6 August, 2006


Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jew at 3:22 am | Permanent Link
Get the mother fucking jews out. Every one. Every last hook-nosed POS. I’m sick of these fuckers. They don’t speak for me. I’m an American. Get rid of the cunts, the koffmans the sylveseters, the newmans the seinfelds the — GET OUT KIKES. No matter where you touch the disgusting American empire, you pull away with kike on your finger. World, be it known, — the kikes ain’t us. They don’t represent us, speak for us, look like us — anything.  FUCK THE KIKES. GET LOST JEWS. YOU STINK LIKE DAY-OLD GEFILTE FISH. GET LOST.

  • 33 Responses to “GET THE JEWS OUT”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Send them all to Haiti.

    2. jimbo Says:

      the ‘stink’ now emanating from the kike is most likely the ‘stink’ of fear & panic as they realise that their time is ALMOST UP and that The Revenge of the Aryan rapidly approaches…..

      i think that ‘stink’ more closely resembles the ‘stink’ emanating from a week-old corpse!

    3. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      You will never get rid of these monstrous parasites until the majority of the population can clearly identify them as the lethal danger that they are. Like most successful parasites the jew is able to disguise himself. Only a knowledgable minority is able to penetrate that disguise. However, that minority is growing. The transition from liberalism, conservatism or whatever, in other words, ignorance, is sometimes a ‘Road to Damascus’ affair, but usually is a slow dawning of awareness as described by Edgar Steele, Luke O’Farrell and many others. Once you aknowledge this awareness to yourself there is no going back. You will then always recognize the jew and his poisoness works. There will be some stage, a critical mass if you will, when enough people will know the jew and then it will be payback time. This knowing will not be just among whites, but since it is among our race that the kike hides and feeds, then it is awareness among whites that is the most important. Then there must be a final solution. The cycle must be broken.

    4. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      Alex, great goal, Kamerad! Get rid of the yid! Here’s a joke: What do you call happiness? A nigger swimming back to Africa with a Mexican under each arm. Of course, the nigs can’t swim for shit.

      One thing I’d suggest to my fellow aryans is that we fully understand the current situation in Israel and act appropriately when enough of us finally agree to solve the Jewish Problem. Some people say we should be pro-Zionist because this means the kikes will go to Israel and we should be happy to help them pack their bags and even pay for their plane tickets. Others say that we should force them to live in 1967 or pre-1967 borders once there. Both of these are not strategic in my opinion. The kikes are dug in over there like goddamn Louisiana chiggers. And they have nukes. The first thing to do — once our people have gotten their heads out of their asses and realize the cause of world unrest is the jew — is to send American special forces and British SAS on a military op to secure and control the kike’s nuclear weapons. Afterward, since so many of our troops are nearby in neighboring Iraq, they could then simply move in. All the arabic people there would be smiling from ear to ear. Hell, that’s when they’ll get the real welcome as conquering heroes and showered with flowers as they were allegedly going to get by toppling President Saddam Hussein.

      What to do next? Figure out a place to put these fuckers. My suggestion would be a penal colony — or concentration camp if you prefer, haha — in an African country. Once we find a suitable place, we’d pay the locals or help them to build and maintain a secluded habitat. Maybe we should give each inmate an exploding necklace like in The Running Man so that if they leave the area they get their lying heads blown off. Certainly they would not be allowed media technology such as television or radio broadcasting and any of “literature” they produce would be contained. My guess is many would commit suicide after hearing about where they’re headed like in Escape from L.A. Sob, sob. How tragic.

      Think about this… if all these kikes were currently made to wear yellow stars, then we’d know why they say what they say about the arabs and Israel, right? When that kike Marc Ginsberg apologizes for Israel on Fox “unfair and unbalanced” News, it’d be obvious why he makes such pro-Israel statements. He’s wearing a star! He’s a fucking yid! Of course, he’s going to back his fellow Hebes! Stop the show. Give me another “expert.” One that’s objective for a change. One that doesn’t have a star. Maybe the whacko Christian Zionists should wear a star too. Hell, they’d probably don them voluntarily because they’re so sycophantic.


