28 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/28/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 8:37 pm | Permanent Link


Alex — I just got to this site, www.resistingdefamation.org via a reader comment on your post of Shamir’s long article. If you haven’t already looked into it, I think it would make a great post on VNN. Especially the glossary entry related to “naming”. This seems related to your search for an appropriate name for chosen attitiudes, ie. Loxism. But it’s in reverse, and does a little jewjitsu on “them” regarding OUR right to determine our own naming.

This site has POWERFUL stuff for WN to use in decoding and combatting defamation of White People. Hope you get it “out there”, especially in your “inimitable way” !!!!!

Best wishes,



Re. The Adolf Hitler Restaurant in Mumbai …it will be changing it’s name due to Jewish pressure

I remember reading that in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, there is a hotel named for Genghis Khan,
and I’m sure it too has a restaurant. Now there’s a dude who REALLY killed millions, yet the
Chosentites have not protested. joe


Great point, O, Furious One.

You overlook two things, however:

(a) All those mountains of corpses erected by the great Khan were goyish, and therefore—according to Talmudic teaching and tradition—worth less than the dirt from under the fingernail of a single Jew; and

(b) Ulan Bator is a backwater town that doesn’t offer the lucre of an up-and-coming world financial center like Bombay/Mumbai.

So, as you can see, there is a certain tribal logic here.





A Good Point, Re: the Federal Reserve System

A White nationalist website [1] reports something interesting. It notes that America’s Federal Reserve system has a “.gov” web address [2].

That “.gov” web address seems odd to us, since the Federal Reserve is a private-but-regulated corporation. It is not part of the U.S. government. It is not part of the U.S. Treasury. It is only a vessel, so to speak, which the U.S. government uses. So why does it have a U.S. government web address?

Further, it should be noted that the Jewish banker Paul M. Warburg was the key person in the creation of the Federal Reserve system in 1913. Also, both the current and the previous chief of the Federal Reserve is/was Jewish.

[1] http://www.whitealert.com/

[2] http://www.federalreserve.gov/


Pat Buchanan’s book State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America has been #1 on Amazon for several days now. In his Acknowledgements, Buchanan describes VDARE.COM as “indispensible.” We think this book is indispensable too, and its success a significant victory and a milestone on the road to patriotic immigration reform. We are blogging on its progress – for example, http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2006/08/23/buchanan-book-in-times-blog/ and are celebrating by running Buchanan’s immigration columns:

Will America Survive To 2050? by Pat Buchanan

Powell, Raspail: Prophets Without Honor? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Buchanan’s quotes the opening lines of Peter Brimelow’s 1995 book Alien Nation – here we run an edited version of Alien Nation’s Introduction:

America’s Immigration Policy—Hitler’s Revenge?, by Peter Brimelow


Humbling of the supertroops shatters Israeli army morale

HUNDREDS of feet below ground in the command bunker of the Israeli air force in Tel Aviv, a crowd of officers gathered to monitor the first day of the war against Hezbollah. It was July 12 and air force jets were about to attack Hezbollah’s military nerve centre in southern Beirut.

Among the officers smoking tensely as they waited for news, was Lieutenant-General Dan Halutz, 58, a daring fighter pilot in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war who had become chief of staff a year earlier and now faced the biggest test of his career.

Over the Mediterranean, west of Beirut, the elite F-15I squadron made its final preparations to strike with precision guided weapons against Hezbollah’s Iranian-made long-range Zelzal rockets, aimed at Tel Aviv.

Just before midnight, the order “Fire!” — given by the squadron leader — could be heard in the Tel Aviv bunker. Within moments the first Hezbollah missile and launcher were blown up. Thirty-nine tense minutes later the squadron leader’s voice was heard again: “Fifty-four launchers have been destroyed. Returning to base.”

Halutz smiled with relief and called Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, who was enjoying a cigar as he waited by a secure red phone at his residence in Jerusalem.

“All the long-range rockets have been destroyed,” Halutz announced proudly. After a short pause, he added four words that have since haunted him: “We’ve won the war.”

Even as Halutz was declaring victory, 12 Israeli soldiers from the Maglan reconnaissance unit were already running into an ambush just over the border inside Lebanon near the village of Maroun a-Ras.

“We didn’t know what hit us,” said one of the soldiers, who asked to be named only as Gad. “In seconds we had two dead.”

With several others wounded and retreating under heavy fire the Maglans, one of the finest units in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), were astonished by the firepower and perseverance of Hezbollah.

“Evidently they had never heard that an Arab soldier is supposed to run away after a short engagement with the Israelis,” said Gad.

“We expected a tent and three Kalashnikovs — that was the intelligence we were given. Instead, we found a hydraulic steel door leading to a well-equipped network of tunnels.”

As daylight broke the Maglans found themselves under fire from all sides by Hezbollah forces who knew every inch of the terrain and exploited their knowledge to the full.

The commander of the IDF’s northern sector, Lieutenant-General Udi Adam, could barely believe that some of his best soldiers had been so swiftly trapped; neither could the chief of staff.

“What’s wrong with the Maglans?” Halutz demanded to know. “They are surrounded,” Adam replied quietly. “I must send in more forces.”

As the reinforcements of the Egoz brigade prepared to enter Maroun a-Ras and rescue their comrades, however, several were mown down in a second ambush. Hours of battle ensued before the Maglan and Egoz platoons were able to drag their dead and wounded back to Israel.

Hezbollah also suffered heavy casualties but its fighters slipped back into their tunnels to await the next round of fighting. It was immediately obvious to everyone in Tel Aviv that this was going to be a tougher fight than Halutz had bargained for.

As the war unfolded his optimism was brought crashing down to earth — and with it the invincible reputation of the Israeli armed forces.

In five weeks, their critics charge, they displayed tactical incompetence and strategic short-sightedness. Their much-vaunted intelligence was found wanting.

Their political leadership was shown to vacillate. Their commanders proved fractious. In many cases the training of their men was poor and their equipment inadequate. Despite many individual acts of bravery, some of the men of the IDF were pushed to the point of mutiny.

Last week, in an contrite letter to his soldiers, Halutz admitted to “mistakes which will all be corrected”. It is far from clear whether Halutz will remain in position to correct them.

As calls mounted this weekend — not least from the families of many of the 117 fallen Israeli soldiers — for the resignation of those deemed responsible for the failures, Olmert was expected to set up an inquiry into the conduct of the war. A poll showed that 63% of Israelis believed Olmert should quit, while 74% called for Amir Peretz, the defence minister, to go, and 54% wanted Halutz out.

“Olmert faces a serious risk of a no-confidence vote in the Knesset,” said Hanan Kristal, a leading political commentator. “A State Commission will give him four to six months of critical breathing time.”

Meanwhile the Israeli public are struggling to accept that the country’s security might now depend on whether a French-led United Nations peacekeeping force proves able to disarm Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. In addition to 7,000 troops already promised by EU states, the UN has received offers from several Muslim countries, some of which do not even recognise Israel. The force is unlikely to reach full strength for at least two months.

