23 August, 2006

Pike: Don’t Fling Baseless Accusations of Jewishness

Posted by alex in Christianity, Christians who fight the jew at 10:05 am | Permanent Link


By Rev. Ted Pike

Boy, have I taken a drubbing! Indignant readers of my latest article, “Is Abe Foxman a Hate Criminal?,” are taking me to task. “How can you say you don’t find ‘concrete evidence’ for Cloyd, Moseley, and DeBusk being Jewish? The Jewish registries of Polish Jewish surnames clearly reveal they are!”

Before I answer that, let me state what is most important.

To have moral and political significance, a Jewish name must be united to a large degree with Jewish actions. If we are going to impugn the three alleged arsonists for their Jewishness, we must have some evidence that they were under the influence of anti-Christianity coming out of Judaism. To my knowledge, no concrete evidence has come to light that they ever had association with either the Jewish religion or its biases against Christianity.

What’s in a Name?

We must be aware that possession of a “Jewish” name does not necessarily prove Jewishness. Here’s why:

If a person’s ancestors of 150 years ago were Jewish, yet their sons and grandsons over the next five generations married Gentile women, such Jewish heredity would be virtually washed away.

Yes, the name “Goldman,” for example, would remain as provocatively Jewish as ever. Yet those now known by that name would be nearly 97 percent Gentiles. For practical purposes, they would be Jewish in name only.

Many Gentile names were adopted by Jews seeking to escape persecution, especially in Poland and Germany. I found my name, Pike, among the names of Polish Jews in a Jewish registry. Am I Jewish? Emphatically not! My actual genealogy traces back to England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland.

This illustrates the unreliability of proving Jewishness by surnames.

When to be Suspicious

Sometimes, however, an abundance of Jewish names associated with anti-Christian activities or institutions does justify suspicion. For example, the corporation directory Standard and Poor’s (available at your library) shows that Jewish names permeate the “Big Three” TV networks, especially ABC and CBS. To a lesser extent, the same pattern of Jewish names exists at Gentile-owned NBC. Many writers at NBC/Universal who helped create “The Book of Daniel” against Christ and the Christian family have Jewish names. Jeff Zucker, head of all TV programming at NBC, has a Jewish name. Such unites with his undeniable prejudices against Christianity.

The significance of such high concentrations of Jewish names in the media cannot be ignored, especially since the famous Lichter-Rothman poll of top media executives revealed that 59 percent of these executives were “raised in the Jewish religion.”

We thus have powerful evidence not only of a high concentration of Jewish names in the TV media but that a majority of those possessing such names are strongly influenced by Judaism. The poll also indicates extremely high levels of anti-Christian bias among media executives with roughly nine out of ten favoring abortion, homosexuality, adultery, etc.

Contrasting with such substantive evidence, the present information from Alabama gives no indication that the alleged arsonists were prejudiced by Jewish teaching or by Abraham Foxman, head of ADL who last fall condemned the Southern Baptists for evangelizing Jews.

Present evidence indicates the youths were devotees of Satanism, though two attended Protestant churches. Such devotion has motivated many violent acts against Christianity, including church burnings.

A Time for Caution

When it comes it comes to finger-pointing against Jewish activists or Jewish leaders, what is the lesson we must learn? We must insist upon irrefutable substance beneath our charges. Otherwise, we seem eager to blame the Jews, a characteristic of anti-Semites throughout the centuries. Such impulsiveness can be used against lovers of freedom by a media eager to discredit those who criticize the Zionist agenda.

Ideally, there should be no stigma associated with having a Jewish name or being Jewish. Unfortunately, Jewish leftwing radicals and revolutionaries, civil liberties groups such as ADL/B’nai B’rith, medial moguls dominating Hollywood and the networks, and, beneath it all, anti-Christian Talmudic scriptures have greatly stimulated “guilt by association” between Jewish names and the bad behavior of Jewish leaders.

Sadly, Jews may have to live with the inconveniences caused by those who preceded them and still lead them astray.

Let us wait then for substance before we cry, “The Jews did it!” Evil Jewish leadership is responsible for more than enough deviltry to warrant suspicion. It is not necessary to spin the facts in order to make a case against them.

ADL would love it if I rushed to judgment, asserting what I could not prove. They would be delighted if I went out on a limb of undocumented accusation, a limb they could then saw off, ruining my credibility.

I’m not going to do it!


TALK SHOW HOSTS! For interview on this subject with Rev. Ted Pike, cal 503-631-3808.

For many articles on problems posed by evil Jewish leadership, come to www.truthtellers.org

  • 10 Responses to “Pike: Don’t Fling Baseless Accusations of Jewishness”

    1. ftwainth Says:

      Personally, I would prepare honest mistake to lack of statement in such cases: not identifying the jew carries with it many dangers, especially for WN movement. Mistakes happend, but this should not deter us from identifying the jews and talking of their evil deeds, whenever a reasonable suspision arises

    2. Sally Bowles Says:

      How did the public discourse end up centering on the racial/religious identity of the three accused Alabama arsonists? And why is this more important than the fact of the over-whelming silence on the part of the dominant media culture throughout the USA about these alleged hate crimes?

