8 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/8/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link



“Morale Collapsing for Many Military Families”

Maybe someday, American soldiers will fight for America’s interests:




Math: the New Racism

Whose fault is it that Blacks and Mexicans are less intelligent than Whites? [1]



A MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH…… Here’s proof how & why mestizos have such large families. ALL Mexicans fetuses (bean burrritos) are pregnant at conception . So if a mestizo is pregnant six times, they will have 12 kids or more…Mike



To you Lebanese. There’s a few Lebanese actors/actresses in Hymiewood, one is Marlo Thomas. Shit, i thought Marlo would be a spokes person for you Lebanese, but i guess like in the case of Mel (Melissa) Gibson, Marlo’s career comes first. I see one of Marlo’s past boyfriends was Henry Kissinger. Was he Lebanese? Marlo’s father, Danny Thomas (best friend was the Jew Sheldon Leonard) was “in bed” with the Jews too….Mike



Response to a Paper Historian
Robert Faurisson

Pierre Vidal-Naquet is professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (School of Higher Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris and has been a very determined adversary of mine. He has attacked me in the academic and journalistic worlds and even in the courts…. Pierre Vidal-Naquet is also the author of a long article entitled “Un Eichmann de Papier” (“A Paper Eichmann”) which was directed against me. I responded to that article with my own “Réponse à on historien de papier” (“Response to a Paper Historian”).

http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v07/v07p- 21_Faurisson.html


FBI Investigating Alex Linder
Cannot Find Any Broken Laws; Still Searching

8/5/2006 12:47:38 PM
Discuss this story in the forum
LSN Staff

Kirksville, Missouri — The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Attorney’s Office met yesterday to discuss if there was any pretense under which Alex Linder, publisher of Vanguard News Network, could be arrested for saying the killing of a Jewish judge in Canada would be “an act of patriotism”, but have had to refer the matter up to headquarters because they cannot think of any cause off hand.

“I’m here, I’m not in jail and I didn’t do anything,” Linder told the Associated Press, “Essentially, you have foreigners messing with our First Amendment rights.”

Linder published his statement saying that if a Canadian were to kill the Jews responsible for the imprisonment of Thomas Winnicki, it would be an act of patriotism, leading the government of Canada to immediately retaliate against his website. It was shut down for approximately five days before being restored, and is now back online.

The Canadian government has responded with a blizard of letters demanding legal action on the part of US authorities, who have continued “investigating” but have not found any crime to charge Linder with.

Canada is a dangerous and unreliable “ally” of the United States whose arrogant Jewish population regularly imprisons white political dissidents who speak out against the corrupt and multicultural Canadian political system.

For years, Canada has been unable to recognize that US publishers are not subject to the same kinds of human rights violations and its attorneys and government officials have often threatened US citizens who publish material critical of the influence its hateful Jewish population has over its government. This website was briefly shut down by Canadian authorities in 2003 and its publisher, Bill White, has been threatened several times with prosecution in Canada for comments made about Canadian Jewish figures. Members of the National Socialist Movement have been barred from entering Canada while traveling between locations in the United States. And American political dissident Ernst Zundel was kidnapped from his home in Tennessee and deported to Canada to face trial in Germany because of Canadian Jewish hate rhetoric.


To Christians , the greatest movie ever made would be maybe, THE PASSION of CHRIST. To Jews, the greatest movie ever made (with the exception of all holohoax movies) would be maybe, JACKASS. Jackass was produced by the Jew Murray Rothstein’s MTV-Paramount Pictures. The movie is for White teenage viewing. The teens’ who watch this movie will get “belly” laughs from loads of toilet humor, animal torture, dangerous stunts, “White” stupidity, foul language efc. This is the movie that Jewish scat king Howard Stern (the Jew who says he has had sex with his mama) gave five stars. The Gentiles’ humor (like the late Red Skelton) is a brand of Christian humor, without the use of dirty gags. The Jews’ humor (like Howard Stern) is talMUDic humor, with the use of dirty gags (toilet humor-scatology), insults directed at Whites erc. If you folks want to see a flick drenched with Jewish humor, than JACKASS is it. For more on this subject, listen here to SHOCKING DIFFERENCES from 4-14-001, by Dr William Pierce  …..Mike

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0322802/ http://www.natvan.com/internet-radio/ts/041401.pls


Subject: Choosing Between Right-Wing and Left-Wing Despotism


August 8, 2006

Hi, Murry Polner:

Re: “That Inferno,” http://www.lewrockwell.com/polner/polner18.html

You opine:

“Jimmy Carter was mocked by American right-wingers for trying to counter the Junta’s murderers when he halted the sale of weapons. He also became the first modern American President to actually believe in and practice the defense of human rights. But when Ronald Reagan entered the White House human rights in Argentina and anywhere else was derided as liberal claptrap (except in Communist states) and arms sales to Argentina were resumed.”

