12 August, 2006

“Parade” Cover

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, media control at 7:09 am | Permanent Link

paradecover.jpg Alex:

Gee, what kind of messge are the Kikes at Parade Magazine trying to send us with this cover?

Gee, if we Whites would just clean up our act. Luckily we have noble, rigorous, upright niggers to whip us into shape.

Thank god for niggers. Where would we be without them? 

  • 19 Responses to ““Parade” Cover”

    1. CZ Says:

      If you notice now, the nigger has moved up from the back of the obligatory White, black, and chinese shots in all print media to be in the forefront. Also, the mestizo and asiatic indian are also being added to the group.

    2. jackumup Says:

      Who taught the Nigger how to Dress?

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Here’s a story about a boot camp that you won’t be seeing in Parade:

      “Numerous shootings and stabbings (almost nightly occurrences) kept most of the good guys in their own quanset huts after hours. A gang of tough blacks roamed the area looking for young white males to rape. Most of us young white males developed the habit of sleeping on our backs with an entrenching tool cradled where our teddy bears used to be.

      Grenades and live ammunition were frequently found during shake-down inspections, hidden in remote recesses of the huts. Some of this deadly contraband was for mischief, but most was for self defense. Several full-scale race riots broke out while I was at Crocket. I stole three live rounds from the rifle range for my M-16 and kept them hidden throughout my stay. After the first riot, I was determined to have more than a shovel to defend myself.”


    4. Carpenter Says:

      Man, that is a good link, Filles. What a story….

      I believe I understand how Camp Crocket vanished. No one who had anything to do with Camp Crocket has anything to be proud of. The bad guys remember it as an interlude in a failed military career they would rather forget; or if they made it to, and survived Vietnam, they had the glory of wartime service to cling to. The good guys behaved like frightened children, and in many instances, when a stand on principal or honor was called for, they looked the other way. In one case, a group of blacks entered a barracks hut after lights out and raped a kid repeatedly while his fellow soldiers pretended to sleep through it all.

      Leadership was nonexistent and maintained a low profile with the rest of the sheep. No heroes emerged from Crocket, no bands played, no medals were won. Once there, the only thing that mattered was getting out; and the best way out was to bide your time and avoid calling any attention to yourself. The absolute worst scenario was to get embroiled in a court martial that would take you out of cycle and cause you to remain a holdover at Crocket, sometimes for months. That was one factor for the “silence of the lambs,” even the cadre wanted out with no delay.

      Sometimes my contempt for other Whites is so great, I wish half of them dead and the other half whipped. I certainly can’t feel particularly sorry for them when they are shot down as soldiers in Iraq, or hit by a bomb in London, the result of policies they were too cowardly to object to. They may be born White, but they don’t act Aryan.

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      I dunno. This guilt trip that’s been laid on Whites by the Jewish media overrides even their will to survive I guess, but it didn’t stop me from reacting violently the two times I’ve been assaulted by gangs of muds, so it’s not universal. Well, one of our tasks in the new media is to let Whites know what to expect and how to react in these situations, after that it’s up to them.

    6. New America Says:

      Carpenter made a much stronger point than he may have realized:

      “Sometimes my contempt for other Whites is so great, I wish half of them dead and the other half whipped. I certainly can’t feel particularly sorry for them when they are shot down as soldiers in Iraq, or hit by a bomb in London, the result of policies they were too cowardly to object to. They may be born White, but they don’t act Aryan.”

      This ties in perfectly with a theme Peter Shank addressed in one of his broadcasts; we have been effectively gelded as men, in a society that has become the land of the eternal adolescent.

      In another thread I made reference to the Russian Army’s brutal basic training, at the end of which you have – let’s not mince words – men that don’t take a lot of shit, and know how to work together, and stick together, RACIALLY.

      This is nothing new.

      When the great Russian General Zhukov took over his first command, the 10th Cossacks, it was in the middle of NOWHERE, and his reputation for ruthless brutality, adminsteed with damn near perfect “fairness,” backed by damned near supernatural competence, was established.

