16 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/16/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 6:47 am | Permanent Link



They Say “Hate,” We Say “Got Any Onion Dip?”

These so-called crimes used to be called “bias crimes.” But apparently, the word “bias” didn’t pack enough emotion, so the Jewish-created “anti-racism” groups worked to change the term to “hate crimes.” Emotion helps the Jews. They want Sally VoterGal to get misty-eyed about “hate” and “racism.” They don’t want citizens to think. They want citizens to reach for a hanky instead:



There have always been anti- Semitic jokes. But you know times are changing when you go along to a stand-up show at the Pleasance Courtyard at the Edinburgh Fringe and you hear audience members shouting “Throw them in the oven” when the comic suggests kids should stop playing Cowboys and Indians and replace it with Nazis and Jews.

Jewish jokes at the Edinburgh Festival more horror—

Towards the end:”never before has the Jew-hating element been so overt.”

But then see the very last sentence.




Lou Dobbs’s reporter tries to find out the number admitted under H1B. The government lies that it doesn’t have figures, then it tells him that it won’t tell him.


Berlin Exhibition Stirs Painful Memories

Even before it opened its doors, the exhibition “Forced Paths” attracted a lot of controversy in the German and Polish media. The aim of the organisers of the exhibition at the Kronprinzenpalais on Berlin’s Unter Den Linden Avenue is ambitious – to explore the plight of millions of people who were forced to flee their homes in Europe during the 20th Century…. But, controversially, the exhibition also focuses on the suffering of Germans who were expelled from Poland and Eastern Europe after World War ll. The exhibition has been organised by a foundation closely linked to the Federation of the Expelled, which represents 12 to 14 million ethnic Germans, and their descendants, who were forced from their homes.



FISK: Now the Real War Begins

The real war in Lebanon begins today. The world may believe – and Israel may believe – that the UN ceasefire due to come into effect at 6am today will mark the beginning of the end of the latest dirty war in Lebanon after up to 1,000 Lebanese civilians and more than 30 Israeli civilians have been killed. But the reality is quite different and will suffer no such self- delusion: the Israeli army, reeling under the Hizbollah’s onslaught of the past 24 hours, is now facing the harshest guerrilla war in its history. And it is a war they may well lose…. If the ceasefire collapses, as seems certain, neither the Israelis nor the Americans appear to have any plans to escape the consequences.

http://news.independent.co.uk/world/fi sk/article1219037.ece

US Knew in Advance of Israel Attack Plan Israel and the United States were in close contact about Israel’s war on Hezbollah long before it began, a US investigative journalist has claimed. “Israel had devised a plan for attacking Hezbollah, and shared it with Bush administration officials, well before” July 12, Seymour Hersh wrote. The article in the New Yorker magazine relies on many anonymous sources and includes denials from US officials. It does not claim that the US put Israel up to attacking Hezbollah. Seymour Hersh is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, whose past work includes exposing the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and Vietnam’s My Lai massacre.



JEW HERSH: Washington’s Interests In Israel’s War

The Bush Administration was closely involved in the planning of Israel’s retaliatory attacks. President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced, current and former intelligence and diplomatic officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah’s heavily fortified underground-missile and command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel’s security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American preëmptive attack to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations, some of which are also buried deep underground.



‘Sophie’s World’ Author Denounces Israel

Jostein Gaarder, the 54-year-old Norwegian author of the worldwide bestseller “Sophie’s World”, has questioned Israel’s right to exist. “We no longer recognise the State of Israel’s right of existence,” Gaarder wrote in his analysis of the Middle East crisis, for the Aftenposten newspaper of Oslo, Norway. “Israel has massacred its own legitimacy through its unscrupulous warmongering and use of offensive weaponry,” he continued. The author showed his disdain for what he believed is a worldwide tendency to kowtow to Israel’s every whim. “We are expected to react mercifully when the entire Israeli nation is guilty for creating a modern- age Diaspora from the lands which it has been occupying,” Gaarder continued.



REESE: A Taste of Things to Come

The plot to blow up several American and British airplanes over the Atlantic is merely a taste of things to come…. Today, there is no avoiding stating the plain truth: We have a problem. The government is totally paralyzed and is unwilling to issue even the mildest rebuke to Israel, no matter how outrageous its behavior. Why? Because the Israel lobby is so powerful, American politicians are afraid of it…. The only way to win the war on terrorism is to revert to our republican roots and give up imperialism. We’re no good at imperialism anyway. Our foreign policy should be just what George Washington said it should be – trade and commerce with all, entangling alliances with nobody, and absolutely no interference in the internal affairs of any other country.


LOBE: Hard-Line Neo-Cons Assail Israel for Timidity

While much of the world has criticised Israel for carrying out a “disproportionate” war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, hard-line neo-conservatives have attacked the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for timidity. As noted by diplomatic correspondent Ori Nir in this week’s edition of The Forward, the U.S.’ most important Jewish newspaper, the Israeli government and its military’s chief of staff, Gen. Dan Halutz, have been subjected to unusually harsh criticism, including the charge that, by failing to wage a more aggressive war, they were jeopardising Israel’s long-term strategic alliance with Washington.


Nobody’s Victory, But No Defeat for Hizbollah

A month of fighting, more than 1,000 dead, upwards of 800,000 Lebanese displaced and $2 billion worth of damage – for what? Who wins in this bloody debacle, assuming it is coming to an end? Given the continued fighting, that is still a big assumption. Not Israel, certainly. Even while the authors of this military adventure continue to try to carve out some notion of victory to sell the Israeli public, increasingly fewer people are buying it…. Israel has lost one of its most powerful weapons — the psychological sense of its military invulnerability.

