24 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/24/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 2:05 pm | Permanent Link


happy warrior


Espying the Jew

August 28, 2006

Earlier this year, I chanced to be at a public meeting with the great Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post. Afterwards, a gentleman from the audience casually made some allusion to some or other aspect of the Jewish calendar, at which I looked momentarily befuddled. And so Caroline helpfully explained to him that “Mark’s not a Jew, but he plays one on TV.?

By which she meant that, as I publicly ?defend? Israel (which is, in itself, a curious formulation, implying that the issue is the legitimacy of the Zionist Entity) and as I have a suspiciously Jewish-sounding name, I?ve been routinely assumed, at least since 9/11, to be a Jew. I?m honored to be so mistaken. And, in truth, even if I weren?t, there?s not much I could do about it. Someone asked me on the radio in Australia, two-thirds into a long, long discussion, about how Jewish I was, and I answered that the last Jewish female in my line was one of my paternal great-grandmothers and that both my grandmothers were Catholic. I then filled in a bit of remaining family background for the two or three Aussies who hadn?t yet expired from total boredom.



P1/Jewish Sacraments QOD

“There are only two Jewish sacraments: being outraged and demanding reparations”-Alex R. Linder



“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” — Patrick Henry


I love it….”Do not approach the suspect–if they see anybody who matches this description they should dial 999 for police”, with NO description. We know he has dark hair.

** Girls stabbed in frenzied attack **

A “highly dangerous” man who stabbed three girls after an argument on a bus in a Dorset town is hunted by police.




Ruth Kelly has one of the worst accents you could ever hope to hear in the UK.

** Kelly’s community taskforce **

The Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly has launched a Commission on Integration and Cohesion in a bid to tackle extremism.




Tel Aviv West (USA before 1948) has some nice restaurants named after famous people. At one time we had SAMBO RESTAURANTS, name after the Negro, Little Black Sambo, we had DYTKA RESTAURANTS named after the famous Chicago coach & so on. Now in Mumbai, India, the Indians have HITLER’S CROSS RESTAURANT & the 5,500 kikes that live in India pissed-off & are now yelling about the “holocausted” 6,000,000 Jews, who after WWII, became residents of Palestine, the USA & the Soviet Union…..Mike



Beirut Dispatch
Tour de Force
by Annia Ciezadlo

Who says Lebanon’s tourism industry is dead? Come to Beirut these days and you can take a guided tour of Hell, with Hezbollah as your escort. Every day, the Party of God welcomes visitors to Haret Hreik, in the heart of the city’s mostly Shia southern suburbs. Once home to Hezbollah’s headquarters and Beirut’s most densely populated neighborhood, Haret Hreik is now a smoking swath of wreckage. For the thousands of families who used to live here, the devastation is almost unimaginable. But, for Hezbollah, the ruins of this once-bustling neighborhood have become a tourist attraction–and an invaluable propaganda tool.

Hezbollah began offering tours of Haret Hreik during the war, assembling every morning at eleven o’clock. I went on the first of these excursions on July 20, along with the bulk of the international press corps–about 100 correspondents, from well-known TV anchors to grubby freelancers. Longtime Hezbollah spokesman Hussein Naboulsi showed up with his entourage and delivered a running patter of outrage. “On a daily basis, they come here and turn buildings into rubble, as you see,” he shouted, in his frantic, high-pitched voice. “This is where we live! If the Israelis dare to confront us face to face, let them do it on the border, not come with jet fighters from high above in the sky, and just hit civilian targets!” He strode off into the wreckage, still shouting, and we scrambled to keep up.

Every once in a while, as we marched through the rubble, a man (never a woman) would pop out of a destroyed building to shout with carefully rehearsed rage. All of these appearances were orchestrated by Hezbollah for our benefit. Al Arabiya, a Saudi-funded satellite channel that many Lebanese view as U.S.-backed propaganda, even merited its own personal heckler. “Where is Al Arabiya?” demanded a short, angry man, flailing his arms in the middle of the street. “I have something to tell them.” When a microphone with the station’s logo appeared in front of him, he shouted, “The Saudis want this to happen! These missiles were made in USA, made in Saudi Arabia, made in Jordan, made in Egypt!”

A telling omission from this litany of oppressors was the country that had actually fired the missiles: Israel. (The Saudis don’t make missiles, after all.) You can always rely on Hezbollah leaders for anti-Israel rhetoric. But, ever since the war ended, they’ve been less fixated than usual on their neighbor to the south. Instead, they’re cultivating hatred for a larger, more world-historic enemy: the United States. By focusing on the Great Satan, Hezbollah can avoid the delicate subject of who, exactly, started this particular war–and promote itself instead as a defender of the Muslim world against U.S. aggression and the West generally.


The main attraction is the headquarters of Al Manar, Hezbollah’s satellite TV station. To get to it, you pass through a little tent Hezbollah has set up, with flyers directing people to eight registration centers where the party will reimburse them for their lost homes and possessions. There’s even a bouquet of flowers on a little table. Outside the tent, dozens of sightseers–all Lebanese, many wearing dust masks–press up against a metal railing, pointing and taking pictures. The mood is weirdly festive, with some people holding up their children and others snapping photos with the latest cell phones. Between the souvenir stands, the dust masks, the earth-moving equipment, and the solemn air of commemoration, it’s a bit like Ground Zero in the year after September 11. The smell is the same, too: chalky and toxic, utterly inescapable. It’s the smell of the insides of things–pulverized concrete, plaster, asbestos, burnt plastic, cordite, and acrid chemicals. A few veiled women hold headscarves over their mouths to keep out the dust.

The spot where Al Manar used to be is a mountain of charred cement, topped with the remains of people’s lives: children’s books, pillows, pieces of chairs, an ancient manual typewriter. The apartment buildings from which all this flotsam fell loom above the rubble, ringing the site of the station. Some were destroyed, but others only had their outer walls sheared away so that you can see into the individual apartments: In one, a TV set totters on the edge of the void, its back facing what used to be a wall; in another, an old lady fills a plastic can with oil.

Jutting rakishly from the wreckage, a billboard-sized banner touts the staying power of Hezbollah’s radio station–which, like Al Manar, never went off the air despite numerous Israeli bombings of its offices and transmitters. Al nour radio, it proclaims, a voice stronger than the aggressor. “We’ve been broadcasting live from here all day, from ten in the morning until three,” says Ahmed Naeem, the Hezbollah functionary in charge, with pride. “We had everyone! NGOs, ambassadors, even the Turkish foreign minister.” According to Naeem, Abdullah Gul, the foreign minister, said the damage was worse than that from the Turkish earthquake of 1999.

“We prepared for this,” explains Naeem. “We never kept a lot of people in the main building, even before the soldiers were kidnapped. We were always prepared for attack without provocation. We have a couple of different studios, and we evacuated all of them.”


Curious to see where all the colorful bunting comes from, I go in search of Hezbollah’s graphics unit. I find the army of artists relaxing under a tent, sitting in plastic chairs, while a team of young men pass out posters. These are the guys in charge of the banners and signs that hang everywhere. They’ve also designed the bright-red trucker hats that many Hezbollah employees are wearing. In Arabic script, the hats declare: nasr min allah–literally, “Victory from God,” but also a play on the name of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. They’ve been cranking out the Hezbollabilia the whole time, even while the bombs were falling, preparing for their divine victory ever since the war began.

“The slogans–we’ve been getting them from the war itself,” says Ghassan Darwish, one of the graphic designers. “They’re the slogans that the Americans and Israelis are using.” In his hands, for example, Condoleezza Rice’s “New Middle East” becomes the new middle beast, with the word beast splattered across the poster like blood. I ask Darwish why so many of the signs are in English. “It’s normal for them to be in several different languages, because there are foreign journalists here, asking questions,” he replies.

I ask him how people are reacting to the giant signs. “People knew during the war that these were American bombs falling on us, in Israeli hands,” he says. “People were receptive to it–especially made in usa.”

Annia Ciezadlo is a Beirut-based writer.



Professor Shamir WEZ:

Since you are a Sand Negro lover you will enjoy this essay. It is from my correspondent, Professor Abernethy, who is a Zionist in training. LIBG! TYIJ!

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
30th in Av, 5766

Date: 8/23/2006 10:24:49 -0500
From: “Abernethy, Virginia Deane”
Subject: Robert Fisk: Elegy for Beirut All headers

HI, all

Robert Fisk’s essay evokes a beautiful city and a gracious people becoming the targets of wanton destruction. Skip this until you have the time to let this elegy seep into your real consciousness.



Elegy for Beirut
By Robert Fisk
July 22-23, 2006

BEIRUT — In the year 551, the magnificent, wealthy city of Berytus – headquarters of the imperial East Mediterranean Roman fleet – was struck by a massive earthquake. In its aftermath, the sea withdrew several miles and the survivors – ancestors of the present-day Lebanese – walked out on the sands to loot the long-sunken merchant ships revealed in front of them.

That was when a tidal wall higher than a tsunami returned to swamp the city and kill them all. So savagely was the old Beirut damaged that the Emperor Justinian sent gold from Constantinople as compensation to every family left alive.


Sylvia Stolz, Zundel’s Defense Attorney, Charged with ‘Holocaust Denial’

Sylvia Stolz, defense attorney of Ernst Zundel in his trial in Mannheim, Germany, has herself been charged with “Holocaust denial.” During another case, in which she represented Dr. Rigolf Hennig, Stolz is supposed to have read to the court a newspaper article about the appearance of the renowned Israeli artist, Gilad Atzmon in Bochum. In a public statement, Atzmon is quoted as having said that the written history of the Second World War and the Holocaust are a “complete forgery, initiated by Americans and Zionists”.



Poll: Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High

Opposition among Americans to the war in Iraq has reached a new high, with only about a third of respondents saying they favor it, according to a poll released Monday. Just 35 percent of 1,033 adults polled say they favor the war in Iraq; 61 percent say they oppose it – the highest opposition noted in any CNN poll since the conflict began more than three years ago. Despite the rising opposition to the war, President Bush said the U.S. will not withdraw from Iraq while he is president.


Anti-Israeli Sentiment in the European Parliament

About 20 percent of the Members of the European Parliament are friends of Israel. Another 20 percent are clear friends of the Palestinian people, while the remaining 60 percent like to sit on the fence. Some of Israel’s friends are outspoken; many prefer to keep a low profile. Since 1993, the EU and its member states have given over four billion euros of financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority and a variety of Palestinian NGOs. This was meant to develop democratic institutions as well as promote education and prosperity among Palestinians. A substantial portion of the European funding, however, has served purposes such as corruption and terrorism.


REESE: Nobody Won

I think there are two things as close to certain as anything ever is in the Middle East: One, our reputation and credibility are in the subbasement of the region; and two, the myth of Israeli invincibility has been broken – or, more accurately, thought by the Arab street to have been broken. One Arab newspaperman said that if the present trend continues, anybody who advocates peace with Israel will get stoned (with rocks). To sum up, if you ask me, nobody won, least of all the people in the region on all sides of all borders.


Britain’s Foreign Policy is Just Plain Wrong

The [British] government’s endorsement of the United States position has yet again done us terrible damage in Europe, the Middle East and throughout the world…. Over one issue in particular, effort must be made – Israel/Palestine. As the Lebanese government was being chastised for its failure to implement Security Council Resolution 1559, calling for the disarmament of Hizbollah, little was said about Resolution 242, calling for Israel’s withdrawal from territories it had occupied in 1967…. Israel/Palestine should become not a cause but an obsession. If it redefines our relationship with the United States, so be it.


Operation Saddam: America’s Propaganda Battle

Documentary on how the Bush administration, and especially its neocon “cabal,” used deceit and lies to build public support for the US invasion and occupation of Iraq. Shows the complicity of the American media. Includes interviews with Ray Mcgovern, Seymour Hersh, and Richard Perle. This 50 minutes film by Helmut Grosse was originally broadcast in 2003 on Australia’s SBS television “Cutting Edge” program. Looks at the deceit of the high-profile presentation by Secretary of State Powell to the United Nations. Examines the mendacity of the Bush administration claims that Saddam Hussein was acquiring and building nuclear weapons.


Maps and Satellite Imagery of Lebanon and Palestine

Remarkable satellite imagery and maps of Lebanon and Palestine, including an overview map of locations bombed during the Israeli assault on Lebanon, July 12- August 13, before and after satellite images of Beirut destruction, July 2006, and Jerusalem sprawled midway between the northern and southern parts of the West Bank.



“Do You Have a Thinking Problem?

“It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker.

“I began to think alone – ‘to relax,’ I told myself – but I knew it wasn’t true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking all the time.

“I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don’t mix, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka.

“I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, ‘What is it exactly we are doing here?’

“Things weren’t going so great at home either. One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that night at her mother’s.

I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called me in. He said, ‘Skippy, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don’t stop thinking on the job, you’ll have to find another job.’ This gave me a lot to think about.

“I came home early after my conversation with the boss. ‘Honey,’ I confessed, ‘I’ve been thinking…’

“‘I know you’ve been thinking,’ she said, ‘and I want a divorce!’

“‘But Honey, surely it’s not that serious.’

“‘It is serious,’ she said, lower lip aquiver. ‘You think as much as college professors, and college professors don’t make any money, so if you keep on thinking we won’t have any money!’

