14 August, 2006

Free Speech

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:48 am | Permanent Link
I’ll admit, it’s a fruity sounding concept. I hate things stated as Absolutes and High-Minded Values. But the simple fact is, no politician within a stone’s throw of honesty has anything to fear from it. Therefore, anyone who tries to limit it proves he needs stringing up.

  • 6 Responses to “Free Speech”

    1. alex Says:

      We need German or Prussian regularity, combined with Celtic guts and just plain Anglo dailiness. You understand? The solution has to come out of Anglo-German-Celtic folks, as we make up the vast bulk of American whites. Not to slight any of the others. But we must create the solution. We have it in us to do that.

    2. alex Says:

      The system as we have in America can only work when operated by Aryan people – not predisposed to steal or lie. Otherwise it falls apart – gamed to death. One size does not fit all.

    3. alex Says:

      I am outraged…I am fucking OUTRAGED, I am beside myself in anger, that an honest man, an Englishman like Simon Sheppard can\’t talk about the problems of the current government without being threatened w prison. Now you know I like fast and flippant, but this bears real…slow…consideration… Now, there ain\’t one good reason a government fears criticism…to the extent it threatens people with jail. You know that.

      If not us who? That means YOU. That means ME. If we don\’t stand up, what are we?

      I specially call to German-Americans, who\’ve worked for hundreds of years as farmers and honest workers. Outside politics. We need you now. It\’s time you take a voice and a determination about the future. There\’s something wrong, real fucking wrong when men are threatened jail for speaking their piece about corruption. We can\’t avoid politiics any longer. It\’s time to rise. Now do your duty.

      Simon Sheppard is me, and he\’s you too.

      No man is beyond criticism. No man can say, you can\’t criticize me. Folks, this was decided at Runymeade, a thousand years ago. No. Every man must stand behind his actions. No man can call down the law to silence rejoinder. We are not going back to the dark ages.


      What did Martin Luther say? In words that echo through eternity,


      Now is the time. You are the man.

    4. lawrence dennis Says:

      New article by O’Farrell up:



      Going for Goldsmith

      The Charge of the Kike Brigade

      “The Jewish race is the cancer of human history.” It’s impossible to imagine any author who expressed such a vile sentiment being laden with honors throughout his or her career. No, it’s the sort of thing that would end a career and in Britain or Europe might easily lead to prosecution for “race hate”. But make one small change and everything becomes all right. The Jewish writer Susan Sontag (née Rosenblatt) wrote in the 1960s that: “The white race is the cancer of human history.” It didn’t end her career, alas, and when she died in 2004, laden with honors, she was lavished with praise by such anti-racist luminaries as Christopher “Half-Hebe” Hitchens and Salman “Pure Paki” Rushdie. But why did Sontag say such a thing?

      You might as well ask why scorpions sting, termites gnaw and fleas suck blood. Attacking and undermining the majority of any society they find themselves in is an age-old instinct for Jews, and Sontag was Jewish to the max. Lots of right-wingers attacked her after her death, but so did one left-winger: a lesbian academic and former acolyte called Terry Castle:

      Sontag started in on a monologue (one I’d heard before) about her literary reputation. It had “fallen” slightly over the past decade, she allowed – foolishly, people had yet to grasp the greatness of her fiction – but of course it would rise again dramatically, “as soon as I am dead”. The same thing had happened, after all, to Virginia Woolf, and didn’t we agree Woolf was a great genius? In a weak-minded attempt at levity, I said: “Do you really think Orlando is a work of genius?” She then exploded. “Of course not!” she shouted, hands flailing and face white with rage. “Of course not! You don’t judge a writer by her worst work! You judge her by her best work!“ (“Desperately Seeking Susan”, London Review of Books, 17th March 2005)

      Similar stories have been told of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Betty Friedan, Ayn Rand and a host of other very famous and influential Jews. In fact, their megalomania and egocentricity explain why they became so famous and influential with their bad and corrupting ideas, while countless Whites with good ideas were pushed into the shadows. The pushy Jew is as true to life as the dishonest Jew. And speaking of pushy, dishonest Jews brings me to the man who authorized “race hate” charges to be brought against Simon Sheppard and myself: the Jewish Attorney General Lord Goldsmith, Britain’s chief lawyer.

      …. SNIP ….


      P.S.–I find use of the ‘word’ “ain’t” very annoying. Am I alone in this?

    5. Angle Says:

      “We need German or Prussian regularity, combined with Celtic guts and just plain Anglo dailiness. You understand? The solution has to come out of Anglo-German-Celtic folks, as we make up the vast bulk of American whites. Not to slight any of the others. But we must create the solution. We have it in us to do that. ”

      Sounds good to me. I’m on board.

    6. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex, I guess you are talking about Germanics’ like Kenny Hulshof. Good luck bringing him around. He did vote for the Lantos resolution didn’t he? After writing a letter to the Republican leadership in opposition? Another conflicted dutchman huh?

      Looking back to early America, some of the strongest Jeffersonian democrats were those of Germanic ancestry. Particularly, those west of the Allegheny mountains, and in the Ohio River valley.

      We hear a lot about Shay’s Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion, but, most don’t know about Freiss Rebellion among the German farmers & Revolutionary War vets.