Much attention is being paid, however, to the deployment of these forces and especially to Israel’s apparent over-reliance on air power under the command of the Halutz.

Critics of Halutz, a former air force commander, believe he should have sent in overwhelming forces on the ground to drive Hezbollah back from border areas where they remained active right up to the end of the 34-day conflict.

“The air force can only assist ground forces; it can never win a war — any war,” said one veteran Israeli officer last week.

Another critical factor under consideration was that Hezbollah seemed so much better prepared. They launched nearly 200 rockets a day at Israel. They used advanced anti-tank missiles with lethal professionalism and stunned their opponents with their coolness under pressure and their willingness to “martyr” themselves in battle.

Apparently using techniques learnt from their paymasters in Iran, they were even able to crack the codes and follow the fast-changing frequencies of Israeli radio communications, intercepting reports of the casualties they had inflicted again and again. This enabled them to dominate the media war by announcing Israeli fatalities first.

“They monitored our secure radio communications in the most professional way,” one Israeli officer admitted. “When we lose a man, the fighting unit immediately gives the location and the number back to headquarters. What Hezbollah did was to monitor our radio and immediately send it to their Al-Manar TV, which broadcast it almost live, long before the official Israeli radio.”

Hezbollah appears to have divided a three mile-wide strip along the Israeli-Lebanese border into numerous “killing boxes”. Each box was protected in classic guerrilla fashion with booby-traps, land mines, and even CCTV cameras to watch every step of the advancing Israeli army.

“Our brass stupidly fell into the Hezbollah traps,” said Raphael, an infantry battalion reserve major. “The generals wanted us to attack as many villages as possible for no obvious reason. This was exactly what Hezbollah wanted us to do — they wanted to bog us down in as many small battles as possible and bleed us this way.”

The casualties from Russian-made anti-tank missiles have caused particular concern. An Israeli-invented radar defence shield codenamed Flying Jacket and costing £200,000 was installed on only four tanks. None of them was struck by anti-tank missiles.

But Hezbollah hit 46 tanks that lacked the shield. “£200,000 per tank is not beyond Israel’s means,” noted one military source acidly.

While the regular army was reasonably well equipped, the reservists were not. “We arrived at our depots only to find that our combat gear had been opened and equipment given to regular soldiers,” revealed Moshe, a fighter in the Alexandroni brigade. “The equipment was, of course, never returned.”

The Alexandroni fought in the west, near the Mediterranean, and did well initially. But logistics were appalling. “We had no fresh water as it was too dangerous to ship it to us,” Moshe added. “I’m ashamed to admit we had to drink water from the canteens of dead Hezbollah, and break into local shops for food.”

The Israeli leadership became determined to destroy the Hezbollah stronghold of Bint Jbeil because of its powerful symbolism to the enemy.
This was the place where Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah’s general secretary, had given his keynote speech after Israel withdrew in 2000, ending 18 years of occupation. Nasrallah said in Bint Jbail that Israel would be destroyed. Now Israeli leaders wanted to show him how badly mistaken he had been.

“Conquer Bint Jbail,” Halutz told Adam, the northern sector commander. Adam is said to have replied: “Hold on, Halutz. Do you know what that means? Do you realise that the casbah [old quarter] of Bint Jbail alone contains more than 5,000 houses? And you want me to send in one battalion?”

Adam nevertheless did as he was told and sent the 51st battalion of the Golani brigade to fight a heroic but hopeless, battle.

As the Israeli soldiers approached the town from the east they fell straight into yet another ambush. Hand grenades killed battalion commanders. Then a rescue operation was mounted, which took all night.

Hezbollah fighters were also hit but retreated and waited for Israeli reinforcements to arrive. Brig Gen Gal Hirsch, the commander of the 91 Galilee division, announced: “We control Bint-Jbail.” The next day more Israeli soldiers died as they, too, were ensnared in Hezbollah’s trap.

The Israeli media began to attack the army. “Idiotic military manoeuvres,” was how one commentator on TV1, the state-owned station, summed it up.
Tension now set in among the top brass. Halutz dispatched his deputy, Maj Gen Moshe Kaplinsky, as his special representative to the north, placing him above Adam.

Adam threatened to resign if Kaplinski issued orders to his units. Kaplinski nevertheless did so. Adam did not resign but is expected to go public soon with his story of the war.

Relatively inexperienced reservists were called up. Oded, 27, a reservist from Jerusalem in a combat infantry brigade, was among those summoned to active duty. “In the past six years I’ve only had a week’s training,” he revealed.

“Soon after we arrived, we received an order to seize a nearby Shi’ite village. We knew that we were not properly trained for the mission. We told our commanders we could control the village with firepower and there was no need to take it and be killed for nothing.

“Luckily we were able to convince our commander,” he concluded with a faint smile.

Oded blamed the Palestinian intifada for his unit’s insufficient training. “For the last six years we were engaged in stupid policing missions in the West Bank,” he said. “Checkpoints, hunting stone-throwing Palestinian children, that kind of stuff. The result was that we were not ready to confront real fighters like Hezbollah.”

On the day the chaos in Bint Jbail reached its peak, Amir Peretz, the new and inexperienced defence minister, flew to the northern border to meet reservists about to go into action.

Aviv Wasserman, a reserve major with the 300 brigade who is about to study for a doctorate at the London School of Economics, asked Peretz not to throw them into “unnecessary adventures”.

Lieutenant Adam Kima, of the combat engineering battalion, was in even more rebellious mood after being asked to take his men and clear the road leading to Bint Jbeil from the west. Studying the plan, Kima rejected the idea — 10 Israeli soldiers had already died there “We were foolishly told it was all right — there are no Hezbollah forces ahead of us,” said Corporal Nimrod Diskin, one of Kima’s soldiers. “We didn’t have the equipment to clear this road. We were not ready for the mission.”

When the brigade commander realised that Kima and his soldiers would not carry out their orders, he called the military police. The men were sentenced to 14 days in jail, although they were released a few days later. The soldiers, most of them fathers of small children, believe Kima saved their lives.

“I noticed behaviour I’d never heard of in the Israeli army,” Kima said last week on Israeli television. “In my training I got used to the idea that the commander shouts ‘Advance!’ and is the first to face the enemy. Here my battalion commander was in the back of the group and the brigade commander didn’t even cross the border into Lebanon.”

As the fighting dragged on, some veteran officers lost patience with what they saw as the inexperience of the chief of staff and defence minister. “What are you doing in Lebanon, for God’s sake?’ the former defence minister, General Shaul Mofaz, asked Olmert. “Why did you go into Bint Jbeil? It was a trap set by Hezbollah.”

Mofaz proposed an old-fashioned IDF assault plan to launch a blitzkrieg against Hezbollah, reach the strategically important Litani river in 48 hours and then demolish Hezbollah in six days. Olmert liked the idea but Peretz did not appreciate his predecessor’s intervention and rejected it.

Olmert appeared to lose confidence and began to issue conflicting orders. “Our mission changed twice, three times, every day,” complained one soldier.