      Do you REALLY think our Army would last more than a few weeks in a straight-up, one-on-one situation with these Russian soldiers?

      In a post in a different thread, Shmuley noted that, essentially, MOST of the “white men” were essentially worthless, and having this signicant fraction wiped out would insure that the remainder learn the lesson, in a manner that would resound throughout the Ages.

      Most days, I am inclined to agree with him…

      We have allowed the Marxist-Feminists to so geld our sons that they adopt the protective camouflage of their respective social situations; metrosexuals, or whiggers, as the rulers demand…

      Thus, we have a society dominated by the worst social elements, living off the economic benefits of an earlier time, when men fought like trapped animals to make a better world for their family, and their RACE.

      the author of the article on Camp Crocket noted:
      The good guys behaved like frightened children, and in many instances, when a stand on principal or honor was called for, they looked the other way.

      in reply:
      Goddamn, isn’t THAT the truth about our current situation?

      Look at this poor kid Robbie Hedrick in Kingston, New York.

      Think he didn’t go through a “Lord of the Flies” existence, and do you think that the OTHER “White” kids looked silently the other way, and said “Thank God it’s not me…”

      Actually, it IS them, but they just don’t realize it.


      As they succumb to the narcotic of television, and the tranquilizers of alcohol, today, and paxil, tomorrow, they do so trying desperately to kill off the still, small Voice in the soul that reminds them of the Greatness that is their birthright, and whispers to them that they must ACT NOW to lay the foundation to recapture their Heritage….

      It might be that we will all need to come in touch with our Inner Zhukov before this is all over with…

      Historically, we have traded time and space for peace; the price of that is having to work longer hours, to pay for a house that is a safe distance away from the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity.

      We no longer have the option…

      We must BE what we want the world to BECOME; to do that, we must BECOME the MEN our RACE needs, and we must do it pretty much on our own.

      The hour is late, and there is no time to waste.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. New America Says:

      Oh, by the way, speaking of our Russian brethren…

      Another big ol’ Russian WHITE MAN won in boxing, beating out the Colored, Rahman.

      bbc news reports:
      Maskaev’s victory at the Thomas & Mack Center means fighters from ex-Soviet countries hold all four major belts at heavyweight.

      Russia’s Nikolay Valuev is the WBA champion, Wladimir Klitschko of the Ukraine has the IBF crown and the WBO’s title-holder is Serguei Lyakhovich of Belarus.

      in reply:
      FOUR out of FOUR heavyweight belts from OUR RACIAL Brethren.

      Now, whatever it is in OUR Culture that made THAT happen can be rekindled in OUR Souls, for the sake of OUR Family, and OUR RACE.

      Let’s get started!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Olde Dutch Says:

      Hmmm. What was the date of the issue of Parade pictured?

    9. Gunney Megaton Says:

      I don’t believe that “Camp Crocket” story for a second. When I was in boot camp at Pendeleton in the early 80’s some niggers tried to get out of line and the whites (with a few Mexicans) were stomping their thick skulls in until the MPs came in and hammered everyone. Might happen in jail, but not in any boot camp. Who the hell was on firewatch, etc? Anyone who’s been in the military knows what I’m talking about. Bunch of BS.

    10. New America Says:

      Respectfully, Gunny…

      Gunney Megaton wrote:
      I don’t believe that “Camp Crocket” story for a second. When I was in boot camp at Pendeleton in the early 80’s some niggers tried to get out of line and the whites (with a few Mexicans) were stomping their thick skulls in until the MPs came in and hammered everyone. Might happen in jail, but not in any boot camp. Who the hell was on firewatch, etc? Anyone who’s been in the military knows what I’m talking about. Bunch of BS.

      in reply:
      One, that was the Marines, during the 80’s.

      I work with a guy who did Vietnam as an Army grunt; he said it was amazing that the Army held together at all, as it was all but anarchy between the blacks – actually, with the black community – and the whites.

      This was particularly true in combat.

      If the White guys could EVER devlop the racial cohesiveness of the Colored in the Army, it would be a brand new day, for all of us.

