30 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/30/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 6:28 pm | Permanent Link


Like, for example, the people of Massachusetts in general, and Boston in particular, who have turned their state into one composed almost entirely of government employees and government spending, who send the same kind of idiotic ethic to Congress in the forms of the repellent Ted Kennedy and the equally loathsome John Kerry.

Specifically, Boston went massively into debt to build a huge, whopping tunnel and transportation infrastructure project that not only plumbs new depths in the definition of “shoddy, substandard and dangerous” (in that falling concrete is already killing people), but that came in 500% over budget! The thing, projected to cost less than a whopping $3 billion, ended up costing almost $15 billion, thanks to their infamous pandemic Leftist stupidity leavened by trashy, low-life corruption. Hahahaha!

And now, they will learn the ugly truth about the downside of sudden deluges of government spending. The ugly fact is that the economy of the whole region was malignantly distorted at the instant the first dollar of the project was spent, and it got grossly more so as more horrifically, humongously huge amounts of money were spent, year after year.

Whether they realize it or not (and they probably don’t, as they seem to be really stupid), their economy is now totally dependent on somebody continuing to spend that kind of gigantic money. Hahaha! Chumps! But now, not only is there is no more tidal wave of money flowing through those
now-customary channels, but there is no new wave of money to even replace it! And this does not even count the perpetual, budget-busting new costs of hugely more maintenance and repairs on the new structures, nor the
millions (or billions) it will take to correct the poor workmanship. So, what kind of economy prospers when billions of dollars a year in annual spending disappears from the economy, which is also now paying down a backbreaking debt, and is now also saddled with huge, new on-going costs? Welcome to the world of fiat money and Leftist “build it and they will come” stupidity, Massachusetts!





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Communiqué du 28 août 2006

:: Une génération ::

Lors de leur lancement les Jeunesses Identitaires annonçaient comme une de leurs principales ambitions la volonté de donner vie à des générations de militants unis par une formation solide et des années d’engagement en commun.

À l’issue de notre quatrième camp d’été ayant réuni 35 jeunes en Lorraine (et 70 personnes lors de la journée de clôture), à l’aube de notre cinquième année au service de l’Europe européenne, nous pouvons affirmer qu’une première génération de cadres identitaires existe désormais. Tout au long de ces cinq journées nous n’avons pu que constater la profonde cohésion et l’homogénéité se dégageant des militants participant. [fifth annual meeting of militants, 35 in number, 70 on last day – all dedicated to Europe for Europeans]

Parfaite illustration de cette ” école JI “, Arnaud Borella (JI Grenoble) et Hadrien Eber (JI Lorraine) viennent de rejoindre le Bureau Directeur du mouvement.

Confiants en notre avenir, fidèles à nos valeurs, nous poursuivons la lutte pour la libération de notre continent.


Contact : [email protected]


Michael Collins Piper

We must call for the 25th Amendment to be utilized NOW

Tue., August 22, 2006:

Tue., August 22, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3: Click Here)

On tonight’s broadcast Michael Collins Piper reflected on the fact that a prominent former U.S. Congressman, Joe Scarborough, a Florida Republican and longtime supporter of President Bush, has publicly raised questions about the mentality and mindset of President George W. Bush. This comes on the heels of repeated allegations from a number of sources that have suggested that the president has not overcome his acknowledged problem with drink and that the president has exhibited bizarre,angry, childish behavior in the White House toward his staff, reflecting previous such behavior in the past toward reporters and other critics. In Piper’s estimation this is a threat to America’s national security. In fact, Piper’s concern reflects the concerns of many former top-ranking American military leaders who have said that the president’s drive (based on lies) to get the United States into the war on iraq has harmed America and its place in the world. These military leaders and others have expressed concerns about the president’s drive for war against Iran (a longtime goal of the Zionist elite in America and the state of Israel) and about the president’s apparent consideration of the use of nuclear weapons against Iran and its nuclear facilities. Piper noted that many patriots have advocated impeaching President Bush and Vice President Cheney, which would require congressional action, but Piper reminds people that the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for legal measures by the presidential cabinet to remove the president from office if it is determined that the president is unfit (physically, mentally, morally or legally) to continue serving in office. Piper expressed his hope that America’s military leaders will consult with the cabinet and advise them of the dangers to America posed by Bush’s retention of the presidency and that the cabinet will then take the necessary measures to remove both President Bush and Vice President Cheney and allow for the Constitution succession to office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). Although Hastert is “no bargain” said Piper, virtually anything would be preferrable to the continuing service of Bush in an office that he illegally gained through apparent vote fraud and behind-the-scenes political maneuvering in both 2000 and 2004.

In the past, for example, Piper has noted that Chief Justice William Rehnquist, now deceased, who oversaw the installation of Bush in the White House in 2000, had previously served as the attorney for an organized crime figure in Arizona, “Big Jim” Hensley, who was the henchman of the boss of Arizona politics (both Democratic and Republican), Kemper Marley, who was a longtime frontman for the liquor empire of Canadian billionaire and World Jewish Congress chief Sam Bronfman, whose son, Edgar Bronfman (now an American citizen) is one of the most powerful Zionist leaders on the face of the planet (as Piper outlined in his book, “The New Jerusalem” available from Americanfreepress.net). Hensley went to jail, taking the rap for Marley, in a deal arranged by Rehnquist. And, as Piper points out, Hensley’s reward for taking the rap was being awarded a major beer distributorship today worth more than $100 million. What many don’t know is that Hensley’s daughter is now the second wife of one of Israel’s most stalwart spokesmen in Congress, Arizona Sen. John McCain who hopes to succeed Bush. So the massive Zionist corruption behind McCain (and Bush) is immense.



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush in recent days has recast the global war on terror into a “war against Islamic fascism.” Fascism, in fact, seems to be the new buzz word for Republicans in an election season dominated by an unpopular war in Iraq.

Bush used the term earlier this month in talking about the arrest of suspected terrorists in Britain, and spoke of “Islamic fascists” in a later speech in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Spokesman Tony Snow has used variations on the phrase at White House press briefings.

Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania, in a tough re-election fight, drew parallels on Monday between World War II and the current war against “Islamic fascism,” saying they both require fighting a common foe in multiple countries. It’s a phrase Santorum has been using for months.


Rumsfeld Likens Iraq War Opponents to Those Who Appeased Hitler

Senator Jack Reed, Democrat – Rhode Island, a former Army officer and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in an interview Tuesday that “No one has misread history more than Rumsfeld. It’s a political rant to cover up his incompetence.”



84 of 95 people found the following review helpful:
Scathing, Scary, But Hilarious, July 31, 2004
Reviewer: L. Young “palmtree2000” (West Orange, NJ USA) – See all my reviews
This is a brilliant and scathing look at how our post-modernist art historians are engaged in the de-civilization of Western art. Kimball skewers the current trend of viewing all Western art (as well as Western literature) solely through the prism of sex, gender, and class. What results is a ludicrous but scary disfigurement of Western art.

