23 August, 2006


Posted by alex in Germany, women at 8:31 pm | Permanent Link

Have you ever considered going to germany for the women. Mein Gotte!!!!!

They’re classier, better educated and much more attractive than american women. 50-60% of german women are very attractive–9+. It’s like a different universe.

I have a couple of friends who lived there or are living there, and have talked considerably about the differences between dating american and german women. There’s no cockteasing and attention whoring and they’re not screwing the hoodlums and criminals like here ( bad boy loving). They’re direct with you.

The germans have done the independent women thing much better than we–there isn’t the contempt and disrespect like american women have.

You can just see on there faces that there isn’t this “attitude” that so many american women have.
http://www.ilove.de , http://www.freenet.de
Go check it out I’d be curious to get your perspective. I have had enough of dating these american bitches.

[Haven’t seen these sites, but German women are generally more serious than American women.]


    1. Blackshirt Says:

      I’ve been to Germany several times and the women there didn’t seem overly attractive to me- as a matter of fact I found them cold and completely caught in the dance/hip hop “culture”. Of course I’m sure there are proud German women who are attractive and devoted to the White Race, but I’ve never met one in my travels. Now Eastern Europe is a different story, especially in places like the Baltics and Russia, where American “culture” has not corrupted the local ladies on the same scale as in Western Europe. Also the women in Eastern Europe are generally more traditional and friendly towards racist views, not to mention they are some of the most beautiful ladies in the world! The difference between American/Western European women and Eastern European women: In America/W. Europe it is rare to see a beautiful woman amongst all the fat and skanky mass of them, but in Eastern Europe it is rare to see a ugly or fat skank amongst all of the beautiful and classy ladies.

    2. Outis Says:

      I wonder what part of Germany this fellow has been frequenting. I have seen plenty of hoodlum-loving kraut princesses. Besides which, what does “more serious” mean in this case? Seriously “sporty” or “independent”, boring, and always hypersensitive politically. And let me tell you – that is, if our new censor lets this comment pass – the “nationalgesinnt” frauen are usually just hard to look at.

      Ãœberzeuge dich selbst!


    3. Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:

      Well, being a White Nationalist, I CAN’T GO TO GERMANY WITHOUT BEING ARRESTED. But you’re right. I am Heidi Klum’s Absolute Number 1 Fan – hands down.

    4. Manxman Says:

      Elite Aryan Crack Smoker: I fear the you’re her Absolute Number 2 Fan … behind Seal.

    5. JimSummers Says:

      I do think he is especially right about one thing, European women are less interested in the theatrical “Bad Boy” play-acting junk.

    6. reo Says:

      Eastern Europe wins hands down.

      If you want a normal woman go there.

      The last White countries left.

      Jews can spy for the USSR while its our enemy but now that Russia is free and the Jews are working hard to corrupt it again where are the Whites to help them out?

    7. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Girls are what tehy are – by genetics they are thriven to fine a mate with most of the MOST. MOST money – MOST popularity – MOST, MOST and MOST. And do we like it or not but lets face it – jew have generally MOST money – kikes hyped up black so they have MOST popularity and so worth…
      Girls aint any “bitcier” then like 100 years ago just we are just getting less the stuff girls looking. And do not forget – by now average white male in US is “just over extra few pounds” – but girls like to see YOU 6 pack (not Miller”Light” you stupid – the abs).
      and do not forget the media – the REAL school for children – and I guess YOU now those persons by “name” running and owning MEDIA.

    8. Polar Bear Says:

      To Elite Aryan Crack Smoker

      You don’t have to tell us you smoke crack. Heidi Klum is married to Seal. Seal is what we Whites in the South call a Blue Gum Nigger. She has several baby seals to boot. You fucking moron!

    9. Herakles Says:

      A major factor in baggin any human female of any subspecies or nation is one’s earnings and earning potential. Considering how badly the US dollar has tanked againt the Euro in the past 5 years, American men are less likely to bag-a-babe than ever.

