Kill ‘Em All: Israel’s Real Foreign Policy
Posted by alex in Israeli war crimes, jewed foreign policy, World War Wheeee! at 4:30 pm | Permanent Link
Buchanan on Qana slaughter
…because America provides Israel with the bombs it uses on Lebanon, and we refused to restrain the Israelis, and we opposed every effort for a cease-fire before Sunday, America shares full moral and political responsibility for the massacre at Qana.
1 August, 2006 at 6:05 pm,7340,L-3283720,00.html
Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents
The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that “according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as ‘innocents’ of the enemy.”
All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians,” the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)
(07.30.06, 17:37)
1 August, 2006 at 7:08 pm
One Is Not the Other
by Charley Reese
One of the most useful devices of general semantics is the use of numbers and dates to remind ourselves of individuality and change. Cow-1 is not the same as cow-2, and Israel-1967 is not the same as Israel-2006.
In 1967, Israel launched a blitzkrieg attack against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, and in less than a week had captured and occupied the Sinai, Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.
Israel-2006, however, has been fighting for 13 days as of this writing and has captured only one small village about two miles above the Israeli border with Lebanon. Capturing that little village took three days and cost the Israelis a number of casualties, tanks, and helicopters. Nor has Israel been able to stop the rockets from striking Haifa and other cities in the north of the country despite virtually round-the-clock, seven-days-a-week bombardment by air, artillery, and naval gunfire.
Israel has not gotten weaker in terms of conventional military power – not with American aid that now is estimated to cumulatively total $108 billion. The Israeli Defense Force and the Israeli air force could still defeat the conventional forces of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. But it would not be as easy as it was in 1967. It would be harder, more like the 1973 war, but certainly doable.
One month before the present conflict with Hezbollah began, Lt. Col. Itay Brun was explaining Israel’s new military concepts, according to a story on the Middle East Newsline. Most of Israel’s operations, the air-force officer explained, would be conducted from the air. Fighter jets would destroy guerrilla strongholds, helicopters would pick off enemy combatants, while unmanned aerial vehicles would select and track targets. Those are essentially the tactics America used in Afghanistan.
So why has the Israeli notion of invincible air power been shattered by a small guerrilla outfit? For basically the same reason the British lost the American Revolution. Overwhelming power leads to overconfidence, which leads to hubris, which leads to underestimating one’s opponents. It is also a lesson in general semantics. Hezbollah guerrillas-2006 are not the same as PLO fighters-1982. In 1982, the Israeli army smashed its way into Beirut without too much difficulty and routed the PLO. That conflict and the 18-year occupation by Israel of southern Lebanon gave birth to Hezbollah.
Hezbollah’s guerrillas, however, are well-trained, well-armed, disciplined, and well-dug-in. Though you might not guess it from the same clips of some Hezbollah celebration with marching troops that television keeps showing over and over, Hezbollah is unostentatious. One observer noted that traveling in southern Lebanon, you could see virtually no trace of Hezbollah fighters, but “you felt they were around.”
And this brings up just one of several examples of how out of touch with reality the Bush administration is. The Bush people keep talking about getting rid of Hezbollah as if it were some foreign entity occupying Lebanon. It is a Lebanese organization. It is the Lebanese people in that area. It has members elected to parliament, and some serving as ministers in the Lebanese government. It operates an extensive welfare/education/medical services network. You can’t “throw” Hezbollah out of Lebanon unless, of course, you intend to exterminate or expel 40 percent of the population. I’m sure the neocons and the Israelis would be perfectly willing to do that, but I don’t think world opinion would tolerate it.
Israel was prepared for this operation and only waiting for an excuse. Israeli officers were showing PowerPoint presentations of their plans to crush Hezbollah to officials in Washington on a hush-hush basis as early as a year ago, according to some news reports.
Now, mighty Israel is embarrassed. Its savage bombardment of Lebanon has won Hezbollah more supporters, not fewer. Hezbollah doesn’t have to win any battles. It just has to survive to the point in time when the Israelis give up trying to destroy it.
1 August, 2006 at 7:09 pm
The Return of the Neocons
They were down, but not out…
by Justin Raimondo
In the weeks before the Israeli re-invasion of Lebanon, Israel’s amen corner launched a preemptive attack against the enemy – Condoleezza Rice. Richard Perle, writing in the Washington Post, lashed out against the “dithering” of the Bush administration:
“For more than five years, the administration has dithered. Bush gave soaring speeches, the Iranians issued extravagant threats and, in 2003, the State Department handed the keys to the impasse to the British, French and Germans (the ‘E.U.-3’), who offered diplomatic valet parking to an administration befuddled by contradiction and indecision. And now, on May 31, the administration offered to join talks with Iran on its nuclear program. How is it that Bush, who vowed that on his watch ‘the worst weapons will not fall into the worst hands,’ has chosen to beat such an ignominious retreat?”
The Lobby was furious: what was holding up the “transformation” of the Middle East? How is it that the regimes of Bashar al-Assad and the Iranian mullahs were still standing? Having led the nation into the Iraqi sinkhole, into which the president’s ratings and the prospects of a Republican-led Congress were rapidly vanishing, Perle and his gang were on the outs with the administration anyway. It was time for a comeback.
Their policy of “regime change” in the Middle East was discredited, and their vaunted influence left for dead in the rubble of “liberated” Iraq. But the neocons had been down before, and they always came back. Besides which, no one knows better than the War Party that the best defense is an aggressive offense. They could afford to make a few waves, and Perle’s broadside caused a stir in Washington: suddenly the discontent of the “conservatives” (i.e., neoconservatives) was making itself heard. But even bigger waves were in the making…
The Israeli blitz may not have succeeded in cleaning out Hezbollah from the southern precincts of Lebanon, but it will almost certainly accomplish the expulsion of the “realists” from the councils of state and put the neocons back in the saddle in Washington. Their enemy, the American secretary of state, has been blown out of the water by the Israeli strike at Qana, where 60 civilians, 37 of them children, were slaughtered. This provoked a response from the Lebanese: Don’t bother coming to Lebanon, Condi – until you call off your dogs.
It’s odd, but the United Nations seems to be getting the worst of it: as the Israelis blasted two of their observation posts to smithereens, killing four, a crowd of Lebanese invaded UN offices in Beirut, and smashed the place up, yelling “Death to Israel, death to America.”
Well, not quite the worst of it – this is a fate reserved for the Lebanese. Muslim, Christian, Druze – whatever – all have been targeted for destruction by the Israelis, whose “Justice” Minister Haim Ramon averred:
“All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah.”
When Slobodan Milosevic stood in the dock of the war crimes tribunal in The Hague, the accusation lodged against him by the court and the international media was that of attempted “ethnic cleansing.” His intent, said his critics, was to drive out the Bosnian Muslims and the Albanian Kosovars and sow the bloody soil with the seeds of a regenerated Greater Serbia. While there is some debate over whether this devilish plan ever existed, even as a concept in the late Serbian dictator’s feverish brain, there is no doubt that this is precisely what is being attempted in Lebanon. They want to set up a sanitized “zone” cleansed of all Arabs, all Muslims, all possible resistance, the northern equivalent of the great Wall of Separation they’re building to keep the Palestinians from their historic lands.
They’re building Fortress Israel, an impregnable redoubt of Zionism. But they have no intention of hunkering down and luxuriating in a U.S.-taxpayer-supported isolationism. From the security of their base they can expand and extend Israeli influence into Syria, Kurdistan, and beyond, taking their place as the regional hegemon, overshadowing even the United States.
Rice’s efforts to negotiate, rather than let the sheer momentum of events unleashed by the American invasion of Iraq take their natural course, undermine Israeli interests. Their agenda includes a regional war, the takedown of Syria’s Ba’athists, and a confrontation with the Iranians ending in regime change. “Faster, please,” exhorts Michael Ledeen, a leading neocon and founding president of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), who has made a career out of implementing this program.
The Americans may not have been listening to Ledeen’s advice, but the Israelis sure took it up with alacrity – and so far it’s working. In Washington, the Amen Corner is back in the saddle, and, more important, two major Israeli goals have so far been achieved.
Israel has drawn the U.S. into the conflict, and this may become more than merely rhetorical if and when American soldiers are sent in with the “international” peacekeepers. Unless common sense prevails in Washington – an unlikely scenario – or Secretary Rice succeeds in cobbling together an agreement to end the fighting, Americans may soon be fighting and dying for a Greater Israel.
The other objective, however, is equally important, albeit part of a long-term project. The invasion and the American response confirm in Muslim eyes the central thesis of Osama bin Laden and his cohorts that the “Crusaders” are the real empowering agent of the “Zionist entity” – and that it is necessary to strike the American homeland if victory is to be won on the battlefields of the Middle East. Bin Laden’s chief adjunct, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was quick to pounce on the invasion, and crow, in effect, “We told you so!”
Israel’s strategy has always been to embolden and encourage Arab-Muslim radicalism, to smash secular moderates in the old PLO and, now, sideline Palestinian “president” Mahmoud Abbas, and empower nutballs – bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, etc. – all the better to rally the West behind Israel’s cause. They nurtured Hamas, in its early years, as a supposedly quietist alternative to the militant PLO. Now they are reaping the whirlwind, as the “blowback” comes back to haunt them in the form of suicide bombers – just as Hezbollah was birthed by the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, which ended, ultimately, in Israel’s ignominious retreat and the establishment of Nasrallah as a leading voice in a democratic Lebanon.
That ending, however, is being challenged by the Israelis, whose jealousy of a thriving as well as liberal Arab neighbor to the north has, in part, driven popular support for the invasion. The cafes and skyscrapers of a revived Beirut attracted visitors from throughout the world, while tourists – except for Christian fundamentalist crazies and the thinning trickle of Jews making aliya – largely disdained the Zionist Sparta. For the Israelis, the sight of an Arab success story was a reproach and a reminder of their one big defeat.
In the poisonous political culture of the Middle East, this meant the Israelis would have to strike back one day – and so they have. Tit for tat, insult for insult, massacre and revenge – it’s the infamous “cycle of violence” that has turned the region volcanic and threatened us with the eruption of a third (some would say fourth) world war.
We have allowed ourselves to be dragged into this on the Israeli side, a move that runs counter to American interests – and endangers the security of the nation and the life of every citizen (especially those living abroad). How did we get here? How do we get out? These are questions for another column, but the first requires some sort of partial answer, so I’ll just provide a link.
This country may be too far gone down the road to perdition to be saved at this late date, but we who saw this coming have no choice but to face the future and fight. We don’t have to accept that Washington is, today, Israeli-occupied territory, and that the interests of a foreign power trump our own in the minds of our policymakers and leaders. We don’t have to sit passively and watch it all unfold on our television screens – we can act, we can challenge our “leaders,” we can build a movement to take back our country’s foreign policy from the hijackers and make sure it serves the American people once again.
1 August, 2006 at 11:46 pm
We do share culpibility. Hate to moralize, but there is no clearer case.
WNs share common cause with all nationalists–including Arabs/Lebanese/Assyrian/Iranians. We should do our part by making sure this stuff doesn’t happen, yet we do not.
2 August, 2006 at 1:35 am
Bringing light to the world: one phosphorous bomb at at time…
2 August, 2006 at 11:47 am
“In war, do not advance relying solely on military might. Numbers alone confer no advantage” Sun Tzu
guess the FCKN kikes thought they were cleverer than this ancient Chinese military scientist.
‘fraid NOT, jew BOY!
so: Raimondo has ‘discovered’ that neo-cons are kikes & that the yoos control the JewSA……BIG FCKN DEAL!……so, what else isn’t NEW?
the $64000 QUESTION IS: WTF are we gunna DO abt it?
WNs want a ‘permanent cessation’ of the yooish prblm.
that means: sumthin’ permanent!
that means: FOREVER!
that means: no jews: JUST RIGHT!
2 August, 2006 at 3:51 pm
Here are a couple of links that are interesting….it may not be much, but I think a lot of people are starting to wake up and smell the gefilte fish.
Personally, I’m sick and tired of watching death and devestation in these countries that are being made out to be supposed enemies to the state of Israel. Apparantly so are a lot of others! It has to stop and educating the public with the facts is the first step.
3 August, 2006 at 7:31 am
You guys are leaving out the best part though when our soldiers go through and dig up the dead sand nigger kids and clean em up a bit and then devour them for a light snack. We call it baby back ribs or lamb chops and man they are tasty as hell.
We also refrigerate them and send them back home to the yid delli joints all over where they are cut up and ground into hamburger and served to our people.
You guys are really ignorant to what goes on arent you? Didnt you know this is an ancient jewish custom that dates back thousands of years where we conquer our enemy (usually ragheads) and then we kill all the adults but save the children to be eaten. Read the Torah, you idiots.
Kosher actually means there are dead enemy kids in the meat mixed or pure but mostly mixed with animal flesh and this ancient ritual custom is supposed to make our jewish people especially the military, stronger and more sexual to each other.
Eating the dead babies of the enemy is an ancient custom in other parts of the world but there is a magic in the potency of it and actually it has been quite a while since we have had a chance to revitalize ourselves with our enemy dead young tasty treats. We call it Kosher. Kosher in an ancient jewish word that means the dead enemy babies have been ground bones intestines brains and all and blessed by the rabbi for consumption to make us stronger.
You say drink more milk? We say eat more dead enemy babies.
3 August, 2006 at 6:49 pm
Now the jews are panicking…running for cover.