Many Israelis have been left furious that the legendary deterrent power of their army has been shattered. Even though Hezbollah has lost a quarter of its fighters, its military base in Beirut and its bunkers in the south, Israelis feel less secure.

They hear President Bashar al-Assad of Syria warning that he may retake the Golan Heights by force and the Iranians threatening that if the Americans attack them, Tel Aviv will be hit by ballistic missiles in retaliation.

On the final day of the war, Halutz was sitting in his favourite seat at the air force bunker in Tel Aviv, waiting for the results of a massive airborne operation. Then the news came through that a Sikorsky CH-53 helicopter had been shot down by a Hezbollah rocket. He is said to have felt defeated, both personally and professionally.

Halutz and his political masters may now be living on borrowed time. Israeli’s military elite, such as its fighter squadrons and commando units, may still be among the best in the world but the mediocrity of much of the army has been exposed for all in the Middle East to see.

Israelis can forget and forgive many things, but not the perceived defeat of an army that commanded worldwide respect but suddenly no longer strikes so much fear into its enemies.



Bill Cosby: Men, Claim Your Children

Comedian Bill Cosby, making an all-day visit to Baltimore on Tuesday, took absentee fathers to task, urged elementary school students to study and suggested unusual methods to prevent teenage pregnancy.

“If you hear a female say, ‘I want to have something that loves me,’ stop her,” Cosby said during a visit to a West Baltimore elementary school. “Stop her quickly. Duct tape her to the closet. This is no time to fool around. You can’t dump this (baby) on your mother, you can’t dump this on your grandmother.”

Cosby was serious most of the time, however, including, at a panel at Heritage United Church of Christ, some harsh words for absentee fathers.

“This is a great evening because we’re calling on men to come claim their children,” Cosby said. “And that’s part of being a man. You cannot be a man at all if you haven’t claimed your child.

“Some of you have three, four, five of them. You have more children than you have jobs.”

The event was dubbed “Fatherhood Works” and conducted by Coppin State University, with Coppin President Stanley F. Battle acting as host for Cosby’s visit.

“I don’t know of any other celebrity that’s doing what he’s doing,” Battle said. “He’s reaching back to inspire.”

Cosby started the day at Rosemont Elementary. “Those of you that study, you can recruit,” he said. “If they can recruit people and get them not to study, you can recruit people to try and study.”

Cosby received standing ovations after his remarks in each assembly.

Donna Lowe-Tolson and her daughter followed Cosby from his second assembly at Robert W. Coleman to Westside Elementary to hear the session again. “He didn’t come in a three-piece suit flaunting his popularity. He just came as everyday people,” she said.



Alex: Schools filled with divershitty!

In Schools Across U.S., the Melting Pot Overflows

Published: August 27, 2006

STERLING, Va., Aug. 25 — Some 55 million youngsters are enrolling for classes in the nation’s schools this fall, making this the largest group of students in America’s history and, in ethnic terms, the most dazzlingly diverse since waves of European immigrants washed through the public schools a century ago.



Crowd jeers Nazis at Capitol rally
No violence as large police presence keeps sides apart
Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. — A neo-Nazi rally on the state Capitol’s steps went off peacefully Saturday, despite hundreds of people pouring into the streets to jeer and taunt.

Police estimated about 800 people showed up to counter the Minneapolis-based National Socialist Movement’s speakers. But a driving downpour struck just as the Nazis took the podium, and even though the rain stopped a within a few minutes, the crowd kept dwindling throughout the two-hour demonstration. Five people in the crowd were arrested, four for disorderly conduct and one for resisting arrest.

“We consider today’s event to be a success,” Capitol Police Chief David Heinle said.

Police were taking no chances after violence erupted at similar socialist movement events in Ohio and Florida.

Officers closed off the streets around the Capitol and built three fences to keep the crowd dozens of yards from the Nazis, who set up just outside the Capitol’s west entrance. About 300 officers, many in full riot gear, ringed that side of the Capitol as the Nazis complained about President Bush, illegal immigrants and that white people need more power.

Twenty-one-year-old Dan Coleman drove in from Roscoe, Ill., to blast the group.

Mary Wallace, 55, of Madison, held two signs. One read, “Ignorant Bigots, leave us in peace.” The other said, “Wrong time. Wrong place. Halloween is in October.” Wallace said that sign played on the Nazis’ uniforms and Madison’s annual downtown Halloween riot.

“They’re thugs, and we have to speak against them,” she said. “Very sad to see this.”

Still, the counter-protest at times seemed more like an impromptu party. While some people made obscene gestures toward the Nazis and swore at them, a man on stilts clacked his way through the crowd. Another man walked the sidewalks in a pink bunny suit, and a woman danced down the middle of the street.

Meanwhile, the Nazis boomed away at the microphone. They wore full regalia: brown shirts, swastika armbands, combat boots and stormtrooper helmets. They stood on railings, swinging swastika flags. Some had small children with shaved heads.

Five supporters stood in a nearby cage police had built for them and traded “Sieg Heils” and salutes.

A host of speakers took the podium. They demanded Bush pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and place them on the Mexican border with orders to shoot to kill. They also berated corporations for destroying the planet, punctuating their speeches with shouts of “White power!” and “Sieg Heil!”

Col. Tim Bishop, the socialist movement’s stormtrooper director, said Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that America’s children will be dying there for years.

His Nazi brethren are a voice for white people, he said. He wants a civil rights movement for whites, just as blacks had in the 1960s, he said. But whenever anyone mentions an all-white college, for example, they’re branded racists, he said.

“We’re about poor white people,” he told reporters.

The crowd responded with chants of “Nazis suck!” and “Go home!”

[will be pulled]


Hitlerian Totalitarianism on the Home Front

[thoughtless context typical of the libertarian coward. Hitler’s Germany was freer than 2006 America. Not a single libertarian dares write about the Canadians, English, and Germans imprisoned for writing the truth about race]

by Karen De Coster

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Opponents of an absolute state often wonder how far the American people will go in allowing Hitlerian totalitarianism into every single aspect of their lives. When will they stop being compliant little beings, and instead, stand up and fight for their right to exist unencumbered by one totalitarian measure after another?

The government intimidates the people daily via the reporting of so-called terror plots and flashing its danger alerts. The media frenzy that follows gives us the caveat that we are all in immediate danger – from assorted hazardous weapons such as killer bras, sandal soles, eye compact, lipstick, and toothpaste. Thus we must be willing to take immediate action to stave off all threats, we are told, or life and limb are in immediate peril. No time to think about it, they say, because we must act now. Accordingly, it follows that blind faith in our leaders is not only the patriotic way, but the only way.

This has lead to people selling their souls for what they perceive as comfort and security. With life quickly becoming a series of snooping laws, assorted “security” measures, and redistributive schemes, people no longer take control of their own lives. In fact, the masses have become so impregnated with the notion of the Supreme State ruling every aspect of their bloody lives, they are losing sight of what self-sufficiency and work ethic means. This is why work ethic has been drilled out of their inner cores. Who needs work ethic when you can have the Redistributive State give you a buck for twenty cents worth of effort?