      I believe the story.

      I talked with the Army vets when I was in grad school, and they described a world much more like Camp Crocket, than Camp Pendleton.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    11. New America Says:

      Here’s how we start recovering our power – HINT: it starts with accepting our responsibility to, in Peter Shank’s words, our FAMILY, our RACE, and our CULTURE.

      this is from craigslist los angeles.

      My Son Is A Moron… He Did Not Come From My Loins…
      Date: 2006-07-20, 1:39PM PDT

      You do everything you can for your kids. God knows I’ve tried. But it seems like God enjoys a good joke, now and then.

      I was raised in a strict household. My parents bore offspring from the early-50’s to the mid-60’s. I was around the middle of this brood. With nine mouths to feed, we did not have a lot of extras. We worked for simple things, like bicycles.

      Nothing wrong with that. It’s what we knew. And we were given a great foundation, on which we could create a life for ourselves. As I said, my parents were strict – which made me not wish to be such with my kids.

      Ah, my kids… I’m in my forties, and the wife is a bit younger. I make a fine income, and try not to sweat anything. I get up… have coffee… look out at the ocean… read the paper… move onto my business.

      I appreciate not having a house full of screaming kids in the morning (something that was impossible when I grew up). All I ask of my kids is to; a) be respectful of everyone, b) be honest c) get good grades, d) clean their rooms.

      I do not ask for much, nor do I demand much. However… that is going to change tonight. Events that occurred this morning will bring about change like these kids have never known. The wife has kept me in the dark about some things as well.

      It’s my fault. I accept it. But I can reverse this downward trend – now. My generation (baby-boomers) has found that it is easier to go around a wall, than climb over over it – or knock it down. I’m as guilty as anyone.

      My guilt turned into rage this morning. My son (and my wife) convinced me that he NEEDED a car (he’s seventeen). I was not keen on a kid driving, that has trouble standing a surfboard, or walking down the stairs without tripping.

      But I relented (again, why fight it). With some stipulations, we aquired a car for this child. The rules were put in place, and he proclaimed we were the greatest parents in the worls. Uh huh… It’s 12:00pm, and he has yet to get out of bed. His mother has been instructed to tell my prodigy that he is GROUNDED. We have never done this, but we are today. And I mean GROUNDED in his room!

      Not out by the pool. Not in the gameroom. His cluttered abode is where he better be when I get home tonight. And I’m going to be stopping for a drink, first. I deserve a drink after this morning. Let me tell you about my day.

      I go out to my car in the driveway (I have a three-car garage – and “hers” is the only one that fits inside). My insanely over-priced piece of shit refuses to start today (3rd time in 2 months – the car is 6-monthss old). Okay… I call ‘AAA’; it will 45-60 minutes. No time to wait. Okay… I’m going to take my kids’ car.

      I go in and retrieve the keys (everyone is till asleep @ 8am). I leave a note telling him to call me. His car is down the street at a friends house. Why? He claimed that our driveway was too crowded (and the other kids might scratch it).
      Okay… I find his car… set off the alarm… Shit! People, one word; LOJACK. Goddamn, I hate those alarms.

      Anyways I get in the car, after noticing the REALLY nice rims & tires on it. Hmmm, how did he pay for those? WHEN, did he get those? I get in, and notice a new STEERING WHEEL… without the AIRBAG – that I demanded he have. Oh, this car is totally bitchin’ dude! It gets better…

      I start it up… A huge racket comes from the exhaust (not stock anymore!)… And the stereo starts screaming out profanities! The backseat is now occupied by a huge box with speakers in it… and fast-food trash… and ‘ziz-zag’ papers… and empty ‘trojan’ wrappers (a chip off the ‘ole block).