“‘That’s a faulty syllogism,’ I said impatiently, and she began to cry. I’d had enough. ‘I’m going to the library,’ I snarled as I stomped out the door.

“I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with NPR on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors…they didn’t open. The library was closed.

“To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night.

“As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. ‘Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?’ it asked. You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinker’s Anonymous poster.’

“Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week it was ‘Porky’s.’ Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting.

“I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home. Life just seemed…easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.”


you have American economists [like Paul Krugman or Alan Greenspan] treating productivity as if it were the Holy Grail of economics itself. Despite almost no business investment and a dismal, negative savings rate, you have leading American economists touting GDP growth as the result of
‘increased productivity.’ It is ridiculous.

“The problem is ‘hedonic price indexing’ and increases in ‘asset prices’ – including houses – account for almost all GDP growth in America. Rather than looking at productivity as a measurement of existing economic activity, it is touted as the root cause of prosperity! Yet real features of the economy like wages, savings, employment are all stagnant or down.

“Mention productivity and everybody nods in unison. It is one of the pillars of American superiority. It is scandalous.”


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could surf our way to energy independence? Complete freedom from fossil fuels is a pipe dream – for the next few decades, anyway. But maybe we can get to a place of significantly less dependence on them. As demand relentlessly outstrips supply in the coming years, we’ll have to cut back no matter what. It will merely be a question of how rough the ride turns out to be. Going back to the surfing analogy, the basic ingredients of a good wave aren’t hard to guess: wind, water and sun. There are interesting developments taking place in all three areas.

We’ll start with wind. On June 28, at the 2006 Wind Power Asia exhibition in Beijing, China unveiled a major technological breakthrough: the first ever “Maglev generator,” or permanent magnetic levitation wind power generator. The Maglev generator is expected to produce 20% more output than previous wind turbine designs, while cutting operating expenses in half – generating power in the range of five cents per kilowatt hour. The Maglev generator can also make use of significantly lower wind speeds than
previous designs, likely due to the same frictionless operating principle that Maglev trains use to travel at more than 300 miles per hour. Lower wind speed requirements mean the new turbine can be deployed effectively in far-flung rural areas, and the vastly improved economics make it a competitive alternative to fossil fuels. As a side benefit, the
breakthrough gives China new incentive for respecting intellectual property rights, as it now has some highly valuable IP of its own to export.

Back in the United States, General Electric has partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a crop of giant new wind turbines over the next three years. At up to seven megawatts, the new turbines will be almost twice as powerful as existing ones, each one capable of powering a thousand homes. At 95 meters, these monsters are as tall as a football field, and destined to get larger over time. As the turbines grow in size, however, the problem of “visual pollution” becomes more acute. East Coasters don’t like having their ocean views ruined by ugly structures too close to shore. The solution? Tow the suckers out to sea, where the wind is better anyway. The MIT Technology Review reports:

MIT researchers recently demonstrated the feasibility of “tension-leg” platforms, a technology that oil companies have recently adopted for deep-water rigs. The wind turbines and towers would be assembled at a shipyard and placed on top of large floating cylinders. The canisters would be ballasted on the bottom with high-density concrete to keep the structure from tipping over, and the whole turbine assembly would be tugged out to sea.

There, four steel cables would be attached to the platform, anchoring it to the sea floor. First, though, some water would be allowed into the cylinder, causing the structure to sink more into the water. Once the cables are attached, the water is pumped back out again, allowing the turbine to rise, tightening the cables and preventing the turbine from
bobbing up and down, yet allowing some lateral movement that would help cushion the impact of storm waves on the tower. (The blades themselves would be high enough to avoid even waves from hurricanes.)

Two of the biggest challenges for this out-to-sea approach will be maintenance and durability. The turbines will have to be incredibly durable to endure the regular battering they will take from wind and waves. Sending out a repairman will be no small task. But Jim Lyons, the leader of Advanced Technology for GE’s Wind Energy Division, believes wind could handle 20% of U.S. energy needs – as much as nuclear power handles today.



The Citadel These Days, or, Everybody Is Now Equal

Why are women at the Citadel in the first place? What sort of message does that send to our society? [that’s a trick question. The message it sends is that men and women are virtually “the same” except for certain sexual anatomy]:




The New USMC

At one time, the United States Marine Corps was the toughest and best military outfit on Earth. Any man should be proud to have belonged to the “old” USMC.

Today? Well, today the USMC is full of women, negroes and Mexicans. The USMC now fights wars for 1) Israel and 2) big global conglomerates based in New Yawk City.

We no longer have much respect for the USMC. Any outfit that would allow itself to fall so far in its enlistment standards deserves scorn.



The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

About the rammed-through-Congress-real-quick USA PATRIOT Act – which might also be called The Non-White USA PATRIOT Act since its chief authors were non-White, i.e., two Asians and one Jew [1]. Why are non-Whites writing laws in a White republic?




Four-Fifths of U.S. High School Graduates Not Ready for College

By Paul Basken

Aug. 16 (Bloomberg) — Almost four-fifths of U.S. high school graduates failed to pass this year’s standard examinations designed to show their readiness for college, test designer ACT Inc. reported.

Scores on the four-part ACT test, taken this year by more than 1.2 million U.S. students, ranged from only 27 percent passing in biology to 69 percent in English, the company reported. A total of 21 percent met the benchmark in all four subject areas, including algebra and social science, it said.

The nationwide average total score on the ACT test rose the fastest in 20 years, yet the overall performance remains unacceptable, U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings said.









Cook County prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn’t want her to know he’d packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey.






Well, I guess I won’t be going to India any time soon to eat my 6 million barbecue chicken wings (grin)!



Jewish leaders, Paris slam Iran Holocaust cartoon show
Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:33 PM ET

By Corinne Heller

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – The Israeli government, Jewish groups and the mayor of Paris on Thursday condemned an Iranian exhibition of cartoons on the Nazi Holocaust, accusing Tehran of spreading hatred and trivializing the murder of six million Jews.



This slideshow, which was created by a colleague (and which I took the liberty of altering somewhat), highlights the multiculturalism of the Nazis.



“Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished in Hell by being boiled in hot excrement.”
— The Babylonian Talmud, Judaism’s most holy book, Erubin 21b

Hezbollah 2, Israel 0 — Joanna Francis

Make no mistake about it – the Israelis are getting their tails kicked in Lebanon! Just like they did in May 2000, when Hezbollah sent them scurrying back across the border with their tails between their legs. The Israelis never forgot that stinging defeat and have now demanded a rematch with Hezbollah. And much to their surprise, Israel has already managed to lose the rematch too. Considering the disparity in numbers and weaponry between Israel and Hezbollah, Israel should have achieved a decisive victory by now. But they haven’t. And it doesn’t help their case any that they have had to resort to bombing the entire country, killing women and children, to try to save face. It only makes them look more pathetic. They will never be able to swagger quite so arrogantly again, or instill fear in the groveling leaders of their neighboring countries in quite the same way. The Israelis have been outfoxed at every turn by an irregular army using prehistoric weaponry, with little to no support from neighboring countries (the leaders, that is), but who have proven themselves to be unwavering in their determination. Hezbollah are fighting against the best weaponry American money can buy. And they are winning.

Because you can’t buy courage. Even with the entire United States treasury at your disposal, the things that matter most to real men simply cannot be purchased. Therefore, the poor man has the advantage over the rich man because valor, manliness, and honor are free to those with nothing to lose. The Israelis had everything to lose in this misguided operation and have proceeded to do so exceedingly well. Even among their most brainwashed sycophants, their credibility is in the single digits. The excuse of the “kidnapped” soldiers is totally bogus to anyone with an I.Q. over 70, because Hezbollah has offered to release them in exchange for a ceasefire but Israel has refused. Meanwhile, Israel has kidnapped thousands of Lebanese citizens over the years who languish in Israeli prisons to this day. And the Katyusha rocket pity party won’t work either, because the Katyusha rockets are simply in retaliation for Israeli aggression, not vice versa, and can hardly compare to the bombs being dropped on Lebanon. If they thought for one moment that they would rout out Hezbollah, they were seriously mistaken. You cannot eliminate a fighting force whose reason for existence is justified by the fact that Israel continues to occupy their land, invade their air space, and hold their people as political prisoners. Kill them all, and another generation will simply step up to the plate and take their place.

The Israelis fight like sissies from fighter jets, dropping bunker-buster bombs on defenseless women and children. That’s real manly! They roll across the border in heavily-armored tanks, confident that they’ll be impervious to Hezbollah’s weaker arsenal. Only lately, those tanks have had the surprising habit of turning into human crematoria for the Israeli soldiers inside them. So why don’t they get out of their tanks and fighter jets and go toe-to-toe with Hezbollah like real men? (See first sentence of essay). The fourth most powerful military in the world has been given a shiny black eye that no amount of make-up will ever be able to hide. The aura of invincibility they so haughtily projected is now tarnished beyond repair. Bragging rights go to Hezbollah, as Israel eats its long-overdue humble pie. Why do I feel so strongly about this, you might ask? Because Israel has made me, an American taxpayer, complicit in their war crimes, and I, for one, am glad to see them finally getting their comeuppance.

In fact, the Israelis are losing so badly that their co-religionists in the West have had to order new false flag operations to take their humiliating defeat off the front pages. It’s like that scene in the Wizard of Oz where Toto pulls back the curtain on the “Great Oz,” only to discover that he’s really a weaselly old man, pretending to be something that he’s not. Well, the curtain has been pulled back on the Zionists, and they are standing there in all their naked cowardice and cruelty, for all world to see. And the world is repulsed. Hence, the PR campaign now underway to try to remind us goyim that all Muslims are “terrorists” and that the Israelis are always the victims. So now we’re supposed to feel relieved that the Israelis are only killing “terrorists” (not human beings), and that they are only trying to make the world a safer place for all of us. Only it’s not going to work this time. I mean, how stupid do they think we are? Just when world sympathy was leaning heavily towards Lebanon and away from Israel, does any sane person really believe that Muslims would try to pull off an ill-fated stunt? Only the most credulous of FOX News watchers could fail to notice that the timing of these supposed terror plots is extraordinarily convenient.

The mainstream media is just another weapon in the Israeli armory, but this time, chinks are beginning to show. The Zionist-controlled media try their best to obfuscate the cowardice of their own kin by wrongly portraying Hezbollah as hiding behind women and children. In psychiatry (a dangerous medical specialty they invented), this is called “projection,” or the attempt to transfer your own negative traits onto another person. They know all about projection because they do it so well. But Israel cannot hide the fact that they have slaughtered more than 1,000 civilians, mostly women and children, and have destroyed almost the entire infrastructure of a modern, democratic state. Yet they cynically try to portray themselves as reluctant and contrite killers, in a grotesque attempt to blame innocent victims for their own deaths.

What did they think was going to happen when they plunked themselves down in the middle of a million Arabs, after slaughtering them to steal their land in 1948? Did they really think they would get away with it indefinitely? Obviously so, since they’ve now set out to conquer more sovereign Arab territory, fully revealing their expansionist agenda to anyone with eyes to see. Only something unexpected has happened on the way to Eretz Israel; they’ve run into a brick wall called Hezbollah, who will not relinquish their sovereignty to the Zionist land-grabbers.

It’s slowly starting to dawn on the Zionists that Lebanon will never be part of Eretz Israel, and that the Litani River will never provide drinking water to Israeli settler households. Plan “Eretz Israel” has been put on hold by a small Lebanese militia with more guts than most men can even dream about. In any area that counts, Hezbollah is already victorious. Courage? How brave do you have to be to stay and fight when you are out-numbered, out-gunned, out-tanked, and out-bombed? Very brave, indeed. This war was nothing more than an Israeli land-grab attempt, and an opportunity to exercise collective punishment on an entire people for Israel’s defeat at the hands of Hezbollah in May 2000. But the Israeli soldiers aren’t half the fighters Hezbollah are; hence, their second defeat in six years at the hands of their bitter enemies. Hezbollah now owns them – lock, stock and barrel.

[email protected]



Below is a link to Fischer’s website. As you’ll soon see, he doesn’t like Jews very much. In his case, I don’t think one could attribute this dislike of his to ignorance and/or some intellectual limitation. Many people have claimed that Fischer is Jewish – Apparently Fischer denies this.







Cashiers These Days

Whenever we encounter a White cashier at a retail store, she/he is usually friendly and helpful.

However, when we encounter a Black cashier, she/he is very often sullen and ill-mannered, as if he/she would rather be doing anything else but serving White customers.

Perhaps Black cashiers would rather be back in the African brush, throwing spears and eating grubs?


Shaq was talking about Yao Ming, the 7-foot-5-inch center from Shanghai, China, now playing with the Houston Rockets.

Said Shaq, “Tell Yao Ming, ‘Ching-chong-yang-wah-ah-so.”




Donald W. Livingston
Professor of philosophy at Emory University

“… and I will say in addition to this that there is a
physical difference between the white and black races
which I believe will forever forbid the two races living to-
gether on terms of social and political equality. And inas-
much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together
there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as
much as any other man am in favor of having the superior
position assigned to the white race.”



many Lincoln quotes in that speech :

Southern Secession and Reconstruction
Donald Livingston, Professor of Philosophy, Emory University.