The other day, I got a response from a reader regarding my recent piece criticizing Thomas Sowell for his support of war and state. All this reader could do to defend Total State was to recite lethargic, half-baked clichés that I see on SUV bumpers every day. One thing he said was, “Freedom comes to people because other people died for it. Pure and simple. Without their sacrifice, we would not know what the words freedom and liberty mean.”

Of course, no cliché is final without a “pure and simple” at the end. But what the heck does that mean? Needless to say, the underpinnings of liberty are not death and sacrifice. Nobody ever cares to explain the meaning of these numskulled remarks that are meant to sound as sweet as a granny’s lullaby, but in black-and-white they don’t mean a thing. Such clichés are nothing more than a jumble of words meant to convey total confusion through the perversion of clarity.

Freedom doesn’t “come to me” because some guy in a foxhole thought he’d roll up a little freedom in a paper airplane and fling it my way. I know exactly what freedom and liberty mean, and it doesn’t take aggressive wars and the spread of empire – in the name of passing on the good life, democracy – to define two words. To interpret words takes a brain. Critical thinking. Effort. Knowledge is the key that unlocks the lies and immunizes against indoctrination. Knowledge takes time and work. Clichés take 5 seconds to read off a bumper sticker or pull up off of Google.

The reader also grossly misused the Thomas Jefferson quote that refers to fertilizing the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. He used it to defend the current war when Jefferson clearly meant to throw off a tyrannical government when it has oppressed the human spirit and stood in the way of the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness. And surely, waging war and inciting domestic terror do exactly that.

The Hitlerian system is springing forth fast. The recent rash of highly ridiculous and oppressive decrees in regards to airline travel puts our government in a total state of transparency. Yet, the masses are wearing their blinders and don’t see through it, or, their beer goggles are making Rosie O’Donnell look like Marilyn Monroe.

Hannah Arendt, in The Origins of Totalitarianism, remarks that in the early stages of a totalitarian movement, when political opposition exists, its proponents use propaganda and violence to frighten people into submission. She adds:

Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself; the masses have to be won by propaganda. Under conditions of constitutional government and freedom of opinion, totalitarian movements struggling for power can use terror to a limited extent only and share with other parties the necessity of winning adherents and of appearing plausible to a public which is not yet rigorously isolated from all other sources of information.

The same holds true when the opposition is not an opposing party, but crafty individuals that refuse to go along with the schemes and lies. Therefore, the government must combat unregulated information sources, such as the Internet, with plausible claims of its own. It thus pelts the populace with official propaganda, and tries to convince the populace that only it – the government – stands between freedom and security, good and evil, life and death.

Since 9-11, airport oppression has been the key to reaping total power by fanning the flames of fear. After all, we travel in order that we may move freely from place-to-place as we so choose. Thus airline travel is important to meeting our needs for independence, and the masses can hardly ever be deterred from flying. So the totalitarian mechanism called government has us all by the balls. The government, then, concocts its zany stories of terrorist agendas, foiled plots, and phony intelligence reports. The fact that there were/are/must have been WMDs in Iraq still lives on in the tiny brains of many.

Then, the government sets off these inane color alerts – the Homeland Security Advisory System – that are supposed to cause us all to react and immediately pander to its color-of-the-day. You see, infantile color alerts are aimed at the person of average intelligence. That’s who the government needs to persuade if we look at this game by the numbers. Colors are simple to decode – remember your wooden blocks in kindergarten? – and easy to instill in the brains of masses of uninformed people. The average citizen surely can and will process colors and interpret meanings exactly as their masters want them to do.

On top of all the other ridiculous schemes, the TSA is now regarding facial expressions as a form of behavior that can be deemed suspicious. As Time magazine reports it,

Select TSA employees will be trained to identify suspicious individuals who raise red flags by exhibiting unusual or anxious behavior, which can be as simple as changes in mannerisms, excessive sweating on a cool day, or changes in the pitch of a person’s voice. Racial or ethnic factors are not a criterion for singling out people, TSA officials say. Those who are identified as suspicious will be examined more thoroughly; for some, the agency will bring in local police to conduct face-to-face interviews and perhaps run the person’s name against national criminal databases and determine whether any threat exists.

Isn’t this so crazy, preposterous, and perverse that the people have got to finally wake up and look through the Marilyn Monroe mirage? We have a totalitarian regime that can impede your existence by way of judging your frown or sweat. The real issue is that if your facial expression shows defiance, rather than the submissiveness that is demanded by the tyrants herding you through their turnstile, you are a threat to “the agenda,” and you will be punished for not quietly submitting to your noble superiors like an obedient little chap. And people get upset that we compare the Bush administration to Hitler’s establishment?

In Against Leviathan, Robert Higgs notes that “The government will never cease, however, to claim that it protects the people and to devote its immense resources to propagandizing and bamboozling the public to prop up that claim.” So it continues to pile on. People I observe react to the “terrorist news” and color alerts as if they were spectators to an extra-inning ballgame, following the play-by-play dutifully. They tremble at each turn, and remark that the government “has to do something.” They believe every single word of propaganda that they read and hear. They see nothing wrong with the current state of oppression because they’ve been hoodwinked into thinking all of it is necessary to protect us. How pathetic is that?

Lewis Lapham of Harper’s magazine, while defining a fascist state, noted that within such a state individual citizens are “the property of the government, happy villagers glad to wave the flags and wage the wars, grateful for the good fortune that placed them in the care of a sublime leader.”

If we do not help to educate our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family – via encouraging independent and critical thinking – we will see a fascist state that will far surpass the Hitlerian totalitarian system or Stalinist regime. We may not be starved and locked behind a fence, but the masses will be stripped of all self-sufficiency, freedom of choice, mental stamina, skepticism, and the ability to discern between what is morally right or wrong. Arming the people with knowledge, however, is our best defense against a creeping totalitarianism that will otherwise go unimpeded. The depravity of an absolute state domestically and perpetual wars internationally must not go unexposed. We must end the wars against mankind in order to win the battle for freedom.

August 28, 2006

Karen De Coster, CPA, [send her mail] is an accounting and finance professional, freelance writer, and has an MA in Economics. She is fond of motorcycles, guns, Delirium Tremens, fresh lake perch, Stillwater (Minnesota), deadlifting, old barns, road trips through the Ohio Valley, magazine racks, general stores, cigars, iTunes, martini bars, Beethoven, Kid Rock, and articles defending Martha Stewart. She enjoys pissing off the extroverts by listening to her iPod in public. This is her LewRockwell.com archive and her Mises.org archive. Check out her website, along with her blog.



Can Anything Be Done?

By Paul Craig Roberts

08/27/06 “Information Clearing House” — — Many readers have praised me for my courage in broaching taboo subjects and stating obvious truths. Others denounce me for “being unpatriotic and distrusting our government.” One reader, Susan Hartman, wrote to me that I was obviously in the pay of Islamic Jihadists and that she had reported me to the FBI.

