3 August, 2006

Kirksville Daily Express Runs Canadian VNN-Shutdown Story

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville, LTEs, VNN at 12:04 pm | Permanent Link

First read the article, mistakes, repeated false allegations… Note that you can write letters to them. They have censored my posts there in the past.


But they don’t have control over a new blog, so new it doesn’t even have this story posted yet. It’s a little thing we like to call KirksvilleToday.com .

I spoke earlier today with KDE Editor Greg Orear, who told me a second article will appear tonight. I sent him the following LTE.


I appreciate your publicizing my websites front and center. But don’t misquote me. I spelled the judge’s name correctly. You messed it up. Is that your usual sloppiness or subtle attempt to make me the dumb one?

The rest is so much blather about a First Amendment-protected opinion and a change of internet service providers (ISP), something we at VNN have done ten times since we came online in 2000, thanks to the jewish dictatorship that runs this country behind the scenes. They’re not much on criticism. They’re big on getting small-town White boys killed in their wars to expand Israel, though.

In short, edit your embarrassingly bad paper and quit copying and pasting lies from Canadian rags. Get one of your obese sports reporters out of the girls’ locker room pounding the street doing some real reporting. They don’t have freedom of speech in Canada. That’s why a good man, Tomasz Winnicki, is in jail today – but I’m not.

If any Kirksville citizens want the real story, the full story, visit govnn.com and — our brand-new blog — kirksvilletoday.com .


Alex Ruedy Linder of the Linders who’ve been in this town for 150+ years, unlike crusading carpetbaggers calling me a “hater” and fly-by-night “progressive” slacker editors who couldn’t spell their way out of a Dr. Seuss book.

[Note for new readers: You see that the KDE article was printed yesterday, August 2. VNN got back online July 29. The site was up and running when the article appeared. Laziness or deliberate misleading, to leave the impression that the site is down?]

  • 15 Responses to “Kirksville Daily Express Runs Canadian VNN-Shutdown Story”

    1. alex Says:

      I post the KDE article here in full since it will go in paid archives in a week, and I want to document it.

      White supremacist’s Web site shut down after threats posted

      Published: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:05 PM CDT
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      KIRKSVILLE – A local white supremacist’s Web site has been taken offline after he allegedly issued death threats against Canadian officials.

      According to an article published last week in the London Free Press in London Ontario, Canada, Alex Linder, of Kirksville, posted the threats on the Vanguard News Network after the jailing of London resident Tomasz Winnicki.

      Winnicki was sentenced to nine months in jail July 13 after violating a court order barring him from posting hate messages. The Free Press reported VNN hosted Winnicki’s “long-running tirade against non-whites and non-Christians.”

      After the jail sentence was issued, Linder posted threats on the site against Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad W. von Finckenstein, members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman.

      “Killing Warman, ‘judge’ von Finckenship, or any of the jews who make up the dictatorial ‘human rights’ council … would be a genuine act of patriotism,” Linder posted on his Web site “That is VNN’s view.”

      The commission increased security for staff working on hate crimes in wake of the threats. They joined Warman in drafting letters to U.S. police and the Internet service provider for VNN.

      “This is a direct indication to murder,” Warman said, a human rights advocate who targets Internet hate sites.

      The Free Press also reported VNN posted death threats from its members, including one saying outlaw bikers had been offered money to kill Warman and his family.

      After being informed of the threats, the Internet service provider shut down the main Web site and the VNN forum July 26.

      Several attempts to contact Linder by phone were unsuccessful, and he did not respond to an email from the Daily Express seeking comment.

      The Southern Poverty Law Centre, an anti-racism group, describes Linder as “the operator of a gutturally racist Web site that is close to breaking into the big time by becoming one of the 10,000 most-visited pages on the Net.”

    2. alex Says:

      My second letter to Orear, listing the errors in the Aug. 2 article…

      Greg –

      Consider this list of errors in your August 2 article.

      1. You have me spelling the “judge’s” name ‘Finckenship.’ Here’s the paper you were apparently getting your news from quoting me spelling it correctly. You didn’t seem overly surprised or bothered when I notified you of the error. Deliberate attempt to make me look careless/stupid/lazy?

      Last week, he posted a message on the site that said his organization would support the killing of Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad W. von Finckenstein, members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman.