Kimball takes seven well known paintings by seven different artists, and shows us the absurdity of those art elites in the academic world who are blinded by their politically correct madness. The chapter on John Singer Sargent’s 1882 painting, “The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit” gave me belly laughs galore as leading Sargent expert Professor David M. Lubin of Wake University, subjects a painting of four upper crust little girls at the turn of the century into a critique of sexual oppression and perversion. Playing on the French version of Mr. Boit’s name ( i.e. boite, meaning box) Professor Lubin contends ‘the Female Child is enclosed within [an]ideological and biological box’. If this is not absurd enough, Kimball shows us how Lubin’s reasoning in analyzing the painting in sexual/gender terms depends upon such things as the circumflexed ‘i’ in ‘boite’ (remember the Frenchified version of the girls’ father’s name) as a receptacle into which the ‘i’ phallus plunges. In addition the word ‘boite’ the good Professor tells us also means ‘house of prostitution’. From this he concludes that the little girls represent the father’s (remember Dad doesn’t appear in Sargent’s picture) harem.

One could laugh one’s head off if it wasn’t so frightening to consider this is what young people are subjected to in universities across America. ‘Bravo’ to Roger Kimball for showing us the ‘Theater of the Absurd’ that goes on behind those ivy covered walls. My daughter is an art major. I’ll be sure to remember Mr. Kimball’s book next time her university telephones asking for a charitable donation.



Archaeologists find 2,500-year-old mummy in Mongolia
AFP Thursday, 24 August 2006 / 2:18 PM ET

Picture shows the mummified body of a Scythian warrior from the third century B.C. discovered by a team of international archaeologists from the German Archaeological Institute in the Altay mountains of Mongolia.

BERLIN (AFP) — An international group of archaeologists has unearthed a well-preserved, 2,500-year-old mummy frozen in the snowcapped mountains of Mongolia complete with blond hair, tattoos and a felt hat.

The president of the German Archaeological Institute, Hermann Parzinger, hailed the “fabulous find” at a press conference to present the 28-member team’s discovery in Berlin.

The Scythian warrior was found in June at a height of 2,600 meters (8,500 feet) in the Altay Mountains in an intact burial mound or kurgan.

Parzinger said the tomb was practically untouched when the team discovered it.

“We just had to sweep away some dust and could begin,” he said.

Researchers said the most striking feature about the man was his light blond hair, which Parzinger acknowledged may have yellowed after his death.*

The man, who was apparently well-off, was cloaked in a beaver-skin coat with sable trim and sheep’s wool lining that was in remarkably good condition, and still intact skin on his upper body revealed tattoos.

Two horses with elaborately decorated saddles and bridles, weapons and wooden, clay and animal horn vessels were placed in the tomb alongside the corpse to accompany the warrior into the next life.

The recovered items are currently in storage in Ulan Bator. Parzinger said even the contents of the horses’ stomachs would be examined to offer insights into the region’s vegetation two centuries before Christ.

Parzinger said that until now remains of the Scythians, who were Iranian nomadic peoples, had only been found on the Russian side of the Altays. He said the new find showed that their territory was much broader than first thought.

He said the ice had helped preserve the mummy and his belongings and noted that global warming also posed a threat to such archaeological finds. He said that if the trend continues, in 20 to 30 years there would be no more ice kurgans.

*For some strange reason, this peculiar phenomenon seems to occur only in cases of suspected Nordic provenance!


For further details on this remarkable people see:

The World of the Scythians by Renate Rolle — Their motto was simple: “Tell the truth and shoot straight.” To the ancient Greeks, these fearless warriors of the Ukrainian steppe were barbarians with bloodthirsty customs. To their neighbors, the Achaemenid Persians, they were feared for their fighting prowess. This rare study dispenses with all the myths, as it discusses the economy, religion and culture of an Aryan people with unusual artistic sensitivity, as revealed in its exquisite metalworking and design. 8-1/2″ x 11″ format. 100 b/w & color photographs. Diagrams & maps. Translated from the German. 141 pp-hc

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An insight into the weird functioning of the semitoid brain.


“Flames were leaping up from a ditch. Gigantic flames … a lorry drew up to the pit and delivered its load – little children. Babies! Yes I saw it with my own eyes… Children in the flames.” -Elie Wiesel (“Night”)


It was difficult to read Prof Elie Wiesel’s tale about unique
suffering. He mentions traveling in a train’s cattle car. There, young people openly gave away to instinct. When the train stopped a German and a Hungarian officer said that if any one of them were missing all the Jews “would be shot down like dogs.”

For several pages Wiesel writes about a Madame Schashter. She was similar to a psychic. Schashter kept speaking about a furnace and a huge fire. Low and behold -when the train arrived in Auschwitz she said, “Jews, look! Flames!”

Those able to plow through, read that “As the train stopped, we saw this time that flames were gushing out of a tall chimney into a dark sky.” Not only that; “when the train doors were open” individuals with “electric torches and truncheons begin striking” defenseless Jews.

It was a horror scene: “In front of us flames”. In the “air the smell of human flesh. It must have been about midnight. We arrived at the… reception center for Auschwitz…”

Wiesel continues: “Every two yards or so an SS man held his Tommy gun trained” on the Jews. Wiesel was told to say that he was 18 years old and his father indicated that he himself was 40. This allowed them to be laborers. Otherwise, according to Wiesel, they’d be burnt in the ovens.

The notorious Dr. Mengele is seen on page 29. He had a baton in his hand and it “moved sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left.” Not far from Wiesel “flames were leaping up from a ditch. Gigantic flames … a lorry drew up to the pit and delivered its load – little children. Babies! Yes I saw it with my own eyes… Children in the flames.” The year was 1944.

Wiesel explains his Auschwitz: “A little farther on was another and larger ditch for adults.” He mentions, (page 31) that the “infernal heat was rising.” Right in front of him “were flames.” Elie was two steps from the pit when miraculously he was “ordered to go into barracks.”

The smoke was so thick that it poisoned the air and could be felt in the throat (page 35). Readers are informed (again) that if a person didn’t work they went to the furnace. His tale is confusing because he mentioned that for three weeks in Auschwitz he had nothing to do (page 41). In this section, he describes the features of his dangerous opponent. It’s discovered that a “German had a assassin’s face, fleshy lips and hands like a wolves paws.” Not only was the enemy unattractive, Wiesel reveals that there was considerable traffic in children among homosexuals.

Of course, there was music. Elie says that the musicians were nearly all Jews. However, these reduced Jews were not allowed to play German music.

When it came time for Wiesel to have his gold tooth pulled, he told a dentist that he felt ill. Because of his excuse, they said that they would see him next week. Elie did this a few times.

