1 August, 2006

Enriched by Diversity: Beshitting the Border

Posted by alex in Mexinvasion at 4:30 pm | Permanent Link

Jews like shit. They like to shit. They like to live amid piles of shit. They eat shit when goyim aren’t looking. To them, we must surmise, shit is life. “A jew must live…” Hey, any of you “minority”-luvin’ libs passing by, you responsible conservatives — here’s what you’re allowing to happen to America by your groveling before the jew… Just look at the picture. It’s a “wildlife refuge.” Yes, and a Mexican is a “human being.”


  • One Response to “Enriched by Diversity: Beshitting the Border”

    1. Starscream Says:

      General Patton remarked that the Jews he encountered in the camps o’ concentration were completely uncivilized. They were in the ages old habit of crapping in the corner of their habitations. Even when provided with a latrine or outhouse, they would not make use of such basic facilities, preferring instead to simply do their thing, collectively, in a dank corner of the common room.

      Zyklon B wasn’t used to gas the poor darlings. It was used to kill the lice and fleas that had made their multigenerational nests on the heads of God’s precious ones. It was simply a delousing agent.

      Filthy people, inside and out.