    5. Zoroastro Says:

      Don’t forget to exclude “dogman” from the vnn forum. This judex is a rabid white people hater. Take a closer look at the amount of venomous hatred each of his thread carries…fui! It’s funny though, sometimes the infiltrated enemy is so obvious, but sometimes it sneaks in at least at first before the true monster emerges…

    6. Bond...James Bond Says:

      The kikes will have to be dealt a death blow that they will never recover from. That means killing them! If we leave them alive somehow they will worm their way back into our white countries and the whole destructive cycle will start again. We must not leave this job to our children. We, this generation has to do the dirty work.
      They niggers and spics also need that same death blow. The best defence is a good offence. Why retreat? Why this talk about carving out a new white country from America? We have a country! We will not give up any territory! None!
      In fact we will expand our territory to include half of Mexico,(the best half) all of Canada,(except Quebec) all of South Africa and all of Rhodishia.
      Mexico using its excess population is guilty of waging a biological warfare of genocide against white America. Canada is guilty in harboring jews who have pushed multiculturism on the whites of America and Canada. The term was coined in Canada and much of the plan to undermine white control in all white countries came from jews operating in Canada with the full backing of self-hating white elites. Canada and its jews have waged a war of genocide against America. Its land will be siezed as reparations for war crimes ! Its jews will be executed and non-whites sent packing.
      The point I’am trying to make here is that we must not use half measures when dealing with the jew and non-white problem. Lets finish the job and be cold hearted about it. No mercy for the enemies of our race.

    7. Olde Dutch Says:

      …hmmm…is this what Robert Redford told Paul Newman…

    8. jackumup Says:

      Anger is the friend of the Jew it allows him to cower under the lie of persecution, we should just use the tool of God that makes the jew and thier father (satan) shake with fear

      “THE TRUTH”.

    9. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      It sounds like Mr Linder is getting ready to accept Zionism. We must support the Jews in their battle for Judenraum. They need enough extra land to accommodate 9 million more of their co-racialists. Sand Negroes can emigrate to Arabia. They will be happy closer to Mecca. They are even worse than the Jews.

      After the Gathering of Israel, a massive Ghetto wall must seal the Jews in. They should be turned into a nation of dairyfarmers and beekeepers. Only agricultural supplies should be allowed in and agricultural produce allowed out. Fancy Abbie Foxman driving a John Deere with a Star of David on the side!

      Donald E. Pauly
      Zionist Rastafarian

    10. expose_them_all Says:

      Beautiful words and words in which I agree. Get the fuck out kike and when you leave, your niggers, spics and all the muds you use against us won’t be far behind.

      I’m so GD sick of Jews I wished I could kill every last one. And don’t want to hear that BS about “there’s good Jews too.” I’d kill the GD “good ones” first, just for spite. I hate Jews and everthing they stand for. Everything they stand for, I’m against. We will never have peace, happiness or safety until every last Jew is removed from our midst.

      Thanks for this site.

    11. expose_them_all Says:

      Damn man, I just read it again. Such beautiful words. Sometimes I lay awake at night and dream this shit. Just imagine a world without Jews? Gosh, what a dream. Just imagine a world without niggers, spics and all the other POS’s that roam OUR land – it would be like living in utopia all over again. Once I get to thinking about this stuff, I can’t help but think of the poor Germans, look what we did to them on behalf of the evil Jew?

      Fuck, there use to be a site that had hundreds of pictures of the atrocities committed against the German people and equally as evil as the mass bombing during the war was also what we allowed to happen AFTER the war. One thing that haunts me to this day is the photos of the Jew who just walked up to a young German mother who was holding a tiny baby and snatched it from her arms by it’s tiny feet, and slammed it’s head on a brick wall killing it instantly. He couldn’t of done that if it wasn’t for the brainwashed American soldiers standing and watching and who allowed it to be.

      I want revenge so GD bad I can taste it. DIE JEW DIE!!!!

    12. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Zionism can´t work. The following alternative is imprinted in the genes of the Jews: World-domination or world-destruction. I am pretty sure that the Jews would use their atomic weapons to destroy the whole planet if they couldn´t achieve world-dictatorship out of Jerusalem. They call this szenario the Samson option, after the biblical “hero”, who killed as many enemies as possible while commiting suicide. MP Begin spoke very open about this szenario in the Knesset, van Creveld repeated it some years ago.

      Well, if Zionism is not a option, what can we do? I don´t want that Alex gets trouble with the Canadians, so I will be silent. And, of course, we don´t have the hand at the trigger, we are looking into the barrel. That´s why Alex wanted to lose some steam, I guess.

    13. Gerald Morris Says:

      Sorry Alex, you’ve simply got too much brains and balls to be an american! We know what you mean by the statement but face it, this Great Chamber Pot was contrived expressly for jews from the get-go. Become more Aryan and cleanse your Mind of this americanism shit! Americans are crawling, puling, cum-guzzling, jew-loving chordates (I’ll give them that, a notochord, no spine, just the chord!) with no sense of Nobility or Loyalty to any ancestral past. Like me, you’re Pure Aryan Alex. Make THAT your Nation! Jews off Earth! NOW!

