20 July, 2006

The Invasion That Made England Something More Than an Insignificant Island

Posted by alex in anthropology, Britain at 8:21 pm | Permanent Link

Britain ‘had apartheid society’

Sutton Hoo helmet, PA

Anglo-Saxon treasures suggest they were economically superior

An apartheid society existed in early Anglo-Saxon Britain, research suggests.

Scientists believe a small population of migrants from Germany, Holland and Denmark established a segregated society when they arrived in England.

The researchers think the incomers changed the local gene pool by using their economic advantage to out-breed the native population.

The team tells a Royal Society journal that this may explain the abundance of Germanic genes in England today.

[Modern-day England has] a population of largely Germanic genetic origin, speaking a principally German language
Dr Mark Thomas, UCL

There are a very high number of Germanic male-line ancestors in England’s current population. Genetic research has revealed the country’s gene pool contains between 50 and 100% Germanic Y-chromosomes.

But this Anglo-Saxon genetic dominance has puzzled experts because some archaeological and historical evidence points to only a relatively small number of Anglo-Saxon migrants.

Estimates range between 10,000 and 200,000 Anglo-Saxons migrating into England between 5th and 7th Century AD, compared with a native population of about two million.

Ethnic divide

To understand what might have happened all of those years ago, UK scientists used computer simulations to model the gene pool changes that would have occurred with the arrival of such small numbers of migrants.

The team used historical evidence that suggested native Britons were at a substantial economic and social disadvantage compared to the Anglo-Saxon settlers.

The researchers believe this may have led to a reproductive imbalance giving rise to an ethnic divide.

Ancient texts, such as the laws of Ine, reveal that the life of an Anglo-Saxon was valued more than that of a native.

Dr Mark Thomas, an author on the research and an evolutionary biologist from University College London (UCL), said: “By testing a number of different combinations of ethnic intermarriage rates and the reproductive advantage of being Anglo-Saxon, we found that under a very wide range of different combinations of these factors we would get the genetic and linguistic patterns we see today.

“The native Britons were genetically and culturally absorbed by the Anglo-Saxons over a period of as little as a few hundred years,” Dr Thomas added.

“An initially small invading Anglo-Saxon elite could have quickly established themselves by having more children who survived to adulthood, thanks to their military power and economic advantage.

“We believe that they also prevented the native British genes getting into the Anglo-Saxon population by restricting intermarriage in a system of apartheid that left the country culturally and genetically Germanised.

“This is exactly what we see today – a population of largely Germanic genetic origin, speaking a principally German language.”

The research is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

  • 15 Responses to “The Invasion That Made England Something More Than an Insignificant Island”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      How come they never mention the Jutes and the Frisians. Why do the Angles and the Saxons get all the press. This is discrimination! I think, I’m going to form the National Association for the Advancement Of Jutes and Frisians. The NAAJF. We shall overcome–someday!

    2. Lutjens Says:

      NAAJF = National Association for the Advancement of Jew Fucks…. founded by Hymie Silverstein

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      What has Saxony Anhalt produced besides jew lackeys, and, communists?

    4. alex Says:

      Here’s an interesting one, couple years old, on the precise place Englishness came into existence..

      Birthplace of Englishness ‘found’
      BBC map showing the battle field

      A group of academics believe they have found the battlefield where the concept of ‘Englishness’ was born.

      The bloodbath at Brunanburh in 937 AD was fought by King Athelstan when he united the Anglo-Saxons for the first time to fight off a Viking invasion.

      The research claims that the site of the battle mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was on what is now a golf course in Bebington, Wirral.

      It is thought the exact location has been a mystery for more than centuries.

      Golf being played on the Wirral golf course
      The golf course was the scene of “absolute carnage” in 937

      Professor Stephen Harding, from Wirral, told BBC News the golf course would have been the scene of “absolute carnage”.

      The amateur historian added: “We believe it was probably the site of the Battle of Brunanburh which was one of the bloodiest of battles to have taken place in the British Isles.”

      The two place names referred to in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as being the sites of battles are Brunanburh and Dingesmere.

      Brunanburh could have been Bromborough, in Wirral, although other locations in Scotland, Yorkshire, Northamptonshire and Lancashire have been suggested by historians.

      But, until now, Dingesmere has never been located.

      Chased up fairway

      Prof Harding’s research argues that ‘Ding’ refers to the Viking meeting place or ‘Thing’ at modern-day Thingwall, off the A551 in Wirral.

      The Chronicle recounts how the English advanced and began pursuing the invaders up what is now the fairway of the par 4 11th hole at Brackenwood Road golf course.

      The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records: “Never yet on this island has there been a greater slaughter.