“The prerequisite for action is the will
and the courage to be truthful.”

— from a speech, Munich, 4/12/22


Regents OK tuition raise for diversity

Madison – The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse would charge students $1,320 over three years on top of annual tuition increases to expand and diversify its student body under a pilot program approved Thursday by the UW System Board of Regents.



straight from the Holy Bible of christians :

Deuteronomy 2:34
And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain.

Numbers 31:17, 18
Now therefor kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known a man by lying with him. But the women-children who hath not known a man by lying with him, these you may keep for yourselves.




jews don’t want the goyim to notice that they run Hollywood so they won’t overtly boycott Gibson who is too popular anyway

cuntservative kikess Mona Charen tries to convince us that 1.jews don’t run Hollywood and 2.that the jews who work in Hollywood are anti-Israel and anti-semites. It’z Liberalizm that’z to blame ! :



DUPAGE COUNTY — An Addison man pleaded guilty Friday to selling $100 worth of crack cocaine, less than a year after he won a $1.75 million settlement for being beaten by Chicago police officers in 1997.

DuPage County Court Judge George Bakalis sentenced Jeremiah Mearday, 27, to six months in jail and 120 hours of community service and placed him on two years of intensive probation for his part in the drug deal Dec. 10 in Glendale Heights.


Very good argument against immigration. It points out what will become to America as a result of the overpopulation. At first, it starts out a little slow, but then brings up many valid points about what to expect if things don’t change in the near future.



Are you angry with the way Israel is dealing with the situation in Lebanon? Does Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians sadden you? Does Jewish existance in general bother you? Watch this:






[Voz de Aztlan]

August 19, 2006

Pentagon Orders US Special Forces To Mexican Oil Fields
As Revolution Looms

by (Name withheld for protection of the author)

Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that the United States Military Leaders have ordered an ‘advisory contingent’ of American Special Forces Officers to Mexico in order to prepare their Mexican counterparts for an expected siege upon Mexico’s vast oil fields, and which provides to the US its second largest amount of imported oil after Canada.


The actions being taken by the Americans is in response to the growing rebellion in Mexico over the stealing of its Presidential election by its present government and backed by US corporate interests, and which fear a leftist controlled Mexican government would break away from its present orbit around the United States Empire.

Every day on its present march towards outright Civil War sees new escalations in this present conflict, and which today has seen the Mexican Government protecting their government buildings, and as we can read as reported by New Zealand’s NZTV News Service in their article titled “Mexican riot police seal Congress”, and which says:

“Hundreds of riot police in black body armour sealed Congress with roadblocks and a metal wall on Tuesday to keep leftist protesters away after a violent clash over Mexico’s disputed presidential election. Federal police took control of all the streets around Congress in a show of force to prevent protesters from blockading the building ahead of President Vicente Fox’s state of the nation speech there in two weeks time.

About 15 legislators from the left-wing party whose presidential candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, narrowly lost the July 2 election were among those hurt on Monday when police tore down tents in their partially built camp, tear gassed protesters and drove them back with clubs.”

Though the violence against those rebelling against the theft of the Mexican Presidential election is increasing they have likewise warned that their efforts will not cease, and as we can read as reported by the BBC News Service in their article titled ‘Siege’ warning to Mexico rival”, and which says:

“Supporters of Mexico’s left-wing presidential candidate have pledged to place his rival “under siege” if he is declared winner of the disputed poll. A spokesman for Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s party said Felipe Calderon would not be able to operate outside his office if he was made president.”

Perhaps most importantly about these events, and as we have previously noted many times, is that the American people themselves are not allowed to know about these events by their Military Controlled Propaganda Media Organs, and as we can see evidenced by Britain’s Guardian Unlimited News Service in their article titled ‘People power’ is a global brand owned by America”, and which says:

“A couple of years ago television, radio and print media in the west just couldn’t get enough of “people power”. In quick succession, from Georgia’s rose revolution in November 2003, via Ukraine’s orange revolution a year later, to the tulip revolution in Kyrgyzstan and the cedar revolution in Lebanon, 24-hour news channels kept us up to date with democracy on a roll.

Triggered by allegations of election fraud, the dominoes toppled. The US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, was happy with the trend: “They’re doing it in many different corners of the world, places as varied as Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan and, on the other hand, Lebanon … And so this is a hopeful time.”

But when a million Mexicans try to jump on the people-power bandwagon, crying foul about the July 2 presidential elections, when protesters stage a vigil in the centre of the capital that continues to this day, they meet a deafening silence in the global media. Despite Mexico’s long tradition of electoral fraud and polls suggesting that Andrés Manuel López Obrador – a critic of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) – was ahead, the media accepted the wafer-thin majority gained by the ruling party nominee, Harvard graduate Felipe Calderón.

Although Mexico’s election authorities rejected López Obrador’s demand for all 42m ballots to be recounted, the partial recount of 9% indicated numerous irregularities. But no echo of indignation has wafted to the streets of Mexico City from western capitals.”

The greatest tragedy of these present events in Mexico, though, rests with it being yet another reminder of how the once mighty and great peoples of the United States have truly fallen from their once idealized status as the defenders of freedom to that being the suppressors of freedom, and in an irony not to be lost upon any of us, have surrendered their own freedoms and liberties without showing the courage of their Mexican neighbors who today are fighting, and dying, so that their Nation could remain free.


Nagin: Racism, red tape slowed recovery
New Orleans mayor: Katrina response elsewhere would have been different

INDIANAPOLIS – New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Friday blamed racism and government bureaucracy for hamstringing his city’s ability to weather Hurricane Katrina and recover from the disaster that struck the Gulf Coast nearly a year ago.





Communiqué du 19 août 2006

:: « Il y a trop de blancs » ! ::

En propulsant un noir au journal de 20h00 de leur chaîne, les directeurs de TF1 ont avancé l’argument suivant : il n’y a pas assez de noirs «visibles » à la télé. [not enuf niggers on tv]

Sous ce prétexte, on voit de plus en plus de noirs sur France 3, M6 ou TF1 – sans parler du câble – présenter des bulletins d’informations.

Cette opération de mise au rencard de journalistes blancs au motif qu’ils n’ont pas la bonne couleur de peau correspond aux vœux de Nicolas Sarkozy [jew], du PS et du PC, et, de manière générale, de toutes les officines de destruction de l’identité française et européenne.

Seuls les naïfs penseront que nous en resterons là. Ce qui vient de se passer outre-manche nous prouve le contraire. La responsable de la BBC chargé de « la diversité » sur la chaîne anglaise – comprendre chargée de recruter des non Européens – vient d’affirmer « il y a trop de reporters blancs » [too many white reporters]. Ces propos ne font pas l’unanimité en Angleterre. [diversity needed, just like in england] Mais ils sont révélateurs de l’étape suivante, quasi mécanique, qui découle de la pseudo « discrimination positive ». L’ancien directeur Général de la BBC, Greg Dyke, avait d’ailleurs jugé sa propre antenne «hideusement blanche » en 2001. [bbc cunt Dyke said in 2001 that the face of his network was “hideously white”]

Du « pas assez de noirs » au « trop de blancs », il n’y a pas de différence de nature entre un antiracisme et un racisme, mais seulement des degrés de progression dans la même entreprise.

Les « patriotes », les « nationalistes », les tenants des droits des « citoyens » qui refusent – par aveuglement ou peur électorale – de prendre en compte la guerre faite aux Européens de souche, sont en retard de plusieurs décennies sur les enjeux du XXIème siècle en France et dans le reste de l’Europe. [part of decades long war against whites in france and across europe]

  • 43 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/24/06”

    1. alex Says:

      Bobby Fisher’s letter to the Jewish Encyclopedia:

      Follow this link:


    2. alex Says:

      The Men Who Knew Too Much?

      NSA Wiretapping Whistleblowers Found Dead in Italy and Greece
      Adamo Bove and Costas Tsalikidis: Both uncovered a secret bugging system and both met untimely ends.


    3. alex Says:


      Coincidence? Yeah Right. Pack of condoms found lying next to him – please, the Jews media is getting a little desperate dontcha think? [Quick, look at the case involving Karr and the Ramsey Girl] I’d say a couple of Mossad agents attached to that lying piece of shit Giuliani probably killed him because his conscience was beginning to bother him – murdering 3000 people can do that if you’re not entirely a sociopath.

      Giuliani Aide Found Strangled in Manhattan

      BY RUSSELL BERMAN – Staff Reporter of the Sun
      August 24, 2006


    4. Olde Dutch Says:

      “The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

      About the rammed-through-Congress-real-quick USA PATRIOT Act – which might also be called The Non-White USA PATRIOT Act since its chief authors were non-White, i.e., two Asians and one Jew [1]. Why are non-Whites writing laws in a White republic?”

      Ok. I give up. Who were the two Asians and one Jew?
      Hmmm. I thought Specter, Gonzales and Ashcroft were to blame. One jew, one mestizo, and one coonservative coonfederate republicoon.

    5. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Bobby Fischer is a full blooded Jew, although he is self-hating. Many Jews cannot stand other Jews. Jews do not play well with others.

    6. alex Says:

      GOP candidate says 9/11 attacks were a hoax

      By ALBERT McKEON, Telegraph Staff
      [email protected]

      Published: Thursday, Aug. 24, 2006

      A Republican candidate for this area’s congressional seat said Wednesday that the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


    7. alex Says:

      Remember: daily Reader Mails will be added to until midnight cst.

    8. alex Says:

      ‘Survivor’ to Divide Teams Along Racial Lines

      Published: August 24, 2006

      For the first time since it went on the air in 2000, the hit CBS reality television program “Survivor” will divide its teams — or tribes, as they are known on the show — along racial lines.

      For the first half of the series this fall, four teams of five members will be made up of blacks, Asian-Americans, Hispanics and whites. They will compete in weekly challenges against each other, and the losing group will have to vote out a member of its own team.

      Mark Burnett, the series producer, said in a telephone interview yesterday that the decision to organize the teams by race was made in group discussions with CBS executives and was in no way intended to promote racial divisiveness.

      “In America today,” Mr. Burnett said, “I really don’t believe there are many people who hate each other because of their race. But even though people may work together, they do tend in their private lives to divide along social and ethnic lines.”

      Mr. Burnett noted that in many cities, members of ethnic groups tended to cluster in neighborhoods. “In New York you will find areas like Little Afghanistan,” he said. “Maybe in the year 3010, when we’re all coffee-colored, it really will make no difference. But right now, it is what it is.”

      Mr. Burnett said that “Survivor” and other shows had often been criticized for a lack of ethnic diversity. “We’re always hearing about how we only have two token blacks on the show,” he said. And the predominance of whites has been reflected in the show’s applicants, with more than 80 percent of them white, he said.

      For the new contest, Mr. Burnett said, the show reached out to social and church groups to bring in more applicants of different backgrounds. He said the results had been gratifying. “We got so many good people we expanded the number of contestants to 20 instead of the usual 16,” he said.

      Both CBS and Mr. Burnett acknowledged that the new format could be criticized. “I know it’s going to be controversial,” he said. “I’m not an idiot.”

      In a statement, CBS said it “fully recognizes the controversial nature” of the format change. But it expressed confidence in the program’s ability to handle the situation sensitively.

      The change leaves CBS open to charges that it was done to increase the ratings for “Survivor,” which, while still a hit, has had a diminished audience in recent years. In addition, in the new television season, CBS is facing a serious new challenge on Thursdays, the “Survivor” broadcast night. ABC has moved its strongest drama, “Grey’s Anatomy,” to Thursday nights at 9 to oppose CBS’s top show, “CSI.” ABC has also placed its most promising new series, “Ugly Betty,” on Thursday at 8 to compete with “Survivor.”

      But Mr. Burnett said he was not making the change as a ratings strategy. “We have hardly been hurting in the ratings,” he said, noting that “Survivor” still attracted about 17 million viewers a week last season.

      Instead, he called the move “an interesting social experiment.”

      “I don’t think it would be valid in the regular modern world,” Mr. Burnett said. “But this is suddenly a very different playing field. People here are playing for a million dollars. They’re going to want to know if you’re going to vote them out. Or if they’re hungry, they’ll want to know if you know how to catch a fish. They’re not going to care if you’re green or Martian.”


    9. alex Says:

      Alleged Slur Casts Spotlight On Senator’s (Jewish?) Roots

      E.J. Kessler | Fri. August 25, 2006

      When Senator George Allen of Virginia used a racial slur for dark-skinned North Africans, “macaca,” during a recent encounter with a young Indian American cameraman from his opponent’s campaign, many wondered where he had learned the word.
      Article tools

      Macaca means “monkey,” but Allen’s campaign insisted that the word was made up, an inside joke on the young man’s hairstyle. But some commentators noted that Allen’s mother is “French Tunisian,” speculating that Allen, who speaks French, had picked up the epithet from her. (Allen’s late father was famed Washington Redskins football coach George Allen.)

      Allen’s mother, Henriette (Etty), whose maiden name was Lumbroso, is indeed Francophone and Tunisian born, a heritage that forms a romantic theme in “Fifth Quarter: The Scrimmage of a Football Coach’s Daughter” the memoir of Allen family life written by Allen’s sister Jennifer. What’s more, it is likely that she’s Jewish by birth, although no acknowledgment of that heritage appears in the memoir. Allen’s campaign spokesman, Bill Bozin, did not return several detailed messages, left over two days, that asked what the senator and his family know about his mother’s heritage.