    14. expose_them_all Says:

      I’ve been banned? Why wouldn’t a PM have done to let me know that the post was not acceptable?

      Nigger porn? Some huge fat assed sow that was bent over and looked like a gorilla? That’s porn?

      C’mon guys, a PM would have done. This is uncalled for as well as insulting.

      —– >

      You have been banned for the following reason:
      Posting disgusting pornographic images of a nigger sow

      Date the ban will be lifted: 08-13-2006, 04:00 PM

    15. expose_them_all Says:

      Damn, I just posted on NNN about Jews at Yahoo! getting whites banned and ID’s deleted and now the same shit here. I can’t believe this, so unnecessary and upsetting. Like I stated in the last message, all that was needed was a friendly PM. I just started getting involved here at VNN and could have been a benefit as time progressed. I am curious who banned me, not as a threat but just because I would like to know.

      I like to see pro-white sites grow and do everything I can to promote them. I wasn’t even given the chance at VNN before being insulted. I’m a mod at NNN and we don’t just ban a white person without at least a warning. Oh well, how frustrating, I really liked VNN and like I stated, just got involved. Sheesh.

      Here‘s the post about Yahoo! deleting my ID‘s – It got over 3000 hits, mostly unique visitors.

      This was all it took to get my Yahoo! ID deleted —- >


      PS: Whoever the mod is that bans white people w/o warning or w/o making contact with that person first, I would respectively submit to coral him or her in a tad. At minimum have the mod discuss with the poster concerning the offending post. Chances are the matter will be politely handled without any ill feelings. I know I would have felt better if that was done.

      Best AB

    16. brutus Says:

      Does the pest control technician “negotiate” with the bugs to leave a residence? No, the thought doesn’t even cross his mind. He sets up no silly bug elections to see whether it’s the cock roaches or the termites who should be voted out of the dwelling. He’s knows that that’s ridiculous. There’s no talking to bugs for crying-out loud!

      When he kills the bugs, does our pest tech have any remorse? Does he worry about the female or baby bugs? No, I’d say that the fate of the bugs doesn’t cross his mind for a second. He just wants to kill them all as fast as he can so he doesn’t have to worry about coming back tomorrow.

      To do the job correctly, our pest tech has learned all about bugs, Their hiding places, their day to day routine, what they eat, etc. A good pest tech knows his bugs. And he sure knows how to kill them.

      The bugs don’t fear the pest tech……….because they don’t see him coming.

    17. jimbo Says:

      Bond…..James Bond….right again……

      ‘a licence to kill’ is the ONLY way to GO!

      we can’t just consider our generation or even the one after but ‘must look to make a final end of this menace’……..as Gandalf said in LOTR

      the yoos will NEVER AGREE to return to Yidsrael any-ways…….OTW: they’d ALL be there NOW!

      a parasite will NEVER leave its host unless forcibly ejected.

      After all, how many complaints abt yooish ‘persecution’ have we heard since 1945 & wasn’t this hob-goblin Talmudic gangster state originally established because of all that bally-hoo?

      how would the yoos survive in Yidsrael without the $US10million
      per day cash injection of the JewSA & other befuddled goyim? hunh? answer me that one….all you who advocate plonking the kikes in that real estate west of the Dead Sea?!

      NO! the yoos will NEVER LEAVE Western countries.
      there’s no-where else for them to go!

      any other nation: either Asian or Afreakan: wouldn’t tolerate the crap that white people have had to endure for decades if not centuries from these schmucks for a Jew York minoota but would drag the entire tribe out into the streets and dispatch them all via various sharp, edged weapons @
      a moment’s NOTICE!

    18. Manxman Says:

      Great stuff, expose_them_all – “out of spite” – exactly how I feel. Fuck bourgeois niceties – they only apply to our fellow gentiles.

    19. Celtic Warrior Says:

      After reading the above postings I realise that we are going to WIN this war!

    20. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      After taking a drive on these eerily deserted two-lane Ozark highways yesterday, where average incomes are consistently lower than those in the worst nigger ghetto in St. Louis, and where Whites have been driven off the road by the Jew Tax, a tax that’s been levied on oil ever since the embargo caused by US support for Israel in the ’73 Yom Kippur War, a tax that continues to this day with the War for Israel in Iraq keeping Iraqi oil production down to a fifth of what it could be, if I never see a Jew cocksucker again it will be too soon. When you add to that the fact that Jewish civil rights legislation has driven millions of Whites out of the cities and away from easy access to the public transportation systems that they created, to areas where they’re forced to use automoblies, I can only say that if you’re not filled with rage you’re not paying attention.