      “When it was over Athelstan and his brother Edmund returned to Wessex, leaving behind corpses for the dark black-coated raven, horny-beaked, to enjoy.”

      Prof Harding runs the National Centre for Molecular Hydrodynamics in Nottingham.

    5. alex Says:

      The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1-748



    6. Will Says:

      Maybe we should think twice before running down all these Englishmen for their bad genes and loutish behavior. Turns out practically the whole southern portion of the island was overrun by Saxon hordes about fifteen hundred years ago. Nurture, not nature. Would that explain the lack of effective dentistry then?

      If I recall correctly, the Saxon raiders brought the blight of Christianity with them. Pagan natives were killed off or assimilated. Like the druids. This was all long after the Roman Empire had crumbled into ruin, though many roads and buildings still remained during the centuries of the Saxon invasions.

    7. lenny Says:

      Good to see that professor quoted as saying “Modern-day England has a population of Germanic genetic origin”. It was this time last year that some clowns in academia got a lot of press for making the politically correct argument that England was hardly Germanic at all. (http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=21660).

      Maybe this “apartheid” business and the “England is not Germanic” lie will be fused together soon to form a new Jewish conventional wisdom to be taught in all university anthropolgy-type classes and English history classes within a few years: “Germanics are evil (how long have they been beating that drum), they invaded Britain, oppressed the native people and established apartheid, just like the evil Germanics in America and South Africa and Australia did later. However, thanks be to G-d, the English people of today are not Germanic, but are descendants of the glorious & noble oppressed apartheid-victims of the evil Germanics.” A sneaky double-attack by the Jews. 1-Propogating the idea that Germanics are evil, 2-Propagating this meme of how glorious & noble & right it is for “apartheid victims” to win in the end by having the generations of the future be their descendants rather than the ” oppressors’ ” descendants. By using two white groups to illustrate this concept, it is all the more sneaky and effective. And it has very real implications for the entire white world today

    8. jozu Says:

      [i]the country’s gene pool contains between 50 and 100% Germanic Y-chromosomes. [/i]

      This tells me that probably the native British women gradually went to Saxon men, while the male lines of the native British men died out.

      I would expect to find the same thing with Spanish Y-chromosome among populations of Mestizos.

    9. Olde Dutch Says:

      Lenny—You make some good points. But, you should remember, as William Manchester pointed out in “A World Lit Only by Fire”, the average man in the dark ages/middle ages could not find his way home if he were to find himself only a few miles away from his home. Most folks lived in isolation. An invasion would have meant little or nothing.

    10. jimbo Says:

      re: jozu
      ‘the country’s gene pool contains between 50 and 100% Germanic Y-chromosomes’

      wht the HELL does THAT say abt their FCK-HEAD STOOPID campaign agnst the Third Reich then?
      they must have been so ‘kike-washed’ pre-WWII that it’s doubtful IF THEY’VE RECOVERED to this day!
      NO WAY OUT! but through the yoo!

    11. Outis Says:

      “What has Saxony Anhalt produced besides jew lackeys, and, communists?”

      EBM, dude. : /

    12. Olde Dutch Says:

      Outis, a hip cat like you should know that EBM is from Lower Saxony. ;o]

    13. awakened english Says:

      ” [Modern-day England has] a population of largely Germanic genetic origin, speaking a principally German language ”

      Remember that when trashing the English. The German had the advantage of a less centralized kingdom/reich (being comprised of 16 states that were more or less autonomous) up through the 20th century, making it harder for the jews to propagandize and control. The Englishman and German are about as close as one can get to national brotherhood. The great victory of the jew was getting them to cut eachothers throats at the scale that they did in ww1 and ww2.

    14. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Before the recent nig & mud invasion of Britain the population was estimated to be about 25% Celtic / Med and 75% Nordic in origin. No Alpines. This ‘estimate’ was based on analysis of blood groups.

    15. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘awakened english’

      ‘The Englishman and German are about as close as one can get to national brotherhood. The great victory of the jew was getting them to cut eachothers throats at the scale that they did in ww1 and ww2’

      sure….no-one’s gunna argue the toss with THAT

      howsoever, u’v still got this ‘anti-all-things-German’ BULLSHIT goin’ on there……and many people STILL khyboshing the Third Reich/Hitler &c…..and not just those from the rapidly-diminishing ‘greatest generation’ either

      In the Age of the Internet…..excuses for this sort of behaviour are rapidly disappearing. When the CRUNCH comes, and come it will, and SOON (maybe even sooner than most WNs think!), those who actively espouse such anti-white views could well find them-selves swinging in the breeze if you get my drift …..(!)…….