What Has Happened to the Israeli Army?

On the 32nd day of the war, Hizbullah is still standing and fighting. That by itself is a stunning feat: a small guerilla organization, with a few thousand fighters, is standing up to one of the strongest armies in the world and has not been broken after a month of “pulverizing”…. In the test of results – the only one that counts in war – the strategic and tactical command of Hizbullah is decidedly better than that of our own army. All along, our army’s strategy has been primitive, brutal and unsophisticated…. Clearly, Hizbullah has prepared well for this war – while the Israeli command has prepared for a quite different war…. On the level of individual fighters, the Hizbullah are not inferior to our soldiers, neither in bravery nor in initiative.



Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is “Propaganda”
Indians says group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan’s ISI

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 16 2006

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair – who yearn for a “new 9/11” to absolve them of domestic political trouble.



In approving an effective ban on marriages between Israelis and Palestinians this week, Israel’s Supreme Court has shut tighter the gates of the Jewish fortress the state of Israel is rapidly becoming. The judges’ decision, in the words of the country’s normally restrained Haaretz daily, was “shameful”.

By a wafer-thin majority, the highest court in the land ruled that an amendment passed in 2003 to the Nationality Law barring Palestinians from living with an Israeli spouse inside Israel — what in legal parlance is termed “family unification” — did not violate rights enshrined in the country’s Basic Laws. And even if it did, the court added, the harm caused to the separated families was outweighed by the benefits of improved “security”.

Israel, concluded the judges, was justified in closing the doors to residency for all Palestinians in order to block the entry of those few who might use marriage as a way to launch terror attacks.


New Jersey’s attorney general resigned on Tuesday after a special prosecutor concluded that she violated state ethics laws in an incident involving her boyfriend and a traffic stop.



August 15, 2006

La Voz de Aztlan Joins the Aztlan Webring

Today our online news and information service joined the
newly created Aztlan Webring. There is now an Aztlan
Webring control panel on our home page at

The creators of the high tech Aztlan Webring describe it as “. . .
a network of websites with similar philosophies and
beliefs. The members and websites of the Aztlan Webring are
not affiliated with each other, but are all united in our
struggle and through the culture and history that we share.
With the Aztlan Webring we hope to spread cultural and
political awareness through education.”

The individual website members of the Aztlan Webring
are linked together in a circular fashion through the control
panel found on each member’s home page. The link on
one member site leads to the next, and so on until one
arrives back to the beginning. One can also visit and choose
an individual site of interest by clicking on “Ring Hub” on
the control panel.

If you have a website which coincides with the theme of the
Aztlan Webring, you can easily request that your site be
added by clicking the “Add Site” link in the control panel.
Select a username and password (alphanumerics only) for your account and then just fill out the form with your site



Guess What Foxman? American’s Don’t Give a Damn!
By Curt Maynard

I for one am not at all surprised to read that eighty-percent of Americans still hold Mel Gibson in high regard, and that a mere six percent say they’ll never see a Gibson film again, I’ve been saying it all along, the vast majority of Americans don’t give a damn that Gibson made some anti-Semitic remarks, they don’t care about Jews anymore than anyone else.[1] You wouldn’t know it though, not if one were to rely on the coverage of the mainstream kosher media, you know the very media that claims to represent the American people, they’ve had nothing but condemnation for Mel from the very beginning. Fox News, the alleged “conservative,” and “fair and balanced” network has been working Mr. Gibson over pretty good, bringing on Jew after Jew and their pathetic Shabbas Goy hacks like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, who claim to really like Gibson, but never forget to properly condemn him first, for his “scurrilous,” and “unfair,” remarks in regards to the poor persecuted Jew.

A recent Fox News poll, albeit a poll not even once mentioned over the airwaves, i.e television, revealed the following:

“The latest FOX News poll finds that 6 percent of Americans say they “definitely” will not go to see Gibson’s movies in the future and another 10 percent say they “probably” won’t go, while eight out of 10 people say his arrest and negative comments about Jewish people will not make a difference to them… Men (83 percent) are slightly more likely than women (77 percent), and Republicans (83 percent) are a bit more likely than Democrats (75 percent) to say the incident will not make a difference in their decision to see Gibson’s movies.”[2]

Then there’s CNN, who has thoroughly covered the “Gibson incident,” never forgetting to remind the viewer about Mel’s bad dad, you know, the “holocaust denier.[3]” MSNBC has jumped on the bandwagon too with Tucker Carlson adding his useless and philo-Semitic fare. The funny thing is – despite the media’s greatest efforts; and Mel’s pathetic conduct in relation to apology, Americans still like Gibson and intend to see his movies. It’s the funniest thing – the media is starting to seriously lose it’s credibility and it’s losing it over some remarks made by a relatively forgettable and unremarkable person, after all, in the end, all Gibson is, is just an actor, director and producer.

Many people find this writer strange, I frequently ask people I’ve never met before, sometimes in impromptu and inappropriate settings and situations, like at the mall or library, how they feel about various issues, i.e. “do you believe the ‘official government version,’ of 9-11,” or “how do you really feel about illegal immigration,” but as a result of engaging in this rather odd and often invasive approach, I long ago figured out that the media is generally full of shit and that nothing reported by it can be trusted.

