29 August, 2006

Poower, Tiny Israel Is Starving to Death, Won’t You Help?

Posted by alex in Israel at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link
A Jewish group purchased this full-page newspaper ad begging whites to donate to israel, which ran in today’s (august 29 2006) edition of Washington Post Express (circulation of 190,000/daily). It appeared near the beginning (page 5):


I was surprised to see such a blatent example of “chutzpah”, thought you might be interested too.

  • 10 Responses to “Poower, Tiny Israel Is Starving to Death, Won’t You Help?”

    1. Orion14 Says:

      Haha! 5.3 billion. Expensive real estate, itz. Or maybe that’s just to cover the 159 dead…We all know how priceless jewish life is.

    2. Lutjens Says:

      “Orion14 Says:

      The 29th 2006f August, 2006 at 7:25 pm

      Haha! 5.3 billion. Expensive real estate, itz. Or maybe that’s just to cover the 159 dead…We all know how priceless jewish life is.”

      You mean useless.

      How about these sheenies come to the stores here and clear off all that Kosher shit. They can have that as I do not pollute my body with that Jewish shit they call Kosher food. Or better yet, let the Palis back and farm the land like they used to instead of building settlements on it. Kinda reminds me of those dumb niggers down in Zimbabwe.

    3. wayne h. Says:

      It brings back memories of the HOLOHOAX!!! Inflated numbers of casualties and other assorted lies,No mention of the 900+ Labanese dead or the ongoing air and sea blockade of Lebanon.I think I’ll send them a dozen stale bagels stuffed with anthrax.

    4. alex Says:

      I’m sure the kikistanis are exaggerating – hey, its not a pizza without cheese – but I’m reasonably sure that even those crappy outdated Katyushas did cause some economic problems worse than the physical holes.

    5. Guest Says:

      WayneH. said it best! Exactly that! :D

    6. whyowhy Says:

      5.3 billion? Uh, yeah thats probably what they spent in military assets while getting their asses handed to them in the process. Just about the ENTIRE infrastructure of Lebanon was destroyed and they are claiming around 2.5 billion in damage. You know the jew, he starts out high, then negotiates down to what he really wants. In this case it should be NOTHING.

    7. van helsing Says:

      I said I would start writing revised lyrics… with only mild apologies to j. fogerty…

      ‘Fortunate Jew’

      Some folks are born to wave one flag,
      Ooh, they’re reds hidin hind white and blue
      And when the band plays “Hava Nagila”,
      Ooh, they point the menorah at you, Lord,

      It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no sayanim’s son, oy
      It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate jew, boy,

      Some folks are born silver shekels in hand,
      Lord, don’t they help themselves, boy
      But when the taxman comes to the door,
      Lord, it looks like a family reunion, oy

      It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no israeli’s son, oy
      It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate jew, boy.

      Some folks inherit six pointed star eyes,
      Ooh, they send you to fight their war, Lord,
      And when you ask, “How much should goyim give?”
      Ooh, they only say Give it all! Give it all! goy,

      It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no israeli son, boy
      It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate jew, boy

      It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate jew, boy oy oy
      It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate jew, boy oy oy

      (also ok to replace ‘fortunate’ with another f word)

    8. lenny Says:

      They claim (or heavily imply) that 159 Jewish civilians were killed by Hezbollah. Truth is, israel did lose 159 killed in the war, but 117 of them were Israeli *soldiers* killed in combat!

      This means the real number of civilians Israel lost was 42. The number of lebanese civilians killed by Israel approached 1,300, or 30x the Israeli civilian dead count. So the Jews killed the same number of lebanese civilians every day as Israel lost in the entire 30-day war. (In a Jewish war of aggression, too. What’s that Polish saying about the Jew crying out in pain?)

    9. jackumup Says:

      Where do i send my check? or do they take visa or debit?

    10. McCoy Says:

      Let them eat bris!!!