Despite the lack of evidence to support their belief, a number of readers remain confident that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and that America narrowly missed being annihilated. These readers know for a fact that Hussein had WMD, because “the President would know, and he wouldn’t lie.”

In other words, whatever Bush says is true, and all who doubt him are unpatriotic. “You are with us or against us.” The facts be damned. There are a large number of Susan Hartmans in the body politic.

A group of scientists, engineers, and university professors are trying to start a debate about the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings. I reported one of their findings: There is an inconsistency between the speed with which the buildings collapsed and the “pancaking theory” used to explain the collapse. Another way of putting the problem is that there seems to be a massive energy deficit in the explanation that the buildings fell as a result of gravitational energy. There simply was not sufficient gravitational energy to produce the results.

For reporting a scientific finding, I was called a “conspiracy theorist.” Only in America is scientific analysis seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.

Applications of the laws of physics and scientific calculations can be reviewed and checked by other scientists. Scientists, like the rest of us, can make mistakes. However, questions raised about the collapse of the WTC buildings are not engaged but ignored.

The 9/11 scholars findings seem to be in sync with public opinion. Polls show that more than one-third and as much as one-half of the American public does not believe the government’s 9/11 story.

The public doesn’t believe the John F. Kennedy assassination story either. Nevertheless, experts who point out problems in the official story are still called “conspiracy theorists” even though a large percentage of the people share their doubts.

I think the reason so many Americans do not believe the Kennedy story told by the Warren Commission and the 9/11 story told by the 9/11 Commission is not because Americans are knowledgeable about ballistics or physics, or know how to do energy calculations, but because the stories contain too many unusual happenings, too many oddities.

In the Kennedy case doubts are raised by such things as an improbable bullet trajectory, the against-all-procedures absence of Secret Service agents from the rear and sides of Kennedy’s limo, the inexplicable access of an unauthorized armed civilian, Jack Ruby, who was able to assassinate Oswald inside the jail before Oswald could be questioned. Online at http://www.insidebayarea.com/timesstar/localnews/ci_4213295 there is a report that two scientists, Pat Grant and Erik Randich, at the Forensic Science Center of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory have discredited the reliability of the “neutron activation” analysis, which was used to “prove” that all the recovered bullet fragments came from Oswald’s shots. Courts no longer accept as evidence and the FBI no longer uses the analysis that was used to close the Oswald case.

Any one of these things would be an oddity. The combination of oddities becomes inexplicable, a statistical impossibility.

The same with the explanation of 9/11. Powerfully constructed buildings collapse when there is no source of the required energy to do the job. A large 757 hits the Pentagon but leaves a small hole, and there is no sign of wings, engines, tail or fuselage. Every air control and military procedure fails, and hijacked airliners are not intercepted by jet fighters. The alleged hijackers’ names apparently are not on the passenger lists, and some of the alleged hijackers have been found alive and well in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Thomas R. Olmstead used the Freedom of Information Act to get a copy of the autopsy list of American Airlines flight 77, and he reports that there are no Arabic names on the list.

My point is a simple one. Attentive people, even if they are not scientifically literate, can sense when there are too many oddities for an explanation to be believable.

If deception is sensed, there is a receptive audience when experts or film makers speak. Denouncing inconvenient facts as “conspiracy theories” is a way of suppressing debate and investigation.

This itself is telling. If the official explanations are safe, their proponents should welcome the opportunity to show again and again that the explanations can stand all challenges. Instead, the second a challenge shows its head, it is branded a “conspiracy theory.” That tells me that the official explanations can stand no challenge.

Don’t ask me who killed Kennedy and why, and don’t ask me who was behind the 9/11 attack or what brought the three WTC buildings down. My position is a simple one. The official accounts are too improbable to be believable.

I won’t believe them until the government can explain where the energy came from to bring down the three WTC buildings. With the demise of the “single bullet” theory, there seems to be no verification of Oswald’s magical shooting.

It seems to me that the real conspiracy theories are the explanations that are overweighted with improbabilities.

Readers ask me what can we do? We can do very little as we have lost control over our government. Elections, even if not stolen, change very little. Government got free of our control when we forgot the teaching of our Founding Fathers that government is always the greatest threat to our liberty.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.



Alleged Slur Casts Spotlight On Senator’s (Jewish?) Roots

E.J. Kessler | Fri. August 25, 2006
When Senator George Allen of Virginia used a racial slur for dark-skinned North Africans, “macaca,” during a recent encounter with a young Indian American cameraman from his opponent’s campaign, many wondered where he had learned the word.

Macaca means “monkey,” but Allen’s campaign insisted that the word was made up, an inside joke on the young man’s hairstyle. But some commentators noted that Allen’s mother is “French Tunisian,” speculating that Allen, who speaks French, had picked up the epithet from her. (Allen’s late father was famed Washington Redskins football coach George Allen.)

Allen’s mother, Henriette (Etty), whose maiden name was Lumbroso, is indeed Francophone and Tunisian born, a heritage that forms a romantic theme in “Fifth Quarter: The Scrimmage of a Football Coach’s Daughter” the memoir of Allen family life written by Allen’s sister Jennifer. What’s more, it is likely that she’s Jewish by birth, although no acknowledgment of that heritage appears in the memoir. Allen’s campaign spokesman, Bill Bozin, did not return several detailed messages, left over two days, that asked what the senator and his family know about his mother’s heritage.

Depending on what additional information comes out on the matter, the controversy could end up resurrecting a dominant theme of the Democratic primaries four years ago, when it turned out that no fewer than four presidential hopefuls had significant Jewish ties: Senator Joseph Lieberman was an Orthodox Jew; Senator John Kerry was descended from Jews and had a brother who converted to Judaism; former general Wesley Clark had a Jewish father; Howard Dean was married to a Jewish woman and raised Jewish children.

For now, some political analysts are predicting that the macaca flap could sink what until now had been viewed widely in Washington circles as Allen’s strong chance of emerging in 2008 as the conservative standard-bearer in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. And judging from recent polls, it is putting a crimp in what was supposed to be a handy re-election bid in Virginia.

The incident is not the first time that Allen has faced criticism for supposed racial insensitivity. The New Republic recently reported that when he was a high school student, the senator, a native Californian, wore a Confederate flag lapel pin; it further reported that even as an adult, Allen sometimes displayed the Confederate flag as part of a flag collection. In the 1980s, he stirred ire by opposing the establishment in Virginia of Martin Luther King Day. But Allen points to more recent efforts, such as a push to increase funds for Virginia’s historically black colleges, as evidence that he seeks to better race relations.

Allen’s own African heritage casts a different light on the matter. Though Etty Allen seems not to have dwelled on it during her years in the spotlight as a coach’s wife, she comes from the august Sephardic Jewish Lumbroso family. Her father, who was the main importer of wines and liquors in Tunis — including the Cinzano brand — was known in France, where he lived after World War II, as part of the family, according to French Jewish sources. If both of Etty’s parents were born Jewish — which, given her age and background, is likely — Senator Allen would be considered Jewish in the eyes of traditional rabbinic law, which traces Judaism through the mother.