    21. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Re: Jimbo!

      Your are wrong. If the Zionists will have their way then the bulk of American Jews will leave that country which had played the role of the main-Golem for a century or so. First that Golem has to fight for Judenlebensraum in the Middele East, of course.

      Is this good news for the Americans, that most of the Jews will leave? Well, not exactly. Look at Russia. The bulk of Russian Jews have left to the USA, to Israel and to Germany (recently). And Russia is still owned by the Jews. The Jews control the media and the secret service and own the resources. In modern times you need only relatively few people to control a country, thanks to the Aryan technology we are forced to give the Jews for free.

      And in the future, you the Jews need even less Jews in the different countries of their empire. If you study how the Mossad with his firms (Converse and Computer Bay) monitors most of the communication via telephone and computer out of Herzeliah near Tel Aviv, you know where the wind is blowing.

      And all the low-level suppressors can be Shabbat-goys. I couldn´t care less, whether my mayor is a Jew or a Christian Zionist.

      I think, that is the main reason, why the USA is the only western country with free speech: When the time is right the high-level Jews will create “Anti-Semitism” to force most low-level Jews out, the same thing they have done in Russia.

      Jews leave, ZOG remains.

      ZOG is the enemy.

    22. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Sehnsucht nach dem Reich’

      OK….i’d over-looked Russia…however: i have to beg to differ…..all the ‘technological control’ in the world is probably still no substitute for ‘man-power’ or ‘jew-power’ on the ground.
      sure: most jews have deserted Russia for else-where but, the flip side of that, is that: they are rapidly losing control there
      Sure: they can maintain control through their chabbez-gois however, it only takes a patriotic, nationalistic leader to arise and then they’re in trouble

      That’s pretty much the situation in Russia now where they are actually chucking Jewish gangsters in jail! and the various White Power movements there are gaining influence and kudos hand-over-fist!

      You could probably also make a case that the rise of various patriotic and nationalistic movements in other European nations (especially: Eastern European ones!) could be explained by a dearth of Jews amongst the natives!

      Therefore: i maintain that the ‘Zionists’ would be stoopid in the extreme to have most jews emigrate to Israel. Especially most jews from the US: which certainly seems to be their primary power base and the source of most of their influence and wealth.

      You’ve got to have the numbers to control a country as well as the technology.

      I’m also going by what Hitler said:
      ‘The Jewish domination in the State now seems so fully assured that not only can he now afford to call himself a `Jew` once again but he even acknowledges freely and openly what his ideas are on racial and political questions. A section of the Jews avows itself quite openly as an alen people but even here there is another falsehood. When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organisation for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore, it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and, at the same time, a high-school for the training of other swindlers. As a sign of their growing presumption and sense of security, a certain section of them openly and impudently proclaim their Jewish nationality while another section hypocritically pretend that they are German, French or English as the case may be. Their blatant behaviour in their relations with other peoples shows how clearly they envisage their day of triumph in the near future’
      (Mein Kampf: vlm I, chptr xi…‘Race & People’; , James Murphy trnsltn, Hurst & Blackett edtn: London, New York & Melbourne, 1939)

    23. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re S-N-dem-R,

      Exactly, we must attack the nuts & bolts of ZOG not just the outward appearances.

    24. alex Says:

      It sounds like Mr Linder is getting ready to accept Zionism.

      The nazis went that route and it did them no good. Their jew enemies were simply shoved aside to cause problems from afar, not the least of which, in fact pretty darn near the top, was their claiming that the Germans who set them free had actually murdered them — and demanding reparations from the rest of humanity for all eternity.

      The power to force jews to go to Israel is identical to the power to…do anything to them. It’s like saying we ought to focus on taking over television to get our message, well, taking over tv is tantamount to taking political control. Either we have control of the government, and that pertains, or we don’t. Either we can dictate to the jews, or we can’t. Campaigns to encourage jews to go to Israel won’t work because the jews live better among the gullible, tractable, milkable goyim.

    25. alex Says:

      Damn, I just posted on NNN about Jews at Yahoo! getting whites banned and ID’s deleted and now the same shit here. I can’t believe this, so unnecessary and upsetting. Like I stated in the last message, all that was needed was a friendly PM. I just started getting involved here at VNN and could have been a benefit as time progressed. I am curious who banned me, not as a threat but just because I would like to know.