Wiesel speaks about a German pounding an innocent, weak, old man. The victim was assaulted with an iron bar. The individual who was battered was his father, who collapsed.

The readers might be surprised to find that there were other
nationalities in the camp, besides Jews. For example, the author devotes a few lines to seeing a German having sex with a Pole.

On page 50 he notes being friendly to a French girl. The dilemma was that she knew no German and Elie didn’t understand French. He thought she was a Jewess who was passing herself off as an Arian. Sure enough, this good female confessed that she was really a Jew. This was in Paris, after WWII.

By the time the reader struggles to the middle of this classic, Wiesel is referring to the cowardly SS (hiding from airplane bombings). After referring over and over again to crematory ovens, he devotes several pages to how Germans hung people.

Then came the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. During this special occasion the Germans gave Jews a very thick soup. Ten thousand men came to attend the service. Here, Wiesel wonders why he should bless God. After all, God allowed children to be burnt in the pits. And, God kept six crematoriums working day and night, and even on feast days.

This media giant of literature then -again- elaborates on the topic of the notorious Dr. Mengele. Wiesel was lucky. Why? Because he hadn’t been selected for experimentation. Wiesel proved that he was useful.

By the time the exhausted reader reaches page 74, it’s discovered that Wiesel spent time in the camp’s hospital. Not far from him was a Hungarian Jew. The feeble Hebrew had dysentery.

Wiesel was even told that in the hospital they also select the weak for eradication. This was because “Germany didn’t need sick Jews.” Wiesel had an operation on his foot. The surgery lasted an hour. The sole of his foot was full of puss.

As the Germans started to lose the war and the Russians were advancing closer, it was decided to evacuate the Jewish prisoners to Germany. The SS referred to the Jews as “Filthy sons of bitches!”

As the Jews marched out of Auschwitz, the SS had orders to fire on to anyone who could not keep up. We read that with “their fingers on the triggers they did not deprive themselves of this pleasure.” As they marched it was cold. The prisoners had to put blankets over their shoulders.

The Jews passed through German townships. One day, when they stopped, a workman took a piece of bread out of his bag and threw it. The starving men fought each other “for a few crumbs.”

When the Jews arrived at Buchenwald, Wiesel saw a high chimney of a crematorium. At this camp the guards were unable to keep order. So, what did they do? They assaulted “people right and left.” Corpses were all around the prisoners. It was a dreadful. Wiesel’s father became
sick with dysentery. It was during this time that Elie’s dad told him about something very important; about the gold and money that he had hid in the cellar.

As the front was drawing near, Wiesel spent his days in a state of total idleness. Soon the SS fled and the resistance took over Buchenwald. When this occurred, some of “the young men went to get potatoes and clothing” and “to sleep with girls.” Three days after the liberation Wiesel was sick with food poisoning -but, he was free at last!

Our media hero moved to Paris where he lived for a decade. Later, he worked as a journalist for Israel.

This White House idol finally settled in New York. Subsequently, he became a professor at Boston University.

Most of the above is composed with exact lexicon used in the 25th edition of “Night.” It’s true that scholars, all over the globe, have mocked this classic. To these same uncountable number of sources, it’s also a fact that the writings appear to be that of a severely impaired individual.

Nearly all scientists would assert that much of what Elie writes would have been impossible and is absurd. These kind of people are either anti-Semites or they don’t believe in special miracles. Let us never forget that, honest Washington politicians saw to it that Elie Wiesel was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

Professor Elie Wiesel also won the Noble Peace Prize.

Nuff/ bruno



“Marrying a Gentile is totally forbidden [in traditional Jewish law].”

— Michael Asheri, 1983, p. 332

“Two of the most overworked folk tales that are firmly believed by Jews are that the overwhelmingy majority of Jewish intermarriages involved non-Jewish females and Jewish males; and that most of these non-Jewish females marry Jewish males in order to better their lot socially and economically.” — Rabbi David Max Eichhorn, 1974, p. 29

While Adolf Hitler failed to destroy the Jews, many these days fear that they are in danger of accomplishing their own destruction via a younger generation’s choice of extinction. Jews have always resisted surrendering their identity chauvinism to go the way of French-Americans, Italian-Americans, Greek-Americans and so many others have already done in completely assimilating into American society decades earlier. The American Jewish community — more intensely than any other people — has always resisted that dreaded curse: assimilation. “The hydra-headed monster of assimilation takes many forms,” says Richard Gordis, “the ‘most menacing’ of which is intermarriage.” [SILBERMAN, p. 285] “What centuries of persecution have been powerless to do,” wrote Lewis S. Benjamin in 1907, “has been efficient in a score of years by friendly intercourse.” [SILBERMAN, p. 286] “We have survived,” says Alan Dershowitz, “– sometimes by the skin of our teeth — millennia of rape attempts against the Jewish body and soul by villains and monsters of every description. Efforts to convert us, assimilate us, and exterminate us by the sword have taken an enormous toll, but in the end they have failed. Now the dangers are more subtle: willing seduction, voluntary assimilation, deliberate abdication.” [DERSHOWITZ, p. 354] “On the one end of spectrum,” remarks Henry Feingold, “is the danger of absorption into a benevolent society; on the other is the possibility of physical destruction … It seems like both dangers require a conscious will to overcome. That may be the secret of Jewish survival.” [FEINGOLD, p. 67]



Wal-Mart sets alliance with gay business group
Cox News Service
Thursday, August 24, 2006

WASHINGTON — Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the retail giant that grew up in the rural South, is moving to attract gay shoppers as it expands its presence in urban centers.

By entering into a partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce this week, the company “is making a very sincere effort to reach out to people who are a significant part of our customer base,” Wal-Mart spokesman Bob McAdam said Wednesday.

“I am proud of that effort,” he said.

But Wal-Mart did not issue a news release about the alliance, leaving the chamber to announce it. And as news of the partnership trickles out, a backlash is taking shape among some conservatives.

“I don’t think this is something that will sell on Main Street America, where most Wal-Mart stores are located,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a conservative public policy group in Washington. “I don’t think cheap prices on goods from China will be enough to stop a rollback in their customer base if they choose to go down this aisle.”

By partnering with a gay business group, Wal-Mart is “validating the idea that homosexual activists have the right to shake down corporations out of fear of being called bigots,” said Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute at Concerned Women for America, a Washington-based public policy group.

In April, the retailer announced a strategy to increase its presence in urban areas. Over the next two years, it plans to build more than 50 stores in neighborhoods with high crime or unemployment rates, on sites that are environmentally contaminated, or in vacant buildings or malls in need of revitalization.

The alliance with the business group is not expected to bring a visible influx of gay-oriented merchandise to Wal-Mart stores. McAdam said the specific purpose of the partnership is to help Wal-Mart attract and hire a diverse array of suppliers, including gays and lesbians.