This might complicate life for Allen, a practicing Episcopalian who besides running for re-election this year in Virginia is often mentioned as a possible Republican 2008 contender. Political analyst John Mercurio of National Journal’s noted tip sheet, The Hotline, said that any complication “would depend largely on how this information was revealed.”



Man, I wish I could write like you. You’re the best writer on the internet. I’ve got my own little blog, and I have my own style, but you’re the best. I sure miss the good old days with your long and hilarious spintros.

Good writing is in large part avoiding cliches. Any two words usually used together is a cliche, not just the obvious ones. Even the non-dumb people mostly write to avoid mistakes, rather than trying to write well – which to me is entertain and inform the reader, find ‘fresh depatures’ for thought.

The new format makes a different type of approach near to necessary. It just seems to fit the one-article-at-a-time better than spintros. However, I’m still working on this. The other aspect is, so much of our/my effort goes into organizing these days that scouring the net for articles, well, I don’t do it that often. Third thing is, we put more into radio. To achieve a revolution, we have to get the young males, and audio/video is a better way of doing that. There’s also an inevitable law of aging. I just turned 40. I’m not old, but the older you get, this stuff just isn’t as funny as when you start. In your 20s and 30s, stuff is lighter and easier; but the older you get, the more you see how pretty much everything sucks and is only with great difficulty changed even to a small degree. Look at P.J. O’Rourke. The humor is the flesh and blood of satire, the moralism is the bone; the older the satirist, the more the bone shows.

Send a link to your blog when you have a particularly good entry and I’ll link to it.


Novel Recalls Britain’s Covert Operation to Bring US Into War

What eventually occurred as 1940 became 1941 was that BSC [British Security Coordination] became a huge secret agency of nationwide news manipulation and black propaganda. Pro-British and anti-German stories were planted in American newspapers and broadcast on American radio stations, and simultaneously a campaign of harassment and denigration was set in motion against those organisations perceived to be pro-Nazi or virulently isolationist…. The aim was to change the minds of an entire population: to make the people of America think that joining the war in Europe was a “good thing” and thereby free Roosevelt to act without fear of censure from Congress or at the polls in an election.



Weizmann offered a political bribe: he wrote reminding Churchill on September 10, 1941, that the Jewish community in the United States was the largest ethnic grouping that still backed Britain’s war against Hitler; he claimed that this Jewish community had single-handedly brought the United States into World War I on Britain’s side in 1917; and he promised that what they had done before, they could do again.

Prime Minister, You want to bring the United States into your war. And you are having difficulty because Roosevelt is playing hard to get. Don’t forget us. We are the biggest single ethnic group in the United States on your side. Do as we request in the Middle East, and I guarantee you will have the United States in the war. I and my people will see to it. Remember how we managed to do it in World War I. “We did it before and we can do it again”.



For a leader who styles himself “the war president,” U.S. Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush’s military record now stands at 0 for 4. Fiasco I: Five years after Bush ordered Afghanistan invaded and proclaimed “total victory,” U.S. and allied forces are fighting a losing war against Afghan resistance groups…. Fiasco II: “Mission accomplished” in Iraq. Bush’s war in Iraq is clearly lost, but few dare admit it…. Fiasco III: The White House had the CIA and Pentagon spend tens of millions bribing Somali warlords to fight Islamist reformers trying to bring law and order to their strife-ravaged nation…. Fiasco IV: Bush and Vice President Cheney egged Israel into the hugely destructive but militarily fruitless war in Lebanon over the past month….



Tehran Sharpens its Sword

Iran is continuing its “war of nerves” against the United States and Israel in the form of war games…. The timing of the war games can be viewed as a signal that the Islamic Republic is prepared for any eventuality. They started on Saturday and are expected to last several weeks in 14 of Iran’s 30 provinces. The government made sure that its mass media fully reported that it had test-fired several short-range missiles (Saegheh or “lightning”, with a range of 80-250 kilometers) during the exercises…. Iran is thus fully aware of the thinking of Bush and his coterie of neo-conservatives.


Iranian War Games: Preparation and Mobilization for War?

War games and military exercises are now well underway within Iran and its territory. The Iranian Armed Forces — the Regular Armed Forces and the Revolutionary Guards Corps — began the first stage of massive nationwide war games along border areas of the province of Sistan and Baluchistan in the southeast of Iran bordering the Gulf of Oman, Pakistan, and NATO garrisoned Afghanistan to the east on Saturday. These war games that are underway are to unfold and intensify over a five week period and possibly even last longer, meaning they will continue till the end of September and possibly overlap into October, 2006.

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=DAR20060821&articleId=30 27

Iran is Ready for War with America, Says Iranian General

Three minute video clip. Interview With Iranian Brigadier General Abdolrahim Mousavi, who speaks about Iran’s military capabilities and the possibility of a U.S. attack.


U.S. Built Major Iranian Nuclear Facility

In the heart of Tehran sits one of Iran’s most important nuclear facilities, a dome-shaped building where scientists have conducted secret experiments that could help the country build atomic bombs. It was provided to the Iranians by the United States. The Tehran Research Reactor represents a little- known aspect of the international uproar over the country’s alleged weapons program. Not only did the U.S. provide the reactor [to the Shah’s government] in the 1960s as part of a Cold War strategy, America also supplied the weapons-grade uranium needed to power the facility…. U.S. officials point to these activities as evidence Iran is trying to construct nuclear arms, but they do not publicly mention that the work has taken place in a U.S.-supplied facility.



Iran Letter to Germany Says Both Countries Facing ‘Tyranny’

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that their two countries had been subjected to “tyranny” from the World War Two victors and should cooperate to end the “imposed” world order. Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a letter sent to Merkel in July. A copy of the letter, the details of which were not made public at the time, was obtained by Reuters from a diplomat who asked not to be identified.




Now America Goes Cap in Hand, as Britain Once Did

The financial and trade imbalances that are now severely stretching the US are changing the balance of power in China’s favour. Indeed, what prompted George Bush’s recent Asian trip was no new political initiative but, crudely, a search for money. With US net foreign debt of over $4,000 billion now approaching 40 percent of GDP, and a current account deficit of more than 6pc, the US is reduced to seeking financial support from China, just as Britain was obliged to go cap in hand to the US after the Second World War.



Dear Alex,

Interesting link here on the most annoying kike in the UK.

The only ethnic group he seems to avoid is his own. No wonder he’s headed Stateside!

Best Wishes,




My Walk in the Park
Who would believe such a dialogue could happen?

by Michael Santomauro
[email protected]

On October 11, 2003, I had one of the most unbelievable experiences. I was sitting on a park bench in Central Park, in New York City. Where I live. I was talking to a professor who teaches at Long Island Aeronautics and has a Ph.D. in engineering.

His name is George. I was in total agreement with him on our perverse immigration policy that is hurting us.