      The original commentary on VNN:

      2. VNN came back online on July 29. Your article was published August 2. Did you not check whether we were back up, or were you trying to leave the misleading impression that we’re shut down, perhaps for good? Even though I wasn’t around, this is not an acceptable mistake to make.

      3. You state that I posted threats against Finckenstein et al. Not true. I stated an opinion. It was mischaracterized as a death threat by Canadian papers, and echoed by you. Again, sloppy or actionable?

      4. You quote Warman: “This is a direct indication to murder,” Warman said… Again, this is incredibly sloppy work on your part. He said, of course, incitement. You need to reread your articles before you print them.

      That’s two major-league screw-ups in one story, and we aren’t even below the fold on the front page!

      5. You assert our ISP shut us down. As I told you earlier today, this is not accurate. You risk serious damage to KDE through your reliance on the reporting of others.

      The above are five technical errors independent of content. I won’t even get into the biased framing of the story. One expects little of KDE, given its history, but you’re verging into dangerous territory.

      KirksvilleToday.com (http://www.kirksvilletoday.com/) will keep close watch on your tenure as editor of KDE, Greg. Your every screw-up, bit of unfair coverage, inaccuracy and misspelling will duly be highlighted and criticized. Look on the bright side – you get a freelance ombudsman.

      Clean up your act or you can tell Freels that my lawyers will be calling.

      Alex Linder

    3. lawrence dennis Says:

      From the hit-piece (I mean ‘article’):

      “The commission increased security for staff working on hate crimes in wake of the threats.”

      I’m sorry, I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! But I don’t doubt that someone deliberately made this up, to make it sound like the only thing that stands between a man with a website and sudden death of jewish hate mongers (I mean ‘commissioners’), is … censorship!!!

    4. alex Says:

      Second article, published this evening – without my LTE clearing up hopelessly confused/deceitful Orear’s mistakes in article #1, indeed compounding them with fresh errors.

      Prosecutor joins FBI, district attorney in Web site investigation
      BY GREGORY OREAR, Managing Editor
      Published: Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:28 PM CDT
      E-mail this story | Print this page

      KIRKSVILLE – The Adair County prosecutor is working with federal officials on an investigation into death threats [sic – no threats were posted] allegedly posted on a Kirksville man’s Web site.

      Mark Williams told the Daily Express in an exclusive interview that he met with agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and representatives from the United States District Attorney’s office this week regarding Alex Linder’s Web site, the Vanguard News Network.

      The Web site was shut down last week after Linder allegedly posted a death [sic, and double sic if the improperly ommitted word were included] against Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad W. von Finckenstein, members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman.

      Williams and federal authorities are now trying to decide if any laws were broken, and if so, which ones.

      “We are trying to figure out if this crosses the line,” Williams said. “The FBI is going to further discuss the case with the U.S. Attorneys office and they will contact me.”

      [“…trying to figure out”… How hard is it to figure out if a crime has been committed? Answer, it isn’t hard at all, it’s easy, it takes about ten seconds. What takes weeks and weeks is to figure how to twist plain words to railroad the innocent. Is the FBI/district attorney/local prosecutor conspiring with a foreign government to deny an American citizen his civil rights?]

      Williams and Kirksville Police Chief Jim Hughes both received letters last week from Canadian officials regarding the site.

      “The Canadian authorities who sent us the letter … they have taken it very seriously,” Williams said. “And they asked us to investigate it, which we are.”

      The threats [sic] were posted after London, Ontario resident Tomasz Winnicki was jailed for nine months for contempt of court. Winnicki had violated a court order from von Finckenstein barring him from posting hate messages [sic].

      The London Free Press in Ontario, Canada, reported after being informed of the threats, the Internet service provider shut down the main Web site and the VNN forum July 26.

      However, Linder indicated in an interview this morning that the ISP, Cable Bay, had nothing to do with the site going offline.

      “The P1 [sic -T1] service was actually yanked from pressure I think came from Canada,” he said. “Essentially, you have foreigners messing with our first amendment rights.”

      He also asserted he broke no laws.

      “I’m here, I’m not in jail and I didn’t do anything,” he said.