If you had to choose between a right-wing and left-wing despot, which would you choose?

Have you read “The Black Book of Communism” and “”Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare”?

I fear that you would choose socialism/communism over capitalism; ergo, I fear your “loving” social goals.

Well, any fair reading of world history in the 20th century would have you reject socialism/communism for meritocratic capitalism, as the former is far, far more brutal than the latter in handling societal matters of equality and justice (( read the report in my postscript, about the brutality – the utter insanity – that marches forth from left-wing equality movements )).

Keep in mind that Adolph Hitler and his Nazis were leftists, but to the right of those Bolshevik-Commie butchers he so feared, and which fear drove Nazism in Germany to war, in defense of Germany’s national socialism— against the communist, ripe-to-spread-across-Europe revolution in Russia.

Yeah, right-wingers must be held accountable for crimes against humanity, but leftists never are (( where are the Bolshevik-Jew hunters to bring those criminal Jews to trial in the West – and who escaped to the West – for mass- murdering about 20 million of Russia’s Christians?—using torture, firing squads and starvation to that evil EQUALITARIAN end; some call it the “First Holo-caust” )).

Isn’t that curious, that left-wing socialist/communist movements’ atrocities are overlooked by our Left-driven, mainstream media (( excepting Pol Pot’s Cambodian experiment in advancingp equality; but even that attempt to bring those brutal murders to justice is being thwarted by leftists in the West, as they are extremely sympathetic to the Utopian cause of PERFECT EQUALITY; re-read my below report )).

Best Regards,

-Deacon Elurby


My report on Philip Short’s book, “Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare” (( excerpted from my collection of thoughts on America’s steep moral/cultural decline, “Paleoconservative Thoughts To Ponder” )):

2345) Communism is the goal of socialism, which is but a temporary pause in leftists’ forced march of humanity towards hell on earth, about which hell this scribbler has been giving warnings to anyone sympathetic to that cause – to that horrific insanity! – of socialism/communism, which ism’s bottom-line underpinnings are expertly retold by Long Visalo, a returnee to Pol Pot’s communistic Cambodia in 1973, and who gave this horrifying account of an indoctrination seminar for intellectuals at camp K-15, conducted by Khieu Samphan [“Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare,” by Philip Short, pp. 316-317]: “How do we make a communist revolution?  The first thing you have to do is to destroy private property.  But private property exists on both the material and the mental plane…To destroy material private property, the appropriate method was the evacuation of towns…But spiritual private
property is more dangerous, it comprises everything that you think is ‘yours’, everything that you think exists in relation to yourself-your parents, your family, your wife.  Everything of which you say, ‘It’s mine.’ is spiritual private property.  Thinking in terms of ‘me’ and ‘my’ is forbidden.The knowledge you have in your head, your ideas, are mental private property, too.  To become truly revolutionary, you must…wash your mind clean…So the first thing you must do to make yourself fit to participate in the communist revolution.is to wash your mind…If we can destroy all material and mental private property…people will be equal. The moment you allow private property, one person will have a little more, another a little less, and they are no longer equal.  But if you have nothing – zero for him and zero for you – that is true equality.If you permit even the smallest part of private property [and private thinking!], you are no longer as one, and it isn’t communism”…[p. 325]: “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought…In the end we will make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.  Every concept that will be needed will be expressed by exactly one word [no hint of what that one word is here], with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.Every year fewer and fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller…In fact there will be not thought as we understand it now. Orthodoxy [communist orthodoxy] means NOT THINKING [my emphasis]…Orthodoxy is unconsciousness”; an INSANITY, dear reader, that’s lost on all leftists harboring any hope of goodness and truth being found in socialism/communism, and so extreme in its Utopian pursuit of equality that even to THINK of how beautiful a sunrise is or to smile at the missteps of a toddler at play or to feel even a hint of pleasure from a warming morning sun invites MENTAL INEQUALITY, which necessarily leads to material inequality, according to the leftist Utopians.  How dare you to steal a mental pleasure that some comrade, somewhere, cannot equally share with you?  There can be no private thoughts!  And today’s socialism-/communism-/feminism-driven Left within Western democracies is incrementally leading us there, as today’s fairness-driven leftists are tomorrow’s equality-driven Pol Pots – those Marxian ARCHITECTS and
their liberal-Christian and secular-humanist dupes! – who’ll eventually come to TORTURE and/or KILL any opponents of their perfect Marxian equality, and which fact about them ought to horrify any reason-driven person anticipating future results of the Marxists’ DIVERSITY MOVEMENT and requisite FORCED INTEGRATION, which their open-borders immigration policies now demand worldwide.


To journalist Lydia Cacho, the Mexican resort of Cancun is no vacation paradise.

Cacho’s Cancun is a place where children are at risk from sexual predators, women have few rights, and powerful men influence corrupt officials to do their bidding.