      Depending on what additional information comes out on the matter, the controversy could end up resurrecting a dominant theme of the Democratic primaries four years ago, when it turned out that no fewer than four presidential hopefuls had significant Jewish ties: Senator Joseph Lieberman was an Orthodox Jew; Senator John Kerry was descended from Jews and had a brother who converted to Judaism; former general Wesley Clark had a Jewish father; Howard Dean was married to a Jewish woman and raised Jewish children.

      For now, some political analysts are predicting that the macaca flap could sink what until now had been viewed widely in Washington circles as Allen’s strong chance of emerging in 2008 as the conservative standard-bearer in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. And judging from recent polls, it is putting a crimp in what was supposed to be a handy re-election bid in Virginia.

      The incident is not the first time that Allen has faced criticism for supposed racial insensitivity. The New Republic recently reported that when he was a high school student, the senator, a native Californian, wore a Confederate flag lapel pin; it further reported that even as an adult, Allen sometimes displayed the Confederate flag as part of a flag collection. In the 1980s, he stirred ire by opposing the establishment in Virginia of Martin Luther King Day. But Allen points to more recent efforts, such as a push to increase funds for Virginia’s historically black colleges, as evidence that he seeks to better race relations.

      Allen’s own African heritage casts a different light on the matter. Though Etty Allen seems not to have dwelled on it during her years in the spotlight as a coach’s wife, she comes from the august Sephardic Jewish Lumbroso family. Her father, who was the main importer of wines and liquors in Tunis — including the Cinzano brand — was known in France, where he lived after World War II, as part of the family, according to French Jewish sources. If both of Etty’s parents were born Jewish — which, given her age and background, is likely — Senator Allen would be considered Jewish in the eyes of traditional rabbinic law, which traces Judaism through the mother.

      This might complicate life for Allen, a practicing Episcopalian who besides running for re-election this year in Virginia is often mentioned as a possible Republican 2008 contender. Political analyst John Mercurio of National Journal’s noted tip sheet, The Hotline, said that any complication “would depend largely on how this information was revealed.”

      “If it was discovered that Allen knew this family history, but attempted to keep it under wraps for whatever reason, it could do great harm to any political campaign,” Mercurio wrote in an e-mail. “He’d face serious questions, in the wake of the Macaca incident and his history with the Confederate flag, of whether he’s both racially prejudiced and anti-semitic. Given the intensely pro-Israel sentiment that exists in this country today, that could be a huge political liability — but on the other hand, if this is something he discovers and promptly reveals about himself, and does so with a sense of pride in his family history, I don’t think he’d face much backlash at all.”

      According to information compiled from several Sephardic genealogical Web sites, the Lumbroso family originated in Portugal but made its way to Livorno, or Leghorn, in Italy after the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. “Lumbroso” means “luminous” and is a translation of the Hebrew word “nehora.”

      Allen is aware of at least the Italian connection, and trumpets it. On the campaign trail recently, according to the online journal Salon, Allen said: “I have my grandfather’s bloodlines. My grandfather is French-Italian. I have about one-sixteenth Spanish in me.”

      Dr. Jeffrey Malka, an expert on Sephardic genealogy, told the Forward in an e-mail that in Portugal the Lumbrosos became conversos — unlike Spanish Jews, Portuguese Jews were not allowed to leave and were forcibly converted en masse — who escaped to Livorno, where they were able to return to Judaism. Malka called the Livorno community “fascinating” because, invited by the Medicis, they became wealthy and powerful traders, setting up branches in Tunis and ransoming Jews captured by Barbary pirates.

      Among the most famous members of the family, Malka said, was Itzhak Lumbroso, an 18th-century rabbi and rabbinic judge who wrote a commentary on the Talmud, “Seed of Isaac,” that was the first book printed in Hebrew in Tunis.

      If Allen wants to research his heritage, there are many resources available. The marriage contracts of many Lumbrosos, for example, can be found in historical compendia including “Registres Matrimoniaux de la Communaute Juive Portugaise de Tunis, XVIII-XIX siecles.”

      Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that allows users to draft and edit the entries, takes Allen’s mother’s Judaism as a given, saying that “Henrietta Lumbroso was a Jewish immigrant of Tunisian/Italian/French background.”

      Malka, the Sephardic expert, said, “Interfaith marriage and/or baptism was extremely rare among the Jews of Tunisia in the early 20th century — mainly because the sense of being Jewish was very strong and it would have been greatly frowned on.”

      There are intimations in Jennifer Allen’s book of the family’s Jewish connection. She writes that when the Germans invaded North Africa during World War II, “the Nazis took away my mother’s father,” although he escaped from harm.

      Senator Allen told the Richmond Times Dispatch in 2000 that his grandfather was imprisoned because “he sympathized with the Free French and the Allies and coveted the concepts of freedom of thought, expression, religious belief and enterprise.”

      In another of the book’s anecdotes, George Allen Sr., a practicing Roman Catholic, encounters problems when he wants to marry his fiancee, Etty, in a Catholic church.

      “The priest said he would marry them only if Mom agreed to raise as Catholic any children the marriage might produce,” Jennifer Allen wrote. “As a young woman, my mother had an ‘incident’ with a priest in Tunis, so Mom said ‘Over my dead body’ to the priest. My mother and father were married by a justice of the peace in a Jewish friend’s home with two witnesses.”

      Why was there any question as to whether Etty Allen would raise the family Catholic, unless she herself wasn’t baptized in the faith?

      An e-mail message to Jennifer Allen came back with an automated reply saying that she was on vacation and not reading her messages.

      Senator Allen has been addressing the recent controversy. He issued a statement to CNN in which he apologized to “anyone who may have [been] offended by the misinterpretation of my remarks” and said the jibe at the cameraman “was in no way intended to be racially derogatory.” The young man, S.R. Sidarth, has said that he perceived the name as a racial comment.

      Allen said in the statement that another comment he made to the young man — “Let’s give a welcome to Macaca here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia” — was actually directed at his Democratic opponent, James Webb.

      “In singling out the Webb campaign’s cameraman, I was trying to make the point that Jim Webb had never been to that part of Virginia — and I encouraged him to bring the tape back to Jim and welcome him to the real world of Virginia and America, outside the Beltway, where he has rarely visited,” Allen said.

      Despite Allen’s explanations, the macaca episode appears to have damaged him. Before the incident, polls had the senator leading Webb by about 19 percentage points; two polls taken afterward show him up by only three to five points.


    10. alex Says:

      New Book Reveals Darker Chapters In Hasidic History

      Allan Nadler | Fri. August 25, 2006

      Of all the literary genres to emerge from the 19th-century Haskala, or Hebrew Enlightenment, one of the most popular was anti-Hasidic satire. And the most notorious of these parodies was “Megaleh Temirin” (“Revealer of Secrets,” Vienna 1819), a ribald lampoon written by Joseph Perl that recounts a series of desperate, bungled attempts by fanatic Hasidim to seize and suppress a dangerous anti-Hasidic German book that they feared had the potential to inflict great harm on their revered rebbe and their sect.

      Now, almost two centuries later, life is imitating satire. The twisted intrigues invented by Perl to highlight the Hasidim’s fear of critical inquiry into their closed world is today playing itself out on the ultra-Orthodox street, from Jerusalem and Bnai Berak to New York, Antwerp and Montreal. This time, however, the fearsome book is neither satire nor polemic, but a serious work of scholarly inquiry by Israel’s leading historian of Hasidism.

      “Neehaz ba-Svakh: Pirkei Mashber u-Mevucha be-Toldot ha-Hasidut” (“Caught in the Thicket: Chapters of Crisis and Discontent in the History of Hasidism”), written by David Assaf, chair of Tel Aviv University’s Jewish history department, appeared in Israel just three months ago, but it has already generated fierce controversy. Indeed, although the book, which is in Hebrew, can be ordered from the publisher, it cannot be easily obtained in bookstores. According to reliable sources, who insist on anonymity, several tri-state area dealers of Orthodox books, as well as a few in major Canadian and European cities, are stocking limited copies of Assaf’s explosive book “under the counter” — selling them only to their trusted elite clientele, contingent on a strict promise that the transaction remains a secret.

      As is so often the case with controversial literature, those who claim to be most offended are usually the ones buying, reading and simultaneously trying to repress the books in question. Indeed, raucous exchanges about Assaf’s work have sprouted on a variety of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Internet sites and blogs, in both Hebrew and English. The interlocutors on these blogs include some distinguished Hasidic scholars and librarians, as well as average readers. The complaints range from the rude (“Assaf’s book is like a fart in a cowshed: barely noticed and soon forgotten”) to the ridiculous (“Look how low Merkaz Zalman Shazar [Assaf’s publisher], named for the President of Israel who was himself a Hasid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, has fallen”). But the most common critique is an ad hominem attack on Assaf’s personal integrity and level of religious commitment. “For those people like David Assaf, the things we call Yiddishkayt he has no understanding of because he is not a frummer yid,” one commenter wrote on Mentalblog.com. Or, as another more succinct writer, who happens to be a respected Hasidic librarian, put it, “[Assaf] is a vile creature blinded by hate.” So, what’s all the fuss about?

      The purpose of Assaf’s book is to revisit and clarify some of the most shocking episodes in the history of Hasidism, events that have been deliberately suppressed or extensively distorted for apologetic purposes by Hasidic historiography. The book consists of seven chapters, each of which examines in great depth some very embarrassing oddities of Hasidic life — some of which have long been known to historians of Hasidism. But Assaf has now clarified them by extricating the kernels of historical truth not only from Hasidic hagiography but also — and this seems to have gone right over the heads of his Orthodox critics — from Hasidism’s enlightenment, or enlightened opponents, who often distorted the same events for their own purposes.

      The chapter that has created by far the most Internet chatter concerns the conversion to Christianity in 1820 of Rabbi Moshe Schneerson, the youngest son of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi, venerated founder of Chabad/Lubavitch. In it, Assaf offers a complete history of the efforts at distortion and repression by Lubavitcher apologists, horrified by the conversion of their founder’s son, and by their enlightened opponents, who could not have been more delighted by it.

      Let’s begin with the Hasidim. Although this tragic episode has not been unknown to historians, neither has it exactly been part of the standard official history of this most high-profile of Hasidic dynasties. In fact, the sixth Lubavitcher rebbe, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneerson, in his published chronicle of Chabad history went so far as to deny that the conversion ever took place. According to Schneerson’s hagiographical account, Rabbi Moshe was compelled to engage in a theological disputation with the Catholic priest of his town, in which he was of course victorious, and then was forced to flee for his safety. Rabbi Moshe, according to Schneerson’s account, spent the remaining years of his life as a lamed-vovnik — the classic anonymous saint of rabbinic mythology — and was buried anonymously in the Ukrainian shtetl of Radomysl.

      As Assaf demonstrates, this fanciful tale has no historical basis whatsoever. Instead, Assaf concludes that Rabbi Moshe’s conversion is best explained as a result of the well-documented, though unspecified, mental illness [If you oppose the jews, you’re mentally ill – even if you’re a jew] from which he suffered since childhood. And he offers proof. As he explains, while searching the Belorussian State Archives in Minsk, historian Shaul Stampfer recently came across a treasure trove of documents verifying Rabbi Moshe’s apostasy — including a letter of intention to convert that was addressed to the Catholic Priest of the Belorussian town of Ula (where Moshe served as rabbi), and his actual baptismal certificate, dated July 4, 1820. For the skeptical, Assaf includes reproductions of these documents in his book and adds that it is almost certain that shortly after his conversion to Christianity, the rabbi was consigned to St. Petersburg’s famed mental hospital, Obuchovskaya, where he died.

      While the story of Rabbi Moshe’s apostasy may be the lightning rod for much of the indignation provoked among Chabad apologists, the most vulgar document published by Assaf is quite clearly the tale recounting the “fall” of the famed founder of Polish Hasidism, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Horowitz (1745-1815), popularly known as the khoyze, or seer, of Lublin. What is known is that sometime during the celebration of Simchat Torah in 1814, the severely inebriated seer fell, or more likely jumped, out the second-story window of his room above the Hasidic shtibl where he held court. Like the affair of Rabbi Moshe’s conversion to Christianity, Hasidic hagiography has managed to transform what was either a drunken mishap or a deliberate suicide attempt into a mystical affair signifying a failed attempt to hasten the messiah’s arrival.

      But Hasidism’s critics would have nothing of such fanciful explanations. What really happened, according to a Haskalah rendering of this sad episode in a hitherto unpublished and uncensored version of Sefer Nekiyut U-Ferishut (“The Book of Cleanliness and Abstinence”) preserved in Perl’s archives — which Assaf has now published for the first time — the seer of Lublin became so drunk that he had to leave his Hasidim so he could “crash” for a while in his upstairs bedroom. At one point during the night, he got up to urinate — out of the window, of course — and with his “holy scepter in his hand” he fell into the septic pool that lay beneath. Later that night, two Hasidim who went out to “use” the cesspool found their holy master there, holding on to his erect penis — a pre-Cialis phenomenon that they could interpret only as a sign of the seer’s prophetic powers. (Or as mockingly described in this version: “They approached him, turned him over and found that his bris had remained faithful to him and steadfast in his hand, and thus proclaimed: ‘Aha! Let this be a miraculous sign to the House of Israel. So the word went forth from Lublin that Rabbi Isaac was among the prophets.”). [Kikes – if they weren’t wrecking nations, we could store then in zoos and charge fees.] The rabbi never recovered from his injuries and died later that year, not surprisingly on the fast day of the Tisha B’Av.

      Assaf judiciously rejects both the apologetic, messianic explanation of the Hasidim and the satirical, polemical misuse of the khoyze’s drunken fall by the Maskilim. Instead, he proposes that this was the second suicide attempt by Rabbi Horowitz, who was famously prone to long periods of depression. Based on clearly authentic Hasidic sources, Assaf reveals that many years before his 1814 window jump, the khoyze tried to throw himself off a mountaintop near the town of Lizensk and was saved from certain death only when his hiking companion, Rabbi Zelke of Grodzitsk, grasped his gartel in the nick of time. (Could the midair gartel suspension of the khoyze have inspired bungee-jumping ? Assaf leaves this question to future generations of Hasidic historians.)

      Many Americans were shocked earlier this year by the revelations of intense intra-Hasidic violence that accompanied the battle for leadership of Satmar Hasidism between the respective followers of rabbis Aharon and Zalman, after the death of their father, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum. But next to Assaf’s chapter on the violent persecution of Bratzlaver Hasidim of the mid 19th century, perpetrated mainly by rabbis David Twersky of Talne and Yitzhak Twersky of Skver, contemporary Satmar skirmishes appear quite tame. In addition to their anti-Bratzlav activities, Assaf recounts the general tendency of the Talner and Skverer Hasidim to use intimidation and a variety of violent means, including death threats, rock throwing, home invasions and hostile synagogue takeovers, to “conquer” a string of shtetls in the southern Ukraine in the mid 1860s. The violence got so bad that the tsarist government was finally compelled in 1868 to issue a law prohibiting Hasidic rebbes in the Ukraine from extending their leadership beyond their own towns. But as Assaf documents, the persecution of Bratzlaver Hasidim continued even after the Holocaust, in Jerusalem and Brooklyn in the 1970s and ’80s.

      The other chapters are profiles of a number of complex and troubled Hasidic rabbis, some of whom ended up leaving the fold. Assaf has also published for the first time a number of explosive manuscripts that have languished, unexamined, in both European and Israeli archives for almost two centuries. The very last, and most moving, of his seven chapters includes the full text of a shocking letter sent in 1910 by the deeply depressed young rebbe of Shpikov, Yitzhak Nachum Twersky — scion of the most distinguished Ukrainian Hasidic dynasty, which included the rebbes of Tchernobyl, Skver and Talne — to a Warsaw writer, Yaakov Dineson. On the eve of his marriage to the Belzer rebbe’s daughter, whom he had never met, the despondent young Twersky was clearly desperate, if unable, to escape his “tiny and ugly” Hasidic world:

      “I send you my portrait…as I wanted you to see and comprehend the terrible dissonance and distance between my inner life and my outer world….I despise the people around me, loathing their way of life…I have good taste and love beauty but I am obliged to wear the clothes of the uncivilized: A long silk kapoteh down to my feet, and a shtreimel of tails — that is our badge of shame….And what a terrible thought to think where I am now going. To a ‘harem’ in the town of Belz….Coerced to marry a woman from there, my gloomy life here with all its black darkness will seem bright by comparison.”

      As it turns out, Rabbi Twersky’s marriage to the Belzer rebbe’s daughter was a happy one, and he not only remained in the hasidic fold but also became a revered rebbe in his own right; however, many of the other Hasidic lives discussed in Assaf’s remarkable book proceeded far less blissfully.

      Assaf is not satisfied with verifying and clarifying the obscure scandals and crises of Hasidic history; equally important are the incredible lengths to which the internal chroniclers of Hasidic history have gone to censor, repress or recast these scandals. Assaf’s book effectively constitutes a double-barreled assault on the apologetic narrative of Hasidic historiography and the exaggerated misuses of these embarrassing episodes by modernizing Jewish historians to discredit Hasidism entirely, both of which have molded the lives of Hasidic rebbes according to false stereotypes.

      The real importance of Assaf’s research is the extent to which it complicates the hitherto regnant accounts of Hasidic history, both the romantic and the polemical. By examining the inner demons and doubts that tormented a variety of hasidic leaders, torments that evoked a wide spectrum of responses, from conversion and suicide, to alienation and despair, Assaf enriches our understanding of the hasidic world. far from disdaining his subjects, assaf succeeds finally in humanizing them by cutting through the apologetic mythologies of the hasidim and the polemical mockery of their opponents and demonstrating the natural frailties of even the most pious and revered of men.

      Allan Nadler is a professor of religious studies at Drew University.

      [Good lord, what a shit-people the dirty hassids are.]

    11. alex Says:


      We Are One, But Not the Same

      Abraham Foxman | Fri. August 25, 2006

      Relations between Israel and American Jews, by now an old and recurring subject for discussion, have come to the surface again, this time on the editorial page of the Forward (“The Third Front,” August 4). Writing about the conflict in Lebanon, the Forward calls for a greater role for American Jews in Israeli decision-making because what Israel does has significant, and often negative, consequences for American Jews.

      The editorial seeks to hoist American Jewish organizations on their own petard by referring to the mantra of so many of these organizations of “we are one.” Well, if we are one and we are also directly affected by what Israel does, the Forward reasons, then we must have a say.

      The theme that what Israel does can have negative consequences for American Jews is, of course, not new. Indeed, anti-Zionists in the community at the time of Israel’s founding justified their anti-Zionism on the grounds that supporting Israel would imperil American Jews by leaving them open to the charge of dual loyalty. Thus, they argued, American Jews must have nothing to do with Zionism. Now, we are hearing similar concerns about the impact Israel’s actions have on our lives, but with a very different solution: more, not less, involvement.

      On the surface, this approach sounds very appealing. It speaks to one of the great challenges that face the community: a growing apathy toward the Jewish state. Linked to the anxiety over sustaining Jewish identity in America, the notion of American Jews having more say in what Israel does on security and policy matters might be one way to enhance and deepen the commitment of American Jews to Israel.

      In reality, however, this is not a compelling idea. It misses the essential nature of the relationship and in the end would have the effect of damaging relations. “We are one” is a meaningful statement if understood in context. What happened in France several years ago illustrates that context. As antisemitism in France was reaching a peak, then-prime minister Ariel Sharon called on French Jews to leave their country and make aliya. The French Jewish community was outraged and made their feelings known to Israeli leadership. Thereafter, Sharon and other Israeli officials showed much more sensitivity in addressing the future of Jews in France.

      This incident highlights the parameters of the “we are one” concept. It focuses on the reverse side of involvement, that of Israel intervening in the local affairs of a Diaspora community. It speaks to elements of unity and diversity in the relationship.

      Aspects of Israeli-Diaspora relations urgently demand more involvement with one another, more demonstrations of unity and equality. Issues of Jewish education and identity are classic examples of need for this approach.

      Any ideas or projects that further emphasize that we are a people with one heritage, one religion and one history, and that we are all strengthened and bound together the more we know about that history and those texts, is something to be encouraged. There are so many ways that the concept “we are one” can be fulfilled through educational, political and social service vehicles.

      The French Jewish example points to the diversity factor in the relationship. Within the context of emotional ties between Israel and the Diaspora, there exist very different realities and responsibilities. Israel plays a vital role in standing up for and even rescuing endangered Jewish communities. But it must take into account the independence of a free Jewish community such as exists in France, and cannot simply make statements on its own that may impinge adversely on the life of the community.

      American Jewry’s relationship to Israel also manifests similar complex elements. When it comes to Israel’s security, there is no doubt that American Jews play a significant role — not in the way our enemies claim, either as controllers of America’s policy or working for Israel’s interests against America’s, but significant nevertheless. Still, we understand that we are limited partners when it comes to Israel’s basic security.

      Only those who live and vote in Israel, who directly experience the consequences of governmental decisions, such as to go to war against Hezbollah, should sit at the table. We are Zionists, but we are not on the same level as those who live their Zionism — practically, if not always ideologically — every day.

      This is not merely an abstract distinction. Can one imagine American Jewish representatives having input on Cabinet decisions or even discussions as to whether Israel should go to war against Hezbollah? It is ludicrous on its face.

      It would only serve to strengthen many times over the cynicism that some Israelis have toward Diaspora Jews. It would alienate many American Jews from Israel because their efforts to get the Jewish state to take into consideration concerns perceived to be of far less importance would be frustrated. If Sharon’s intrusion into the life of French Jews was seen as insensitive and problematic, how much more so would Israelis see it as inappropriate if French Jews had demanded a role in determining Israel’s behavior toward the Palestinians on the grounds that such behavior was directly affecting Muslim attitudes toward Jews in France?

      Roles and responsibilities aside, it is important to make clear that in the American context, the benefits to American Jews of Israel’s existence far outweigh any negative impact. It is no accident, though other issues are also at play, that American Jewry has become many times more comfortable as Americans at exactly the time that Israel came into being and flourished.

      There is much work to be done to improve and solidify Israeli-Diaspora relations. There are so many ways we can show each other we care. The last thing we need is for American Jews to claim the right to inject themselves into the life-and-death decisions that Israel’s democratically elected government and its citizens have to confront on a daily basis.

      Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, is author of “Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism” (HarperSanFrancisco, 2003).


    12. alex Says:


      Genetic Diseases? Yes. But Must We Call Them ‘Jewish’?

      Sander Gilman | Fri. August 25, 2006

      The extraordinary science of genetics, which is in the process of describing the very nature of our natures, is still in its infancy. The claims made for genetics, a science as narcissistic as any infant, generally outstrip the science’s ability to define or treat genetic illnesses. Yet there is an undeniable power in the notion that some people carry within them the seeds of their own and their children’s illnesses. But there is also a risk: In a world of interrelated databanks and insurance that can be canceled at a moment’s notice, would anyone want to be labeled as “at risk”? Is there any benefit to being a member of a collective that is seen as suffering from its very own genetic diseases?

      When it comes to Jews, even the best of the recent work on genetic inheritance is tainted with the idea that Jews constitute a “race” and not a peoplehood. The curse of racial theory and its culmination in the Shoah should make us ever vigilant about the misappropriation of scientific claims as applied to “the Jews,” even when it is sweetened with praise. In a much-discussed study published last year, three University of Utah anthropologists suggested that Jewish “superior” intelligence was the result of the selective “inbreeding” of Jews. The study proceeded to link the “genetics of intelligence” with the prevalence of “Jewish genetic diseases.” The authors wrote: “Perhaps most of the characteristic Ashkenazi genetic diseases fall into this category. Selection has imposed a heavy human cost: not crippling at the population level, cheaper than the malaria-defence mutations like sickle cell and G6PD deficiency, but tragic nonetheless.” Jews may be smart, but the cost is that they are an “ill people.” Of course, being an “ill people” was also a charge made by 19th-century antisemitic science.

      Are the Jews an “ill people”? Well, there is a history to this. In the United States, the National Foundation for Jewish Genetic Diseases has identified nine genetic diseases as “being the most common among Jews of Eastern European or Ashkenazi descent.” The diseases include Tay-Sachs; Bloom’s syndrome, in which about 10% of those affected also have diabetes; Canavan disease, a progressive neurological disorder; dystonia, which affects movement control; Fanconi anemia, which often leads to leukemia; familial dysautonomia, a disease of the nervous system; Gaucher disease, a metabolic disorder; Niemann-Pick disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, and the most recently discovered “Jewish” genetic disease, mucolipidosis, a neurological disorder. Labeling these diseases “Jewish,” especially in the public press, has created the impression that mainly “Jews” (defined variously as an ethnic, religious or biological group) carry and manifest them. The reality, however, belies this claim. A collective can’t carry a disease; only individuals can.

      Medical genetics today offers little but the identification of potential risk for such individuals. As Keith Wailoo and Stephen Pemberton show in their new book, “The Troubled Dream of Genetic Medicine: Ethnicity and Innovation in Tay-Sachs, Cystic Fibrosis, and Sickle Cell Disease” (Johns Hopkins), the pitfalls associated with genetic testing (fear, absence of choice) may often outweigh the advantages. The boundaries surrounding these diseases are seen to be absolute, even though there are, for example, regular reports of cases of Tay-Sachs beyond the “Jewish” community, as the disease is also present in non-Jewish communities in Louisiana and Quebec.

      Yet there are diseases that do seem to be limited to Eastern European Jews. The case of familial dysautonomia can be taken as almost paradigmatic. The Web site of the Familial Dysautonomia Hope Foundation has made the link explicit: “Our logo shows a small case ‘fd’ to reflect the medical expression of the autosomal recessive nature of FD genetics. The letters are in an upswept Star of David to symbolize our optimism for the future; the Star of David in recognition of the predominantly Jewish inheritance of this disorder (our ‘founder,’ who had the first mutation several hundred years ago, undoubtedly lived in a Polish shtetl).” Dysautonomia thus becomes a “Jewish” disease, and all its sufferers become part of an extended family, an imagined community linked by their common ancestor, who happened to be a Jew. But why a Jew? Because in Central Europe and in Russia, Jews rarely, if ever, felt themselves to be Polish or Russian. Had they, would we speak of familial dysautonomia as a “Polish genetic disease”? Probably not. We would speak of it as being limited to the offspring of a specific individual and as a mutation that appeared first in a specific location.