Though it obtains much of its merchandise from overseas suppliers, the world’s largest retailer also uses many local firms to provide services, such as landscaping, architectural designing, painting and much more, he said.

Justin Nelson, co-founder and president of the four-year-old gay business coalition, said he was certain that objections from conservatives would not cause Wal-Mart, headquartered in Bentonville, Ark., to back away from his organization.

Wal-Mart initiated the partnership, he said, and “it’s a rock-solid relationship.”

In recent months, as his group and Wal-Mart have discussed their possible relationship, “it was brought up that religious zealots would ? make these hateful comments,” he said. Wal-Mart executives persuaded chamber officials they would remain resolute, he said.

Nelson said that while Wal-Mart may start taking flak from the right, he expects it from the left.

Many liberal groups say the company fails to provide its 1.3 million U.S. workers with adequate wages and benefits.

Jeremy Bishop, program director of Pride at Work, a constituency group within the AFL-CIO labor confederation, said Wal-Mart should not expect the support of gay shoppers when it does not offer domestic partnership benefits for its gay workers.

“This community is really social justice-minded,” Bishop said. “It won’t be fooled by this.”

McAdam said Wal-Mart has an anti-discrimination policy covering sexual orientation, and is considering offering domestic partnership benefits.

Wal-Mart is evaluating its gay-related policies in discussions with groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, he said.

Ken Pearson, chairman of PRIDE, a group for Wal-Mart’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered employees, said he has found that “Wal-Mart is very fair-minded.”

He said that as the company weighs domestic partnership benefits, “the officers are very willing to listen,” he said. “I would not have stuck around for 10 years if I thought Wal-Mart treated employees unfairly. The needle has a ways to go, but we are making positive progress.”

Wal-Mart started reaching out to gay groups in the past year, he said.

Perhaps the most visible sign came in early April when Wal-Mart began selling DVDs of “Brokeback Mountain,” a movie about a love affair between two male ranchers. The company continued to sell the DVDs despite protests from some conservatives.

Also, McAdam confirmed that Wal-Mart had hired Bob Witeck, chief executive officer of Witeck-Combs Communications Inc., a Washington-based communications firm that specializes in reaching gay consumers.

Witeck was in Bentonville in mid-April when Wal-Mart held its annual two-day conference for journalists.

News of the alliance came when the chamber posted the news on its Web site and issued a press release Monday. On Tuesday, a news story appeared in the Springdale Morning News in Arkansas.

On Wednesday, Wal-Mart Watch, a union-supported group opposed to Wal-Mart’s business practices, offered a link to the story on its Web site. That started generating national attention.

Andrew Grossman, Wal-Mart Watch’s executive director, said he supports Wal-Mart’s efforts to diversify its supplier base.

“It’s a good thing for Wal-Mart to make a decision to treat more people with respect,” he said. “But I question why they wanted to keep this in the closet and leave it up to the chamber to make the announcement.”

Nelson said it was normal procedure for the chamber to announce a new partnership. The group works with many other large corporations, including IBM, Wells Fargo and Kodak.

Marilyn Geewax is a Washington correspondent for Cox Newspapers.



Beyond Macaca: The Photograph That Haunts George Allen

Max Blumenthal

Photo of VA Gov George Allen with group.

This photo, published in the Summer 1996 edition of the Citizens Informer, the newsletter of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, shows George Allen, left, and actor Charlton Heston, right, posing with Gordon Lee Baum [gordy’s as skeered o’ the jew as a fat man this side of Canny Sammy (the late GREAT) can be] and two associates. [You see, Council of Cowards & Chumps, even if you appease them, you get nothing back but spit, piss and kicks.]

Barnstorming around Virginia in the re-election campaign that Republican Senator George Allen hopes will provide the impetus for his 2008 run for the presidency, he has suddenly been forced on the defensive. Time and again, he has felt compelled to explain that his mocking of S.R. Sidarth, a young Indian-American push-start staff member for his Democratic opponent, as “macaca,” or monkey, was an unintentional gaffe. “It was a mistake. I made a mistake,” he told a reporter from a local NBC affiliate at a campaign stop on Thursday. Hours later, he told the ABC affiliate, “It was a mistake, I was wrong.” On Fox News’s Sean Hannity show, he echoed, “It was a mistake.” [in ameriKwa, you must apologize – continually – for making funny remarks about people harassing you. we’re a free country, you see]

But was it an isolated “mistake”?

Only a decade ago, as governor of Virginia, Allen personally initiated an association with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council and among the largest white supremacist groups.

In 1996, when Governor Allen entered the Washington Hilton Hotel to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of conservative movement organizations, he strode to a booth at the entrance of the exhibition hall festooned with two large Confederate flags–a booth operated by the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), at the time a co-sponsor of CPAC. After speaking with CCC founder and former White Citizens Council organizer Gordon Lee Baum and two of his cohorts, Allen suggested that they pose for a photograph with then-National Rifle Association spokesman and actor Charlton Heston. The photo appeared in the Summer 1996 issue of the CCC’s newsletter, the Citizens Informer.

According to Baum, Allen had not naively stumbled into a chance meeting with unfamiliar people. He knew exactly who and what the CCC was about and, from Baum’s point of view, was engaged in a straightforward political transaction. “It helped us as much as it helped him,” Baum told me. “We got our bona fides.” And so did Allen.

Descended from the White Citizens’ Councils that battled integration in the Jim Crow South, the CCC is designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center (i.e., a collection of jews, homos, cartpetbaggers and millionaires). In its “Statement of Principles,” the CCC declares, “We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.”

The CCC has hosted several conservative Republican legislators at its conferences, including former Representative Bob Barr of Georgia and Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi. But mostly it has been a source of embarrassment to Republicans hoping to move their party beyond its race-baiting image. Former Reagan speechwriter and conservative pundit Peggy Noonan briefly emerged from a daydream about fellating Ronald Reagan’s corpse back to life to pithily declare that anyone involved with the CCC “does not deserve to be in a leadership position in America. Vote Turbo, America’s best Republican rapper!”

Asked whether Allen supports or deplores the CCC, John Reid, his communications director pleaded ignorance. “I am unaware of the group you mention or their agenda and because we have no record of the Senator having involvement with them I cannot offer you any opinion on them,” Reid told me in an e-mail response.

[page 2-4 of article]


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Gonzales Goes to Baghdad Selling “Rule of Law”

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales met with Iraq’s deputy prime minister in Baghdad in a visit he said was to promote “the rule of law.”



Father held for turning 8-year-old into sex slave Jerusalem Post

But the kike father needed the money?