Consider this – many of us know that more than eighty percent of the American public disapproves of illegal immigration and does not want the twenty million illegal aliens, illegally residing in this country at present to receive amnesty. Despite being a true bipartisan issue, these criminals will receive amnesty, not because the American people want them to, but because our traitorous government officials and the Jewish media want them to. The media will never stop emphasizing the alleged positive aspects of illegal immigrants, sure they’ll pay the idea of deporting them some lip service, but only for the fool’s benefit, when it comes right down to it, the media will always bring on immigrant advocates and present them in a positive light, whereas they’ll bring on the least articulate anti-illegal-immigrant spokespersons and portray them in a negative light, insinuating that they’re somehow racists, and/or thanks to the traitor George Bush, vigilantes, as if that were such a terrible thing. By doing this the media hopes to have its cake and eat it too – ultimately it wants more and more immigrants to enter the United States of America, it divides the population, and prevents citizens from developing a consensus on any issue, leaving our current government and the media in absolute and total command, machiavellian tactics at their finest.

The media will never “get a clue,” and come around to the true American point of view and/or what the public wants. It doesn’t have to; it knows it can make the public do as it likes. In 1940 fully eighty percent of the American people were strongly opposed to becoming involved in Europe’s war, it was a European problem, not an American concern. However, thanks to the media and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the American people eventually “came around,” to the point of view of Roosevelt and the media. What the media never mentioned was that Roosevelt engaged in a foreign policy approach that virtually guaranteed that Japan would attack the United States, Roosevelt’s policies left them no choice whatsoever, he was strangling them economically by placing embargoes on vital raw materials, oil included. Because the typical American was unaware of what Roosevelt was really doing to the Japanese in the Pacific, they were outraged when Japan “cowardly” attacked the United States on December 7, 1941, and they fully supported their President when he declared war on Japan, and Germany soon after. Of course Germany was the real target, but no matter, America would come around to his point of view in the end.

In the same manner the media misinforms the American people about the occupation of Iraq and the fiasco in Afghanistan. It reports what it likes, and suppresses the rest. Mel Gibson is really nothing more than a titillating story designed to do two things, draw the publics attention away from important issues, like Bush’s failed experiment in the Middle east and the public’s growing suspicion that he and the Israel’s may have had something to do with 9-11, and to teach the public a lesson about what happens when someone dares to mention the word “Jew,” in relation to anything but the most altruistic and benevolent of causes.

Wake up America, you’re being taken for a ride.

[1] http://www.mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=541287
[2] http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,208025,00.html
[3] Holocaust skepticism is another issue the Mainstream Media would love to convince the American public is an unacceptable thing to do, but like the Gibson incident, most Americans couldn’t give a damn if someone questions details associated with the so-called holocaust.



Another Spy Story Suppressed to Save Israel

By Curt Maynard

Well guess what reader, the United States government has done it again, they’ve hidden another Jewish spy from the American public, but this time the cats out of the bag, someone leaked the details and now we find that another Jewish American, this time a Navy Petty Officer by the name of Ariel J. Weinmann has been arrested for passing along Top Secret information related to National Security to the Israeli government.

In Weinmann’s case, one can bet the information he stole was of a highly classified nature, you see Weinmann was stationed on an American nuclear submarine, the USS Albuquerque. Despite this, Kate Wiltrout, of theVirginian-Pilot reports:

The Navy originally refused to release basic information about the Weinmann case – including the dates of his Article 32, or preliminary hearing – but reversed course after The Virginian-Pilot revealed Weinmann’s confinement, and the secrecy with which it was being handled.[1]

Many people reading this will automatically assume that the Navy was keeping the case mum so as not to let the Israeli’s know they had caught Weinmann, but this isn’t the case, the Israeli’s probably knew before the Navy that Weinmann had been arrested, the Navy was keeping the case quiet in an effort to keep the American people in the dark, just as the United States government did with more than one hundred and fifty Israeli’s after they had been arrested for espionage just after 9-11, and the five Israeli’s that were arrested on 9-11 as a result of being witnessed by several people laughing while filming the impact of the airliners into the twin towers and clapping one another on the back in a congratulatory manner. The Navy buried Weimann’s case in the hope that the American people would never find out about him and what he did, just as the government did with Asher Karni, an Israeli Jew arrested at Denver International Airport on January 2, 2004 for having sold [past tense] more than sixty nuclear weapon detonators to Pakistan, a country populated by more than three hundred million Muslims, who generally don’t like the United States and where the name “Osama,” is the most popular name for a newborn male child. There are dozens of cases just like these; that have occurred in this country recently, the common denominator is that they all involve ethnic Jews. Another case is that of American citizen, Yehuda Abraham, a New York City Jeweler and Orthodox Jew, who was arrested in 2003 for having sold FBI agents posing as Al Qeada operatives Russian made, shoulder launched, surface to air missiles, with the understanding that they’d be used against Americans on domestic flights. Ever heard of any of these people? Surprise, the fact that you haven’t doesn’t mean they aren’t real people and they weren’t arrested for the above crimes, they are all quite real and they are all quite guilty.

