19 July, 2006

Some Good Shit on Izzy’s Army: AKA World War Wheeee!

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 3:00 am | Permanent Link

Israel attacking Lebanese is like the hunters on South Park ritually incanting self-defense before slaughtering woodland creatures.

Hey, how ’bout that little albino faggot Thuper-Cooper jitneys over to the red side and interviews some dead Lebo-tykes? Shouldn’t be any less invigorating than the live bunkerin’ Saschas.

Anyway, here’s some interesting analysis… BTW, we ran live stream radio for several hours last night, if you missed it, well, you can catch it here soon, god and Stan willing. Listen and call in next time..



  • One Response to “Some Good Shit on Izzy’s Army: AKA World War Wheeee!”

    1. Operation Wetback 4th Reich Edition Says:

      hHAHAHA. I remember that southpark episode. With Scuttlebutt.

      Here’s how that episode goes:

      In Colorado, it’s illegal to shoot certain animals except in self defense.

      So, the hunters shout out, “It’s charging me!” Then kill the animals.