      To say the least I am pissed. I proceed to drive this rattling, screaming (I tear the faceplate off – finally), piece of doo-doo down the road. I swear, I think I awakened everyone in the neighborhood. I head out onto PCH, and drive less than a mile… when MB’s finest pulls me over…

      WTF? I know I wasn’t speeding. The officer comes up to the car, and asks for my license and insurance card… I hand over the license, and tell him I’m not sure where the insurance card is – ‘it’s my son’s car’… “look in the glovebox” (he is – actually – smiling now)…

      I open the glovebox… and a small BONG falls out… I look at him… he looks at me… This is not happening! Oh, but it is. The first thing I say is ‘it’s not mine!’… “um, sir, could you step out of the car, please”…

      I get out, and we step onto the sidewalk. He tells me he stopped me for having an illegal exhaust (no shit – it sounds like two-dozen weedwhackers coming down the street). He also informs me that there are plenty more violations on this car… And I start laughing… He asks why am I laughing… And I tell him how my day is going.

      “What about the water-pipe?” Indeed! I inform him that this is all a surprise to me, but I would like him to write up everything that is illegal about the vehicle. He looks at me like I’m crazy. But I want my kid to learn a lesson.

      And the officer obliges me. He, even, finds some weed in the trunk… 17 tickets later, we are finished… almost… I ask him if I can keep all of the drug paraphenalia? “Why?” I want my kid to destroy it. I want this kid to know his “fuck-off” days are over.

      The officer agrees. I could see he was wishing he could be there tonight, for the “lesson”. He was pretty decent about the whole thing. This guy took, almost, a half-hour to go through all of this paperwork – and search. I thank him, and head out… He tells me if I get stopped again today, that I should show all the citations to the other officer – and I should not have any problems…

      Problems?!! We have problems. I have lost control of my family. My wife is a co-conspirator. She has just been told that I want a listing of all of our household bills & accounts. ‘Yes, dear – we are going to perform an audit’. She is protesting, but I do not care. This is war.

      I know my family loves me, but they have played me for a fool. I may be a fool, but I am not dumb. She does not know that I just found out my son is in Summer school, because of bad grades. She doesn’t know that DMV has provided me with her, and his, records; apparently they have a problem with obeying traffic laws.

      It’s not going to be easy, but something must be done. I swear, I feel like I have become my father… I want the best for my family, and feel something radical must happen. I can only hope they – truly – understand it is for our own good.

      Some things that will be addressed tonight;

      1) Son’s vehicle is gone; oil up that chain on your bicycle.
      2) All three kids will empty out the garage; sell it/ donate it/ whatever.
      3) Mom will have a household budget.
      4) Chores – that’s right; everyone will have assigned chores.
      5) Chores will be done, before anything else.
      6) Homework will be done daily, before dinner. * Or, immediately after sports events, but always prior to 10pm.
      7) Son’s tickets will be paid with his allowance.
      8) Son is grounded for the rest of the summer.
      9) Son will study from 8am until 4pm – daily, durint the rest of summer vacation.
      10) Videogames are banned from 10pm until 6pm – daily.
      11) Everyone will be up by 8am – daily.
      12) The youngest child is on a diet – now.
      13) Mother will inform father of ALL infractions.
      14) Dad will be home by 6pm – daily.
      15) Everyone will eat dinner, together.
      16) Mom will cook dinner – and it better not come out of the microwave.
      17) The maid is being given four weeks notice. * That is going to be fun – I may not see a sexual interlude for awhile.
      18) Dad is getting a new car, and parking it in his garage.
      19) Son may get a USED car, when his grades are A’s & B’s, for two – consecutive – semesters.
      20) Mom and son are to attend driving school.
      21) Son will explain drug usage – completely, or face rehab & boarding school.
      22) Mom will be weaned off of her “medications”; NOW.
      23) Children will make their own lunches, for school; no more money for shitty school food.
      24) NO soda. Maybe, when we dine out. Maybe, on the weekends.
      25) NO MySpace accounts, or any other assinine accounts – a computer geek will check all of their computers – monthly (they need fear put into their lives).
      26) Dad will attend all school functions.
      27) Everyone will be present for all birthdays.
      28) Children will wear clothes that Dad approves of.
      29) Mom will dress daughter like a little girl; not a ‘hoochie-mama’. * and – definitely – no “juicy” pants on her bottom!
      30) Daughter will not have any underwear, except for briefs.
      31) Sons will not be told to pull up their pants, or face having said pants donated.
      32) NO ‘Rap’ music, within Dad’s hearing range.
      33) NO tattoos, until you are out of my house.
      34) NO piercings (except for daughter’s ears), until you are out of my house.
      35) NO dyeing of hair, until you are out of my house.