      I’d like to see an update on these criminal prosecutions over and above the interesting speculations on this web site:


      In fact, when you consider the tremendous wailing and screaming about a “white campaign” to burn predominantly black churches between 1966 and 1999, the silence about these arsons is a roar that something is not right. To read about that set of false accusations, see:


      Can anyone update us on the progress of the prosecution of the Alabama arsonists, or has it all fallen into a memory hole such that their racial/religious affiliation now dominates the entire public discourse?

    3. Mark Says:

      What is the point of all his blathering? Honestly, I was impressed with his work until reading this. Okay, so we should be very careful not to blame Jews just because they are Jews, because having Jewish name doesn’t really imply “Jewish behavior”. Yeah, let’s concern ourselves with nitpicking about Jews. Waste of time in my opinion.

      You see this is the kind of confusion that most Christians have, even Christians who see how bad Jewish influence is on our culture and nation. Ted Pike wants to constantly defend against Jewish attacks but never solve the problem. Reminds me of Revilo’s joke about the people who tried mopping up the water but would never turn off the faucet.

      Ted, get a clue, they don’t care if you discriminate with good Jews and bad Jews. Any attack on Jews they will hang you for. If Jews had such a difference among them and cared for White civilization we’d have Jewish organizations fighting for it. There are none.

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      One of the most reliable ways of determining if someone, in the news, is jewish or not, is by judging the media play it gets. The college boys involved in the Duke “rape” case were not jewish, therefore, the jewish media had a field day with them as it was “good for the jews” to string them up before the facts were known. Judging by how fast the story of the three Southern white boys, burning Black churchs, dropped off the radar screen, one could guess, with near certainty, that further reporting on their motivations is not “good for the jews” If it is not good for the jews, news is placed on the back burner where it is quickly forgotten.

    5. TheWhiteOne Says:

      It’s about bloody time:

      Mumbai eatery named for Hitler angers Indian Jews
      ‘We wanted to be different,’ owner explains

      Go figure, who knew there were indian jews?


    6. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Good Lord! Ted Pike is starting to sound like Henry Makow in this piece. The apologists always seem to fall back to the good Jew/bad Jew dichotomy. Mark stated: “If Jews had such a difference among them and cared for White civilization we’d have Jewish organizations fighting for it. There are none.” I agree with this statement entirely. Yes, we know there are Jews who do not involve themselves in today’s struggle to destroy Western Civilization and the race that created it but when push comes to shove, who do you think these “good” Jews are going to support? Answer: the self appointed leaders like Abe Foxman and their own tribe, just as they have always done throughout the past 2,500 years! An historic example of this is when Samuel Untermyer made his famous radio broadcast in 1933 declaring a Holy War and world-wide boycott to starve Germany into submission for not kowtowing to God’s Chosen Vampires. Where was opposition to this from the “good” Jews when this announcement was made and put into practice? You would have been hard pressed to find one!

      That is why the so called good Jews get trampled by the stampede. In the end, I don’t give a hoot in hell about the “good” Jews. In order to qualify as a “good” Jew, one would essentially have to renounce his membership in the tribe or take actions that would end up labeling themselves as “self hating Jews”. And how many are willing to do that? Damn few. An exception that comes to mind is Benjamin Freedman whose actions over many decades qualified him as a good, honorable man and thus a good Jew. Hell, he even went as far as referring to himself as an “honorary Aryan” which he certainly was. Unfortunately, there are not many Freedman’s out there — I can count them on one hand! What the so called good Jews are really doing is using this dichotomy to silence all criticism of Jews in general. By taking this approach, they are demonstrating they can not be trusted and certainly are not good, IMHO.

      Strength and Honor!

    7. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The only good Jew is one who has gone home to Israel.

    8. alex Says:

      Ted Pike is NOT a WN. He is a chrissling who belives racism is immoral.

      Nevertheless, he is correct in saying it is dumb and wrong to call people jews who AREN’T JEWS.

      The church-burners so far as I can tell were not jews. The story was dropped not because the burners were jews, but because attacks on christian churches, like attacks on whites, don’t fit the agenda.

      Loose accusations of jew never have been and never will never be made at VNN.

    9. Lutjens Says:

      “Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The 23rd 2006f August, 2006 at 5:35 pm

      The only good Jew is one who has gone home to Israel.”

      and dies there

    10. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Yes, Ted Pike may not be a WN, but he has done some excellent work exposing the Jews and their shenanigans. Last year, I heard him speak on a radio program for nearly 3 hours regarding the history of Communism and the Jews’ role in creating and fostering it. He also spent much of that effort exposing the utter depravity of Judaism and the dangers of Zionism here in the United States and abroad. I was speechless! The program’s host was not in agreement with Pike on many issues but did let the man speak and what a presentation it was! I wish I had a copy of it. Ted Pike is an exceptionally articulate man who is very knowledgeable regarding his subject matter. Here’s an excellent piece from him regarding the Talmud:
