2 August, 2006


Posted by alex in hush crimes at 10:11 pm | Permanent Link
Hypocrisy is like spackle. It smooths over chinks well enough, but where there’s a bigger gap between reality and pretense, the problem needs to be dealt with directly. When hypocrisy explodes into full-scale religion, innocent people get crushed. Was your retarded daughter gang-raped by equals today? “Jim’s” was.

  • 3 Responses to “Lines”

    1. Jim Says:

      I tried to post this comment under the article at Amren but it seems I am banned. So much for freedom of speech.

      ” When lynching negro rapists was in vogue these sorts of things didn’t happen. At least not more than once. White men need to find their cahones and get rid of the tyranny in Washington.”

    2. Jim Says:

      After being refused the post a page popped up saying that the url was referred by:http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/

      I guess this will be a trend now. Going to try to go direct on the next attempt.

    3. amren is shit Says:

      i took one look at amren site and determined they are wishy washy jew infiltrated shit.