Today, Cacho is fighting for her freedom in a Mexican court, all because of a book she wrote about a pedophile ring in Cancun.

She was arrested last December at a women’s shelter she runs by several officers who arrived in an unmarked car.

“They came towards me and they said ‘Lydia Cacho, you’re arrested,'” Cacho said. When she started protesting, the officers became threatening, according to Cacho. “One of them just took a gun and put it in my head and said ‘Shut up!” she said.

“I thought these guys are going to kill me,” she added.

The arrest of Lydia Cacho, captured on a surveillance tape, would turn into an international incident. After her arrest, she was taken to prison where, she was told, a plan was already in place to rape, beat and silence her.

Exposing Cancun’s underbelly wasn’t Cacho’s intention when she moved there from Mexico City some 20 years ago. Instead, she expected to write novels and live a peaceful writer’s life by the sea.

But Cacho said she soon discovered that behind the paradise lurked extreme poverty and oppression. She began writing about and speaking out against domestic abuse and rape, eventually becoming a rape counselor and opening a high-security shelter that takes in and protects the battered wives, girlfriends and children of powerful men. “A lot of the men said, ‘OK, if you don’t give me my wife back, I will kill you.'”



since the filthy, traitorous Supreme Court keeps on allowing the money of the United States to be mere paper and promises, instead of gold and silver as literally required by the Constitution, and as long as the filthy, traitorous Congress allows the Federal Reserve (an un-audited private bank, partially owned by foreigners!) to create excess money and credit (that they own!), we will suffer from inflation, wailing and crying the whole time,


Step right up evangelical suckers & rapture bunnies! Give your hard earned money away to us Jews, so we can transport more Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel, so more land can be stolen from the Palestinians & thus making the whole world will hate Tel Aviv West (USA before 1948) & Christians even more! Like P.T. Barnum once said: “There’s a sucker born ever minute.”




A “Democratic” Middle East

What? You mean that retards and women will soon be able to vote in the Middle East? All riiight! Just think: soon, thanks to “democracy,” the Arabs will be watching Jewish-created movies and Jewish-created TV shows! How nifty is that? Soon, the entire MidEast region will be Jewed, just like America! Tikkun Olam!



20 Steps to a better America

Alex — you may find this an interesting item to post on VNN!

Best wishes,




Communiqué du 8 août 2006

:: Samedi 19 août : Venez fêter l’identité, Sparte et la Lorraine ! ::

Le samedi 19 août prochain, le quatrième camp d’été des Identitaires s’achèvera par une grande journée ouverte à nos amis et sympathisants.

La fête se tiendra en plein air, à 30 minutes de Thionville et la participation aux frais est fixée à 10 euros (gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans).

Voici le programme de cette journée exceptionnelle :

Р11h00 : Rassemblement de cl̫ture du camp et allocutions de Guillaume Luyt, Philippe Vardon et Pierre Graillard.
– 11h20 : Conférence de Pierre Vial – ” La démocratie grecque “.
Р12h00 : Ap̩ritif et buffet de sp̩cialit̩s locales.
Р14h00 : Intervenants et pr̩sentation de diff̩rentes associations et initiatives.
– 15h00 : Activités sportives > Tournoi des Spartiates, tir à la corde, initiation au rappel.
Р16h00 : Ouverture des stands (Jeunesses Identitaires, JI Lorraine, ID Mag, Solidarit̩ Kosovo, Alternative-s Productions, Terre et Peuple).
Р17h00 : Cl̫ture de la journ̩e.

Chants, rires, ripaille, et fraternité rythmeront ce rassemblement.

Avec l’amicale présence de : Fabrice Robert (Bloc Identitaire), Pierre Vial (Terre et Peuple), Robert Spieler (Strasbourg d’Abord), Stéphane Bourhis (Alsace d’Abord), Hervé Van Laethem (Nation, Belgique), Karl Hauffen (ID Mag).

Pour réserver et vous renseigner : [email protected]

PS : Il n’est pas encore trop tard pour donner un coup de pouce aux jeunes identitaires en parrainant nos participants (dons de 50 euros de votre part qui nous permettent de maintenir la participation que nous leur demandons à 50 euros également). Merci de votre soutien. Par e-paiement sécurisé :http://www.bloc-identitaire.com/soutien.htm#don ou chèque à l’ordre des Identitaires – BP 5 – 21120 Tilchâtel.


Hezbollah: The Imagined Enemy, and the Real One
Robert Pape – The New York Times

Israel has finally conceded that air power alone will not defeat Hezbollah. Over the coming weeks, it will learn that ground power won’t work either. The problem is not that the Israelis have insufficient military might, but that they misunderstand the nature of the enemy…. What these suicide attackers — and their heirs today — shared was not a religious or political ideology but simply a commitment to resisting a foreign occupation. Nearly two decades of Israeli military presence did not root out Hezbollah. The only thing that has proven to end suicide attacks, in Lebanon and elsewhere, is withdrawal by the occupying force.

http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/08/0 3/opinion/edpape.php

Brzezinski: The Beginning of the End for Israel
Daniel M Pourkesali

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to President Carter, said in a recent interview: “These neocon prescriptions, of which Israel has its equivalents, are fatal for America and ultimately for Israel. They will totally turn the overwhelming majority of the Middle East’s population against the United States. The lessons of Iraq speak for themselves. Eventually, if neo-con policies continue to be pursued, the United States will be expelled from the region and that will be the beginning of the end for Israel as well”.


Blair, Olmert and Bush are Murderers

George Bush, with Tony Blair at his heel, is backing Israel to the hilt because the US wants Hizbollah’s resistance in Lebanon smashed as a prelude to an attack on Iran. In Washington, Blair alluded to such a war…. If the resistance led by Hizbollah halts the invasion of Lebanon, if it refuses to kneel before imperial might, then a fire will be lit under every throne and in every corrupt chancellery from the Atlantic coast of North Africa to the banks of the Euphrates…. And, in humbling the masters of global military and economic power, it will embolden everyone who is fighting for a better world.

http://www.informationclearinghouse.info /article14376.htm


You have GOT to watch this before it gets pushed down the memory hole.  It is exceptionally memorable.  A high-ranking British elected official (member of Parliament, in fact) positively disassembles a Zionist interviewer who is as aggressive and prepared as you might ever see.  9 minutes and worth a hundred times its bandwidth.

You won’t see anything like this on American TV.  In fact, you won’t be seeing any elected American official handle himself this adroitly or, even, take his position.  Proof that even Britain, as tightly held by Zionists as it is, has far greater freedom of speech and broader news reporting than does America.  Sky News is owned by Rupert Murdoch (I forget his given Jewish name for the moment – the one that he changed to “Murdoch”).  Murdoch owns Fox News in America (the “We decide – you obey” channel).



Television News Reports from Across the Middle East
Mosaic — Link TV

News reports, from unedited Arab, Israeli and Iranian television news broadcasts, as seen each day in Middle East countries. With voice-over dubbing in English. Shows how the dramatic developments in Lebanon, Israel and Palestine are presented to the public. Warning: Some of these video images graphically present the grim reality of war.



The Pathology Of Israeli Power
Issa Khalaf — Countercurrents.org

As we witness the unfolding spectacle of ferocious, indiscriminate violence, destruction, and brutality in Gaza and Lebanon, it’s difficult to resist the conclusion that there is something terribly wrong with the Israeli state and society. It’s as though all moral and psychological constraints and boundaries have been breached, deviancy normalized. Not that state terrorism, deliberate aggression, extreme disproportionate force, and massive violations of international humanitarian law are new to the Israeli state: from 1948, the list is long, the evidence widely available…. The Israeli/Zionist condition, unchanged, is a sure recipe for widespread regional annihilation.

http://www.countercurrents.org/le b-khalaf290706.htm


by Cenk Uygur
August 8, 2006

Alan Dershowitz Argues It’s Okay to Kill Israeli Civilians

According to Alan Dershowitz’s logic, it’s perfectly acceptable to kill Lebanese civilians because they voted for and support an organization that kills Israeli civilians. By that same exact logic, it’s perfectly acceptable for Hezbollah to kill Israeli civilians because they voted for and support a government
that kills Lebanese civilians. This is an irrefutable argument.



In a normal economic expansion, Dr. Richebächer contends, credit expansion is roughly equal to the nation’s savings. As 2005 was the first full year in which the U.S. consumer saw a negative savings rate since 1933, the rate of credit expansion should have also been negative.

Au contraire, Dr. Richebächer estimates that for every dollar of GDP produced in the United States last year, over four dollars of credit was created. “We haven’t seen such a bubble as this one since the 1920s. The only difference is…this time it’s much worse,” says the good doctor.



Fire Departments These Days

Can you imagine this conversation occurring in any U.S. fire department?:

Fireman #1: “Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Let’s lower our standards to make our fire department more Black.”

Fireman #2: “Wow, what a swell plan, because negroes make fire departments better!”



I don’t personally like Fisk, I think he’s a sell out and not nearly as condemnatory of Israel as he should be. But in any case, many like him, so here he is saying that Israel controls US Foreign Policy which is a no brainer and something better people than fisk has been saying for decades.

Robert Fisk: This draft shows who is running America’s policy… Israel
Published: 07 August 2006
So the great and the good on the East River laboured at the United Nations Security Council – and brought forth a lemon. You could almost hear the Lebanese groan at this draft resolution, a document of such bias and mendacity that a close Lebanese friend read carefully through it yesterday, cursed and uttered the immortal question: “Don’t these bastards learn anything from history?”

And there it all was again, the warmed-up peace proposals of Israel’s 1982 invasion, full of buffer zones and disarmament and “strict respect by all parties” – a rousing chortle here, no doubt, from Hizbollah members – and the need for Lebanese sovereignty. It didn’t even demand the withdrawal of Israeli forces, a point that Walid Moallem, Syria’s Foreign Minister – and the man the Americans will eventually have to negotiate with – seized upon with more than alacrity. It was a dead UN resolution without a total Israeli retreat, he said on a strategic trip to Beirut.

A close analysis of the American-French draft – the fingerprints of John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, were almost smudging the paragraphs – showed just who is running Washington’s Middle East policy: Israel. And one wondered how even Tony Blair would want to associate himself with this nonsense. It made no reference to the obscenely disproportionate violence employed by Israel – just a sleek reference to “hundreds of deaths and injuries on both sides” – and it made only passing reference to Hizbollah’s demand that it would only release the two Israeli soldiers it captured on 12 July in return for Lebanese and other Arab prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Security Council said it was “mindful of the sensitivity of the issue of prisoners and encouraging the efforts aimed at settling the issue [sic] of the Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel”. I bet Hizbollah were impressed by the “mindful” bit, not to mention the “sensitivity” and the soft, slippery word “settle” – an issue which can be “settled” in maybe 20 years’ time. Then came the real coup de grâce. A demand for the “total cessation by Hizbollah of all attacks” and the “immediate cessation” by Israel of “all offensive military operations”. Bit of a problem there, as Hizbollah spotted at once. They have to lay down their arms.

Had the council demanded an immediate resolution on the future of the Shebaa farms, the Israeli-occupied territory which once belonged to mandate Lebanon – and for whose “liberation” the Hizbollah have fought – the whole fandango might have stood a chance. After all, Shebaa is the only raison d’être that the Hizbollah can produce for continuing their reckless, ruthless, illegal war across the UN blue line in southern Lebanon. But the UN document wished only to see a delineation of Lebanon’s borders “including in the Shebaa farms area”. There was even a wonderful paragraph – Number 9 for aficionados of UN bumf – which “calls on all parties to co-operate … with the Security Council”. So the Hizbollah are to co-operate, are they, with the austere diplomats of this august and wise body? Isn’t that exalting a guerrilla army a little bit more upmarket than it deserves?

No one was fooled and few disagreed with Syria’s Walid Moallem when he said the UN’s draft resolution was “a recipe for continuing the war”. As both the Hizbollah and the Israelis did yesterday, the former killing 13 Israelis and the latter bombing houses in Ansar – once an Israeli POW camp – which destroyed five more Lebanese civilian lives. Mohamed Fneish, a Hizbollah government minister – who scarcely represents all Lebanese but talks as if he does – thundered away about how “we” [presumably the Hizbollah, rather than the Lebanese] will abide by it [the resolution] on condition that no Israeli soldiers remains inside Lebanese land.”

There were more Israeli air attacks on Beirut’s southern suburbs yesterday – though heaven knows what is left there to destroy – ensuring that even more Shia Muslim civilians will remain refugees. Fearful that the Israelis will bomb their trucks and claim they were carrying missiles, the garbage collectors of this city have abandoned their vehicles and the familiar 1982 stench of burning rubbish now drifts through the evening streets. Petrol is now so scarce that a tank-full yesterday cost £250.

About the only gift to Lebanon in the UN resolution was the expressed need to provide the UN with remaining Israeli maps of landmines in Lebanon. But Israel has again dropped lethal ordnance all over southern Lebanon. Oh yes, and as usual, the UN draft on these ambitious, hopelessly conceived ideas “decides to remain actively seized of the matter”. You bet it does. And so, as they say, the war goes on.

What the UN wants…

* A full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the cessation by Hizbollah of all attacks and the cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations;

* Israel and Lebanon to support a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution based on the following principles and elements:

* Strict respect by all parties for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Israel and Lebanon;

* Full respect for the Blue Line by both parties;

* Delineation of the international borders of Lebanon, especially in those areas where the border is disputed or uncertain, including in the Shebaa farms area;

* Security arrangements to prevent the resumption of hostilities, including the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani river of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the Lebanese armed and security forces, and of UN-mandated international forces;

* Full implementation of the relevant provisions … that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon;

* Deployment of an international force in Lebanon;

* The Secretary General to develop, in liaison with key international actors and the concerned parties, proposals to implement the relevant provisions … and to present those proposals to the Security Council within 30 days;

* The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), upon cessation of hostilities, to monitor its implementation and extend assistance to ensure humanitarian access to civilians and the safe return of displaced persons;

* The government of Lebanon to ensure arms or related material are not imported into Lebanon without its consent and requests UNIFIL, conditions permitting, to assist the government of Lebanon at its request;

* The Secretary-General to report to the Council within one week on the implementation and provide any relevant information in light of the Council’s intention to adopt a further resolution.