      Also. I’ve noticed German men of this generation which I’ve met, are pervy wimps, unlike their grandfathers of the NS generation whom we all revere. Maybe it’s just my social circles, which are generally folks who are overeducated, but if the gals there are used to pussies like this then I seriously doubt they will like the White American man who is definitely harder than the Eurofag.

    10. Herakles Says:

      Also I think that German women usually have great bodies, very strong, but their faces are a little rough compared either to Scandavian and Baltic Nordics on the one hand, or Mediterranean types on the other. I would not rate the average German gal a 9 whatsoever but more like a 7.5, higher if you weight the body and breeding stock factors more so than beauty.

      They are high IQ however, no doubt about that.

    11. Paul87 Says:

      Ive travelled widely in Europe and agree with everything Blackshirt says regarding Germans and East Europeans.

      The article is way off the mark. German women, alas, are quite a bit uglier on average than the European average.

    12. alex Says:

      The ones I found in Germany back in 87 were definitely more serious on average than American women. They don’t have the cheerleader/backslapper mentality common here. I wouldn’t say they were better or worse on looks. You see racial types in Europe and Germany that you certainly don’t see in the U.S., even though most of us here are as much German as anything.

    13. Vadim Says:

      I had a short stay in BRD,during which I naturally was looking around
      and seeing females doing the things they do around the cities: walking around,shopping,driving to work and to shopping.
      The 20-something category looked mostly attractive,with some really stunning specimens making appearance in a while. In conversation
      they do seem more sophisticated than american women,and appear to lack
      the annoy-and-bitch-non-stop,which make american females so legendary.
      They are really classy and have self-confidence,besides they seem to like americans in general. Considering the Eastern Europe, the lot that
      american guys are so interested in is commonly the bottom of the barrel,
      though young. Jews are havily involved in mail order bride biz in the E.Europe,they use those girls they get in their catalogue in many of their infamous ways. Unsurprisingly,scamming is not a rarity in that field.
      For those of u who are into ol’ dOLPH,take a note that russian and
      similar females don’t come in nordic,as this is the type absent in
      slavs. Lookswise,it’s mostly a round head galore,with wide cheeks,
      if that is your thing. So,if fragile nordic beuties are your thing,
      u won’t get those in the East. Longer faced slav danubians are often
      the ones that confuse the westerners into thinking *nordic*.
      The C.I.S. mail order biz fare that is so obsessively persued from the USA
      typically presents brainwashed speciments,that were recruited by IzzyBiz
      to go after the exactly same thing that thai and other asian females
      go after. These miserable broads sell their bodies for scraps of
      western living..
      If that’s classy for somebody,then I have no comments here.

      In my opinion, german and western euro women are the best females
      to be considered as a whole package. I think the poster that recommends
      that they are to be given a try does have a point.
      Wanna know why?

      They genuanely like yanks, who are typically resented in Russia e.t.c.
      and percieved there mostly as walkng credit and green cards donors.
      West-chicks can achive normal living standarts on their own,so they
      are not whoring themselves out for utterly pathetic reasons like
      their Eastern Euro counterparts. Classy means having style and self-respect, and u will find those fully present only in women of Western Europe.

      On a side note, I don’t know what it is you are comparing, probably
      apples and oranges…?
      I’ve been to a lot of places in West and East Europe + USA,
      and I can tell you that white women look about the same
      attractivness-wise everywhere. It’s just subtleties of ethnic type
      that vary.