      I haven’t been on the forum, and haven’t seen precisely what you’re talking about, nor do I know who you are. But, itz like this: we’re being stricter. Too many people have too much on the line. We’re tired of stupid handle-nazis and eternal Hitler Happy Hour. Making fun of niggers? It’s old. So, we have entrusted a moderator(s) with greater power than before the last shutdown, and we will refocus the forum on activism and away from chatter and foolishness. Wait for your ban to expire or rejoin under new name.

    26. expose_them_all Says:

      Here’s a downloadable link to the Galloway Blasting Zionist Media Live on SKY News video.

      I like to burn these short clips to DVD and them pass them around to friends and family.

      If somebody would, please copy/paste this into the thread below (like I stated above, I’ve been banned for posting “nigger porn“).


      Downloadable version . . .

      Right Click and Save As…


    27. expose_them_all Says:

      Alex wrote:

      I haven’t been on the forum, and haven’t seen precisely what you’re talking about, nor do I know who you are. But, itz like this: we’re being stricter. Too many people have too much on the line. We’re tired of stupid handle-nazis and eternal Hitler Happy Hour.

      Making fun of niggers? It’s old. So, we have entrusted a moderator(s) with greater power than before the last shutdown, and we will refocus the forum on activism and away from chatter and foolishness. Wait for your ban to expire or rejoin under new name.

      Well OK Alex, I understand. I too get tired of clicking on a post only to see some incoherent crap. I guess my best option would be to be involved with VNN and leave the board alone. VNN is a site I agree with too much to abandon

    28. jimbo Says:


      why don’t you set up a PayPal accnt?

      that way, committed WNs from else-where could donate
      @ least hence giving a clear demonstration of their international activism while tailoring their actions @ their own local levels to suit the particular circumstances there!

      Think global. Act local

    29. jimbo Says:

      re: abv pst: re PayPal

      if Alex does decide to get a PayPal accnt, i advise any-one donating to keep the amounts fairly small…..say: $US100 or less!

      If they want to donate more, then ‘space it out’ over a month or so!

      that way, there won’t be any ‘come-backs’ & allegations regarding ‘fraud’,
      ‘extortion’, ‘racketeering’ or some such other ZOG baloney!

      for a faster injection of funds, the only other alternative would probably be wads of cash in large manilla envelopes!
      or: ‘bearer bonds’;
      or: gold coins;
      or: bills of exchange drawn on US banks!

    30. expose_them_all Says:

      PayPal would be nothing but trouble but, I think you’re on to something. Only thing is, I am not sure there is an online pay method for hard core anti-Jew/pro-white sites. Not for the long term anyway. I believe the USA has regressed to the point that Jews rule the monetary, as well as the legal systems. And if they would rather keep any donated monies to pro-white sites, they just keep it w/o any BS about it. Any white foolish enough to waste life trying to retrieve any donated monies, Jews would just tell them to f*ck-off. I may be wrong but, don’t think so. If I am — let me know.

      I was robbed & PayPal done it! —- >


      BTW, I was heading to town today to get cashiers checks for Hal Turner, NNN and Peter Schaenk, this post reminds me I need to get one for VNN also – gots to help pay for those downloads. I don’t think there is anything downloadable in VNN that I haven’t downloaded. I’m not flocking with that VNN message board though.

    31. jimbo Says:

      re: expose_them_all

      yeh…yr more or less right re: PayPal…..they’ve khyboshed a coupla WN/anti-yoo sites over the last few yrs……the best way to go is not to have a PayPal ‘button’ on-site but just have it ‘set up’ with an email via a link to the section…..i.e: what-ever Alex’s email address is can be ‘hooked-up’ to his PayPal accnt and then people who have PayPal just ‘log on’ to their site and go from there…..it’s a bit more ‘stuffing around’ but is probably better than having the PayPal ‘button’ up-front as it were………

    32. stuart Says:

      I have no idea where you right wing idiots get your views but they are sick.
      Some of the world’s most influential people were Jewish ie. Einstien (won time magazine man of the centuary), Freud(farther of psychoanalysis) and Bob Dylan (born Jewish).
      This sought of talk led to the holocaust but you would probaly say it didn’t exist anyway.

    33. Jake Says:

      hey alex i’m jewish.. while your bitching about kicking me out off your country, i’m making a shit load of money and fucking a bunch of hot white christian bitches then spreading my jew jizz all up on their mouths.. if you gotta problem with that go get a job or come see me and ill kill you and u can find a job working for satan u faggot