So the great and the good on the East River laboured at the United Nations Security Council – and brought forth a lemon. You could almost hear the Lebanese groan at this draft resolution, a document of such bias and mendacity that a close Lebanese friend read carefully through it yesterday, cursed and uttered the immortal question: “Don’t these bastards learn anything from history?”

And there it all was again, the warmed-up peace proposals of Israel’s 1982 invasion, full of buffer zones and disarmament and “strict respect by all parties” – a rousing chortle here, no doubt, from Hizbollah members – and the need for Lebanese sovereignty. It didn’t even demand the withdrawal of Israeli forces, a point that Walid Moallem, Syria’s Foreign Minister – and the man the Americans will eventually have to negotiate with – seized upon with more than alacrity. It was a dead UN resolution without a total Israeli retreat, he said on a strategic trip to Beirut.

A close analysis of the American-French draft – the fingerprints of John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, were almost smudging the paragraphs – showed just who is running Washington’s Middle East policy: Israel. And one wondered how even Tony Blair would want to associate himself with this nonsense. It made no reference to the obscenely disproportionate violence employed by Israel – just a sleek reference to “hundreds of deaths and injuries on both sides” – and it made only passing reference to Hizbollah’s demand that it would only release the two Israeli soldiers it captured on 12 July in return for Lebanese and other Arab prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Security Council said it was “mindful of the sensitivity of the issue of prisoners and encouraging the efforts aimed at settling the issue [sic] of the Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel”. I bet Hizbollah were impressed by the “mindful” bit, not to mention the “sensitivity” and the soft, slippery word “settle” – an issue which can be “settled” in maybe 20 years’ time. Then came the real coup de grâce. A demand for the “total cessation by Hizbollah of all attacks” and the “immediate cessation” by Israel of “all offensive military operations”. Bit of a problem there, as Hizbollah spotted at once. They have to lay down their arms.

Had the council demanded an immediate resolution on the future of the Shebaa farms, the Israeli-occupied territory which once belonged to mandate Lebanon – and for whose “liberation” the Hizbollah have fought – the whole fandango might have stood a chance. After all, Shebaa is the only raison d’être that the Hizbollah can produce for continuing their reckless, ruthless, illegal war across the UN blue line in southern Lebanon. But the UN document wished only to see a delineation of Lebanon’s borders “including in the Shebaa farms area”. There was even a wonderful paragraph – Number 9 for aficionados of UN bumf – which “calls on all parties to co-operate … with the Security Council”. So the Hizbollah are to co-operate, are they, with the austere diplomats of this august and wise body? Isn’t that exalting a guerrilla army a little bit more upmarket than it deserves?

No one was fooled and few disagreed with Syria’s Walid Moallem when he said the UN’s draft resolution was “a recipe for continuing the war”. As both the Hizbollah and the Israelis did yesterday, the former killing 13 Israelis and the latter bombing houses in Ansar – once an Israeli POW camp – which destroyed five more Lebanese civilian lives. Mohamed Fneish, a Hizbollah government minister – who scarcely represents all Lebanese but talks as if he does – thundered away about how “we” [presumably the Hizbollah, rather than the Lebanese] will abide by it [the resolution] on condition that no Israeli soldiers remains inside Lebanese land.”



Los Angeles: Mayor Villaraigosa
apologized to Muslim leaders

On July 23, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa attended a pro-Israel rally sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and other local Zionist organizations. The rally was in support of Israel in its current military operations in southern Lebanon and bombing of Beirut.

The mayor taking sides in the conflict upset many Mexican-Americans and the Los Angeles Arab and Muslim communities. On Friday, local Muslim leaders held a news conference to communicate their unhappiness that Mayor Villaraigosa had attended a pro-Israeli rally but failed to respond to their repeated telephone calls and e-mail invitations to vigils for civilians killed in Lebanon. The Muslim leaders said they were “fed up” at being “shoved aside and ignored” by the mayor’s office.

Yesterday, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa met with local Muslim leaders to apologize for not answering their e-mails about the crisis in Lebanon. The mayor explained that a mix-up by his staff prevented him from seeing the invitations.

The mayor has now assigned one of his senior advisors to be his liaison to the Muslim groups and emphasized that he will now be visiting mosques and attending future Muslim events.

Present at the mayor’s meeting Sunday were the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of Orange County, the Council on Islamic American Relations, and the Council on Pakistan American Affairs.


SUICIDE AS A RESULT OF MISCEGENATION. Even though Inger beded with all White male leads in her films, regardless of their age, she did bed with non-White Harry Belafonte & her long time husband  was Ike Jones, a Negro. In April of 1970, she decided the shame of her life style was too much, so this time she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills & washed it down with Bo Peep Ammonia. For more info, go to www.IMDb.com & look Inger up….Mike


Click this link & let’s play BORDER PATROL ………Mike



I bet you’ve never heard of that one :

It had come at length, the long-expected hour of triumph and vengeance; and they did not neglect the opportunity. They washed away the profanation of the holy city in Christian blood. The Persians are said to have sold the miserable captives for money. The vengeance of the Jews was stronger than their avarice; not only did they not scruple to sacrifice their treasures in the purchase of these devoted bondsmen, they put to death all they had purchased at a lavish price. It was a rumour of the time that 90,000 perished.

