3 August, 2006


Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, graphics/toons at 9:00 am | Permanent Link

Sleep tight, sweet primate!

  • 13 Responses to “Shhhhhh!!!!!!!!!”

    1. king kong Says:

      god, what a fucking obese ugly ape that is.
      doesn’t the police have a weight limit for a cop?

    2. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “doesn’t the police have a weight limit for a cop?”

      Minimum weight 220.

    3. D. Smith Says:

      One can only wonder how many qualified albeit affirmatively-acted-against white applicants were denied the job this coon now treats as a paid naptime.

    4. lawrence dennis Says:

      “Ahs gots seenyooritee and, anyways, day caint fire me ’cause dat’d be dee-scrimi-nayshun. Oooooweee, dis be da life. Ahm lovin’ it.”

    5. Terry Phillips Says:

      I would be willing to bet that this nigger’s brain wave activity would measure the exact same asleep as when he’s awake. Barely a ripple. Also, bet he’s a captain with many awards.

    6. Antagonistes Says:

      I wish the black cop who shot my father as he was coming OUT OF HIS OWN BUSINESS had been asleep that night.

      Just think–a black cop is about one hour late answering a burglar alarm. My father goes in his business to check it out (since the cops are apparently not coming), carrying a gun IN THE HOLSTER in his hand. The black cop finally arrives, sees my father (a 65 year-old WHITE MAN with a business in little Africa) coming out the front door of his business (and locking it!!!!), sees the gun in his hand, mumbles for him to drop the gun.

      My fathers turns around to see who is this nigra, and the black cop shoots him. Shoots at him three times at twenty feet, hits him once. Worse than that: The black cop tells my dad, “If you want me to call an ambulance, take the gun out of the holster and drop it on the ground.”

      White cops came by the business weeks later, shaking their heads with knowing looks, knowing they could not say anything.

    7. SHMUELY Says:

      Negroes in Amerika, a “strengthening” multi-racial, Abraham Lincoln dream come true! Will the USA become the Planet of the Apes, and the home of the brain dead? Stay tuned, and behold the clueless, they are capsizing white civilization.

    8. random goy Says:

      If you’re walking through the hood, you better runaway fast. before that booncop starts dreaming of raping whitegirl ass. yes even a spook can get a shiny new badge, in coontown.

    9. jackumup Says:

      I bees dreamons of drvins a cadelick escoolades wit my bitches bein next to me and shit. its shoo bees more comfitsabulls ins the fronts of on of theees cars thans it beees in da back seets.

    10. saltriver Says:

      Typical nigger. too much fried carp, chittlins,watermelon and crack. Bet it stinks in there,too. Don’t worry, some underpaid white man is taking up the slack for this lazy nigger.

    11. Antagonistes Says:

      And the sombitch is probably making more money than I am, and I am college-educated, a former member of Mensa (yo, Birdman!) but I don’t care because I don’t participate in this screwed-up system.

    12. Alloramadai Says:

      What a bunch of uneducated morons you all are. And to think….it takes our neighbors to the North (golly….could it be….Canadian Jews????) to call you on your idiotic actions and postings.

      Said it before, and I’d say it to your face…..Alex Linder (the great lime tree)….get your nasty attitude out of Kirksville. How about you take it to – let’s see – Mississippi? See how well your comments are received there!

    13. alex Says:

      Sorry, anony-mite, I’m not going anywhere. Maybe you ought to think about moving? I suggest Detroit. You can call yourself Yellow Eminem and go into rap with your homies.