The other day I emailed an article about Weinmann to an acquaintance who replied that the case probably wasn’t that big of a deal based upon the fact that the media wasn’t reporting it. Besides, the fool wrote back, how much classified information would a Petty Officer have access to? I then quickly typed up another missive and sent it back to the miscreant, pointing out that there was a case involving an Army Specialist a few years ago in which the young man was arrested and tried for treason after he had passed along completely useless and antiquated information on the M1 Abrams battle tank. The information he passed along was information that could have been gathered on the Internet, this is not to mitigate what he did, he passed this information on to FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives, thus he committed treason and I’d be the first to say he should be held responsible. His name is Ryan G. Anderson and he sits in a Military prison today with a life sentence – just where a traitor should be. Anderson was a Specialist, a glorified private really, who did not have access to anything spectacular – Weinmann was a Petty Officer stationed on a ballistic missile submarine that stole classified information that was directly related to American national security – do you see the difference?

When Anderson was arrested the entire media apparatus went immediately to work – before the end of the day his face had been splashed across every television screen in America a dozen times, every newspaper had his face on the front page the next day – in short – nobody was trying to cover up Anderson’s crime, not like they are with Weinmann. What’s the difference?

Another common denominator associated with people arrested for spying on behalf of Israel is that Israel is almost never mentioned by name; it is always referred to as a “foreign government.” The media does this so as to report whatever story may be in the works but at the same time to protect that little Middle Eastern provocateur from exposure – how can you convince Americans in the hundreds of millions that their hard earned tax dollars should be sent overseas to bolster the Zionist state if everyone knows that Israel is an enemy, not an ally. As an example of the media predilection, please note the following Associated Press blurb from an article entitled “Sailor Faces Spy Charges”:

Officials accuse Weinmann of passing classified information to a foreign government representative in Austria and again in Mexico.[2]

The reason the government attempted to cover up Weinmann’s arrest and the media attempts to suppress the fact that the “foreign government representative,” was an Israeli are the same – to prevent Americans from learning the extent of the Jewish nation’s intrigues against the United States and to keep the money rolling into Israel as if everything were A-okay.

Awake America, they are lying to you!

[1] http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?story=109137&ran=12893
[2] http://www.freelancestar.com/News/FLS/2006/082006/08132006/213605



FORGET ABOUT BRIEFS VS BOXERS. NOW THERE’S MANties – Panties made just for men! Makes you “men” feel” just like a 13 year old school girl, all over again, except with a little boner Cums in six luscious colors. Slip on a silky pink (my son’s Boy Scout leader’s favorite color) pair of MANties & you’ll be the life of your neighborhood pajama (sleep over) party! Buy all six colors & you’ll get an instant three dollar rebate! No refund if MANties are soiled with skidmarks. Sale of MANties are prohibited in the Borscht Belt area of the Catskills…..



Joel T. LeFevre, 38
Charleston, W.V.
Just weeks after Citizens Informer Editor Sam Francis selected him as successor, Joel LeFevre had to take up the reins of the racist Council of Conservative Citizens’ publication because of Francis’ sudden death, putting out his first issue in March 2005. LeFevre had been a regular participant in the monthly roundtable discussions that Francis hosted at the Sala Thai Restaurant in Arlington, Va., but only joined the CCC, he told the Intelligence Report, after CCC boss Gordon Baum assured him that the group was not anti-Semitic. LeFevre’s attitude toward Jews, however, does not extend to black people. He rejects the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, which gave former slaves citizenship, calling it “an abomination — a death knell not only to the old confederation of States, but to the white race itself.” He owns a website devoted to R. Carter Pittman, a Georgia lawyer who battled school integration. This March, he endorsed “kinism,” a new strain of racial separatism that wants America broken up into racial mini-states. Policies supporting integration, LeFevre wrote, “seem ‘fair’ to a lot of people, but they are insidious .. . [V]ery simply, without some level of discrimination, no nation … can permanently exist at all.


[Reader writes:] AR’s new webmaster is thanking Jews Levin and Auster a couple of years ago

“Thanks to Mr. Levin for his kind words.

To clarify one point about the Constitution Party’s exclusion of info on Mr. Phillips — he is not their party’s candidate this year. Apparently, they are very slow in updating their site, (www.constitutionparty.org), which is most unfortunate.

Their presidential candidate for this year is Michael Peroutka, who has a very clear statement on immigration and the amnesty issue on his web site. But his site is not yet linked from the party’s main URL. In fact, I learned about his candidacy the first time thanks to Mr. Auster: http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/002100.html

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on February 2, 2004 04:08 AM


Home prices down 15-17% from a couple of years ago…foreclosures up 63%…and the “flu” is spreading to Naples, Miami, Orange County, Boston…everywhere.

The worst real estate bust in American history has begun.

Lenders see a 10-20% tumble in home prices

Yes, you heard right: A 10-20% loss nationwide, according to a poll of American mortgage lenders. And much bigger losses in the hottest markets.

How big? In the last housing bust about 15 years ago, prices in the hot Pacific and New England markets tumbled 25-30%. And that bubble was nothing compared with this one.

Over the last few years, a lot of people paid for their homes with interest-only or adjustable-rate mortgages, called IOMs or ARMs.

Now those mortgages are resetting at higher interest rates. Families can see their monthly payment go up 40 or 50%. The result is a huge, huge wave of defaults now hitting banks like a tsunami.


Laughable “Project”

Who is to be blamed for this? When life gets difficult, especially for whites, who usually gets blamed? Isn’t it always “those people,” “the Blacks,” “the Latinos,” “the poor,” and of course, “the immigrants” who are the problem? Scapegoating racialized peoples is quintessentially American. So growing inequality is quite likely connected to the anti-immigrant hysteria.