Are Civil Liberties Collateral Damage In The War on Drugs?
Next time you go for a drive, you might wanna leave your wallet at home. Last Friday, the Eighth Circuit court of appeals ruled that police can confiscate large sums of cash from motorists without any other evidence of wrongdoing. The decision in “United States of America v. $124,700 in U.S. Currency” found that “possession of a large sum of cash is strong evidence of a connection to drug activity.” In this particular case, a man neither accused or convicted of a crime lost his life savings because a Nebraska State Trooper found him suspicious. Despite how suspicious he may or may not have been, this precedent seemingly shifts the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused. It also reinforces American Express’s long standing tag line: “Don’t leave home without it.”

Sources: United States of America v. $124,700 in U.S. Currency & Federal Appeals Court: Driving With Money is a Crime



Holy Land Bishops Condemn ‘Christian Zionism’

Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel…. We categorically reject Christian Zionist doctrines as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation…. We further reject the contemporary alliance of Christian Zionist leaders and organizations with elements in the governments of Israel and the United States that are presently imposing their unilateral pre-emptive borders and domination over Palestine…. We call upon all people to reject the narrow world view of Christian Zionism and other ideologies that privilege one people at the expense of others.




Though Stalin murdered three times more people than Hitler, to the doting Roosevelt he remained “Uncle Joe.” At Yalta, Stalin even boasted to Churchill he had killed over ten million peasants. The British-US alliance with Stalin made them his partners in crime. Roosevelt and Churchill helped preserve history’s most murderous regime, to which they handed over half of Europe…. The Jewish people saw their Holocaust as a unique event. It was Israel’s raison d’être. Raising other genocides would, they feared, diminish their own. While academia, media and Hollywood rightly keep attention on the Jewish Holocaust, they ignore Ukraine. We still hunt Nazi killers but not communist killers.



Tony Blair’s lack of leadership and timid subservience to George W Bush lie behind the ongoing crisis in Iraq and the worldwide threat of terrorism, according to the former American president Jimmy Carter. “I have been surprised and extremely disappointed by Tony Blair’s behaviour,” he told The Sunday Telegraph…. Mr Carter also said that the Iraq invasion had subverted the fight against terrorism and instead strengthened al-Qaeda and the recruitment of terrorists…. “It’s a shameful and pitiful state of affairs and I hold your British Prime Minister to be substantially responsible for being so compliant and subservient.”



AVNERY: America’s Rottweiler: Growing Hatred of Israel

In his latest speech, which infuriated so many people, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uttered a sentence that deserves attention: “Every new Arab generation hates Israel more than the previous one.” Of all that has been said about the Second Lebanon War, these are perhaps the most important words. The main product of this war is hatred…. The whole Zionist enterprise has been compared to the transplantation of an organ into the body of a human being. The natural immunity system rises up against the foreign implant, the body mobilizes all its power to reject it. The doctors use a heavy dosage of medicines in order to overcome the rejection.



TAKI: Russian Bear Baiting

Failure has done nothing to moderate the insane ambitions of U.S. policymakers. Not content with the bloody fiasco in Iraq, the intensification of the war in Afghanistan, a soaring budget deficit, and the electoral triumphs of the anti-American populist Left throughout South America, American policymakers have decided to open up a number of new battlefronts. First, they threaten to overthrow the clerical regime in Tehran. As if that weren’t enough, they have now decided to pick a fight with Russia. Yes, Russia, the biggest country in the world and one that possesses thousands of nuclear warheads.



What’s the US Government so afraid of????? How many soldiers have been investigated in the past for questioning whether or not there are aliens??? Folks – our treacherous government is beside themselves with worry – Bush and traitors in the Democratic and Republican parties and Israel were behind 9-11, not 19 troglodytes from Saudi Arabia.



The Humbling of Israel’s Vaunted Army

As the war unfolded his optimism was brought crashing down to earth — and with it the invincible reputation of the Israeli armed forces…. Israeli’s military elite, such as its fighter squadrons and commando units, may still be among the best in the world but the mediocrity of much of the army has been exposed for all in the Middle East to see. Israelis can forget and forgive many things, but not the perceived defeat of an army that commanded worldwide respect but suddenly no longer strikes so much fear into its enemies.


Israel’s Military Spending Could Severely Strain Economy

Israeli defense officials are seeking NIS 30 billion [shekels], mostly in fiscal 2007 and 2008, for resupplying, reacquiring weapons systems damaged during the war and preparing for the next war based on the lessons of recent hostilities, including developing new arms…. According to a senior defense establishment official, cabinet compliance to the demand would subjugate the entire civilian establishment to military demands and constitute a mortal blow to civil budgets, including infrastructure and education…. The government economist claims the demands are extravagant and would push Israel 20 to 30 years back economically, including a sharp drop in the standard of living.



Chinese officials are far too sophisticated to say “we will bury you” to American visitors. They talk of cooperation, promote financial investment, and emphasize their peaceful intentions. But they exude robust self-confidence. Although they readily admit that their nation remains poor, they proudly point to its rapid economic growth. Along with greater wealth has come increased diplomatic penetration around the world, as well as a growing military. The People’s Republic of China is on the move. As a result, more than a few Americans are now worrying that “they will bury us.” Or, at least that the Chinese will try to do so, making war possible and perhaps even likely.



China’s Wealth Woes

With its dollar hoard rising at $17 billion a month and about to pass the $1 trillion mark, Beijing is finding out that it is possible to have too much money.

By George Wehrfritz
Newsweek International

Sept. 4, 2006 issue – Sometime over the next few weeks, a shipment of lawn furniture, brake pads, lamps or the like is going to make history. The manufacturer, one among tens of thousands churning out product 24/7 in China’s humming coast-al cities, will fill an order bound for the United States, take payment in American dollars and add a 12th zero to Beijing’s foreign reserve—pushing the tally over the $1 trillion mark. Neither buyer nor seller will realize the transaction’s significance, and barring an unforeseen shock to the global trading system, China’s reserve will continue to rise by roughly $17 billion a month.



REESE: Bigotry and Ignorance

President George Bush’s ignorance of the Middle East and its people is well-known. So also is his habit of parroting words and sentences given to him by other people. He hit a new low when he referred to “Islamic fascists.” No two more opposite concepts are to be found. Fascism glorifies the nation-state; Islam is transnational. Fascism demands slavish devotion to a national leader; Muslims are far too independent- minded to be slavish followers of anybody. Virtually all the people Saddam Hussein murdered were people trying to overthrow him. Fascism is militaristic. Islam is not.



Interesting new site




Council on American-Islamic Relations News Conference on Israeli Influence Council on American-Islamic Relations holds a news conference on the Israeli influence. Participants are: John J. Mearsheimer, Univ. of Chicago; Stephen M.Walt, Kennedy School of Government; Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director; Corey Saylor, CAIR government affairs director.

8/28/2006: WASHINGTON, DC: 1 hr. 30 min. [may have to scroll or search]



From: “Billy J. Morton” [email protected]

Hi All

I got this from NNN0ZRC Mike Woods and thought I would pass it along.
73s Bill

Does any of this sound like what is happening in America?

Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes.

He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a “headache,” and call in sick.

He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don’t support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.

He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure you’re cell phone is in your pocket.

He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your “buddies” that aren’t with you.

He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.


You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.

He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.

He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe is brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.

He doesn’t get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.

He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.

He doesn’t have time to brush his teeth today.

You’re angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.

He’s told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.

He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.

He holds his letter close and smells his love’s perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they’ll ever meet.

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.

He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.

He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don’t.

He does exactly what he is told.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.

He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be woken by gunfire.

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him.

If only there were more men like him!

If you support your troops, resend this to everyone you know, if it gets to another veteran who hasn’t received it yet, it will bring back memories.

If You can Read this, Thank a Teacher, Because it’s is in English, Thank a Marine
NAVY MARINE CORPS MARS Serving those who serve
Bill Morton Blackwell,Ok 74631
E-Mail: [email protected] OR
[email protected] OR
[email protected]


Fair is fair…let’s add a few more to the list:

You deplore the anti-Semitism of those who criticize Bush’s foreign policy.
He gets shot by a man with a grudge against Israel.

You watch CNN and are told how many Iraqis have been killed today.
He gets shipped home in a wood box in the dead of night, with no family allowed to meet the plane.

You celebrate your freedom of speech while shouting down anti-war activists.
He is buried in a government plot for which the Jewish-controlled ACLU wants to deny a cross marker.


(ps – If you don’t like this, then complain to those who chose to broadcast to a list placed right out in the open, not to me. My very short personal list is getting this strictly via bcc, like most everything I send out.)


Letter From Ernst Zundel dated 26 July 2006

Ernst Zündel
JVA Mannheim
Herzogenriedstr. 111

[Stuck on the paper : a nice coloured picture of a table in a garden with flowers and nice things to eat, and the following words : “One day we will do that in Tennessee!”]

26 July 2006

Dear Yvonne and family,

I assume you are in La Péruse for your summer holiday. I hope your grandchildren and the extended family can get together and enjoy your life and your freedom!

Here in Germany, it is also very hot. Yesterday, after I came back from my one-hour walk in the prison yard, my electronic thermometer showed 41.8 degrees centigrade. The guards are quite nice, they open the cells a bit longer, and are understanding in the use of showers. None of these old German prisons, all built around Bismarck’s time or around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, are able to be retrofitted for air-conditioning.

In the news of 11.15 a.m. on 26 July 06, there is talk about the bombing and shelling of a U.N. observer post by the Israelis. 4 U.N. soldiers were killed in this hill top outpost, which apparently was known to the Israelis for 20 years. It was clearly marked, visible for miles. Israeli forces bombarded it with 14 shells and a precision bomb from a plane! Israel has always bragged about its infallible, all-knowing intelligence, which allows them to bombard huge office towers, apartment buildings, shops, even ordinary petrol stations – all because so is the claim. Hizbollah supposedly hides there! Well, they cannot have it both ways: they can’t claim to be super precise in the city of Beirut and then shell a U.N. outpost on a mountain top, which is well marked and known to them for two decades.

The German T.V. commentators say that Kofi Anan called it a calculated, deliberate attack. The German T.V. news reports from local correspondents that the reason, or the feeling for the attack is that these U.N. observers could see the whole area into which the Israeli ground troops are moving – and did not want to have eyewitnesses to their behaviour. T.V. N 24 news repeats these reports, reporting is Monique Junker, the time 11.31 a.m., Israel reports apparently 24 wounded, 9 dead, Israeli soldiers in the town next or below the eradicated U.N. outpost.

The Western world is caught between a rock and a hard place! The Germans are drawing the conclusion that Israel in the past has won its stunning victories in the air and on the ground in the “Six Day War” when it defeated the entire armies and air forces of 4 Arab states – and now they have been involved for two weeks already, against a bunch of guerillas. David Schiller, an Israeli military strategist (expert commentator) said that there were only 2,000 Hizbollah fighters in South Lebanon, other stations claim that there were 10,000 Hizbollah fighters in South Lebanon, who supposedly had 12,000 Katusha rockets and some longer range ones. This compares to 2,000 rockets already fired into Israel, according to Israeli sources.

Yvonne, the best source to find out what is at the bottom of all this trouble there is by the British Middle-East correspondent Robert Fisk. The title is “Pity the People”, it’s an 800 page in-depth study by this courageous, incorruptible former 25 year veteran Beirut based London Times correspondent, who switched to The Independent of London after the usual pressure was brought against him at the Times. That book was bedside reading for me in my cell in Toronto West in 2004. It is the most profound study of that troubled area, and the major forces involved. I don’t think anyone not directly there should venture an analysis without having had the insights of Robert Fisk !

As to myself, I visited Israel, all the way up to El Kuneitra, the largest town on the Golan Heights. I also went to Kiriat Shimona (phonetic spelling) of course that means I went to all the biblical sites, the Jordan river, the Dead Sea, etc., so when I hear of these places, see the maps on the T.V. news, like the roads winding up to the Bekaa Valley toward Damascus, and into the areas of the “Druze” and the “Maronite-Christian” areas, I have driven and walked there. Spoken to Israeli male and female soldiers, even given them lifts in my car, to their army outposts, when I criss-crossed Israel and that region. Yvonne – I always needed to not only see places in a map, or a “globus” (I just heard a report by Anthony Mills, reporting for CNN from that U.N. outpost. The man on the scene said that the Israeli shelling was creeping up on that outpost. They are actually showing pictures of these Israeli shells exploding all around that hill – warning the Israelis of the proximity of the U.N. outpost – the Israelis said not to worry, they were going to correct the problems. The next thing were 14 Israeli artillery shells scoring direct hits on the outpost. Then came an Israeli precision bomb scoring also a direct hit. It is this series of events that prompted Kofi Anan and his staff calling a seemingly deliberate, targeted attack on the U.N. position.)

But back to my way of learning – I needed not only to see a name of a place on a map, I needed to visit there in person, to sense it, to feel it, to smell it – yes, Yvonne, to SMELL a place is often more impressive than to see it. You can see a film, or a photo – but the smell or the stench of a place is with a person much longer than “a picture”. So, to have smelled Beirut, the Bekaa Valley, a kibbutz, etc., that was my way of not just seeing, but in effect experiencing the thousands of little impulses and impressions one gets to sense, feel, touch, smell, drink and eat! Those trips turned young Ernst from an innocent, university student theoretician into an astute observer of not only the Middle-East but of Africa, Arabia, Iran, India, China, Japan – even Mexico! And of course Russia! I will never forget Stalingrad, Leningrad – and Moskow! I had to see and feel it, to understand it.