      One mother of a child with familial dysautonomia wrote to me that she saw a particularly “Jewish” difficulty in constructing such an extended, public family: “My armchair theory is that Jewish families have some difficulty accepting children who do not have a bright future (as opposed to, in general, Catholic families). In the Hasidic community, kids with FD are often ‘hidden’ (according to the main doctor who treats the disorder).” This strikes me as a problem intimated in the Utah study. What do you do with genetic diseases that create Jews who are other than “smart”?

      A historical model for the dangers of speaking about “Jewish diseases” can be found in the story of diabetes. For hundreds of years it was understood as being transmitted within specific groups (in the scientific language of the 19th century, “races”) such as blacks and Jews. Diabetes is a good case study for such questions because it is a disease that has two forms, one of which is clearly transmitted genetically; the other may be present as a genetic predisposition — with a strong environmental factor. In the 19th century, when this distinction was not understood, labeling blacks or Jews as diabetic races was a means of labeling these groups as inferior. Even Jewish scientists at the turn of the century accepted the racial stigmatization of diabetes. Rather than being seen as a disease of individuals, diabetes was the fault of “the Jews.” Diabetes as the “Jewish disease” became a curse on all Jews, and part of the anxiety about being Jewish or having Jewish ancestry. These things have a way of shifting; today, the general consensus is that diabetes is not a particularly Jewish illness.

      “Race” has reappeared today in categories such as “Jewish genetics diseases,” as if the pseudoanthropological definitions of race of the 19th and 20th centuries are identical with the idea of genetic cohorts in contemporary science. While any individual Jew may show the impact of any number of genetically transmitted diseases, “Jewish” or not, binding this evident fact to a homogenous biological definition of a Jew leads to misrepresentations and potentially bad medicine. The desire to draw clear lines between different populations is perhaps intrinsic to human nature. The need to define and control is built into all social groups as central to their self-definition. But, in the long run, it is probably better if Jews are spared the label of being an “ill people,” and for all individuals, Jewish or not, to undergo genetic testing to at least identify those potential illnesses that they or their children may have, independent of their self-definition as “Jews.”

      Sander Gilman, the author of more than 70 books, is a distinguished professor of the liberal arts and sciences at Emory University.


    13. alex Says:

      [Reader writes:]

      What’s Wrong with This Picture?

      In 1991, the American Jewish community was sufficiently influential to have the US Congress declare the Noahide Laws of the Talmud to be the basis “upon which our great Nation was founded.” (6)

      In 1999, the American Jewish community was sufficiently influential to have an amicus brief accepted by the US Supreme Court. The brief was based wholly on Talmudic law. (See Sentence and Execution, URL in footnote (22))

      In 2002, the American Jewish community was sufficiently influential to arrange to use the US Supreme Court building as a banquet hall to serve a kosher dinner. The occasion marked the founding of the National Institute for Judaic Law. (16) The Institute has the stated purpose of injecting Talmudic law into American law and society. Two hundred people, including three Supreme Court Justices, attended. There is no doubt that those who arranged the dinner have great influence.


    14. alex Says:



    15. alex Says:



    16. alex Says:


      Jews want UN to pay for Lebanon damages

      NSNS Friday, 18 August 2006

      Remember the famous example of chutzpah? A brat kills both parents and then begs the judge for mercy because he’s an orphan!. Now, after all the wanton death and destruction caused by Israeli aggression against Lebanon and all the billions in damage to its civilian infrastructure and environment— after all of this, the Jews have the unmitigated nerve, the unmitigated gall, not only to blame someone else for their own foul deed, but to ask that other party to PAY for what they themselves have done!

      Take a look at this one just in from the horse’s mouth:

      Petition wants U.N. reparations for Israel

      Pro-Israel advocates launched a petition calling on the United Nations to provide reparations to Israel for damage caused by Hezbollah.
      The petition says the “U.N. Security Council failed to discharge its obligation. It allowed Hezbollah to entrench itself in southern Lebanon and to spread its terror to the people of Lebanon.”

      As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had garnered more than 34,000 signatures.



      Continuing the fight for a better world —

      Dept E
      PO Box 270486
      Milwaukee WI 53227

    17. alex Says:

      And Pigs Fly: Daddy says spy son isn’t Jewish
      By Curt Maynard

      Daddy says Ariel’s not a Jew, so therefore it must be true; at least that’s how Time Magazine sees it [Or more likely, wants you and I to see it]. Of course Time inc. is a “Jewish company,” at least according to the Jewish journalist Michael Wolfe, who wrote an article several years ago, attesting to this fact.[1] Time Magazine, in an article entitled “Did the Sailor go Overboard,” quoted Ariel Weinmann’s father Robert as saying, “his son is not Jewish,” which is a joke really. Perhaps Mr. Weinmann, or Time’s editors were being cryptic; perhaps his son isn’t a “practicing Jew,” which by the way, most Jewish Americans aren’t, most ethnic Jews in the United States do not attend synagogue, nor do they hold any strong religious views, most Jews are secularists, not religious.[2] But I assure you that Ariel Weinmann is an ethnic Jew, I guarantee it, because Weinmann is NOT a named derived from Germanic origins, but it is listed thousands of times on Jewish surname databases like JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy.[3] The name Ariel is absolutely Jewish, i.e. Ariel Sharon – duh, it means “Lion of God,” in Hebrew[4] and is often used as another name for Jerusalem, but it is not, nor has it ever been, commonly used by Christians. It is however listed on a database that notes, “The names listed here are commonly used by Jews.”[5]

      An extensive search on several non-Jewish surname databases revealed to this writer that the surname “Weinmann,” is not derived from German, the closest Germanic surname to Weinmann in these databases is “Weiman,” of which the Germanic etymology is associated with one who makes and/or produces wine.[6] During WWI many German-Americans “Anglicized,” their names in an effort stave off persecution, but most Weiman’s that changed their names, changed it to “Wyman,” not Weinmann, which would have been pointless, as it still revealed the Germanic origins of the name, so why bother? No dear reader, don’t be fooled, Ariel Weinmann is as Jewish as a kosher pickle at a New York Bar Mitzvah.

      It’s going to take more than Time Magazine’s latest tomfoolery to get away with this bit of chicanery – even the typical self-absorbed, MTV watching moron is unlikely to swallow this BS whole. Perhaps this is why the Virginia Pilot’s Kate Wiltrout left Robert Weinmann’s statement regarding the idea that his son isn’t Jewish out of her article published a day after the Time disinformation piece entitled “Father dismisses ‘speculation’ on espionage charges against sailor,” but at the same time managed to keep the enigmatic insinuation that perhaps the stories floating around on the blogosphere, like mine entitled “Another Spy Story Suppressed to Save Israel,” are based solely on “speculation.”[7] Wiltrout quotes Mr. Weinmann as saying:

      “People have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about,” Robert Weinmann, Ariel’s father, said in an telephone interview on Wednesday from Salem, Ore… “Everything is speculation,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, this thing is extremely serious. … This whole thing is devastating. It’s beyond comprehension.”[8]

      Please note dear reader that Ms. Wiltrout does NOT dredge up the most unlikely idea that Ariel Weinmann is not Jewish, like Time Magazine’s moronic [or complicit] Douglas Waller, the author of the aforementioned article “Did the Sailor go Overboard,” despite the fact that Waller gave her an opening, or an opportunity to quote the lies of an allegedly reputable journalist working for an allegedly reputable news magazine.
      Wake up America! They’re lying to you!

      [1] http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/media/columns/medialife/4322/
      [2] Dennis Prager, a Jew, wrote a couple well received essays earlier this year [2006] entitled “Explaining Jews,” part I and II, who stated the following “To understand Jews, one must understand that most Jews are not religious. This is true even if our definition of “religious” is minimal, i.e., observant of any specifically Jewish religious laws, attends synagogue once a month or even declares a belief in God.” http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/apologia/vpost?id=890012. The following Jewish organizations have posted articles/essays acknowledging, that “Most Jews are not religious.” Jewish Outreach Institute – http://joi.org/blog/index.php?p=68, Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community – http://www.eljc.org/ljVisitNotes.html, Intermountain Jewish News – http://www.ijn.com/archive/2003%20arch/111403.htm, Front Page Magazine – http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21013,
      [3] http://www.jewishgen.org/
      [4] http://surnames.behindthename.com/
      [5] http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/jew.php
      [6] http://www.behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=ariel&nmd=n&gender=both&operator=or

      [7] http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/
      [8] http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?story=108986&ran=36156


    18. alex Says:

      Iran will fire ballistic missiles on Israel if attacked cleric – Yahoo! News



    19. alex Says:

      SHOULD THERE BE TOUGHER PENALTIES FOR HATE CRIMES? These are mostly all White people answering this, in my local “news” paper…..Mike


    20. alex Says:

      About time for the Slavic peoples to wheedle some reparations out of the
      “former” Judeo-Soviets…


    21. alex Says:

      Please help. (And specify pineapple & HAM) Heh.


    22. alex Says:


      All Four Heavyweight Boxing Champions are White

      RePortersNoteBook memo:

      I think it’s hilarious that Eastern Europeans now hold all four heavyweight
      boxing titles and suddenly nobody’s ever heard of the sport. Boxing is
      dominated by economic have-nots. Eventually, Eastern Europeans will catch up economically and assuming African-Americans will still be economically discriminated against, will again dominate the heavyweight division.


      Maskaev is WBC heavyweight champ
      August 13, 2006

      Kazakhstan-born Oleg Maskaev stopped Hasim Rahman in the last round to win the WBC heavyweight title in Las Vegas.

      Rahman, who was the lone US-born world champion, trailed narrowly on points going into the final round and was stopped with 43 seconds left.

      Maskaev’s victory means fighters from ex-Soviet countries hold all four major belts at heavyweight.

      Maskaev, who became a US citizen in 2004, was upset at Rahman being dubbed “America’s Last Line of Defence”.

      “I believed up to the last minute I could win this fight,” said the
      37-year-old Maskaev.

      “I got used to him as the fight wore on and I knew with three rounds left, I
      had to win them all to win the fight.

      “I’m proud of where I come from, but I consider myself a Russian-American. This is a message to everyone: European fighters are tough.”

      Maskaev, a former Russian Army officer, entered the fight on a 10-bout
      winning streak, albeit mostly against unimpressive competition.

      But the father of four earned a mandatory title shot with a persistence that
      prompted his promoters to compare him to 1930s’ champion, James J Braddock, the famed “Cinderella Man”.

      Maskaev knocked Rahman, 33, into the lap of a television commentator when the two last met in 1999 and the rematch was nearly as dramatic.

      Rahman came out of the blocks the quickest and landed big right hands in the first, second and fourth rounds.

      Maskaev took the fifth, sixth and seventh rounds with a superior workrate
      before Rahman surged back in the eighth.

      However, Maskaev enjoyed a second wind in the ninth and caught his opponent with a stunning left hook at the end of the penultimate round.

      Maskaev led 106-103 on judge Jerry Roth’s scorecard entering the 12th, while Anek Hongtongkam favoured Rahman 106-103.

      Glenn Trowbridge had Maskaev ahead 105-104, leaving Rahman in need of a 12th-round victory to force a draw.

      Sensing victory, Maskaev sent Rahman down with a big right in the opening stages of the final round.

      Rahman struggled to his feet but was unable to even keep his guard up as
      Maskaev continued his vicious assault, prompting referee Jay Nady to wave the contest off.

      Rahman claimed the punch that staggered him occurred while Nady was telling the fighters to break, but still blamed himself for the defeat.

      “I put my hands down, and he caught me with a shot,” Rahman said.

      “I never thought that he would be taking the world title out of Las Vegas
      tonight. I’m going to have to watch the tape and see what I did wrong.

      “I think American heavyweights are a little spoiled, make too much money too quick and lose sight of the grand prize which is to win the title and keep it.”

      Rahman won the undisputed heavyweight crown in 2001 with his stunning
      knockout of Lennox Lewis, but lost it seven months later when Lewis knocked him out in a rematch.

      He became a champion for the second time after Vitali Klitschko’s retirement and his first title defence was a draw with James Toney in March.

      Russia’s Nikolay Valuev is the WBA champion, Wladimir Klitschko of the Uk
      raine has the IBF crown and the WBO’s title-holder is Serguei Lyakhovich of Belarus.

    23. alex Says:

      Mad Mel and the Talmud

      Two things, read this & after tonight, no more talk about Mel Gibson.


    24. alex Says:

      Rudolf Hess statement:

      “… I shall not defend myself against accusers,
      whom I deny the right to level charges. I shall
      not argue about accusations dealing with things
      that are internal German matters and therefore
      are no business of outsiders.

      “I shall not comment on remarks intended to sully
      the honor of myself or German people as a whole.
      I consider such aspersions of our opponents as
      a badge of honor.

      “For many years of my life, I was granted the honor
      of serving under the greatest son whom my people
      has produced in its thousand-year history.

      “Even if I could, I would not erase this period from
      my life. I am happy to know that I have done my
      duty toward my folk, my duty as a German, as a
      National Socialist, as a true follower of the Führer.

      “I regret nothing. If I were to begin all over again,
      I would act again as I did — even if I knew that what
      awaited me in the end was the stake at which I was
      to be burned alive. It makes no difference what men
      may do to me. One day I shall stand before the
      judgment seat of the Eternal. To Him I shall answer;
      and I know that He will pronounce me innocent.”

      before the Allied show trial, Nuremberg, 1946

    25. alex Says:


      Things went perfectly today. My new show; Kill America Now! debuts Saturday, 9/16/06 @ 2100, Ch. 73/98 (COMCAST/COX) and runs biweekly until 8/17/07. You can see my program blurb at the Access Tucson website at the given URL:


      Let it here be noted that I emerge triumphant, with Clean and Righteous Mind and Soul despite over 2 years of hideous oppression by the Forces od Ignorance and Evil. The new show will address the need of Humanity at large, NOT the vile criminal psychotics currently infesting much of the North American continent. Duhbyuh Bush declared Uhmerikuh’z sick krusade against Humanity with his infamous “Yer eethur wiyuth us er against us” speech. I now am proud to Pledge Eternal Alliegiance to Humanity and God, contra the satanic abomination called “America.”

      Like Tolkien’s Hurin Thalion, I mock the Power of Darkness even though I be chained into a high seat and made to watch the Shadow curse my family unto their bitter end. For it will be known of my steadfast and righteous hatred of jew-masonic-oppression that I was Born to be Aryan, Now and Forever.

      DEATH to America!

      St. Geraldus Maximus

      “Many people do not understand me Ananda, as they are too BUSY, dancing and leaping about.” — Buddha to his nephew and disciple Ananda

      “All Action arises from Ignorance.” — Buddha to his nephew and disciple Ananda

      But the supreme blight, Ignorance, is the blight of blights. Destroying this blight, be free of blights, bhikkhus. –Dhammapada, C-10 v243

    26. alex Says:

      Interesting video of someone holding a “Mel Gibson was Right” sign at an
      anti-war rally and being surrounded by “anti-racists” screaming at him.

      Interesting to consider what a strategy for dealing with this should be…


    27. alex Says:

      Professor Shamir WEZ:

      Praise the Prophets! I am dancing both the Mexican Hat Dance and the
      Hatikva! Over half of the Mexican cabinet officers are Jews. They amount
      to only 100,000 (0.1%) of the population but they are 100% responsible for the invasion of our country by Mexicans. We are happy to see them go home.

      Tell your Judenfuhrer, may he live long, to keep up his great work in
      Lebanon. I want to see all of the Sand Negroes back in Arabia. LIBG! TYIJ!

      Donald E. Pauly
      Zionist Rastafarian
      23rd in Av, 5766


      Three Planes of Jewish Immigrants From Canada, US & UK Arrive
      17:10 Aug 17, ’06 / 23 Av 5766
      by Ezra HaLevi

      Three airplanes filled with Jewish immigrants – from the United States,
      Canada and England – touched down in Israel Wednesday. The day marked a new record in Aliyah from the West. The three flights were organized by the Nefesh b’Nefesh Aliyah assistance organization, in conjunction with the Jewish Agency.

      The plane from the United Kingdom was the first, and marks an expansion of Nefesh b’Nefesh’s operations beyond North America – from where the groups’s first 18 flights took off. In his speech to the newcomers, NBN co-founder Rabbi Yehoshua Fass said that the organization would soon be launching its Aliyah assistance programs in Mexico as well. “You shall inherit the land and you shall settle it,” Rabbi Fass told the crowd of new arrivals. “The moment you step off the plane you inherit the product of many years of sacrifice, blood and tears. Now you must settle the land, loving and embracing it.”

      The Re-Engagement war and the days-old ceasefire were on many arrivals’ minds, and the decision to come despite the difficult situation was a prominent theme in the welcome speeches by dignitaries. The president of El Al said that some of the pilots who flew the new immigrants to their new home were flying fighter jets in Lebanon just days ago.

      Prime Minister Ehud Olmert also attended the ceremony, saying Aliyah is the greatest expression of confidence in Israel’s future.

    28. alex Says:

      Mamhout Ahmadinejad, you gotta love the guy!

      Since three days he is also blogging at:

      http://www.ahmadinejad.ir (also with English section)


      The site was down the first day due to too many visitors, but now it is back with a bang!

      Guess what, apparantly the site is targetting visitors with Israeli IP-addresses with Trojan-like viruses ;-)))

      Read more here:



    29. alex Says:

      Germany’s Government Hopes to Raise Birth Rate

      You dirty kikes ain’t going like reading this… Whites having more babies is worse then Christ, Hitler, holohoax deniers, Rev. Matt Hale, or Mel when drunk….Right kikes?….


    30. alex Says:

      Five accused of hate crime after confrontation

      The Janesville Gazette

      ADL trained PIGS arrest three White men & a White woman…


    31. alex Says:

      For more details on attending the ‘Holocaust’ Conference in Tehran 11-12 December 2006

      pllease contact Mr. Mohammadi at the address below:
      Address: Tehran, shahid Bahonar (Niavaran) Street , Shahid Aqhaei Street,(IPIS),
      Post Box: 19395/1793
      Tel No: (+98 – 21) 22802656-7
      Fax No: (+98 – 21) 22802649
      E-Mail: [email protected]
      Web Site: http://www.ipis.ir

    32. alex Says:

      August edition of Right Now!

      Right Now!
      Box 361, 78 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 5AP
      [email protected]

      The August edition 2006 of Right Now!


      A political primal scream – Editorial
      Greek Fire – interview with Taki – Derek Turner
      The limitations and implications of economics – interview with Ezra
      Mishan – Derek Turner
      Personal statement by Frank Ellis
      Dancing with death – Hirsi Ali – – Roger Kershaw
      The road to Byzantium – Luxury Arts of Antiquity
      A Bahraini resident looks at democracy in the Arab world
      Liberal internationalism as a biological phenomenon – Robert Henderson
      Cameron. council houses, and the white man’s burden – Stuart Maclean
      The death of civil society – with apologies – Joan Northam
      Book reviews
      The joy of diversity – Robert Henderson
      John Bull
      Overlooked Briitain

      Sample article

      *Liberal internationalism as a biological phenomenon*

      Robert Henderson looks at the behaviour of Western elites through the
      prism of evolutionary theory

      Liberal internationalist elites have fractured societies which
      previously enjoyed a high degree of racial and cultural homogeneity by
      permitting the
      mass immigration of the racially and culturally different. They have
      undermined national security and reduced domestic employment
      opportunities by removing protection for their own agriculture, commerce
      and industry. They have wilfully suppressed their own cultures through
      manipulation of the education system in particular and public policy
      generally. They have engaged in a ceaseless propaganda conducted through
      the mass media which diminishes the native culture and promotes the
      interests of minority groups. They have dissolved national democratic
      control by entrapping their countries in treaties such as those which
      empower the EU, NAFTA, the WTO and the UN, the consequence of which is
      to greatly restrict the scope for national action.

      Beyond the boundaries of their own countries, these elites have inflated
      through aid the populations of Third World countries beyond that which
      their societies can naturally support. In addition, the traditional
      social and economic arrangements of these countries are eroded by direct
      Western political interference and trade rules which encourage cash
      crops over farming to feed their own people. The consequence of all this
      is an ever growing number of people in the developing world who have a
      desperate urge to move to the rich West, something made ever easier by
      the liberals’ support, tacit or open,

      for continuing mass immigration into the West. At the same time, the
      populations of the liberal elites’ own countries are falling and are
      ever more vulnerable to the effects of the mass immigration being
      promoted by the elite. The necessary eventual consequence is the
      effective colonisation of Western states by immigrants.

      The declining birthrates of the West are themselves the fruit of liberal
      elite decisions to permit abortion on demand, actively to promote the
      feminist agenda and to create economic circumstances which discourage
      reproduction; for example, it is increasingly difficult for a family in
      Britain to be raised on a single average male wage.

      The relaxation of trade barriers weakens their own countries and leave
      them ever more vulnerable as they become progressively less
      self-sufficient, while promoting the wealth and self-sufficiency not
      merely of other states comparable in size, but states – particularly

      India and China – whose individual populations exceed the combined
      populations of Europe and North America.

      Western elites are doing just about everything an organism should not do
      to protect itself: allowing large numbers of those outside the social
      group to enter the group’s territory, removing resources from their
      territory and giving those resources to those outside the group and,
      most bewilderingly, assisting competitor groups to expand their
      population whilst restricting their own.

      Why are liberal elites exhibiting such ostensibly self-destructive
      behaviour? The answer may lie in the fact that elites think of
      themselves as a separate group, a group which extends beyond national
      and cultural boundaries. There is nothing new in this. The medieval
      aristocracies of Western Europe thought themselves part of a chivalric
      whole. The putative advantage to the elites of international elite
      solidarity is that it allows them to weaken their dependence upon their
      immediate (native) populations.

      *How elites evolve*

      England provides a model of how elites can survive through evolution for
      a very long time. From the 14th Century onwards, the general trend was
      to broaden the elite. In the long term, the inexorable movement was
      towards parliamentary government and from monarchical power. During this
      development the wishes of the masses were largely but not entirely
      ignored – the masses made their presence felt through rioting (the
      historian Lewis Namier memorably described the government of 18th
      Century England as “aristocracy tempered by riot”).

      As the franchise broadened, the masses were able to exercise an ever
      larger degree of democratic control, because politics was still national
      and a political party had to respond to the electors’ wishes. The
      elite resented this control over their behaviour and looked around for a
      way to diminish democratic influence. They found the means to do it in

      In a sovereign country, politicians cannot say this or that cannot be
      done if it is practical to do it. That is a considerable block on elite
      misbehaviour. So the elites seem to have decided that the way round this
      unfortunate restraint on their misbehaviour was to commit their
      countries to treaties which would remove the opportunity for the
      electorate to exercise control over policy. In the British case, the
      most notable example is the Treaty of Rome and the subsequent treaties
      which have tied Britain into the EU. Vast swathes of policy are no
      longer within the control of the British parliament because of these
      treaties. Add in the treaties tying Britain to the UN and the WTO and
      the commitment of every mainstream British party to them, and democratic
      control has essentially gone. What has happened in Britain is mirrored
      to a lesser or greater degree throughout the West.

      *Does liberal internationalism make evolutionary sense?*

      Assuming the ultimate biological imperative for any organism is to pass
      on as many of its copies of its genes as possible to future generations,
      the liberal elites might seem to have a considerable advantage because
      the richer and more powerful the person the greater the potential for
      more and better quality mates and consequent offspring. The problem with
      this argument is that elites in the West do not breed prolifically and,
      indeed, have on average fewer children than those of the native masses
      whom they despise. Cultural norms have seemingly subverted biology.

      But cultural norms are ultimately an expression of biology, so how has
      this occurred? I will offer this hypothesis: there is a strong natural
      selfishness in the individual. This is held in check to a greater or
      lesser degree by the social arrangements of a society. A society which
      emphasises tradition will rein in selfishness. Such societies will have
      a strong sense of ‘tribe’ and frequently a religion which emphasises
      the need to have children, demands charitable behaviour and threatens
      punishment in an afterlife. There will also be an absence of any easy
      means of contraception – and quite probably a religious ban on it –
      strictly enforced marriage and the lack of a welfare state. All of these
      things will reinforce social cohesion and the immediate interdependence
      of individuals on one another.

      Such societies are anathema to the modern liberal mind, whose perfect
      society is one from which national feeling has been leached and whose
      members are held together by only a shared sense of ‘rational’
      desires, such as a fair justice system and a good material standard of
      living. Having no sense of tribe they will not see it as a duty to

      Having easy access to contraception, they can copulate at will, yet have
      few children. They even have an ideology which tells them that having
      children is simply a ‘life choice’. Selfishness is made respectable.
      A society has been created in which the restraints on selfishness have
      been loosened too far. The consequence is that the liberal elite behave
      in a way to satisfy themselves at the expense of their descendants.

      *What counts as ‘biological fitness’ in human beings?*

      All organisms other than man pass on their genes in the most obvious and
      straightforward way. The organism breeds and its descendants breed or do
      not breed. In animals which engage in extensive parental care, what
      might be called cultural inheritance plays a part in the transmission
      process with members of the species varying in their ability to nurture
      their offspring. The young of such animals rely on the example of their
      parents and, in the case of social animals, other adults to acquire many
      of the tactics needed to survive.

      But even the biologically fittest of the most socially advanced
      non-human animal cannot pass on an advantage to their offspring which in
      any way approaches that which a human can pass to their children.
      Indeed, man’s behaviour in passing non-genetic advantage from one
      generation to the next is so radically different from that of any other
      organism that it may be the biological imperatives which drive the rest
      of the natural world have been subordinated to this immense ability to
      pass on non-genetic advantage. This ability is driven by the unique
      nature of man, who consciously identifies how advantage may be gained
      and passed on. Biological fitness in humans may be predominantly the
      ability to pass on non-genetic, rather than genetic, advantage.