The Black Commentator

In light of Hurricane Katrina, millions of Americans were forced to make such nerve-racking calculations. And their transportation options, unfortunately, depended on race. Those with cars largely escaped. But African-American and Latino households are much less likely than white families to own a car, leaving us with those indelible images of people of color crying out from the rooftops.



# Education levels increased in every state from 2000 to 2005. Nationally, the share of adults 25 and older with at least a high school diploma increased from 80 percent to 84 percent. The share of adults with at least a bachelor’s degree increased from 24 percent to 27 percent.

# Every state is getting older. Nationally, the median age — the one at which half the population is older and half is younger — went from 35.3 in 2000 to 36.4 last year.

# Hispanics increased their hold as the country’s largest minority group, at 14.5 percent of the population, compared with 12.8 percent for blacks. Hispanic is a term for people with ethnic backgrounds in Spanish- speaking countries. Hispanics can be of any race, and most in the U.S. are white. When demographers talk about the shrinking percentage of white people in America, generally they are talking about whites who are not Hispanic.

# Such whites are a minority in four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — and the District of Columbia. The share of white people fell below 60 percent in three other states: Maryland, Georgia and Nevada. Nationally, non-Hispanic whites make up about 67 percent of the population, down from 70 percent at the start of the decade.

California, New York, Texas and Florida have the nation’s largest immigrant populations. The new data show that immigrants will travel beyond those states if there are jobs available.

South Carolina’s immigrant population grew by 47 percent since 2000, more than any other state. The Hispanic population grew by 48 percent in Arkansas, the most for any state.

Michael MacFarlane, South Carolina’s state demographer, said immigrants and Hispanics were attracted by a healthy economy that offered jobs requiring few skills.

“They are in all sorts of construction, food processing, service jobs, the whole spectrum, where they used to be primarily in agriculture,” MacFarlane said.

West Virginia, meanwhile, was one of only two states in which the percentage of white people grew. The other was Hawaii, where whites are an increasing minority.



It was on this day, exactly 35 years ago, that the monetary system of our world came to birth.

It was an immaculate conception, free of taint from history or tradition, mid-wifed by the administration of Richard Milhous Nixon, which decided that it needed to protect the nation’s gold. Thus was renounced the solemn promises made by generations of U.S. Treasury secretaries: U.S. currency obligations would be paid off in gold. Thus ended the time-hallowed monetary tradition of gold backing. Instead, in effect, Nixon plumped for default.

But who cared? By then, the United States was calling the shots around the world – if it chose to debase its own currency, who could do anything about it?

Three and a half decades later, we raise our heads and look around in fear and trembling. What hath this goldless innovation wrought?

In the 1970s, it wrought the worst recession in 40 years, until big Paul Volcker finally got control of inflation. The stage was then set for a big boom – one that took the Dow from under 1,000 to over 11,000. But, since never are there any free lunches in the financial world, stocks did not merely become 11 times more valuable; with the dollar no longer nagged by gold, there was also a tidal wave of money and credit that muddied the whole picture. Yes, stocks were priced 11 times higher, but what were they really worth? No one really knew, because the money in which they were quoted floated at high tide along with the stocks themselves.

The boom only ended in January 2000. What would have happened next, had things been allowed to progress normally, we shall never know. Instead, after jet planes flew into the World Trade Center, the feds panicked and pumped even more credit into the financial system, creating a fresh series of global booms and bubbles…in residential real estate…in foreign markets…in gold and commodities…in derivatives.

Now, it appears that bubble-time has finally come to an end. Loan applications are down 20% from last year. The housing market index is at its lowest level in 15 years. And the National Association of Realtors thinks sales of existing houses will be about 6.5% lower this year than the last.

“Who’s going to buy all those condos?” asks the Minneapolis paper.

Who indeed. Markets go down…and go up. But what has the goldless market really accomplished? Are people better off? Richer, freer, happier?

They are no happier, say the polls. The welter of laws, codes, and regulations tying down the nation tell us they are no freer. But are they richer? Yes…and no. The rich have gotten richer, because their assets have shot up in price. But those who are not rich? The numbers are squishy, slippery; comparisons are elusive. But in terms of disposable
money, the working man has made almost no financial progress in the last 35 years.

“It bothers me,” former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said in an interview. “I tell you, I don’t know why there hasn’t been more discussion and more unhappiness about this because it’s become quite distinct. For a long time now, if we believe the statistics, the average working guy does not have an increase in income.”

The International Herald Tribune elucidates further:

“Previously, income grew more or less in step with household wealth. From 1962 to 1966, a period of low inflation and robust economic growth, real private sector wages rose 27.5 percent while real net worth increased 23.6 percent, according to Bloomberg News calculations based on government data. In the five-year period ending in 1996, real net worth gained 15.6 percent while private wages grew 11.3 percent.

“More recently, the gap between household net worth and wage growth has widened. From 2001 to 2005, the value of household assets minus liabilities rose 16.6 percent after inflation. Private sector wages rose just 2.7 percent.”

We look around and ask ourselves what the average man has got from the new and improved monetary regime of the last 35 years. A bigger mortgage. A longer workday. More gadgets, automobiles and houses. A government far deeper in debt than any government ever was.

He has gotten more globalized commerce, too. Easy credit has bought him gadgets from Hangzhou, China, or Bangalore, India, as easily as from San Diego, California, or Gary, Indiana. He’s also discovered two billion people who want his job, his house, and his standard of living.

Too bad they can’t afford them. Too bad he can’t, either.


