7 August, 2006

Released: Goyfire 36

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, VNN, White media at 9:08 pm | Permanent Link

Alex, Chain, and Agis return to discuss: VNN vs. Canadian Tyrants, Al-Manar TTN: Terrorist Television Network, Mel Gibson, Women and Journalism, TJB, and TNB.

Direct mp3 Download (34 MB): Goyfire_36.mp3

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Note to Ipod Users: we have yet to restore this service, though it is on the list. Please direct your complaints to the Canadian government.

Goyfire Archives: goyfire.com

  • 7 Responses to “Released: Goyfire 36”

    1. audio critic Says:

      get better microphones.
      use the same type of microphone for each speaker, and equalize the volume of each speaker so that one isn’t really loud and deep and hte next isn’t soft and distant sounding.
      alex’s mic is good and loud, but needs more treble to bring out the consonants more; same should go for all mics for all speakers. sometimes the consonates get lost and it’s hard to understand every word.
      this is what would be called “fine tuning” the show.

    2. Agis Says:

      GF 36

      Tyrannts in Canada Try to Shut Down VNN
      “Prosecutor Mark Williams said Friday he met with agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and representatives from the U.S. district attorney’s office this week regarding Alex Linder’s Web site, the Vanguard News Network.
      Federal officials shut down the Web site last week for one day after Linder allegedly made the posting about Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad W. von Finckenstein and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman.”

      Israeli Aggression in Lebanon
July 30, 2006

The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that “according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as ‘innocents’ of the enemy.”

All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians,” the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)
 village of Qana, where Jesus Christ is said to have turned water to wine for a wedding.

      Al-Manar: the global kike crusade to blow it up/ban it as “terrorist org”:
      In 2004, the US government also declared it a Terrorist Organization. Under US Executive Order 12334, Lebanon’s Al Manar TV was the first television station ever to be legally designated a ‘terrorist entity’ equivalent to Al Qaeda. The Bush administration, at Israel’s urging, silenced Al Manar satellite transmissions into the US. In 2006 the order was expanded to include Al Noor Radio, Al Ahed & Al Intiqad Newspapers and their parent company the Lebanese Media Group. On March 23, the US Treasury Department froze Al Manar’s financial assets. On July 13, the Israeli Defense Forces tried to blow Al Manar up. Three employees were injured, but broadcasting goes on. IDF also bombed Al Noor Radio.

      Mel Gibson’s Anti Semetic Tirade
      “Lt. Steve Smith, in charge of the detective bureau for the Malibu/Lost Hills station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, confirmed to me just now that “the contents seem to be similar” between the official reports and the four pages posted by TMZ.com on the Internet alleging Mel Gibson made anti-Semitic slurs — “fucking Jews” and “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” and asking the arresting deputy “Are you a Jew?” — during his DUI arrest early Friday morning.”
      Mr Mojo sez:
:There is something seriously wrong with Gibson’s mind. He is obviously sick. You can tell by recent pictures of him. He looks deranged.
I saw him interviewed on The Tonight Show a year or so ago and have to agree with that assessment. The guy was speaking incoherently, twitching all over the place, eyes darting about — he looked and sounded quite mad.



      Exodus of Men from Journalism
      Women account for more than half of TV reporters (58 percent) and such middle managers as executive producers (55 percent), news producers (66 percent) and news writers (56 percent). 

”Young men are just not interested,” says Allen, who runs the broadcast news program at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. “There’s been almost an evacuation of men from this field.” 
Washington Post original source-

      TJB – Billionare jew Epstein Booked as a Sex Offender
      Saturday, July 29, 2006

Famed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz met with the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office and provided damaging information about teenage girls who say they gave his client, Palm Beach billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, sexually charged massages, according to police reports.

      Profile: http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/

      TNB – Malcom X’s Grandson Jailed
      YONKERS, N.Y. — Malcolm X’s grandson was arrested Thursday after punching a doughnut shop window, sending shattered glass onto two patrons, police said.
      Malcolm Shabazz, 21, was picked up in Mount Vernon, Yonkers police said. He was charged with reckless endangerment, assault and criminal mischief.
      Malcolm Shabazz, the grandson of Malcolm X, is led in handcuffs from Family Court in Yonkers, N.Y., is shown in this July 29, 1999, file photo. Shabazz, 21, was arrested early Thursday, Aug. 3, 2006, after punching a hole in a doughnut shop’s window, sending shattered glass onto two patrons, police said.
      The two patrons, a 19-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman, suffered cuts and were taken to a hospital, police said.
      Shabazz was released from prison this year after serving time for a 2002 attempted robbery conviction.
      He also was blamed for the death of his grandmother and X’s widow, Betty Shabazz, in 1997 after he set fire to her apartment. He pleaded guilty to the juvenile equivalents of second-degree manslaughter and second-degree arson and spent time in various juvenile centers, escaping at least twice but being recaptured.

      TNB – Gang Rape
      LOCKPORT – Four teenagers charged in the gang rape of a disabled classmate in May have been released from jail, and family members of the suspects said during a hearing Wednesday that the charges are racially motivated.
      “Would we be here if the girl was black, too?” said the legal guardian of suspect Dartain M. Ubiles, who declined to give her name. She noted the victim is white, while the four suspects, all 16, are black.
      The teens are accused of befriending the girl, 15, and luring her to the home of one of the boys, then using a cell phone to record the attack.
      “They are all broken up,” he added. “They come from good homes. They are athletes who box and play football. These are not thugs from the street. None of them have ever been in jail.” Sanders said he also sympathized with the 15-year-old girl and called her situation traumatizing. “My heart is broken. Sexuality is a big problem for teens,” Sanders said.

      Seattle Jew Shooter
      The man accused in last week’s shooting rampage at the Jewish Federation office that left one woman dead was charged Wednesday with nine felony counts, including violation of the state’s hate-crime law.
      Naveed Afzal Haq is charged with aggravated first-degree murder in the death of Pamela Waechter, 58, director of the Jewish charity’s annual fundraising campaign. Five other women were wounded.

    3. Bud White Says:

      One good thing to come out of cable bay getting nuked, the downloads now are STUPID fast, I just downloaded the entire show in about 40 seconds, doing 500kbs a second. Thanks to Stan and the crew, YOU ARE THE GOOD GUYS.

    4. cygnet Says:

      I like that “RapidShare”. It seems to be German in origin; the FAQ is written in that German-native-speaker style that reminds me of the ETHZ (a Swiss university — I use software from there.)

    5. alex Says:

      Note – Stan did not produce/engineer this show, unlike the others. That accounts for the differences. There’s a learning curve, of course.

    6. expose_them_all Says:

      Just downloaded #36 and it‘s ready for my MP3 player. I rarely listen to anything while sitting at my desk. I look forward to listening when I am mobile – either working, playing or driving about. All the shows on VNN are great — never heard a bad one. Great job guys. You all should be multi-millionaires for your efforts and should have a studio twice the size of fat assed Limbaugh’s. Rush is wrong – you all are right. I mean — No Jews. Just Right! How refreshing . . .

    7. Theseus Says:

      I live for GF!!11