      Linder said this is the 10th time he has had to change sites [sic – servers. If you’re concluding that Orear is hopelessly dense and not much beyond functionally literate, you’re on the mark.] , and that this time, they have added a number of sites and servers. [No, that’s not what I said. I said we have many different sites. And we use a number of different servers.]

      “They can still knock us down, but we can get back up again,” he said.

      Linder said a Web blog version of the Site came back online within three or four days [No, what I said was that VNN was online when you wrote the article yesterday, but for some reason you left that fact out.], and the forum site was back this morning.

      However, as of noon, the forum site in fact was still offline. [The forum was in fact up, although still having some of the data restored.]


    5. jackumup Says:

      THANK The jewish god VNN is back. “Human rights” is a jewish phrase meaning the oppression of goys.

    6. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Yes, the irony of it all. “Human rights” for whom? For gays – for minorities? Certainly not for free speech by anyone except those who take content out of context.

      I would classify this muck from the opposition as “dark comedy” at its best.

    7. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Alex, we’ve been in Missouri since before the Revolutionary War, so I’d like to extend a warm welcome from my family to yours. We’re not all that happy about the side y’all picked to support during the War of Northern Aggression, but the Germans built some fine cities and made many other important contributions to Missouri, so we’ve moved on. It appears that your county prosecutor is a bit of a spaz. Pat Robertson recently called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, so if they come for you they’ll have to pick him up along the way. I don’t see anything wrong with saying that the death of foreign tyrants would be a good thing. If that’s illegal, every poster on FreeRepublic would be locked up. The Feds might be aware of that fact , which may be why they’re not admitting to any ongoing investigations. It looks like they’re trying to distance themselves from your local whackos up there in Missouri’s frigid north.

    8. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex—I noticed that the unsigned AP story making the rounds has omitted the fact that you attributed the VNN editorial position to Thomas Jefferson on tyrants and tyranny.

      “Killing Warman, “judge” von Finckenstein, or any of the jews who make up the dictatorial “human rights” council that persecutes loyal Canadians such as Winnicki would be a genuine act of patriotism. That is Thomas Jefferson’s view, and it is VNN’s view too.”

      You are in good company with the Thomas Jefferson. The “tyranny of printers” must be broken today, just as it was in Jefferson’s day.

    9. Theseus Says:


      About Warman saying they’ve hired extra security . . . He’s the one stepping on your birthright to free speech. He’s the one going into someone else’s country and enforcing his way. It’s a bit like yelping as he kicks you, no? We’re all still sure he’s not a jew?

    10. alex Says:

      My ancestors were against slavery and abolitionists. No niggers, no Abos. Who can argue?

      Let’s just say the coming week should prove interesting. If KDE thinks it can shit on me with no response, it has another think coming. I’ve sent a response to the article it published, and it is simple fairness for KDE to print it.

    11. Glenn Miller Says:

      Congratulations Alex, on receiving “compliments” from your local newspaper. Here’s an insightful and pithy posting I found on Phora, regarding the matter:

      Join Date: May 2006
      Posts: 297


      “We have to decide if it violated any of our laws,”

      Well now, that’s strange. Usually you know what laws were violated before you call in the prosecutor.

      This strikes me as a what-pretext-can-we-use-to-lynch-this-guy brainstorming circle. I’m no fan of Linder, but if a trained prosecutor can’t tell what laws were violated off-the-bat, then it’s time to divert your attention to, oh, I don’t know, murderers and child molesters?

    12. Unreconstructed Strom Thurmond Says:

      “It appears that your county prosecutor is a bit of a spaz. Pat Robertson recently called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, so if they come for you they’ll have to pick him up along the way. I don’t see anything wrong with saying that the death of foreign tyrants would be a good thing. If that’s illegal, every poster on FreeRepublic would be locked up.”

      I don’t know — and don’t much care — what Saddam Hussein did halfway across the globe. But I do know that plenty of Americans have called for his head on a platter. Your point is well taken.

    13. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      I guess they’ll be investigating Virginia next, for their “Sic Semper Tyrannis” state motto. My gosh, it even includes an illustration that advocates violence! One hopes that the good people in Kirksville, after reading that Tomasz Winnicki was given nine months in prison for posting “hate” messages on the internet, will be able to figure out who the bad guys are here, but you never know about Americans these days.


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