RIVERSIDE, California (AP) — Two men were arrested on suspicion of running a massive prostitution ring that employed more than 240 women across several Western states and generated millions of dollars, authorities said.

Boaz Benmoshe, 44, and Ofer Moses Lupovitz, 43, were among seven people arrested last week and charged for investigation of pimping, pandering, perjury, loan fraud, money laundering, falsifying income tax returns and grand theft, [COUPLE O’ SEPTUPLE-THREAT GUYS! WHY NOT SIMPLY THINGS? THEY WERE CHARGED WITH “BEING KIKES.”] Riverside County Sheriff Bob Doyle said Monday.

The suspects operated Elite Entertainment, a Palm Springs business that posed as an escort service in online and newspaper advertisements, according to an affidavit filed by prosecutors.

For at least three years, the business managed more than 80 phone lines, where clients across California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona would call an 800 number and request a girl.

The suspects would dispatch the prostitutes, who charged between $200 to $2,000 for sexual services, Doyle said. They used the money to secure loans fraudulently for million-dollar homes, authorities alleged.

During a 2-1/2-year probe, undercover detectives ordered escorts who worked for Elite Entertainment to hotel rooms in several locations and arrested them after money was exchanged for the promise of sex.

Authorities also seized about 15 computers and $5 million in unspecified assets. Officials said the investigation was continuing and that more arrests were likely.

The suspects include Benmoshe’s wife, Melanie Ann Smith, 24, and Russian nationals Moti M. Vintrov, 33, and Eliran Vintrov, 28, plus their spouses.

Bail amounts were set from $25,000 to $1.5 million, according to court records.

Arraignment was scheduled for August 21.


  • 10 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/16/06”

    1. alex Says:

      Uproar in German town over lawyer’s plan for neo-Nazi training camp

      By Tony Paterson in Berlin
      Published: 16 August 2006

      The citizens of the small German town of Delmenhorst have failed at the last minute to thwart a notorious far-right group’s plans to buy a hotel overlooking a park for use as a training centre for neo-Nazis from across the country.

      Jürgen Rieger, a Hamburg lawyer and well-known neo-Nazi, was poised to buy the vacant €3.4m (£2.3m) City Park Hotel in Delmenhorst’s centre yesterday despite frantic attempts by residents to raise enough cash to buy it themselves.

      The setback for the townspeople came after the hotel’s owner refused the idea of a residents’ buyout and announced he was ready to donate the hotel to Mr Rieger to avoid paying an outstanding mortgage on it.

      Timo Frers, spokesman for Delmenhorst city council, said there were fears that the town, whose only previous claim to fame is as the home of the pop star Sarah Connor, would become a rallying point for Germany’s burgeoning neo-Nazi movement. “We are completely surprised and shocked, nobody expected this development,” he said.

      Carsten Schwettmann, Delmenhorst’s mayor said: “Legally, there is nothing we can do. We cannot stop the owner from doing what he wants with his property.”

      Residents of Delmenhorst, a town of 79,000 people near the northern city of Bremen, had staged a series of protests in a bid to stop the project and had raised €625,000 in their attempt to buy the hotel themselves.

      Gunter Feith, 58, a Delmenhorst architect who launched the campaign to thwart Mr Rieger, had argued that residents’ lives would “no longer be normal” if a neo-Nazi organisation moved into the town. “Our phones have not stopped ringing,” he said after yesterday’s announcement. “We are facing an emergency.”

      Mr Rieger, who is well-known in Germany for defending Holocaust deniers and leading rallies in memory of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, aims to buy the hotel on behalf of the London-based Wilhelm Tietjen Foundation for Fertilisation Ltd – named after a former Nazi who made millions on the stock market. A neo-Nazi ideologue, who cherishes the idea of creating an Aryan master race, Mr Rieger is widely reported to have plans to turn the Delmenhorst hotel into a centre for neo-Nazis from across Germany. “There is a great shortage of premises for right-wing groups,” he is reported to have said before announcing his plans to buy the hotel.

      He heads an obscure group called the Germanic Faith Community for Life Creation and hit the headlines in Germany two years ago after he bought an abandoned mansion that was intended to house an Aryan fertilisation clinic. His plans for the building were not realised after they were given widespread publicity and provoked protest demonstrations.

      This time, however, there appears to be nothing to prevent Mr Rieger going ahead at least with his plan to acquire the hotel. Günter Mergel, the hotel’s owner said he rejected the idea of a residents’ buyout because the sum raised was insufficient. “I am fed up with trying to work with the town,” he said. “I am going ahead with my plans to donate the property as this will stop the town turning me into a pauper.”

      Opponents of the buyout vowed to continue fighting the project and said they would try to make Mr Rieger back down with a campaign of public protests.

      The citizens of the small German town of Delmenhorst have failed at the last minute to thwart a notorious far-right group’s plans to buy a hotel overlooking a park for use as a training centre for neo-Nazis from across the country.

      Jürgen Rieger, a Hamburg lawyer and well-known neo-Nazi, was poised to buy the vacant €3.4m (£2.3m) City Park Hotel in Delmenhorst’s centre yesterday despite frantic attempts by residents to raise enough cash to buy it themselves.

      The setback for the townspeople came after the hotel’s owner refused the idea of a residents’ buyout and announced he was ready to donate the hotel to Mr Rieger to avoid paying an outstanding mortgage on it.