    14. steven clark Says:

      German women the ugliest in europe? Nonsense. I was stationed there in 74-76, and made several trips later. I always found German women attractive, although each country has its own attractive and unattractive specimens, male and female alike. A lot of GIs I served with thought Germans were ‘whores’, but this is typical of young Americans, who mostly spent their time getting drunk or stoned. I had little direct contact with German women. Most of them had nothing to do with GIs unless they were working class and wanted a meal ticket…the days of getting a schatzi for a chocolate bar were long past. Some girls hung out at our Kaserne, but they were about 14, using us for sex training until they moved on, or else for drugs, and I’m not into taking a 14 y.o. But in meeting German women, I’ve found them clever, thoughtful, and urbane…moreso than a lot of Americans. Again, a lot of this is what class you’re with. I remember I took a tour of Denmark. A German woman was with the group, and I tried to talk to her…I speak some German, talked of culture, etc. Nothing. A Puerto Rican guy said ‘Man, you chermans suck. I don’ like dis coontry…’ and she opened up. But when I’ve spoken to German women, I’ve found them remarkably clever and efficient. The only ones I dislike are academics here in the U.S. They’re really snotty and very p.c., but this tends to be true of academic women anywhere. Facially I find them a little different, and I never saw Germans grossly fat like Americans are…I mean, the hippo look. I was always curious when William Shirer (Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) called German women ugly. He obviously let his anti-naziism get the better of him, and the usual sterotype of Germans as mindless automatons or busty valkyries is quite untrue. As Kurt Vonnegut said, the Germans are the most misunderstood people in the world. I like them, but the women never connect with me, but to the rest of you, good hunting.

    15. blakking Says:

      Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:

      The 24th 2006f August, 2006 at 12:16 am

      Well, being a White Nationalist, I CAN’T GO TO GERMANY WITHOUT BEING ARRESTED. But you’re right. I am Heidi Klum’s Absolute Number 1 Fan – hands down.

      Manxman Says:

      The 24th 2006f August, 2006 at 4:11 am

      Elite Aryan Crack Smoker: I fear the you’re her Absolute Number 2 Fan … behind Seal.

      hahahaha!!! Crack even kills the master race!!!

    16. Tyler Durden Says:

      Heidi Klum is a typical nigger fucking race traitor. Klum is just a basic street whore, nothing special, not even hot. The jew media keep her out front because she’s a race mixer. Most American women act like whores, for sell to the highest bidder. I’ve know girls who run credit checks on guys before they go out with them. It’s all about the dollar here. Most American women only want to be rich while women of other white cultures want to be happy. I’m beginning to hate American women almost as much as I hate queers.

    17. A Real German Lady!! Says:

      Interesting arguments on either side , gentlemen! But where’s the women’s view?

      There are good-looking and bad-looking ladies out there. I have seldomly seen any woman as big as some here in the States, however! That’s because in Germany: you walk more! You bring your (daily) groceries home on foot most of the time, because you live very close to the supermarket, butcher, bakery etc! You eat well, move a lot and socialize a lot.
      German women are naturally built a bit more solid/athletic and strong, and so are their facial features . Remember, Germany used to be quite rural and the German women have yet and yet again worked the fields and re-built cities when their men were gone to war. We are hard workers and our bodies still prove it!!!
      Most Germans have blue, green-blue or grey eyes and anywhere from blond to red to dark hair.

      German women are in general more homey (i.e. I love to cook and take care of my kids. I love crafts and gardening. I love to make my hubby happy by laying out his clothes and making his lunch for work etc.).

      We are also more educated (especially my generation – 70’s to 80’s) We went to Gymnasium (Highschool) for 13 years (grades) and if someone can’t spell, they won’t go that far… we learned at least 3 languages (Deutsch, Englisch, Franzoesisch and Latein for me, LOL). You really don’t get to choose classes until you have the basics down after 10th grade. Then you usually go on to college/university. And – you finish your degree/diploma etc!
      Most Germans love to read and educate themselves on an ongoing basis…for me it’s just natural… it helps me survive!