      Did I miss something?

      I’m continuing to add to the list…

      Tell me if I missed something…

      Tell me if I’m wrong…

      I’ve seen those “wife-swap” & “nanny” shows…

      I hate to think that is my life…

      Wish me luck…

      I may be sleeping on the patio tonight…

      * this is in or around Long Letter From Manhattan Beach
      * no — it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. Old America Says:

      I have to side with Gunny Megaton, at least as far as the Marines go. I don’t know what goes on with the army, but the nigras were put in line right quick when I was in bc (Pendleton) in the early 1990’s. Oh, the nig boys would try and pull shit, but they got their asses kicked in but good. Maybe the army went PC first in the ‘experiment’. I can’t imagine a bunch of whites in the military pretending to be asleep while some groids raped a white kid. We beat the living shit out of two ground ape flap lipped niggers we caught engaging in consentual ass fucking. Why are niggers so into ass fucking anything, male or female or whatever? Anyway, the story about Camp Crockett smells fishy. Maybe it was written by some punk who wouldn’t fight back when asked to give up some ass to stinky afreakans. Niggers sneak around and pull shit everywhere, but I doubt they could openly do some of the things claimed in the story. Agent Provacateurs are everywhere.

      I get sick of the fucking movies showing so many nigger DI’s. Are they all nigs now? Fifteen years ago most of them were white, and the few niggers that were around were mostly incompetent. But that’s the long range juden plan anyway.

    13. New America Says:

      Old America – listen – I support the Gunny 100% on Camp Pendleton, which is part of something called the Corps of Marines.

      I’m not talking about the Warriors.

      I’m talking about the Army’s “soldiers,” the 300 pound men and 200 pound women who were neutralized as a military force by Cuban CONSTRUCTION WORKERS on Grenada, while the Marines practiced maneuver warfare, and took the war to the enemy.

      I’ve talked with guys who said the recruiting standards just fell through the floorbaords during Vietnam, and the Colored – with precious few exceptions – stuck together in absolute racial unity and did not do a goodamn THING!

      That’s what you have to bear in mind concerning the Colored; alone, oine on one, you will rarely have a real problem. However, they quickly shift to the pack mentality, and quickly act strictly along the lines of predator, and prey.

      I’ll back the author of Camp Crockett on this.

      In the Corps – or, even more appropriately, the Russian Army – this shit would not get a CHANCE to happen.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    14. White Survival Says:

      …Sometimes my contempt for other Whites is so great, I wish half of them dead and the other half whipped. I certainly can’t feel particularly sorry for them when they are shot down as soldiers in Iraq, or hit by a bomb in London, the result of policies they were too cowardly to object to. They may be born White, but they don’t act Aryan…

      …This ties in perfectly with a theme Peter Shank addressed in one of his broadcasts; we have been effectively gelded as men, in a society that has become the land of the eternal adolescent…

      I disagree that the problems like those in Crockett are b/c white men are not man enough or that we should hold the modern white man in contempt. Perhaps he is a bit softer than ideal because of the genius of his technology that has made life so easy, but the real problem is that white men are intelligent, creative, sensitive, productive humans; they’re not wild, brutal, primitive, faggot rapist savages like niggers – and therefore, forcing a white man to live with niggers is like putting him into the lion cage at the zoo without a weapon to protect himself.

      The white man evolved to solve problems (Ice Age), the nigger really didn’t evolve much further than the wild primates from which he descended, because he didn’t have to. You can’t expect a human to be able to fight a wild animal, whether it’s a tiger, bear, or nigger. White men have consciences and other aspects of a highly-developed mind that hold them back from the total savagery of the nigger.