      It might be argued that inherited non-genetic advantage will dissipate
      over the generations and that few families will maintain their privilege
      over more than a few generations. But the genetic inheritance of a
      family line is soon dissipated reducing by 50% per generation. In other
      words, non-genetic inheritance is at worst no poorer a bet in
      maintaining fitness than genetic inheritance and in some cases a
      considerably better one, because the inherited advantage can be passed
      through a larger number of generations than any meaningful genetic
      legacy – there are aristocratic families in England today who descend
      from nobles who came over with William the Conqueror in 1066.

      If this is a correct interpretation of biological fitness in men, it
      makes sense for elites to grab as much power, wealth and privilege for
      themselves. But the haves must create social circumstances which allow
      them to pass their non-genetic advantages to descendants. It is no good
      enraging the have-nots to such a degree that they simply kill the haves
      or take their privileges away or change the conditions of a society so
      radically that the elite loses control. Yet the latter is precisely what
      modern liberal elites appear to be doing.

      *Can the liberal elite change?*

      It is undoubtedly true that elites as a group only ever have one settled
      principle, namely, to do whatever is necessary to secure their power,
      wealth and privilege. It is also true that liberals have at the personal
      level long feared the consequences of non-white immigration – /vide/ the
      way they choose to live in very white worlds themselves – and since
      911 have begun to openly acknowledge that heterogeneous societies are a
      problem. Many probably want change. The difficulty is that by
      internationalising their ideology through treaties and membership of
      supranational bodies such as the UN and the EU and a commitment to
      /laissez faire/ economics, the liberal elites have surrendered control
      of their own individual national destinies and hence their power readily
      to change matters.

      To this must be added the sheer inertia which is built into an
      international system which has grown since 1945 into an immense heap of
      political and bureaucratic power and privilege. An international army of
      politicians and bureaucrats have the most vested of interests in
      maintaining the status quo.

      Most important is the existence of large populations of unassimilated
      and probably unassimilable recent immigrants and their descendants.
      These populations manipulate the political process through their
      increasing electoral power and the tacit threat of serious violence to
      ensure further immigration from their respective groups, to influence
      foreign policy (including foreign aid) and to maintain the practice of
      allowing unimpeded remittances from the host country to the ancestral

      The liberal elites have seemingly adopted a suicidal strategy. By
      forgetting the importance of the tribe or, rather, mistaking what the
      tribe is – ie, their own national group – they have set themselves on
      the road to oblivion. It might be likened to the evolutionary overshoot
      of certain of the nautiloids, which evolved ever more convolutedly
      spiralled shells until they became biologically unfit and finally
      extinct. Evolution is not just about winners.

      Robert Henderson writes /Right Now/’s “Joy of Diversity” column

    33. alex Says:


      Good Points from Taki

      [Our comment: America has long abandoned genuine “Left” and “Right” politics, despite outward appearances. Now, there are only “good for Jews” or “not good for Jews” questions found within the American political tool kit. It’s a Zionist-constructed kit that only knows one master: Israel. What if America was managed by White people instead of Jews?]:


    34. alex Says:

      These are absolutely incredible quotes which pretty much explain the dangerous political situation the world is in! Maybe these quotations might help American friends better understand the Arabs and their outlook on politics and Israel.


      “The Marxist Zionists who rule Israel and the Marxist Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Middle East war on the side of Israel, and if more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Marxist/Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God’s chosen people will trick the U.S. into a Middle East war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America’s best friends.”

      –Jack Bernstein, author of the book ‘The Life of an American Jew Living in Racist Marxist Israel.’

      “The Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) was busy at the time preparing for Operation Brush Fire, aimed at getting the United States involved militarily in the Middle East in general and in the Gulf region in particular. By January 1989 the Mossad machine was busy portraying Saddam as a tyrant and a danger to the world. The Mossad activated every asset it had, from volunteer agents in Amnesty International to fully bought members of the US Congress…The media was supplied with “inside information” from “reliable sources” on how the crazed leader of Iraq killed people with his bare hands and used missiles to target Iranian cities. The Mossad wanted the Americans to do the work of destroying that gigantic army in the Iraqi desert so that Israel would not have to face it one day on its own border.”

      –Ex-Israeli Intelligence officer Victor Ostrovsky, describing in his book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ how the Mossad maneuvered the American government and military into fighting Iraq in the first Gulf War.

      “I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a time of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States.”

      –Osama Bin Laden, September 2001

      “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”

      –Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan

      “Our armed forces are not the thirteenth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us, and I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under.”

      –Remarks of Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University.

      “All gentile children are animals.”
      The Babylonian Talmud, Judaism’s most holy book, Yebamoth 98a
      “Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I’ll tell you what I think the real threat is and has been since 1990 –it’s the threat against Israel. And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don’t care deeply about that threat, and the American government doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.”

      –Philip Zelikow, member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), which reports directly to the president.

      “Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.”

      –Ariel Sharon, 1982

      “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting off of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”

      –Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, May 1948

      “The Jews I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many get murdered or mistreated as long as they themselves get special treatment. When they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin have anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment of the underdog.”

      –US President Harry S Truman

      “The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence was only a bluff, a deliberate lie which we developed after the war to justify our actions.”

      –Israeli General Matityahu Peled

      “Since the Mossad had all the security arrangements in hand, it would not be a problem in bringing the killers as close as they wanted to President Bush and then staging his assassination. In the ensuing confusion, the Mossad people would kill the ‘perpetrators,’ scoring yet another victory for the Mossad. With the assassins dead, it would be difficult to discover where the ‘security breach’ had been, except that several countries involved in the conference, such as Syria, were regarded as countries that assisted terrorists.”

      –Ex-Israeli Intelligence officer Victor Ostrovsky, describing in his book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ how the Mossad planned to assassinate President George Bush at the Madrid peace conference in October of 1991 for the purpose of blaming it on Arab extremists.

      “I have learned that the state of Israel cannot be ruled in our generation without deceit and adventurism.”

      –Moshe Sharett, Israel’s first Foreign Minister and later a Prime Minister

      “Never in her history has Israel had the luxury of having 500,000 foreigners fight her wars for her, until now.”

      –Abba Eban, Foreign Minister to Israel, in reference to the 1st Gulf War.

      “I’ve never seen a President –I don’t care who he is –stand up to the Jews. They always get what they want. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms.”

      –Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 to 1974

      “Our goal is to break the West’s confidence in the existing Egyptian regime. This terrorism should cause arrests, demonstrations, and expressions of revenge. The Israeli origin should be totally hidden while attention should be shifted to any other possible factor. The purpose is to prevent economic and military aid from the West to Egypt.”

      — Col. Benjamin Givli, the head of Israel’s military intelligence who outlined the purpose behind the wave of Israeli-orchestrated terrorist acts taking place in Egypt during 1954 in what came to be known as the Lavon Affair.

      “I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world’s future super-power, Israel!”
      “You seem to forget Israel’s nuclear capability. No country will risk getting hit with an atomic bomb, and therefore Israel’s survival is assured. We will also, at a certain point in the coming decades, finally realize the need to exercise ruthlessness, and will blow our Arab neighbors to kingdom come. I am sure you will have the joy of witnessing the first example of the latter policy, when Israel takes action against Iran (and perhaps also Syria) in the coming months.”
      “Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. Israel will come to be the world’s newest superpower. It is our destiny, written in the prophecies of god, written in our ambitions, written in our blood!”
      “Beware, for your kind will come to fear us. The coming 30 years will make your eyes twitch my gentile!”
      “I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world’s supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious.”
      “I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so.”

      –Orri Joseph Avraham, an Israeli citizen

      “In the name of God the Merciful and the Compassionate: Behold this promise to the people of Jerusalem of safe conduct for their persons, property, their churches, their healthy and their sick. Their churches shall neither be used by us as dwellings nor destroyed, and no constraint shall be exercised among them in religion nor shall any harm be done to any of them. This document is placed under the surety of God and the protection of the Prophet Mohammed, the Caliphs and the believers, on condition that the inhabitants of Jerusalem pay the jizya (tax) that is due from them.”

      –The Treaty of Jerusalem, signed between Caliph Omar and the Christians of Jerusalem in 636 AD promising them that they would suffer no religious persecution under Muslim rule.

    35. alex Says:


      Racist ‘Private Police Force’ sets sights on Mexican
      immigrants, plans to make forceful arrests

      Group to hold rally in Old Town Temecula, CA on
      Saturday August 26 from 8-11AM

      North County Times
      San Diego County

      LA CRESTA — Fed up with what it says is a failure on the part of authorities to act on the area’s illegal immigrant problem, a group purporting to be residents of the affluent, sprawling and isolated La Cresta, Tenaja and Santa Rosa communities is vowing to take matters into its own hands.

      A group calling itself Private Police Force announced last week on a new Web site that it will begin doing the job U.S. Border Patrol and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department aren’t doing by conducting citizens’ arrests on illegal immigrants and detaining them.

      If it follows through on its promise, the group would be taking things further than other anti-illegal immigration groups, such as The Minutemen Project, which have previously deployed their members to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border and only report illegal immigrant sightings.

      The Private Police Force is threatening to actually detain illegal immigrants.

      “They will be handcuffed to the Oak Trees,” according to the group’s Web site, so they can be picked up by authorities.

      “Don’t treat this website lightly,” the group states. “We will make Citizens Arrests on Illegal Aliens. We will File Criminal and Civil Complaints if you Hire or House an Illegal. If you have sold a vehicle to an illegal, we will prosecute you under the DMV law too. If you house an illegal, we will also prosecute you under the Zoning Laws.” . . . .

      more at . . . . .


    36. alex Says:


      The Vonbluvens Show website is back up as well

    37. alex Says:

      August 16, 2006


      Rush had missed an opportunity today to
      discuss good name-calling, regarding the
      George Allen dust-up:

      Good Name-Calling

      Also, Rush touted Robert Samuelson’s
      musings about the economy while ignoring
      Paul Craig Roberts’ on-going TRUTH-
      TELLING (( recall that Rush used to cite
      ideas coming from Robert’s WT commen-
      taries during the Nineties )):




    38. alex Says:


      Special Message – Jesus the Immigrant

      Published: 2/15/2006

      We’re in the Sundays after Epiphany, that time after Christmas. What did Jesus and the Holy Family do right after Christmas? They became refugees, immigrating to Egypt, fleeing an oppressive government at home. If Egypt, for all of its pagan limits, had not received Jesus, Mary and Joseph and protected them, then our salvation would have been jeopardized. That’s why Christians have a peculiar slant on issues of immigration. We know the story of Jesus the refugee. Our Lord has commanded us to receive the sojourner, the alien within our gates, remembering that all of us were alienated from God until Jesus showed us hospitality.

      Among Alabama United Methodists, we have had some of our most astounding evangelistic success among Spanish-speaking persons. These sisters and brothers not only found America but also Methodism. The recipient of this year’s Denman Evangelism award is one of our Spanish-speaking pastors who is being unfairly harassed by the INS, costing us much in church dollars to keep him working for Jesus in the U.S.

      Alas, some politicians are attempting to make political hay by making life more difficult for the newest Americans by linking fear of immigration with fear of terrorism. In December the House of Representatives passed HR 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, despite the opposition of many churches. The bill is now in the Senate and may be considered by the Judiciary committee as early as March 2nd.

      It looks to me like this bill is not only mean spirited but also that it fails to address comprehensive immigration reform. It doesn’t include any provision for a guest worker program, an earned legalization program, nor a reduction in the backlogs for family-based immigration. Instead, the bill criminalizes undocumented people for unlawful presence in the United States, and criminalizes people who work or volunteer with faith-based organizations like ours for helping someone in need, who turns out to be undocumented. Personally, I like the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S.1033), introduced by Senators McCain (R-AZ) and Kennedy (D-MA). I have found helpful information at the faith based website: http://www.justiceforimmigrants.org/action.html.

      I urge all of you, as followers of Jesus Christ, the Immigrant, to examine this legislation, let your representatives know how you feel, and prayerfully consider how best to show Christian hospitality in your churches to our fellow immigrants.

      William H. Willimon


    39. alex Says:

      At least Giuseppe tried. Read Giuseppe’s last words, there great! Just think, if Roosevelt got wacked instead of Cermak, there might not of been no WWII, no Israel & no spread of communism in Eastern Europe. So if you folks think that a US postage stamp should be issued for Giuseppe Zangara, email me….. [email protected] Remember, Giuseppe Zangara was an early example of a LONE WOLF…… Mike


    40. alex Says:

      The bastard from Texas says that shitty little pariah state in the Middle East, has “defeated” Hezbollah. I guess you judeo-“Christians” are going to rejoice to this shit, huh? Remember you heaven bound boys & girls to send your hard earned money to Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, John Hagee or Jerry Falwell! Don’t get left behind, you rapture bunnies & don’t forget to pray for WWIII…Mike


    41. alex Says:

      Canadian MP crosses the Jews – forced to resign

      Embattled Liberal MP resigns critic post


    42. Lutjens Says:

      “alex Says:

      The 24th 2006f August, 2006 at 7:27 pm

      Iran will fire ballistic missiles on Israel if attacked cleric – Yahoo! News



      I believe Iran also has Sunburst missiles. These would be deadly for the US fleet in the Persian Gulf, especially the carriers.

    43. mike 18 Says:

      http://pageperso.aol.fr/mike18mi/mike18.html mike 18 mike18 mike 18 gay mike 18 boys mike 18 twinks