      We are independent when it is necessary, but first and foremost we respect our men. Of course we are always RIGHT, but we’ll let the men figure that out by themselveves and let them be the heroes **wink**

      Unfortunately I find that Germany is becoming more and more Americanized, which is not a good thing when it comes to teenager’s foul language and bad behavior against authority figures and parents. You may think it’s always been that way, but when I behaved bad I got to stay in my room and do something productive like reading, drawing etc. My parents also took priviledges away like being with friends/going out. I never got a lot of spankings because I was simply smarter than to keep talking back and throwing a tantrum!
      In short, the kids don’t seem to know the difference between being independent and being a brat, anymore!

      I hardly ever used curse words before I met my American husband LOL (-blame that on the military “training” I guess LOL) but if you hear German teenagers talk today… GOOD GRIEF!!

      As for the interracial sexual interest – most German girls are still more interested in the single white male – tall, slender, smart, strong, courteous and maybe a bit of a tease **wink** (are you a match? – never mind – I married 11 years ago and I am still with the same man – top that, nowadays!)
      However, a lot of the younger girls are influenced by the media and the hip-hop culture. I am firmly committed to being myself, but not every woman or girl is able to withstand all that subcnscious pressure of “it’s ok to be bi-sexual, to f… with 2 black guys and to be called a “biaatch”…!”

      Don’t confuse German LADIES with military base gate bar-fly-whores that hang out close to the base and just try to hook up with an American soldier so they can have his baby and then get a free ride to the ststes! Yes there are those, but please!!!! Get a girl away from a base!

      Fully Aryan or not – Look for real values, not material girl! But that I recommend with any woman, anywhere!

      (By the way: My grandma traced her ancestry back 4 generations worth of aryan blood and since my mom was generation 5 and I am generation 6 I could by Hitler’s demands join the NPD by proof of my bloodline. Maybe my good German blood has something good in it…**ponder**) My hubby traced his ancestry back to the vikings of Norway – can you get any more white than that? LOL

      So there you go, there are my 2 cents!

    18. sfg Says:

      I have never seen a bunch of guys more concerned with “looks” than I have on this website. Kinda makes me wonder just what is going on here…….I thought it was white nationalism but there’s a very unhealthy obsession with the shallow and superficial–namely physical beauty. Jeez guys, are you all that shallow too???

      Physical beauty, while it certainly is pretty much owned by whites, doesn’t speak to education, values, integrity, honesty, etc. It is ONLY what someone looks like on the outside–that’s it. Look at Heidi Klum–a pretty female but look what she thinks it is okay to have sex with, marry, and have children with. A lot of physical beauty is just being lucky in the gene department.

      I’ve known a lot of great beauties in my life, and for the most part, I wouldn’t give you two cents for any of them. They have been shallow, uninterested in anything but themselves (talk about high maintenance fellas), flaky, and certainly not the kind of women who will raise racially conscious children.

      My advice is to look for a modest, humble, educated, affectionate, loving, white female who cares about her race and will raise white children to be just that. I know it’s hard to find them nowadays, but thinking that beautiful women are going to solve all your female problems is just ridiculous. If anything, it’s probably just going to make them worse.

      My advice, as corny as it may sound, is to look for someone who has those qualities you would like to grow old with. Find yourself a soulmate, a friend, because long after the flames of sex have died down, having a good friend will mean more to you both.

      And how about finding a nice white female and trying to educate her as to what’s going on in this world–racially of course. Don’t be demeaning or belittling–just be calm, patient, and she just may surprise you.

      I always remember the song from “Camelot” “How to handle a woman–simply love her, love her, love her.” I know–it’s corny.

      Sometimes you guys act as if we are expendable almost. Some guy said on this website: Put down the wife and pick up the knife. Huh? What–you can’t do both? You can’t be a white man who fights for causes and has time for a woman too?

      But when I look back on all my relationships and things in my life, the ones that truly stand out are the tiny, small kindnesses that someone, maybe a boy or man, showed me. Nothing big or showy, and not about sex–just a small gesture that just bowled me over. But no one would have ever known it but me.

      Remember–females are paying attention. Just when you think they aren’t, you will be surprised. Don’t give up on white women because of a stupid few, beautiful or otherwise.