Hart Milman
History of the Jews (1829)




The Word “Neoconservatism” = Anti-Semitism?

Also, Chavez apparently has a Jewish husband [1]



Rape of Iraqi girls by US mercenaries
and soldiers was rampant in Baghdad



Days of Darkness
Gideon Levy – Haaretz (Israel)

Israel is sinking into a strident, nationalistic atmosphere, and darkness is beginning to cover everything. The brakes we still had are eroding, the insensitivity and blindness that characterized Israeli society in recent years is intensifying…. Lebanon, which has never fought Israel and has 40 daily newspapers, 42 colleges and universities and hundreds of different banks, is being destroyed by our planes and cannon and nobody is taking into account the amount of hatred we are sowing. In international public opinion, Israel has been turned into a monster, and that still hasn’t been calculated into the debit column of this war. Israel is badly stained, a moral stain that can’t be easily and quickly removed. And only we don’t want to see it.


British Government Imposes News Blackout
on US Arms Flights to Israel

The [British] government refused last night to give details of the flights entering Britain containing American arms destined for Israel. There was also a suggestion that all arms flights via Prestwick airport, near Glasgow, were suspended following pressure from Scottish Labour MPs afraid of the political impact in their constituencies…. Although government officials have admitted that two flights, carrying GBU28 bunker-busting bombs, arrived at Prestwick the weekend before last and several others came in last week, a news blackout has now been enforced on reporting any new arrivals.


Reese: One is Not the Other

So why has the Israeli notion of invincible air power been shattered by a small guerrilla outfit? For basically the same reason the British lost the American Revolution. Overwhelming power leads to overconfidence, which leads to hubris, which leads to underestimating one’s opponents…. The Bush people keep talking about getting rid of Hezbollah as if it were some foreign entity occupying Lebanon. It is a Lebanese organization. It is the Lebanese people in that area…. You can’t “throw” Hezbollah out of Lebanon unless, of course, you intend to exterminate or expel 40 percent of the population. I’m sure the neocons and the Israelis would be perfectly willing to do that, but I don’t think world opinion would tolerate it.

http://www.antiwar.com/reese/? articleid=9448

  • 6 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/8/06”

    1. alex Says:

      Eye of the Beholder

      Right Blogistan, which is to say, the pro-war cheerleading section, is currently holding one of its biweekly hate rallies over a pair of doctored Reuters photographs from the war in Lebanon.

      This enormous scandal, we are told, is proof positive that the liberal media is up to its usual lying tricks, that the IDF is not bombing and shelling the crap out of Lebanon’s civilian infrastructure, but rather is fully occupied painting schools and escorting little old Lebanese ladies across the street.

      Here is the sum total of the “doctoring” involved:

      Reuters ended its relationship with Hajj on Sunday after it found that a photograph he had taken of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on suburban Beirut had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more and darker smoke rising from buildings . . .

      It established on Monday that a photograph of an Israeli F-16 fighter over Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon and dated Aug 2, had also been doctored to increase the number of flares dropped by the plane from one to three.

      Shocking, isn’t it. Darker smoke. Two — count ’em, two — extra flares. What would Robert Capa have thought?

      The fact that our homegrown war porn aficionados apparently find this offense more atrocious than the vile crimes being committed in this war — by their side as well as by the officially designated terrorists — speaks volumes about their ethical priorities, not to mention their sanitary habits.

      To call them morally depraved would be like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a meat eater.


    2. Guest Says:

      What makes me laugh (or cringe) is when they are reporting any dead coalition soldiers (US, UK, CA, etc) personally. Even more so that the remaining family has to go as far as to say

      “_______, was a proud soldier who died in the line of duty to bring peace and stability to the peoples of (iraq, afghanistan).”

      Sometimes I wonder if this spoken farewell is scripted by some media lackey prior to being on camera. OR is the family is trying to justify a truly meaningless family member’s death in these failing parts of the world?

      What I’m getting at is, what soldier out there fighting so called terrorits in these sandtraps is actually proud of dying for such a useless cause? What family believes that it was good that their son or daughter died for such a “noble cause”. Yeah, I’m sure any dead soldier’s last thoughts were “For Afghanistan!” or “For the freedom of Iraq!” or “Democracy Forever!”.

      The thoughts of people dying needlessly for kosher agendas is so disgusting, that it makes me want to vomit mentally.