      White men created civilization and technology to deal with the problems of nature, including wild animals. White men don’t need to become savages, they need only to live in a truly civilized society, which by it’s very nature would never include niggers.

      White men are fine. Its forced integration with vicious, sub-human savages that is the problem, coupled with anti-discrimination laws that say the white man is guilty until proven innocent and deserves whatever the nigger dishes out if he looks at the nigger wrong. How can white men protect themselves from brutal nigger animals when they can’t use the tools Nature gave them, ie. civilization-creating ability (rule of law vs. rule of the jungle) and technology (ropes, guns)?

      Ultimately, it all comes back to the jew and his culture-destroying, nigger-loving civil rights. Don’t let your frustration with the situation turn you against your brothers, or we will never prevail.

    15. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      My military experience was quite different to the experiences described above. Niggers were either servants or targets. I think that they will almost always back down when whites as a group stand up to them. As they are more like animals than humans they respond more like animals. Violence and power is what they understand. They smell weakness and fear and respect strength and ruthlessness.
      I have a Russian girlfriend and I have visited the country a few times. It is impressive to see so many very tough looking white men walking in the streets. These are the type of guys who would never take crap from an ape. There aren’t many niggers there anyway, but the ones that are tread carefully. I remember being in St. Petersburg, a major European city, and seeing only three or four in a whole week. They weren’t walking around like they owned the place either, like they do here in Ireland. My girlfriend said that the Russian skinheads regularly beat them up. The Russian media and the politicians don’t go into a frenzy like they do in the west when a precious ape gets a kicking.
      Because so many of these vermin have been introduced into white countries by hymie there can now only be a violent solution. We need to become mentally and physically prepared for this violent confrontation that is coming. I think that the US is where the real fighting will break out first. That is where the most guns are. We’ve been disarmed in western Europe but we are going to have to face it too.

    16. New America Says:

      bryan o’driscoll makes an excellent point, which ties in with Peter Shank’s GREAT INSIGHT –

      “We LET this happen to us, and WE have the power to DO SOMETHING about it. We GAVE away our power, when we abrogated our responsibilities to FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE. Remember, the Jews took it without firing a shot, and we can take it back, the same way.”

      bryan o’driscoll wrote:
      My military experience was quite different to the experiences described above. Niggers were either servants or targets. I think that they will almost always back down when whites as a group stand up to them. As they are more like animals than humans they respond more like animals. Violence and power is what they understand. They smell weakness and fear and respect strength and ruthlessness.

      in reply:
      This is an excellent point; I have seen the “Lord of the Flies” dynamic with the Colored come to the fore virtually any time they are in a group, and can operate without fear of immediate, overwhelming retalitation.

      The Jews have so gelded us culturally that we attempt to be reasonable with the unreasonable, and rational with the irrational; both are certain plans for failure.

      bryan o’driscoll wrote:
      I have a Russian girlfriend and I have visited the country a few times. It is impressive to see so many very tough looking white men walking in the streets. These are the type of guys who would never take crap from an ape. There aren’t many niggers there anyway, but the ones that are tread carefully. I remember being in St. Petersburg, a major European city, and seeing only three or four in a whole week. They weren’t walking around like they owned the place either, like they do here in Ireland. My girlfriend said that the Russian skinheads regularly beat them up. The Russian media and the politicians don’t go into a frenzy like they do in the west when a precious ape gets a kicking.

      in reply:
      The savages are there because of misguided leadership in their backward, jungle ridden homelands; Patrice Lamumba “University’ was formed for these damn savages to acquire a veneer of Marist rhetoric, and Leninist political philosophy, to their Goddamn jungle leadership style.

      Remember what I said above – the Russians have NO ILLUSIONS about the RACE issue, particularly at a nominally egalitarian social structure like Russian Army Boot Camp.

      Those big white farm boys from the Caucuses stick together for Day ONE!

      Remember, the Russians always hated the Soviets – “Soviet,” of course, is a Jewish developed code word for Jewish RACIAL control of a social system.

