31 July, 2006

The Stoopid Man’s Guide to Basic Grammar

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, grammar at 2:14 pm | Permanent Link

1. lose – We didn’t win. We losed. [That would be ‘lost,’ technically.] Either you win or you lose…or you get rained out.

2. loose – I forgot to zip ma pants and my dick got loose!

I forgot to lock the cage and the dog got loose!

Fancy-pants wording for the hyperadvanced.

Repeat after me, class:

When niggers get loose, we all lose.

  • 2 Responses to “The Stoopid Man’s Guide to Basic Grammar”

    1. shit a spell Says:

      good to see you putting up some grammatical advice for the stupid fuckers out there who can’t master 3rd grade english.

    2. Jabberwocky Says:

      Yes. By the third grade one should know that the first word in a sentence is capitalized and that proper nouns such as English are also capitalized.