“There’s an Irishman, who is the president of the school, instead of giving me the dean position, he gets a woman from India.”

I then asked him if it was to reflect the student body. “Because I often hear that 55% of the engineering students in America are foreigners.”

“No,” he said, “it has to do with quotas, for women and people of color are favored in this country.”

I then told him, “I have no problem with women of color getting these high positions as long as they are American and competent.”

I then explained to him how I thought taking talent from other countries is a brain drain for the nation they are coming from. Also, it hurts the workers who are born in the U.S.

I asked him if he agreed with a moratorium on immigrants coming to America, until we can clean house amongst ourselves.

His mind shifted to something totally unrelated.

“The Arabs are causing all the problems in the world.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I told him, “we do have a lopsided foreign policy in the Middle East.”

His mind was very jumpy.

He asked, “How many Arabs live in Israel?” I told him, “About 20% of the country.”

He continued, “There’s no Jews living in Arab countries, why can’t the Arabs who live in Israel move to the Arab countries?”

“There are Jews living in Arab countries,” I told him softly.

I didn’t realize I was talking to a Jewish-Zionist extremist. He gets emotional and says to me, “Only an anti-Semite, would say there are Jews who live in Arab countries.”

“But Jews do live in Arab countries.”

“Impossible,” he yells. “Now? Today? You think there are Jews living in Arab countries.”

“Yes, what’s so amazing about that?”

“Anyone who says that there are Jews who live in Arab countries is an anti-Semite.”

I was so mindboggled.

After all this dialogue, he decides to ask if I’m Jewish.

“No,” I answered him, “but he’s an Arab-Jew.” Pointing to an elderly man sitting next to me on the same park bench. I had struck a conversation with the old man sitting beside me, before I met this George.

The old man wants to correct me, “I am a Moroccan-Jew.”

So I asked him how many Jews live in Morocco. “Now?” the old man asked me. I shook my head yes. “Maybe 5,000, but when I left in 1967 there were 200,000 Jews.”

George then orally lashes out at the old Arab-Jew and accuses him of lying.

“Why would he lie?” I asked rhetorically.

This George was having an emotional breakdown over the fact that Jews still live in Arab countries. I was perplexed.

I then asked the old Moroccan-Jew if the 1967 war which Israel started was the reason for the exodus, “One of the reasons,” he said. He left for France and settled in Paris. He explained to us why he left Paris 3 years ago, “There is too much anti-Semitism.”

George, now accuses the old man of not knowing what he is talking about.

I asked George, “Who are you or me to say, that he did not experience anti-Semitism in Paris. Why would he lie to us about that?”

“It’s only in dictatorships that Jews suffer from real anti-Semitism”.

He continued, “Like Argentina in the 1970s.”

Now I started to understand his thought process. “What are you taking about. There were more Jews living in Argentina in the 1970’s and 80’s then now. Now that Argentina is no longer a dictatorship Jews are leaving. They are leaving in droves for economic reasons. And Sharon is luring them with money and benefits to leave for Israel.”

He asked, what I did for a living. That trigged something. I forgot for the moment that most of my clients from Arab countries are Jewish. Their families have successful ventures. These families have no intention of leaving. I explain this to him.

He then accuses me of anti-Semitism, for stating these simple facts.

He stands up from the park bench waving his arms, “What are we talking about? Some token Jews that are 90 years old.”

Then I asked if he knew there are synagogues in Arab countries, with viable communities and a chief rabbi.

He then went ballistic, and he never heard of a such a thing in the year 2003.

“I don’t want to sit next to an anti-Semite” and he walks away.

The old man and I looked at each other and I said to him, “This George has a Ph.D.” The old man shrugs his shoulders.

Never in a million years would I ever think that someone, would say to me: “Only an anti-Semite would say Jews live in Arab countries.”

I was lucky to have sat next to a Moroccan Jew who I just met a few minutes before. Later, he would be my witness to tell my girlfriend what just happened. If I was a lonely recipient to this, I would not have written about this episode. Who would believe such a dialogue could happen?

My walk in the park has taught me that being educated does not make one intelligent or wise.


Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
253 West 72nd street #1711
New York, NY 10023

The above is a re-print from Oct. 2003 and what follows below is a re-print from some comments concerning my experience.


Thanks, Michael.

It took me a long time to learn that even well educated and intelligent individuals can hold views that are objectively untrue, and act in ways that are irrational.

By the way, there is a significant Jewish community in Syria, of all places, and there are still some Jews in Egypt. In Iran, there’s not only a Jewish community, but the Iranian constitution requires that at least one seat in the country’s parliament (Majlis) be reserved for a Jew. (In addition, there is a reserved seat in the Iran parliament for a Christian deputy, and another for a Zoroastrian.)

Mark Weber
[email protected]

Hi Michael:

You say “My walk in the park has taught me that being educated does not make one intelligent or wise.” Quite so — the worst bigots I have ever met have been the ‘educated’ oneself, Conversely, being ‘uneducated’, as indeed I am
(autodidacticism does not count as ‘education’), does not make one ignorant or stupid. See:* http://www.odeion.org* Social prejudices, however, rule our lives. Group identification is the name of the game.

My last Jewish ‘friend’, with a degree in architecture, disappeared from my life during a phone conversation. At long last, after many years, he raised the subject of Israel and suicide bombers, this being shortly after Ariel Sharon’s deliberate act of provocation on the rock. I asked him if he did not think that the ‘settlements’ were the main cause of the problems – I did not use the word illegal. His response? “You’re a Nazi!” — slamming the phone down. Of course I am not a Nazi as I do not support any form of racial supremacist doctrine, including the Jewish one.

Kind Regards

[email protected]


I am not in slightest surprised at your experience with George.

I have had similar experiences with the friends of my youth, most of whom are Irish Catholics. Who have benefited from having an excellent education and Have done well in the world. When I expose my views on the “Holocaust” they shy
away from me as if I had a foul disease. A nut case. I can see it in their eyes. Once in a fit of anger I asked a group of them (10 or 12 people) if any of them had ever read anything serious on the subject. I suggested a few examples. Needless to say the answer was “no”. But their opinions were nonetheless quite firm on the subject and completely in line with the conventional wisdom. So, no, I’m not surprised. It’s our biggest problem. Stupid goyim and stupid Jews!

Albert Doyle
[email protected]

Hi Michael:

Ditto to your last statement!

And you and George are wondering why people from other countries are coming here to take “our jobs”?

Perhaps they the immigrants are not so bias and most importantly are QUALIFIED! and there I say INTELLIGENT!

[email protected]

Hi Michael:

Not surprised one bit. THAT mentality has been the crux of my personal experiences with most Jews through out my life — here and abroad. They never change. They conduct themselves in this despicable manner and wonder why they are so universally despised. So what else is new.

Professionally – I was involved in the ‘needle trade’ industry (garment associated business) several years ago. I was President of our mfg.co. and did most of the travel/pr/sales myself. I dealt almost exclusively with New York and Chicago Jews.