      Timo Frers, spokesman for Delmenhorst city council, said there were fears that the town, whose only previous claim to fame is as the home of the pop star Sarah Connor, would become a rallying point for Germany’s burgeoning neo-Nazi movement. “We are completely surprised and shocked, nobody expected this development,” he said.

      Carsten Schwettmann, Delmenhorst’s mayor said: “Legally, there is nothing we can do. We cannot stop the owner from doing what he wants with his property.”

      Residents of Delmenhorst, a town of 79,000 people near the northern city of Bremen, had staged a series of protests in a bid to stop the project and had raised €625,000 in their attempt to buy the hotel themselves.

      Gunter Feith, 58, a Delmenhorst architect who launched the campaign to thwart Mr Rieger, had argued that residents’ lives would “no longer be normal” if a neo-Nazi organisation moved into the town. “Our phones have not stopped ringing,” he said after yesterday’s announcement. “We are facing an emergency.”

      Mr Rieger, who is well-known in Germany for defending Holocaust deniers and leading rallies in memory of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, aims to buy the hotel on behalf of the London-based Wilhelm Tietjen Foundation for Fertilisation Ltd – named after a former Nazi who made millions on the stock market. A neo-Nazi ideologue, who cherishes the idea of creating an Aryan master race, Mr Rieger is widely reported to have plans to turn the Delmenhorst hotel into a centre for neo-Nazis from across Germany. “There is a great shortage of premises for right-wing groups,” he is reported to have said before announcing his plans to buy the hotel.

      He heads an obscure group called the Germanic Faith Community for Life Creation and hit the headlines in Germany two years ago after he bought an abandoned mansion that was intended to house an Aryan fertilisation clinic. His plans for the building were not realised after they were given widespread publicity and provoked protest demonstrations.

      This time, however, there appears to be nothing to prevent Mr Rieger going ahead at least with his plan to acquire the hotel. Günter Mergel, the hotel’s owner said he rejected the idea of a residents’ buyout because the sum raised was insufficient. “I am fed up with trying to work with the town,” he said. “I am going ahead with my plans to donate the property as this will stop the town turning me into a pauper.”

      Opponents of the buyout vowed to continue fighting the project and said they would try to make Mr Rieger back down with a campaign of public protests.


    2. GB Says:

      Charley Reese says:

      –The only way to win the war on terrorism is to revert to our republican roots…–\”

      Not going to happen, Charley. The Jews will not just walk away. They will not surrender their power voluntarily. They have engineered the US to be the army of Israel.


    3. jimbo Says:

      Aryan fertilisation clinic

      wht the HELL does THAT mean?
      a ‘fertility clinic’?

      here’s a GOOD ONE:

      residents’ lives would “no longer be normal” if a neo-Nazi organisation moved into the town

      perhaps they’d be more ‘normal’ if a bunch of niggas moved in…….all employed by the newly-built kosher abbatoir?
      howz abt a coupla battalions of baby-killing GI Jews or IDF orcs?
      that’d ‘normalise’ things hunh?

    4. Mati The Estonian Says:

      just for statistics – how many townsman ACTUALLY rallying against it ???
      or just few blue-eyed kike-lovers ?

    5. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Regarding ITZ COMING/SCOTLAND:

      Notice how Glassman attempts to equate “anti-semitism” with anti-Westernism in the following statement:

      “One was a left-leaning angry Australian conspiracy theorist, Steve Hughes, whose show The Storm is an assault on all things Western. “I want to bash Condoleezza Rice’s brain to bits and kill that f****** Jew Richard Perle.”

      Hey Glassman, I have news for you: Congo Rice and Richard Pearle are not Westerners! Nigs and yids are not Occidental nor is an attack on these two parasitic non-whites an attack on all things Western! This is a prototypical jewish/liberal/marxist propaganda ploy. Up is down, left is right, truth is falsehood and blacks and jews are Westerners. Its right out of Orwell’s 1984! Unfortunately, the typical boob American and Brit won’t pick up on this and why it’s our job as sane, rational, Aryans to point this out.

      Glassman then proceeds to pontificate to his goyim readers the following:

      “Comedians should certainly be allowed to say anything. In fact, it is their role and their duty to be breaking taboos where they need to be broken. But comics do have an obligation to think about whom they might be offending with their material and whether or not those who say they are offended are right to be.”

      Did you get that folks? Let me translate that jewish doublespeak for you: It is not only proper for jewish comedians to disparage white values it is their obligation and duty to do so but when white comedians lambaste jews and their hypocrisy it is unacceptable. One standard for jews, another standard for everyone else! “Whitey” should police himself when it comes to offending Yahweh’s precious little lambs. (That is the real goal of kosher political correctness.)

      Glassman ends with this statement:

      “As for Hunter, he seems like a nice guy, well meaning and at times very funny. While Hughes did little to hide his Jew-hatred, in a way it is even more disheartening that Hunter is so keen to make the Holocaust fair game.”