CNN today, on 26 July 06, stated in an interview with U.S. brigadier general (army intelligence) James “Spider” Marks, that there are 3,000 Hizbollah fighters, whom he calls dedicated and well-trained. He says that Israel will buy a victory in Lebanon at a very much higher cost, in men and material, than they expected. He also says that the Israelis had already been 15 days at this, and had not yet won even those two little villages close to the border! Although victory had been proclaimed they were still fighting and Israelis are still being killed.

Yvonne, you will recall the analysis of the Iraq war I sent you in 2003-2004 when I outlined what the aims of that Fifth Column [Remember this is a censored letter] were which had gotten a hold of American policy making – and implementation – which resulted in 9/11 and its aftermath. That policy involved destabilization of whole regions. Nobody can disagree with the observation that Iraq, and Afghanistan, have not been destabilized, as has now been Lebanon! We should not overlook that one aspect of destroying Beirut and its infrastructure is that. Those latter day Phoenicians had rebuilt the damage done by an earlier Israeli assault in 1982-84, and the 20 year nightmare of inter-ethnic, inter-faith civil war. Talk about destabilizing an area – that is A POLICY because Beirut was more vibrant, more creative, more robust, more fashionable – and more successful economically than Israel’s moribund society and economy! Beirut showed Israel up – negatively!

Therefore, we should not discount the aim of turning the infrastructure of Lebanon into dust and rubble as a Rome versus Carthage type policy. There are of course military, political aspects, to Israel’s policy. No permanent victory will result from this military operation. Not only Lebanon – but also Israel will emerge from this latest excursion by the IDF as losers. Even intelligence and military analysts across the whole range of European and American powers, ex-colonels, generals, brigadiers seem to feel that this operation is taking longer than expected – some are actually saying that Israel cannot win this operation, except spin-doctors will never admit it as a set-back.

We shall see – in a few weeks – or months. The war is a massive drain on the Israeli economy, which was already in trouble before this latest adventure. This is a censored letter.

Pity those civilians – I experienced their lot as a boy.

All the best to you.

Ernst Zündel




Does FOX News Want An Aryan Nation (with Jews and Cuban refugees allowed)?

Reported by Ellen – August 23, 2006 – 55 comments

For a long time, we have been writing about FOX News’ bigotry against African-Americans. More recently, we News Hounds have been monitoring their attacks on illegal immigrants and Muslims. Now FOX is showcasing Pat Buchanan’s racist book (which I will not publicize by naming) theorizing that Mexicans are plotting to take over the United States. Can there be any doubt that Jews would be targeted too if Israel wasn’t such a convenient ally in the neocons’ war plans for the Middle East?

Buchanan got a triple segment on Hannity & Colmes last night (8/22/06). He offered neither proof nor sources for his dubious ideas. Nevertheless, he received no tough questions. It’s a safe bet he’ll get plenty more air time on FOX News in the near future.

According to Buchanan, it’s not just the Mexican government that is using our porous borders for evil conquest. Buchanan told Sean Hannity, “The whole world has gotten the message that Mexican folks got about 20 years ago. The whole world is coming, Sean, and a lot of those folks you can bet – intelligence agencies are sending ‘em in, Al Qaeda’s sending ‘em in. Al Qaeda folks have talked about coming in through Mexico.”

The September 11th hijackers entered our country legally, with visas, but somehow Buchanan never got to that in the interview.

And it’s not just Al Qaeda we should fear. According to Buchanan, the Mexican race, itself, is the next biggest threat after an outright terror attack. “There is an invasion… (white folks are) shrinking as a share of the population and the one minority we can really get which is really exploding in size is the Hispanic minority… I think we’re risking the break-up of America.” Before long, we may be hearing that it’s the patriotic duty of Caucasians to have more babies.

Interestingly, Buchanan doesn’t seem to have a concern about the other Hispanic groups in the US: Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, South Americans, etc. who must surely make up a lot of the population explosion. Even more interestingly, Buchanan didn’t mention anything about Cubans. Since the Cubans in the US are anti-Castro, they are heroes on FOX News.

Bob Beckel, subbing for Alan Colmes, likewise overlooked the role of other Hispanic groups in the US. He asked, “What’s different?” about the southwest, given that in the east, the Irish and other European groups immigrated.

Buchanan gave this shocking answer: “58% of Mexicans believe the southwest belongs to them… They are not assimilating into America. Many of these Hispanic kids, as a matter of fact, you know what culture they’re assimilating to? The rap culture, the crime culture, anti-cops. All the rest of it.”

Beckel didn’t question a thing Buchanan said but just moved on to the next question. “You say in your book that the Mexican government is undertaking a conscious campaign, if I’m quoting you right, to use America as a dumping ground for its poor and unemployed – to do two things: one, ease social pressure in their own country and to claim and annex southwest America. Do you think this is a policy of the Mexican government?”

Just when I thought Buchanan couldn’t be any more paranoid, he offered this nugget. “It’s a policy of the Mexican government… because here they get educated, they get medicated, they get all the social welfare benefits, they’re not in Mexico as a revolutionary force. Secondly, Mexican-Americans deliver 16 billion in remittances back to Mexico from the United States… The whole idea is to create this giant fifth column in the United States which can leverage the American government in elections and pressure them to do what is in the interest of the nation of Mexico.”

Still no criticism from Beckel. “OK, but one difference between that part of the United States and the other parts that were settled by European immigrants is that it really was a Hispanic culture to begin with.”

Buchanan dubiously claimed, “It is a myth that these were all heavily populated by Mexican folks… It was empty land, populated by American Indians.” Maybe not heavily populated but according to my computer’s Encyclopedia Britannica, California, New Mexico, San Antonio, etc. were settled originally under Spanish rule. If that didn’t count, then large sections of Arizona and New Mexico, mostly empty land populated by Navajo and other Native peoples, are not really American now.

Beckel’s only real skepticism came when he said Mexican-Americans comprise the largest group of medal of honor winners. “I don’t know of stronger Americans.”

That was different, Buchanan tried to argue, because they were citizens. “Our problem is with folks who are coming here simply to work. Some of them don’t like America. They boo American teams in stadiums, they march under Mexican flags. Those aren’t Americans.” How does he know? How many boo Americans versus how many try to assimilate? He never said and nobody asked.

As if to underscore FOX News’ endorsement of Buchanan’s ideas, a banner on the screen read “Illegal aliens are bringing in syphilis and gonorrhea.”




On Natalie Holloway’s murder


The jewing of Postville (jews are shit pretending to be people)


Alex Jones, pa’tardherd and liar


  • 8 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/30/06”

    1. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      MassaJEWsetts is worse than people can imagine. It’s full of Turd World untermensch who leech off of the welfare system. Cities like Lowell,Lawrence,Brockton are full of Spics and Gooks and have been destroyed beyond repair. The elderly,Alzheimer-ridden Papists keep electing “Jack and Bobby’s brother” and of course Massajewsetts was the forerunner of “Elected Faggots” with the Kike Cocksucker Barney Frank and Sodomite Gerry Studds being the more infamous. I can relate to the Palestinians on one level..because I’ve been in Jew Occupied territory all my life as well.

