred” Laws

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, heretical.com at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

7 August 2006: Simon Sheppard has been charged with ten counts under the Jew “Incitement to Racial Hatred” Laws and Luke O’Farrell with two counts. Most relate to this website, including Crumb’s ‘When the Goddam Jews Take Over America’ and Rockwell’s ‘Boat Ticket to Africa.’


[Nothing further via google.]

  • 3 Responses to “Simon Sheppard, Luke O’Farrell Charged under “Incitement to Racial Hatred” Laws”

    1. alex Says:

      Sheppard’s report on an earlier arrest..


    2. callmeclueless Says:

      UK : Knife attacks surge 73% as amnesty fails

      THE number of crimes involving knives on the streets of England and Wales has risen dramatically in the past year, with huge increases in their use during robberies, mugging and violent attacks on strangers. Attacks in which a knife was used during a mugging rose by 73 per cent while there was a 55 per cent increase in random attacks with knives on strangers…

      Freeper ANALysis: “I would be curious to know if Arabs or Muslims are represented disproportionately in these knife attacks to their numbers in England and Wales.”

    3. Angle Says:

      what a bunch of worthless cowards and traitors. These arrests, persecutions, assaults are nothing more than the reaction of Little men in high places; be they jew or tool-of-jew.