      Well, disheartening perhaps for a jew but a breath of fresh air for us! Ladies and gentleman, it’s very clear: the jews have once again over- played their hand and as a result the cattle are now getting restless and are due for a stampede in the not too distant future. The fact that the jews are now jailing people for “anti-semitism” and “hate speech” verifies that, indeed, ITZ COMING! Make no mistake about it boys and girls, Glassman is worried and damn well should be. He is right when he says “stand-up comedy is as good a prism as any through which to look at the changing attitudes in our society.” ITZ COMING! Of course, Glassman does not bother to inform his readers why attitudes are changing. For that answer, I will leave you with this quote from a jewish writer, Samuel Roth:

      “The next time you read about a particularly bloody pogrom and pause to wonder how Christians, dedicated to a religion of mercy, can exercise so much brutality against the Jews, remember that the Jew wheedles all the mercy out of his neighbors in the ordinary course of business. He lies and cheats until he is caught. When caught, instead of accepting punishment, he moans and tears his hair, invokes the sores of ancestors in their graves and living relations at the point of death in hospitals, until the wronged gentile, nauseated, lets him go. Then, thumbing his nose at the gentile behind his back, the Jew goes about his business the same way, lying and cheating now doubly to make up for lost time. A pogrom is usually the climax of years of such relentless goading. Do you wonder that when the final reckoning comes the gentile is absolutely merciless?”

      — Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, Ch. 13, p. 206, f/n 31 [expurgated chapter]

      As always, STRENGTH & HONOR — Scipio Americanus

    6. Scipio Americanus Says:


      Unfortunately, these rebel flag wavers may very well be looking at many years in the slammer. The so called \”hate crime\” charges are very serious because in most cases, a conviction will triple the time behind bars. I recall a few years ago a white man who was charged with a \”hate crime\” for simply yelling at a simian who had assaulted his wife: \”Get your hands off my wife, nigger!\” much like Charlton Heston in the Planet of the Apes when he yelled: \”Get your hands off me you filthy ape!\”) He didn\’t have to physically defend her because the nigger let her go immediately. But because he used the dreaded N word, deemed unacceptable by our jewish/liberal overlords, he was charged and was facing a 9 year jail sentence if convicted!

      Fortunately he beat the rap and appeared on FOX with his wife refusing to apologize for his \”racist verbal assault\” on the poor savage. I remember that disgusting shabos goyim and card carrying member of the NAACP Shawn Hannity shaking his head in a disapproving manner at this gentleman for refusing to apologize on air for calling a spade a spade (oops, no pun intended – LOL!!!!) and defending his wife\’s honor from being pawed and molested by some god damn sub-human piece of filth. This is nothing more than kosher Talmudic injustice using turd worlders to destroy us. In fact, what is really perverted is that if we defend ourselves, we are punished even more harshly! The jews not only want us to perish but they want us to thank them for leading the slaughter too! JEWS are EVIL! []
      Strength and Honor!

    7. Lutjens Says:


      Berlin Exhibition Stirs Painful Memories

      Even before it opened its doors, the exhibition “Forced Paths” attracted a lot of controversy in the German and Polish media. The aim of the organisers of the exhibition at the Kronprinzenpalais on Berlin’s Unter Den Linden Avenue is ambitious – to explore the plight of millions of people who were forced to flee their homes in Europe during the 20th Century…. But, controversially, the exhibition also focuses on the suffering of Germans who were expelled from Poland and Eastern Europe after World War ll. The exhibition has been organised by a foundation closely linked to the Federation of the Expelled, which represents 12 to 14 million ethnic Germans, and their descendants, who were forced from their homes.


      Strained relations? I never thought they were on good terms. It’s about fucking time. Fuck Poland. Dumbfucks. Another tribe that can’t bear to handle the truth about their subhuman behaviour before Sept 1, 1939 and after May 8, 1945. 58,000 dead Germans in Poland before a single National Socialist finally stepped foot on its soil to finally do something about it. Our Fuehrer wanted to settle things on the eastern borders peacefully and you ‘schweine’ went to England instead and waged war. Fuck you all. Deport all Poles from Germany, NOW! Let those unlucky fucks feel displaced for once.

    8. Mati The Estonian Says:


      hey guys – I found this (irish?) guy Michael Tsarion with some very intresting points about history and jews in it …
      I hope it will be intresting reading how and why kikes try to rule us …

    9. Olde Dutch Says:

      Where’s the link to the Lou Dobbs story about the H1b numbers?


      25 Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens Every Day

      By Frosty Woolridge

      Iowa’s United States Congressman Steve King told a crowd in Des Moines in June, “Illegal aliens cause the death of 25 American citizens every day…13 by drunken driving and 12 by stabbings or gun fire.”

      That daily figure adds up to 9,125 deaths annually caused primarily by illegal alien Mexicans residing in America. Mike Rosen, radio talk show host in Denver, said it wasn’t significant when you consider our country of 300 million. A listener corrected him, “It’s not significant unless it’s your father or family member who gets killed.”

      More sobering, almost eight times as many deaths of civilian Americans have occurred in our own country in three years than deaths to our soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones. It’s safer in a war zone than on our own highways and in our own homes in America. At the same time, South Koreans are safer in their own homes with 37,000 American troops guarding their border from North Korea for the past 40 years–with our troops and tax dollars–than we are in our own country.

    10. Legal Eagle Says:

      “Let those unlucky fucks feel displaced for once.”

      “Once”? Poles have been displaced throughout history about as often as the zhids. Otherwise, I agree with your bitching.

      Despite what you may think, my sympathies lie with the Germans that were forcibly removed from Germanic lands following WWII and the jew-engineered “reconfiguring” of Poland that resulted in the eastward shift of Poland’s borders onto what was ethnically German soil.

      And “Dumbfucks”? Based on available information, Germany is the most intelligent nation in the world, having an average IQ of 109. Second, however, is Poland, with an average IQ of 107. Not completely dumb, you see. The “dumb Pollock” stereotype is just more jew-prop, akin to the “dumb blonde” stereotype that we all know and loathe.