11 August, 2006

Lenz: Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 8:29 am | Permanent Link

Currently an important question facing the White Nationalist movement is how can our organizational structures be optimized, so that the movement would become more effective and better coordinate its various activities. There are a number of steps that could be taken, to get results in this direction:

First, all positions within any WN organizations should be similar, so that any WN has a specific position within the WN hierarchy, and his status would be understandable for the other WN. In my opinion, there should be five such levels:

1) Chairman, responsible for making or delegating all important decisions within an organization; selected by the previous Chairman or, initially, by the organization founders. Chairman cannot be recalled;

2) Director, member of the Board of Directors, responsible for coordination of activities with other WN organizations and advising the Chairman in various organizational matters. A director should be a member of a WN organization, who significantly helped in achieving its goals, selected by the Chairman. A Director can be recalled by the Chairman;

3) Unit coordinator, responsible for coordinating the activities of a particular territorial unit or sphere of activities within an organization. Unit coordinators are selected and if necessary recalled by the Chairman;

4) Officer, responsible for particular activity within an organization. Officers are selected, and if necessary recalled by the Unit coordinator;

5) Activist – a member of WN organization. Activist can be recruited by a Unit coordinator and, if necessary, removed from an organization by the Chairman.

Second, each WN organization should have at least one members, acting as a Director within the other WN organization. This would help to improve cooperation and resolve problems fast, if such would arise.

Third, instead of smaller state or country units, we need to form three large territorial units within each WN organization: North American unit, European unit, and Australian unit. This would help to spread the best practices around and would prevent excessive ethnic nationalism, that we don’t need, from arising. Important local problems can be addressed through ad hoc workgroups within a unit.

And, fourth, we need to make each position from officer up a pay based position; each officer should receive 1000 USD per month, each Unit coordinator – 2000 USD per month, each Director – 3000 USD per month, and Chairman – 4000 USD per month. Such salaries would attract capable people, able to make a difference, and would give those, already appointed, a less risky and more regarding lives. This would require introduction of membership dues of at least 100 USD per month. Those, reasonably unable to pay, should have their membership dues waved with no adverse consequences for them. Such is the changes, that in my opinion, are necessary for the White Nationalist Movement to become more effective.

Currently, an important issue that Our Movement should tackle is prohibition of usury within our ranks, and inclusion of anti – usury provision into Statement of Purpose of each WN organization. What is usury? Usury is taking interest on loans or taking excessive unregulated interest on loans, depending on the customs and traditions of the particular White Volk. Usury is dangerous, because it leads to exploitation and indebtness by the low and middle class whites by raceless capitalists and jewish usurers. Hundreds of thousands of White men have their future destroyed and eventually have to declare bankruptcy because of usury and its effects  It has always been opposed by the best minds of WN movement, including Adolf Hitler, Gottlieb Feder, Ezra Pounds, Pastor Butler, Eustace Mullins, Robert Matthews. Having extensively researched the topic, I suggest writing into Statement of Purpose of each WN organization, the following provision:

“Each White Nationalist shall refrain from, agitate and act against usury, in particular, by promoting anti-usury ordinances at local level. Usury shall be defined as taking interest or taking excessive unregulated interest on loans, depending on the customs and traditions of a particular White people. After the White Victory, usury shall be prohibited, and interest strictly regulated in accordance with the customs and traditions of a particular White people, but no loans with interest exceeding 25% per annum or fees exceeding 1% of principle shall be allowed. Before the White Victory, each White nationalist shall not pay or receive interest on loans given to or from other White individuals”.

Having conducted booth closed and open discussion of the anti-usury provision, I have found, that it has significant support, three to one in relation to its opponents within the WN community, and would help to achieve the overall goals of the Movement as well as quality of Movement members.

I currently look in HBP (current value 5,67 USD vs. internal value 10,9 USD per share), a small but very well run construction materials company. My recommendation is 2-3 years buy, I expect its shares to appreciate to 7.5-8.0 USD by the end of 2007.

  • 9 Responses to “Lenz: Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice”

    1. Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:

      Welp, the Laff-o-Meter pegged so hard that the needle broke off, flying across the room to skewer the cat. (RIP “Muffles”)

      Tell me one WN “organization” in your “movement” that doesn’t consist of fifty percent informants/provocateurs/crypto-Judaics/sociopaths?

      Leaderless *economic* resistance is where it starts, kiddies. You can’t give them a target that is logistically plausible to attack. Great yodeling yarmulkes, are you never going to figure that out?

    2. Carpenter Says:

      So … Chairmen that can never be dethroned, and who can throw out any subordinate that gets uppity. The Leader Principle sounds real cool on paper, but in reality this is a recipe for disaster for any WN organization, or any other organization for that matter. Accountability is the name of the game.

      “we need to form three large territorial units within each WN organization: North American unit, European unit, and Australian unit. This would help to spread the best practices around and would prevent excessive ethnic nationalism”

      Is that an important problem today, excessive ethnic nationalism? Does an American WN organization need to spend a large sum of money on sending members to Australia and Europe to teach them how to do things? I bet they’d listen.