    3. ACanadianGuy Says:

      Fuck these goddam frozen wasteland Canuck bastard commies up here. They think just because the internet laws can prosecute Canadians they can do it worldwide and many times the sonsofbitches file civil lawsuits as in the case of a crook named kike Paul Godin who stole billions setting uo fake corps and then selling his free stock options before they went under kind of the way fuckface Bush did. And to think Canada is mostly white people although run by the commie kikes. Jew Godin filed many lawsuits against non-Canadians worldwide who criticized him and funny thing he got nowhere with any of them.
      We hear its not much better in America though or we would relocate there but Canada is becoming the biggest jew shithole run cesspool on the planet just like it appears America is headed that way.
      Actually though America still is independent and on its own but Israel and American jews who hold dual citizenships are taking over more and more to fuck up everything. Beware of jews. Democracy is their codeword for communism.

    4. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      British soldiers have been dying as mercenaries since at least the Napoleonic Wars when the Rothschilds gained control of the Empire. They didn’t know it of course, but that didn’t change the fact that their sacrifices were for the benefit of Big Money. Remember, that the British Empire was the biggest and wealthiest empire the world had ever seen, yet the ordinary labouring class lived in squalor. American soldiers have been mercenaries since the War Against the South. They may have thought that they were fighting for their country, like the British soldiers, but in fact were sacrificing themselves for Big Money. In 1914 the Big Money vampires were able to quite easily manufacture lies to manipulate an unsophisticated population into a war totally against their interests. In the 1930’s it took an incredible effort of lying and slander to manipulate the British and American people into fratricidal suicide against Germany. Every single conflict that the British and American armies have been invoved in since has been against the interests of their people and for the benefit of International Finance, Big Business and Israel. It is only now that the soldiers and their families are beginning to see that they are really only contemptible mercenaries bringing chaos and despair wherever they are sent. They are starting to realize this because the vampires in their arrogance are treating these mercenaries with open contempt. I believe that it was Kissinger who said that ‘military men are like animals, to be used and discarded’ or words to that effect. But it is a slow process. Look at the veterans of the ’39-’45 disaster. Most of them still do not understand that their ‘victory’ was really a catastrophic defeat for them and their civilization. Even when they are pushed off the street in their own towns by blue gum savages they wail that they ‘made sacrifices to make the world safe for democracy ‘ or some such inanity. The jew just sniggers up his sleeve. It’s going to be a painful learning process.

    5. Carpenter Says:

      The people in the British Empire lived in squalor as you say, but so did everyone else in the world, millennia after millennia back to the Stone Age. That’s what you live in when you don’t have mass production through factories. Yes, the word factory sounds very boring, but that’s the truth. The British Empire, by industrializing, constantly raised the living standards of its people during the 19th century, dragging the world along with it, so that we now have longer lifespans and far lower infant mortality rates. Thank ‘Big Business” and its factories for that. Thank competition among those free to produce and invest, which is what encourages and finances innovation. When the state monopolizes production, innovation is suffocated.

      As for all our wars being fought for ‘Big Business’ and Jews – why do you leave out socialism? What about the many wars fought to destroy traditions and racial awareness? That’s the Left, not Big Business doing that. Let’s leave the Marxist analysis by the door and adopt a broader view.

      A White Nationalist may also be interested in knowing that business owners have traditionally been against international trade, not for it. That’s because they want protection against outside competition, and because they have generally been conservative and patriotic. It was always the Left that wanted to open up borders, for trade and for migration. That’s why the global Marxist labor organization was called “The International”. Free-trade fancy among the Right is a more recent phenomenon, brought on after it succumbed to the Left, which has always wanted to give Western jobs to foreigners. The business owners who agree to this are leftist in their thinking, not conservative. Brainwashed by the leftist universities.

      As for wars in general, they are not something evil per se. They are good when they expand White territory, bad otherwise.

    6. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re Carpenter:

      Fair criticism. However, was not Communism financed by Big Money from the beginning? The Cold War was a phoney war which produced vast profits for Big Business. Do you think the Ford, Carnegie and other foundations operate for the benefit of the white race and culture? The IMF, the UN and all the universalist bodies interfering in our lives have always been financed by Big Money or taxes taken from productive people. Big Money is neither national socialist or conservative. International socialism was jewish and the antithesis of national socialism. I am amused that you think my ananysis is Marxist but I suppose I was too general in my statements. I agree that the British Empire was a force for good while it provided a forum for white scientific genius to flourish, but throughout the 19th century the jews tightened their grip, as they were doing in the US. Jews like empire. They can blend in more easily. They are also happy to discard it when it has served its purpose as they did with the British Empire and even their personally owned Soviet Empire. Now it’s the turn of the American Empire.
      I am not against war per se. If ever the white race needed a war in its own interest it is now. Just tell me when the British and Americans have fought a war for the interests of their own people recently. We are largely in this terrible plight of the present because of the military actions of the British and Americans, especially against Germany.