24 July, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 2:11 am | Permanent Link

The appeal of the title does not derive from its simplicity or its specificity but rather from the existential truth of it. It’s as if the author read the screenplay aloud to his two sons and asked them what the film should be called. The first son might reply, “Death Flight! Wait, wait, no! Poisonous Air!” The second son, if he were autistic, would reply, “Snakes on a Plane.” The second son would be right.


Chimp on Plantains

The underlying assumption here is that if a movie is an underwritten, overproduced turd kept afloat by an evil and powerful network of producers and distribution studios, the title has probably been expertly cleaned and perfumed to a degree greater than or equal to the shittiness of the film itself. 

“African American” nigger  “diversity is our greatest strength” squalor beats civilization “affirmative action” fuck you, whitey! “positive discrimination” fuck you, whitey!

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