20 August, 2006

For Fans of Craig “Chain” Cobb

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, VNN, White media at 1:53 pm | Permanent Link

Chain’s series of investigative reports are once again available for download:


Craig was also a guest on this episode of Free Talk Live:

ftl_8-13-06_p2.mp3 (17 MB)

  • One Response to “For Fans of Craig “Chain” Cobb”

    1. New America Says:

      I greatly admire Chain’s eloquent, straight talking analysis of the situation, and he is an excellent counterpoint to Linder; his voice is striaghtforward, clean, open and honest.

      Linder DOES remind me of Mencken, but as for Chain, well, he is our Jack London/Eric Hoffer.

      Thanks for bringing Chain back!

      New America!

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!