They were the most verbally abusive, crude, lying, Gentile hating, miserly people I had ever experienced. NO OTHER ethnic group even came close. If they were that bad or worse in Weimar Germany – and I was there as a citizen – I probably would have spearheaded a movement to get them the hell out of ‘my’ country.

[email protected]


A message from Ramsey Clark:

Dear Friends,

On August 30, 2006 the International Action Center will launch a major campaign to require accountability by the United States and Israel for their wars of aggression and assaults on the equal sovereignty of nations, which are crimes against peace, and their war crimes which include excessive force,

Wednesday 6 – 9 pm
United Nations Church Center
777 UN Plaza –
44th St. & 1st Ave, NYC

indiscriminate bombing, targeting civilians and civilian facilities and collective punishments of entire populations.

Reparations are required for more than a thousands deaths, many thousands of injures and an estimated $10 billion for destruction of civilian facilities in Lebanon in one month alone; and thousands of deaths and injuries in Palestine since the Oslo Accords, the systematic destruction of the government of Palestine, the kidnapping of half the cabinet and the speaker of the Palestinian Parliament, the assassination of leaders and indiscriminate killing of others, and the destruction of the offices of President Arafat, the Foreign Ministry and civilian facilities throughout Gaza and the West Bank.

If the present ceasefire does not hold, bolder action must be taken. There must be absolute assurance from the U.S. and Israel that they will honor the equal sovereignty of Lebanon, Syria, and Iran and recognize and honor the sovereignty of the State of Palestine, cruelly delayed for 58 years.

Individuals in the U.S. and Israeli governments must be held accountable by prosecution for their criminal acts, and responsible leaders must be removed from office by impeachment in the U.S. and appropriate legal action in Israel.

The new tragedy of Lebanon has brought death to hundreds of civilians, children, women and men. Hundreds of thousands, approaching one-fourth the population of four million, are fugitives from their homes within and outside of their country. Destruction of the infrastructure will require decades to rebuild, if and when peace comes. Rage at Israel and the U.S. dominate all other emotions in Lebanon and throughout the Muslim world. New anger is spreading over every continent.

If the capture of two soldiers, or one in the case of Palestine, justifies assaults against whole nations and peoples, as Israel has done, then there is no law, no alternative to war, no hope for peace. Only a person with a memory no longer than three weeks could believe the capture of three Israeli soldiers began the present violence. Was not cross-border violence between Israel and Lebanon commonplace for decades? Had not Israel kidnapped half the Palestinian cabinet, destroyed its Foreign Ministry offices and other government buildings and engaged in summary executions throughout Palestine, the West Bank and Gaza, since the elections this year of the Hamas majority in the Palestinian parliament? Was there not a continuum of assaults at will against the Palestinian people over decades?

We must ask whether the forced withdrawal of Syrian peacekeepers from Lebanon earlier this year by the U.S., and Israeli political pressure after the murder of former Lebanon Prime Minister Hariri, were the preludes of a plan for Israel to assault Lebanon and reoccupy territories up to the Litani river in Southern Lebanon. While Syrian forces were present in Lebanon, such an assault did not occur.

And we must ask whether the fierce assault on Lebanon and Palestine are the prelude to broader actions against Syria and Iran. President Bush has made it abundantly clear that he would like nothing better than regime change in Iran and Syria and has attempted to lay responsibility for violence in Lebanon and Palestine at their door.

As Iraq descends into uncontrollable sectarian war, President Bush needs new threats to distract the attention of people in the U.S. from what his Shock and Awe policy has brought for Iraq, for us, and for the world. War in Lebanon helps divert attention temporarily and may serve to widen the conflict to include Syria and/or Iran. If not, there are always Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela and others to act against.

As with Iraq, in Lebanon we have seen a war of aggression, the supreme international crime; an attack on the equal sovereignty of Lebanon, violating the First Principle of the United Nations Charter; excessive force of a major magnitude, with Israeli planes striking a nation defenseless against aerial assaults; indiscriminate bombing; targeting of civilians; and collective punishment, in which everyone in Lebanon suffers.

The future of Palestine remains the central issue for peace in the Middle East. That future is more endangered than at any time since the Oslo Accords. Everyone in Palestine suffers from the violence unleashed on its people by Israel’s renewed Roadmap to War.

President George Bush supports every act of Israel, every strike against Lebanon and Palestine, alone among international heads of government. And Condoleezza Rice congratulates the Prime Minister of Lebanon for his courage while telling him there must be further destruction of his nation and government–an insult to every human being who cares about peace and understands that the world cannot be made safe for hypocrisy.

By permitting President Bush to pursue his policy of domination through threat and lawless force, we risk ever widening international violence.

I hope to see you at the UN Church Center on August 30th . This historic meeting will be the first in a series of national and international mass public gatherings in a Campaign for Accountability for U.S./Israeli war crimes in Palestine and Lebanon. We need your support, participation, and donations.

I hope that you will lend a hand to this campaign as best you can. We must persevere until peace prevails.

Ramsey Clark



Buchanan’s New Book

We don’t know exactly what he says in his new book, since we haven’t read it, but we bet it will be a good book for the average citizen who still believes that America was designed to be a “melting pot” [1] of multiculturalism:


[1] the term “melting pot” was coined by Jewish writer/playwright Israel Zangwill [1864-1926]; that “melting pot” idea was also helped along by another Jew, Emma Lazarus, who wrote the famous poem found on the Statue of Liberty in New York which suggests that America should absorb the world’s “huddled masses” of immigrants

  • 4 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/28/06”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      “That “.gov” web address seems odd to us, since the Federal Reserve is a private-but-regulated corporation. It is not part of the U.S. government. It is not part of the U.S. Treasury. It is only a vessel, so to speak, which the U.S. government uses. So why does it have a U.S. government web address?

      Further, it should be noted that the Jewish banker Paul M. Warburg was the key person in the creation of the Federal Reserve system in 1913. Also, both the current and the previous chief of the Federal Reserve is/was Jewish.”


      Congress if they wished could dictate policy to the Federal Reserve.

      The estimable Carter Glass was the father of the Federal Reserve.

      The fact that a jew today heads the Federal Reserve is not the fault of the Federal Reserve System.

    2. Socrates Says:

      Olde Dutch Says: “The estimable Carter Glass was the father of the Federal Reserve.”

      Paul M. Warburg did the urging which led to the creation of the Federal Reserve in the first place.

    3. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “They were the most verbally abusive, crude, lying, Gentile hating, miserly people I had ever experienced”

      Well, they are a miser-able people. . .

    4. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Paul M. Warburg did the urging which led to the creation of the Federal Reserve in” the first place.”


      Warburg was a proponent of the Aldrich Plan—not the federal Reserve.

      I’ve that Warburg was a greasy little jew who wandered from Germany to the United States to expand the jew banking business. He is also one of the jew bankers who stabbed Germany in the back during WWI.

      NB: Alex & company: If any German owned banks in the St. Louis/Missouri area survived World War One—I would really like to know about them.