24 July, 2006

Skinnydogging: Hate Hebrews at Play

Posted by alex in Christianity, Christians, World War Wheeee! at 4:45 am | Permanent Link
Izzies prefer the nerf warfare of shooting fleeing civilians in buses and cars. Jews are like that. So are the christian warm-up humans who patronize and worship them.


  • 2 Responses to “Skinnydogging: Hate Hebrews at Play”

    1. jimbo Says:

      TJB @ work yet again.
      Apache gun-ship armed to the gunnels’ (courtesy of the KIKE-SA)fires ‘HELLFIRE’ mssl into mini-bus full of women, pregnant women and children. good one, yoos!

      a ‘proportionate response’?

      gather every kike that can be un-earthed from….wherever……re-locate to large, low-lying island & UNLEASH entire fire-power of US sixth fleet & Russian Pacific fleet on same!

      that’s called ‘equivalence’!

    2. alex Says:

      Fox news commentators keep referring to a shot up carful of Lebs. Every single time they are careful to say “Mercedes.”