    2. Mark Says:

      “Beckel’s only real skepticism came when he said Mexican-Americans comprise the largest group of medal of honor winners.”

      I don’t know who started this lie, but I’ve heard many others using it. It’s completely untrue, not even close.

      “According to the website of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, there have been 41 Hispanic, 87 African-American, 31 Asian-American, and 22 American Indian MOH recipients. Based on the process of elimination, I presume that virtually all of the other 3,200+ MOH recipients are white.

      According to http://www.thewildgeese.com (a web site devoted to Irish history and culture), 258 MOH recipients listed their birthplace as Ireland and 128 listed their birthplace as Germany or Prussia. Of course, these numbers represent only tiny portions of the total numbers of Irish-descended and German-descended MOH recipients.”


    3. Mark Says:

      Makes a lot of good points and isn’t a totally self-obsessed Jew, but still leaves out Jewish culpability and leads readers astray.

      “Because Kaganovitch, Yagoda and many senior communist party and NKVD officials were Jewish, Hitler’s absurd claim that communism was a Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization became widely believed across fearful Europe.”

      Yeah, it’s so absurd and crazy to think that… yet it continues to this day!

      “The mass murder of 7 million Ukrainians, 3 million of them children, and deportation to the gulag of 2 million (where most died) was hidden by Soviet propaganda. Pro-communist westerners, like the New York Times’ Walter Duranty, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, toured Ukraine, denied reports of genocide, and applauded what they called Soviet “agrarian reform.” Those who spoke out against the genocide were branded “fascist agents.”

      Russia never prosecuted any of its mass murderers, as Germany did.

      We know all about crimes of Nazis Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler; about Babi Yar and Auschwitz.

      But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov, and Beria?”

      The same people who play up their own suffering, ignore and actually celebrate the suffering of others! Germany and Western countries are punished collectively for “hate speech” that Jews don’t like, but Jews don’t suffer anything like that. It’s as clear as the nose on your face!

    4. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      The political sewer in Massachusetts, a microcosm of the American political sewer, has continued to exist because the politicians and most of their voters have not yet had to suffer any really serious consequences; like getting killed, for example. The twisted, corrupt, jew-manipulated ‘democratic’ system exists because the liberal moron or religious fool isn’t made responsible for his idiotic votes. The corrupt, treacherous politician isn’t really that worried about being brought to book. What is the worst that can happen to him? It will only change when you see a whole field of these people writhing on stakes or hanging from trees as far as the eye can see. When people suffer physical consequences for their stupidity or venality they learn more quickly or they die out.
      Anyway, the time for talking about this whole jew-created mess is drawing to a close. A physical response has now become imperative and inescapable. The Turd Worlders in our midst will force it. Expecting the political vermin or the uniformed mercenary thugs called police to solve the problem is simply childish. It’s time for action white man.

    5. steven clark Says:

      I lived in Boston for seven years and count it as one of the happiest times of my life. I enjoy the history, architecture, and compactness of Boston and new England, and lived on Beacon Hill. Boston is a great place. Alas, I concur with its depencdency on bureaucracy and the proliferation of lefties. I sensed a real dependence on the government I never saw in the midwest. The big dig is a large example, but I remember a law where any construction work anywhere had to have a policeman on duty…so cops could rack up tons of overtime. If work crews wanted extra dough, they would take a fake raccoon, throw it on the turnpike, then claim the section had to be repainted. A homeless vets shelter was formed to give vets beds, food, training…and just kept on year after year, never getting anyone off the streets. In Massachusetts, there is a set mentality of government dependence that came in with the waves of (sorry to say it) Irish, who tended to be more corrupt and welfare minded than the yankees. A feud between both groups brought a lot of this government spending, then when the liberal mentality took root, it grafted onto this. When I first knew Boston in 1976, it was 20 percent nonwhite. Now its grown to 50 and been flooded by turd worlders…again, a legacy of the liberal class, and yet despite this, New England is very white when you get out of the cities, but how much longer is anyone’s guess. And, yes, the gays and other ypes bloom there, again, a logical outgrowth of the old social reform movements like abolition, although Boston was always known for lesbianism…in the last century a ‘Boston marriage’ was one between two lesbians. Read Henry Jame’s THE BOSTONIANS for an examination of this mentality. Yet I hate to see Massachusetts written off, but as a WN, I felt very isolated there. Politically, they’re kind of hopeless. A guy wrote a book denouncing the Kennedys, and got a visit from the cops telling him to knock it off or else. The mafia mentality combined with PC is frightful to behold.

    6. Zoroastro Says:

      But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov, and Beria?”

      All Jids, except Felix Derzhinsky who was I believe Latvian. Lazar Kaganovich was particularly feared as he was in charge of the rail system. That was the real death on the wheels for millions and millions…THe bastard lived a long and happy life and died only in his nineties! No poetic justice there; at least some of it was present in the case of H. Yagoda, Jezhov and Lavrentij the Skunk Beria who all eliminated each other under the bolsho-judeocracy’s ever increasing paranoia of the late 30’s.

    7. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      At present we are watching the destruction of our civilization in slow motion. If the yids had tried to destroy it too rapidly there would have been strong resistance. However, this relatively slow pace of destruction and change will not necessarily continue. Events can suddenly move very quickly indeed.
      For example, scientists have learned that nature has been fairly benign throughout the last ten thousand years or so. However, at the end of the Ice Age there were fantastic upheavals as the ice melted and sea levels rose rapidly. Seventy thousand years ago humans were almost wiped out altogether because of the effects of a super volcano. Our current relatively benign natural conditions are not guaranteed to continue indefinetly.
      Closer to our own time there have been some terrible changes in a very short time span. What Russian in 1914 could have imagined how awful conditions would be in his country ten years ahead ? Or what German could, in his worst nightmares in 1939, have imagined the condition of his country a few years in the future ? Remember, Germany was at the pinnacle of civilization in 1939, yet it was almost driven back to the stone age in 1946. Are we immune from such a fate? What will life be like for the white race in 2020? I know that we cannot live day to day as if chaos was just around the corner, but we should be aware that there is no guarantee that our relatively comfortable conditions will continue for the forseeable future. I know that most Rhodesians who stayed after 1980 did not imagine how bad it would get, although they should have known. Civilization can survive the loss of a place like Rhodesia but what happens when the US, Canada and several European nations go the same way?
      Apocalyptic futures are a popular theme in science fiction. Sometimes fiction can become fact, just as so many ‘facts’ in our time are really fiction.
      One can have an advantage by being mentally prepared for a radically changed time ahead, something well outside the normal projections for a possible future.

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