      The Russian people are coming back, with NO ILLUSIONS as to who’s who, and who’s Jew…

      And, as for “Never Trust A Jew,’ they make Edgar Steele look like Menachem Begin!

      bryan o’driscoll wrote:
      Because so many of these vermin have been introduced into white countries by hymie there can now only be a violent solution. We need to become mentally and physically prepared for this violent confrontation that is coming. I think that the US is where the real fighting will break out first. That is where the most guns are. We’ve been disarmed in western Europe but we are going to have to face it too.

      in reply:
      We have become soft, weak, and helpless THROUGH OUR OWN DOING.

      We can overcome that – through our OWN doing.

      See my post in this thread concering the father on Craigslist.

      THAT is an excellent example of where to start.

      Do you still watch television, the Electronic Jew?


      Instead of watching television, use the time to listen to Peter Shank and Goyfire, while working on a Stairmaster, and using one of Uncle Pavel’s kettlebells.

      THEN, send some money to guys like Hal Turner and Alex Linder, each and every month (the regularity is the important part); start with your junk food and coffee money, and invest that money in a better world, for the sake of your family, today, and your RACE, tomorrow.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. Mati The Estonian Says:


      Parade Magazine Table of Contents June 04, 2006

    18. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      New America makes a good point. Stop watching television! Best of all, get rid of your TV completely. Sell it, throw it out, give it away. Just remove this brainwashing box from your life permanently. You cannot have a TV in your home and not watch it. You will be amazed at the effect. You will find that you have so much time to do worthwhile things. Real conversation will return to your family. TV is a terrible waste of life. Millions of white people spend thousands of precious hours of their lives sitting passively absorbing jew mind-poison. Take this first step in freeing yourselves. It’s easy! If millions of whites did this it would be a real step towards pulling the kike’s fangs from our throats.

    19. Donald Says:

      My first night in basic training nobody slept because the buses that had arrived that day had many trainees from chicago aboard and 80 percent of them were black or hispanic. Many of them were in rival gangs and fought about that. Some of them liked different rap artists and fought about that. All the white people just wanted to sleep but nobody said a word. The whites didnt stick together and demand silence to sleep, but everybody else stuck with their gang, favorite rapper etc.

      As time went on in the army i realized that the most racism i ever heard of was between different non white races. Mexicans and puerto ricans hated eachother and were fine about discussing it in public. My best friend was mexican since we both got promoted to corporal on the same day and shared our young leadership experiences with eachother.I called him a beaner and he called me whitey. One day a dominican who never showed up for work on time filed a complaint saying he was only being punished because there were racists in his squad. He was refering to our playful slurring.I later heard the same guy explain to me that el salvadorians were the trash of the hispanic world. It didnt occur to him that what he said was racist because he wasnt white so how could he be? Theres a big difference between joking with your best bud and casually dismissing a whole country as trash.

      Ive had too many friends who were chinese, korean, black, mexican, or diferent mixes (the only person i still talk to that i was in the army with is half spanish half philipino) to say there is a genetic reason for theft, laziness, stupidity, or violence that exists only in non whites but I’ve certainly seen enough of these traits to steer clear until i’ve had enough time to properly judge them. Also I had seen in my time many people who generally sounded like inteligent good people go on to make mistakes that were stereotypical of their race and ruin their careers, finances etc. White people do the same now and then, but generally not as often in my experience.

      I remember a while back watching the Xmen3 movie and afterwards my sister asked me what superpower i would want to have. I told her i wanted ot be able to turn black people into white people for two hours so whenever i had to sit next to them in the movies I could actually hear the movie and not their opinions about the movie, or of course, phone calls. Everybody in the car laughed briefly and then went quiet. My sister then scolded me for being racist. I dont think I’m racist for saying what I see. I really do find that black people talk alot at the movies. Whenever Im at an airport or bus terminal, its a black person who tells me a sob story and asks for money. Talking about it doesnt make me racist. Saying all El salvadorians were trash would make me racist. When i talk about black people, I dont talk about the cosby’s because I never met anybody like that in real life. I have met real life bloods and crips.