      Currently, an important issue that Our Movement should tackle is prohibition of usury within our ranks, and inclusion of anti – usury provision into Statement of Purpose of each WN organization. What is usury? Usury is taking interest on loans or taking excessive unregulated interest on loans,

      …Because obviously we should lend money without getting anything in return. Banks handing out loans with no money coming in – sounds like a good business. So a WN working in a bank today, giving loans to other Whites against interest, is a major problem according to you. I don’t think so.

      And, fourth, we need to make each position from officer up a pay based position; each officer should receive 1000 USD per month, each Unit coordinator – 2000 USD per month, each Director – 3000 USD per month, and Chairman – 4000 USD per month.

      Money is always nice. But someone needs to pay, too. Judging from this and your suggestion for “three large territorial units within each WN organization” I would say that you don’t know what issues real organizations out there in the real world are dealing with today. If you did, your essay would be different.

    3. ftwainth Says:

      “So … Chairmen that can never be dethroned, and who can throw out any subordinate that gets uppity. The Leader Principle sounds real cool on paper, but in reality this is a recipe for disaster for any WN organization, or any other organization for that matter. Accountability is the name of the game”

      The source of power in White Nationalist organizations, Mr Carpenter, is authoritarian top down leadership, not consent of the governed. This insures that deicions are made fast, and every ship flows in the one direction. That’s how things were done in the 19th century, where White nations were on the rise, and great achievements were made. Authoritarian leadership is derided in textbooks, but works well in practice, e.g. in small and medium sized businesses, that function in many ways similar to the WN organizations that exist.

      “Does an American WN organization need to spend a large sum of money on sending members to Australia and Europe to teach them how to do things? I bet they’d listen”.

      We need to think big; and thinking big requires opportunities for growth and development of White Nationalists, good coordination and exchange of experiences. Currently something that works well in Belgium, is either unknown or even derided in the United States, we need to change that. And for this we need bigger units, consisting of ad hoc workgroups and cross membership. The problem is the development of organizational structure, that would offer the benefits of formal organization and at the same time would suit other needs of the Movement.

      “…Because obviously we should lend money without getting anything in return. Banks handing out loans with no money coming in – sounds like a good business. So a WN working in a bank today, giving loans to other Whites against interest, is a major problem according to you. I don’t think so”.

      I think a White giving other Whites high interest loans, that drive them to bankruptsy is a problem, and cannot be a White Nationalist. How can one profess the love for his kind, and destroy it at the same time? That’s what anti-usury provision addresses, not ordinary practicies of sound, European lending.

      “Money is always nice. But someone needs to pay, too. Judging from this and your suggestion for “three large territorial units within each WN organization” I would say that you don’t know what issues real organizations out there in the real world are dealing with today. If you did, your essay would be different”.

      Without good salaries we would be unable to attract and retain enough quality people, or use their time effectively: people should not have worries about the well-being of their families. That’s why membership dues are important: and it is necessary to focus on that. And I respectfully think, that starting and a running a professional practice, as well as previously working in a large financial organization in addition to extensive formal education should have tought me something about organizational development.

    4. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Usury in merely one of many problems. The overiding principle of National Socialism is “Abolition of income unearned by work”. This encompasses usury, stock exchange speculation, and real estate speculation. With the Jews back in Israel, these things will vanish.

    5. Olde Dutch Says:

      On the topic of political organization I’ll recommend “Plunkitt of Tammany Hall”. Available at fine used bookstores everywhere for a couple of dollars. Plunkitt is also on-line. Be sure and read, and re-read the chapter on “How to Become A Statesman”. Learn how to organize your own political club, and build it into a real organization with clout—the American way.

      As far as usury goes, there are laws on the books against usury, and for truth in lending. A task of the “George Lenz” political organization might be to strengthen these laws in your state. Organize around the enforcement of anti-usury laws.

    6. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Surely our first objective must be educational outreach with the minimum of organisational structure.

    7. jackumup Says:

      there is no movement until there is a economical crises, stand by its comming faster than you think!

    8. Steve B Says:

      Been fucked over by niggers, been fucked over by beaners, been fucked over by jews but nobody fucked me over worse than White guys. They do it on a daily basis. I guess the WN’s would say it’s the jews fault. Jewboy made a White guy lie to me. Jewboy make a White guy steal from me on a business deal. Jewboy made a White guy hardcase me over nothing. Jewboy made a White guy hold me up to a standard that no one could meet. Jewboy made a White guy, who I gave money to, treat me like a bastard child at a family reunion when I couldn’t give anymore.

      It’s the jews fault. You cocksuckers!

    9. ftwainth Says:

      2 Steve B

      First, stop swearing: we observe rules of gentlemenary conduct here. And second, it is not a proper avebue to express your frustrations: we discuss financial and economic matters. Write a letter to VNN, it would be discussed and published in due course in reader’s mail.